ST-LINK V2 works fine with STM32 ST-LINK Utility and STM32CubeIDE, but ST-LINK V2 doesn't work with STM32CubeProgrammer.
I have tried various USB ports and various USB to mini USB cables. I am using original programmer and original windows 7 x64 version.
On another PC with windows 10, the same programmer works in STM32CubeProgrammer.
What should I do to get ST-LINK V2 to be seen by STM32CubeProgrammer? Any idea why this might be?
I tried connecting ST-link to both USB2 and USB3. Tried the front and back of the PC. I also tried to connect through the hub. The result is the same, the programmer works with STM32CubeIDE and STM32 ST-LINK Utility, but does not work with STM32CubeProgrammer.
If you need any additional information, I am ready to provide it.
I installed Vivado(2022.2) ML Standard with all the drivers on Windows 10. As I try to auto or manual connect ARTY A7 in Vivado hardware manager the device doesen't show up.
What I tried:
Changed USB cable,
Connect device to other PC, where it is working!,
Reinstalling vivado,
Reinstalling cable drivers by running install_drivers_wrapper.bat in vivado installation file nt64,
Reinstalling cable drivers by the following instructions I know they are for windows 7, but that was out of despair
What I found:
It is stil not working, but in my device manager I only see USB Serial Converter B, but as I was reading and saw on othaer computer where it is working, there were USB Serial Converter A and B.
Thanks for all the help in advaced.
OK, so it is working now. I installed adept and it detected my device and after that Vivado hardware manager detects it too.
I need to program a recently purchased STM32F407ZGT6 board
In 'normal mode' my computer doesn't recognizing the board as a Ports (COM & LPT)/STMElectronics Virtual COM Port when connected via USB (I'm using a Windows 10 Pro). The LEDs turn on and I can get it into 'DFU mode'. When I try to debug the code, I get the "No ST-LINK detected!" message in either mode.
This is my first time connecting the board and also my first time dealing with STM32
Despite the instructions, I want to program the board using C directly from the STM32CubeIDE
Here is what I found
I found this question [1] where Device Manager reads the STM as Disk drives/STM32. My PC identifies it as mass storage and portable devices on Windows 10 Pro. When in DFU mode, I can see it as Universal Serial Bus Device/STM32 BOOTLOADER on Device Manager.
The tutorial [2] uses Flash Loader Demo and this older tutorial [3] uses STSW-STM32080, but both of the drivers are tagged as obsolete on the ST Website. STM32CuberProgrammer is indicated instead, but I would like to flash and debug directly from the IDE. Another forum reply [4] says that "you need a ST-link V2 programmer to program the brand new chip".
In summary
I can see the solution being one of the following options:
correct answer I need to use the ST-LINK-V2 to program from the IDE and that's the only way
I need to flash a bootloader via STM32CubeProgrammer to get it to work via IDE (is there a standard code for this?)
I have to build the cross-compiler for MicroPython [5] before I get to program it in C
What are your thoughts? Any other driver or idea that I might be missing?
I went on and got my hands on a ST-LINK V2. I made the connection via the JTAG/SWD connector (see schematic) and I also tried connecting directly with the pins:
The ST-Link is not recognized. The ST-Link blinks and the board is powered up, but that's it. Device manager before and after shows the same.
So I went on checking if I was missing any new driver/program. I installed the STSW-LINK004 (STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.6.0.0) based on these instructions, but no luck, Utility cannot find it either. I've reseted the computer after each driver installation. If I connect my boardvia USB in DFU mode, it is still recognized as STM32 BOOTLOADER, if I do it with the ST-Link, nothing changes.
Update solution
It turned out the ST-Link was faulty and therefore not connecting. After finding another ST-LINK/V2, the computer can recognize the board under Universal Serial Bus devices/STM32 STLink.
Debugging with STM32CubeIDE will always need an ST-LINK or other JTAG or SWD debug probe.
