Is there any built-in functionality we can use to share the charts on social media platform in Amcharts 4 - amcharts

Do Amcharts provide functionality to share the chart image on social media platform ?


How can I view the design specs in adobe xd (Developing android and ios app)

How can I read the design specs in adobe xd (Developing android and ios app)
I am developing an app. But the adobe xd can able to download and can able to view the downloaded images. I can't able to see the design specifications.
How can I see the design specifications by clicking each button(how the margin spacings, spacing beween two elements etc..)

Cross platform Social Media Sharing only on Facebook,twitter and Instagram using Xamarin Forms

I want to share the text and URL on Facebook,twitter,instagram using Xamarin cross platform functionality. I have used plugin.share but it is showing all other options as well. I just need to show the user - Facebook,instagram and twitter as options in the share sheet.

Android Tango HAL

I am wondering where I can find documents regarding Tango HAL to send sensor data (Depth, color image and IMU) from our developing AR glasses into Android Tango or where I can find the ENG support from Google.

Android Wear: custom apperance for notification

How to implement such appearance for notification card using Android Wear SDK?
Demo video —
It has the same custom layout in preview and active mode. But I cannot achieve such behaviour using setDisplayIntent and related API for creating custom layouts. I checked samples of wear apps from SDK, it also has different views for preview and active mode of custom layout notifications.
Oh no!
Right now it's hidden API, so Google can make such appearance for standard apps, but other third-party developers are out of the board.
Confirmed by +Wayne Piekarski —
So the answer is impossible at current moment.

JQuery mobile vs Phone Gap

I want to convert an existing website for mobile version, what will be the best choice for me.
Using JQuery Mobile on webform or mvc
Create application on phonegap for the targeted mobiles
Any Other ?
You would need to provide a lot more information about your goals and your background to answer the best solution for you.
However, I can clarify your title: PhoneGap is a complementary solution to jQuery Mobile. They provide different capabilities and work together. You can use one or both of them. Here's a picture.
PhoneGap does two major functions:
Converts JavaScript/HTML/CSS assets to a native app
Provides a set of JavaScript APIs that map to device capabilities, not otherwise accessible to a web app, like Contacts, Accelerometer, Telephony, GPS, etc
jQuery Mobile is a cross-platform user interface system. It is an extension to jQuery that provides a set of UI libraries specialized for mobile device programming including small screens and touch and swipe events.
