Orange3 install through Anaconda Prompt gets stuck on 'solving environment' - anaconda

opened anaconda prompt as administrator,
first updated conda using
conda update conda
then tried installing Orange3 using
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install pyqt
conda install orange3
as per
gave me the following problem:
it stays on this for at least an hour.
What am I missing or misunderstanding here?


How to install tensorflow-transform on anaconda?

We can install tensorflow-transform using pip but how do I install it using Conda?
I have tried using conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-transform and all its variants without result.
A search of Anaconda Cloud shows that tensorflow-transform is not available through any channels on any platform. Moreover, the recommended way to install the package is to use PyPI. However, one can still install the package into a specific Conda env by first activating the env:
conda activate your_env
pip install tensorflow-transform

After installing Anaconda - trying to run it stuck on "adding featured channels"

I download and install Anaconda for python 2.7 on windows 10. Trying to open Anaconda navigator get stuck on "adding featured channels" forever as shown in the following image:
Anyone know what the problem can be?
Only uninstall anaconda and install again fix this problem.
If you have this problem don't waste your time. Give it 2 minutes and if it is stuck uninstall and reinstall anaconda will save your time.
i was able to get around this by running Anaconda as administrator in windows 10.
I had the same problem, but for python3. This was the solution.
conda install anaconda-clean
anaconda-clean --yes
conda update conda
Open command line (Windows) or Terminal (MacOS/Linux) and run:
conda deactivate
conda update anaconda-navigator
Then open Anaconda Navigator like normal.
Pulled from docs:

My Anaconda Navigator and Spyder won't launch after installing basemap

I just installed basemap using
conda install -c conda-forge basemap=1.0.8.dev0
conda install -c conda-forge basemap
in the Anaconda prompt but after that I was not able to launch neither Spyder nor Anaconda Navigator. I tried all trick provided here in Stackoverflow but none of them working. Any advice?
Shall I re-install the entire Anaconda without loss my libraries and packages?
(Spyder maintainer here) Mixing conda-forge and default packages is a really bad idea because they are compiled differently. That's the root cause of the problem you're experiencing here.
Shall I re-install the entire Anaconda without loss my libraries and packages?
Yes, I'm afraid you have to do that because you have corrupted your installation.
Any advice?
The solution is to create a separate conda environment to install conda-forge packages, like this
conda create -n basemap-env
source activate basemap-env
conda install -c conda-forge basemap=1.0.8.dev0 spyder
and start Spyder from that environment.

`conda update --all` not updating Spyder

I just installed Anaconda on a Windows 10 machine and the first thing I did thereafter was go into the Anaconda Prompt and run conda udpate conda and then conda update --all. As expected, it updated a lot of stuff. When I then ran Spyder, however, I got a pop-up saying that a new version of Spyder was available.
What? I just updated everything. Checking conda list I see that sypder 3.2.4 is indeed installed, so I do the following:
(base) C:\Users\Mark>conda update --all
Solving environment: done
All requested packages already installed.
(base) C:\Users\Mark>conda update spyder
Solving environment: done
Package Plan
environment location: C:\Users\Mark\Anaconda3
added / updated specs:
- spyder
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
spyder-3.2.6 | py36_0 2.6 MB
The following packages will be UPDATED:
spyder: 3.2.4-py36h8845eaa_0 --> 3.2.6-py36_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
Why is conda update -all not finding and updating my installed version of Spyder?
Have you tried just updating spyder?
conda update spyder
I had some similar behavior (on Linux) with conda, there it helped to be more specific:
conda update spyder=3.2.6
"NOTE: Conda updates to the highest version in its series, so Python 2.7 updates to the highest available in the 2.x series and 3.6 updates to the highest available in the 3.x series."
documentation conda
conda update -n base conda
Here, base is my current environment

conflict while installing mayavi into anaconda

Good day,
My colleague asked my to install Anaconda and mayavi and I am novice with this topic and I decided to do the tasks on a new ubuntu installation
Here are my tasks before my issue
I fresh installed a Ubuntu 16.04
I ran all update apt-get update/upgrade
I created an user account (anna) and add it in sudo group
I loged into anna account
I downloaded for python 2.7
I installed with the command sudo bash
I installed anaconda in /opt/anaconda2 instead to the /home/anna/anaconda2 (for all user usage) and I say YES to have the line export PATH="/opt/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" in .bashrc file of anna
I run source /home/anna/.bashrc
After the anaconda installation, I could see a successful message regarding the installation
Now my colleague asked me to install mayavi and she provided me the following link mayavi
Then I simply enter the following command
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
And here start my problem. I can not well understand the conflict but apparently there is a conflict and I have no idea how to solve it. Here is the command and the message
anna#pc17:~$ conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> qt >=4.8.6,<5.0
- mayavi 4.5.0* -> pyqt 4.* -> sip >=4.16.4,<4.18
- navigator-updater -> pyqt >=5.6 -> qt 5.6.*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
I have no idea what does mean the above message and how to solve me problem.
Is there depencies that I have to additionally install?
For information the above command return me this:
anna#cryospc17:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)
anna#cryospc17:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.2
Did I correctly try t install mayavi?
Thank a lot for any help you can provide me
To complete the install of mayavi, you have to first install the following depence
conda install -c anaconda vtk=6.3.0
conda install -c anaconda pyside=1.2.1
Then install mayavi
conda install -c anaconda mayavi=4.5.0
It may possible, you have to remove pyqt
conda uninstall pyqt
We finally could install anaconda and mayavi sucessfully.
I hope it help
This might be helpfull to others. It must be anaconda for python 2.7 currently and the follows worked.
Install anaconda for python 2.7, then try the follows:
conda uninstall pyqt
conda uninstall navigator-updater
conda install pyqt=4
conda install vtk
conda install envisage
conda install pyside
conda install apptools=4.4.0
conda install mayavi