The bootloader allows you to program the microcontroller with a binary image, and that's it. The IDE will happily produce such a binary image, and possibly even have a wizard for transferring it via DFU. But that's only programming, no debugging And only be when the bootloader is running. If you did debug-like things like reading RAM contents, you'd get what the bootloader stores there while it is running, not the variables that your own program uses.
The ROM bootloader supports several ways of receiving new code to flash -- USB (DFU), CAN, I2C, SPI, UART. That last is not a USB Virtual COM port, it is honest-to-God UART using the USART peripheral in the microcontroller and RX/TX pins.
If you want a virtual COM port for your custom firmware to use to send data to the PC, you have to program the USB peripheral.
I'm trying to flash a basic LED blinking program to my Nucleo F413ZH board using the STM32CubeIDE, but whenever I try to debug it says:-
"No ST-LINK connected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug
The board has the PWR and COM LEDs blinking, meaning the USB I've connected to the board is providing power, I just can't upload any code.
I've tried using the ST-LINK upgrade firmware ( to install new drivers as that's what some people online have suggested but the program won't respond once I've downloaded it, which seems to be a side issue of not registering connectivity.
I'm not sure whether this is an issue with drivers or if my hardware is busted. I'm using macOS Big Sur.
In Windows 10 this problem occurs as a result of an incorrect driver priority as pointed out in this post. Error in initializing ST-Link Device - Failed to connect to device perhaps this solution might point you in the right direction. I have set up several new M1 Mac Minis in the past few months for clients, Big Sur and the new M1 have several compatibility issues like slow network drive access and flashing screens, the Android M1 chip has dramatically less external connectivity which is why they went from 4 thunderbolt ports on the last intel Mac Mini to just 2. I would not be surprised if Big Sur is the core of the problem. Try a different computer if you have the opportunity.
I was also getting the same error on ubuntu system while using stm cube ide, with st-link v2 programmer.
blue led was continuously blinking.
but solved the error just by reconnecting the usb-extention-hub, now when connected blue led is on (no blink), and now i can program and debug the target.
I am developing on an ARM Mbed board which connects to my Windows laptop over USB. I've just moved to a new Dell laptop running Win 10 [from a Dell laptop running Win 7] and I find that the laptop resets my development board every 15 minutes.
There are two things that will cause the ARM Mbed board to reset:
powering down/up the USB connection
sending "break" via the USB serial driver.
When the reset occurs there is nothing of note in the Windows event logs. I have all of the "allow Windows to power me down" boxes unticked on the USB hubs in System devices and in the Control Panel power management options.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I (a) debug what's going on or (b) fix/workaround the problem? I've not yet tried connecting via a powered USB hub, will do that next...
I had the same issue using a FRDM-K64F running mBed and communicating over a USB COM port to a Windows 7 Dell machine. The communication would sometimes drop out. As #Rob suggested, uninstalling the Dell Support Assist Agent completely fixed the issue.
Just adding this answer as it was very difficult to find any information using google.
Another note in support of this solution for google...
I have a Dell 5480 running Windows 10, and started using from ST Nucleo boards on it. I've used the exact same boards at work, with no problems. Every 15minutes or so the board was reset.
I tried disabling the Dell Support Assist services but this did not seem to fix the problem.
Removing the programs did make the Nucleo work.
I have a Win7/64 development machine configured (by someone else I can't contact) to develop/debug an embedded project using an ST-LINK/V2 dongle. The PC detects and installs the dongle Ok but no application can access the dongle, giving 'No ST-Link device detected' type errors.
What makes this so frustrating is I have another Win7/64 machine that works flawlessly using identical driver, software and dongle and I haven't been able to transfer the dev environment between machines.
I've found (using USBlyzer) that WinUSB returns IRP Status STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED to each dongle access request. I'm hoping someone has seen something like this before.
P.S. "STMicroelectronics STLink dongle driver" is dated 28/07/2010.
The difference is not with the development software but the USB driver installed in the OS for the class of the ST-LINK/V2 dongle. The original installation installs a custom driver to support the dongle. Note that there is a different USB driver for Windows 8 and for Windows 7. STM has a site for the appropriate custom Windows drivers as well as firmware updates for the processor in the dongle, itself.