Why are the photos in the application not displayed to people checking it in AppStoreConnect, although works on my simulator and real device - image

I have a strange problem with the application, maybe one of you will be able to help me because I don't know where to look for a solution.
I have created an app where users can add photos that are saved in Firebase. These photos are retrieved from the database and displayed on the device.
When I run the application, whether on a simulator or a real device, everything works as it should. The photos are downloaded and displayed.
But when it exports the app to apple connect, it is rejected during the review because supposedly the pictures are not showing up.
They send me screenshots showing that the photos don't actually display and there are only placeholders.
Can someone give me a hint what the problem could be? Am I doing something wrong when exporting the app?
I use fastlane to export. I have attached the code I am using there.
(the light mode screenshot is what apple's send to me, the dark mode if from my iphone).
desc "Release app to the appStore"
lane :release_app do
desc "Export app"
lane :export_app do
project: "MapaMurali.xcodeproj",
scheme: "MapaMurali",
clean: true,
export_xcargs: "-allowProvisioningUpdates",
output_name: "ReleaseApp11.ipa"
desc "To deliver app"
lane :upload_app do
ipa: "ReleaseApp11.ipa",
skip_screenshots: true,
skip_metadata: true,
skip_app_version_update: true,
force: true
Screenshot from my device-
Screenshot from review-


How can I add files to the iOS simulator in a CI environment?

I would like to include a UI test in my project that exercises its interaction with UIDocumentPickerViewController. The test will need to run on a CI machine, which needs to be able to wipe the simulator before each build, and operate without a human driving the GUI (either on the machine or the simulator).
There are a number of answered questions around how to add files to the iOS simulator, but they seem to all require manual interaction with the simulator UI. What I've tried so far:
Using xcrun simctl openurl file:///path/to/my%20file.pdf, but that just presents a sheet in the files app that would need manual intervention to actually save to the simulator.
Using xcrun simctl addmedia, but the media need to be images or videos and they end up in PHPickerViewController and not UIDocumentPickerViewController.
Using the openurl command above before the test kicks off and then adding a button in my app to open the shareddocuments:// URL to present the Files app, and using the UI test runner to click the "On My Phone" and "Save" buttons. This looks promising but also promises to be flaky.
What I haven't tried yet:
Set up a sockpuppet iCloud account and log the simulator into that account on every test run in order to use iCloud Drive. This seems like yet another credential to manage that will randomly break when it needs to agree to some new terms and conditions.
Replace my test app with a document-based app and figure out how to save a file from the bundle to its file storage without manual interaction. I'd love a guide on how to do this but it feels like I could easily spend a week getting up to speed on document-based apps to get it working.
The code I'm testing is a framework, so the app under test is free to have features that would make no sense to an actual user and is also free to do non-app-store-safe things. But it seems like other developers might appreciate a more general solution if you have one.

No full-size app banner :Eligibility issues by version

I am trying to publish an update to my android app and the review done by play console is rejecting the app. I have added different xhdpi icons and changed the app title as well. More than 4-5 iterations have been done.
I have already added xhdpi icons and changed the title of the icons/banners to match the app title. Added icons in the drawable folder
No specific code.
Successful app publishing.
Please refer the message
Following is the message:-
I want to post an update here. The issue got resolved when I added the app title on the image used as a banner/icon.
I received a detailed response from Google Playstore team that my app banner/icon was not having app title which should be visible for end users trying to lauch the app from launcher.
Following was the response.
Please note that our banner requirements are as follows: App name
must be included in the image.
It looks like you are targeting Android TV. Do you want to? If you do, then click on the link in the message you were sent. It will take you to the docs on providing a Home Screen Banner inside your app.
If you think you have done this then update your question to show your AndroidManifest.xml.

Can't Upload File On Buddy.com's Parse

I started using Parse-on-Buddy on the Buddy.com website recently. In the last couple of days, I am having issues trying to upload any kind of file to any of my classes using the web-browser. If I post a new object from the app I have built for it, the file uploads, but won't from the web. I have tried Safari and Chrome on my MacBook, both with the same results. I've reached out to support but without anyone getting in touch with me, and never answering their phone. Anyone else come across this issue and know a fix?
There is a known issue with dashboard file uploads and app keys, where if any app keys have been created, additionally there needs to be a JavaScript app key created for uploads to succeed. Create one by logging in to the Parse on Buddy dashboard at https://parse.buddy.com, navigating to your app, then going to 'App Settings' -> 'Security & Keys'. Click on the 'Create' button next to the 'JavaScript key' section. Thanks.

Missing required icon file - exactly 120x120, 76X76, etc... Attempted solutions but no success

So I've recently redesigned the UI of one of my apps, which I'm looking to update. As a finishing touch, I've also redone the app icon for iPhone and iPad. Like the first time, I used a mac app Asset Catalog Creator and Prepo or websites like MakeAppIcon.com and AppIcon.build, or some other closely related online app to create Homescreen and other icons. Typically, these are successful right off the bat. Unfortunately, after a number of failed attempts, as soon as I try to "validate", I receive several errors regarding missing icons.
I've used the mentioned apps and websites several times in the hopes of some success... no avail. I've tried adding the individual files directly from Sketch, with no luck. I even added each item in my assets in the info.plist and I'm still receiving the same errors. I am unsure how to proceed and would greatly appreciate some assistance.
After a week of frustration, it would seem all I had to do was select my project and under the "genera" tab, look for the "App Icons and Launch Images" section, and select the "App Icons Source" to "Use Asset Catalog." From there, I was able to simply drag and drop the images created from my icon generator and drop them into one of the icon image spots. From here, all you have to worry about is adding any extra images the generator may not have automatically created.

StartApp iOS banner won't show with my correct devID

I integrated StartApp banner to my iOS app. The banner showed correctly for a while on both simulator and devices. But one day the banner
Stop showing without changing the code.
I figure out that banner would show if I use an INCORRECT devID. And won't show with my actual devID.
The banner even shows with any strings but my real devID.
Is the something wrong with my account? I still can access my StartApp account. Nothing makes me think that my account has any restriction of displaying ads.
I sent an email to StartApp support, and they told me that my account has been suspended due to my app is generating automated and deceptive impressions, clicks, installs and/or other actions with respect to StartApp ads.
Be careful, we should not be cheating. :)
