CKEditor - dropdowns not appended to editors - ckeditor

I have a weird problem with CKEditor. When I click on the styles menu, the dropdown appears, but it's not added to the editor's element, but just on the body of the document.
Thus, when I scroll the page, the dropdown stays where it's at an the editor scrolls.
Kinda hard to explain, I hope the attached screenshot helps to understand.
Anybody having an idea what could cause this?
P.S. - it's the CKEditor that comes with Typo3 and I have multiple instances of ckeditor on my page.


Text showing in one line with scroll

When I insert text into ckeditor its showing good and added into database but in edit form it showing all text into one line with scroll.
Note : I notice that this issue is only with Firefox browser
in add form it showing like this
in edit form it showing like this
Working now, I don’t know what was the issue may be some css applied on the editor. so I just download the new ckeditor and applied in my app and its working absolutely fine :)

CKEditor 3.6.1: Load editor on event

I create a page with multiple tabs.
On one of my tabs I want to use CKeditor on a textarea, so when I display my table I call:
editor = CKEDITOR.replace('MyTextArea', MyOptions );
I have the UI of the editor but when I click on the text area nothing append, I can't edit it. The solution for access to the text area is to use "tab" for accessing this field.
I try to put a default value and I can edit if I click on the text but if I click elsewhere in the area I cannot edit.
I have this problem for IE10 and I need it works on it. It's working on Chrome and Firefox. I use CKEditor 3.6.1 and I cannot upgrade it.
The problem was the z-index of the container of my textarea, I change it and it works.

Opening comment box in the same page

I want to open a text area when i press the comment button without page getting reloaded.Please help.I am a newbie in this field.
I have tried seeing some tutorials but not of much help.I have never used Jquery before
Use this jQuery code:
hide the textArea element by default.

joomla blog layout

when I use a blog layout, when I hover over any content, I see a backgound with code #EEE
when I change to single article layout, hovering over the article does not show the background
I am trying to figure out what is causing the issue with hover on the blog layout. I do not want a hover.
I checked the template css, and could not find any code that sets a backround-image or background- color on hover that has the color of #EEE
Any help is appreciated
Check the <head> tag for CSS files other than template.css - most Joomla! templates use multiple CSS files. If you have multiple CSS files you could just search each one for a hover tag.
If that fails, right click the content in the blog layout using a modern browser and select the "Inspect Element" menu item that will launch a document inspector, allowing you to trace back all of the CSS etc that is affecting that element. (You will need either Firefox+Firebug, Safari or Google Chrome, or if you must IE8+).
On the right hand side of the document inspector you will see all the matched CSS with reference to which CSS file it is in, from there you should be able to track it down.

grails ui dialog

I am trying to do something which I would've thought was very simple, but it's causing me a huge headache. I am using Grails ui plugin to get a dialog box. I have a number of instances - some where dialog boxes need to appear when a button is clicked. This I have got working. But I also need to have some that appear when the page is loaded... for information / warning purposes. But I'm struggling with this.. What should I put as the trigger? I don't want the user to have to click anything before the dialog appears.
Also - has anyone successfully managed to change the style of the gui:dialog ? Mine was originally appearing as text with an invisible background before I added the class=yui-skin-sam to the main.gsp body, but that's had to replace the existing style class I already had on the body! how frustrating !!
Had the exact same problem... got it working by adding "visible=show" to the dialog's attributes. Example:
<gui:dialog title="Modal Dialog" modal="true" visible="show">
This message will appear in a modal dialog when the page loads.
