I need a click a email button to check a Analytics, but in cypress I couldn't able to access outlook - cypress

I need to validate the analytics after click on email button, but when I clicked on it its redirecting to outlook and in cypress runner showing a s waiting for page load and it fails
I need to click email button and should do verify the analytics without allowing a page load


Google Forms Response Confirmation Email Radio Buttons Not Rendering Properly in Outlook

If I fill out a Google Form with multiple choice radio buttons, I get this response email in Gmail on the web:
When I open this same email in the Outlook 365 desktop client, it looks like this (after I click "Click here to download pictures"):
Clicking "Click here to view it in a web browser" is entirely unhelpful and brings me to an unformatted mess of code in a web browser. Is there anything I can do to fix this as an end user so that the radio buttons show up as expected?

how to refresh screen in ai2?

I am making a simple social network app using App Inventor 2.
When a user follows another user, I need the follow button to become unfollow button and this works.
But when I click on unfollow buttton it shows follow notifier message, so is there a way I can make a hidden refresh so all the data recieved from database is updated?

Slack respond to dialog submission with another dialog

Is there any way in the Slack API to have the submission button of a dialog open a new dialog or edit the current one?
Not directly. You can use the response_url attached to the dialog submission sent to your server to then post a follow up ephemeral message to the user, containing a button to continue to the next dialog. Once clicked, you'll receive another trigger_id which you can send to dialog.open and start another dialog.
More information on triggers and where to find them can be found here.

Outlook Addin - Wait for a response

I have an Outlook Addin that creates a contact on a webpage by making an API call to that webpage. When the Addin runs (via the click of a button), the API call is made and the user is taken to that webpage to fill in the contact information. After the user has filled in the information and clicks on submit, I would like to catch that event in Outlook and get the user back to Outlook to carry out further actions. Any possible ways of getting this done? I've been looking online but haven't found any solution as such.
Try to display the web page in a modal dialog in your own form. When the form is closed, you can take whatever action is necessary.
You may find the ItemSend event of the Application class helpful. It is fired whenever an Microsoft Outlook item is sent, either by the user through an Inspector (before the inspector is closed, but after the user clicks the Send button) or when the Send method for an Outlook item, such as MailItem, is used in a program.
Also you may consider repurposing ribbon controls. See Temporarily Repurpose Commands on the Office Fluent Ribbon for more information.

Insert into backstack wp7

I have an application with the following pages:
when I start the application the order of the pages is the following Login -> Menu -> Chat
But... when my application is not running and I get a push notification I want to navigate the user directly to the chat window(and do the login in the background, without the login page). My problem comes at this point, because when I press back I would like to go to the menu page, and when pressing back again I want to go to the login page.
I dont want to navigate the user through the login and menu page before going to chat if he clicks a push notification.
Any suggestions?
One solution I can think of would be that you remenmber you came to the Chat page from a push notification. Then when Back key is pressed on the Chat page you you catch the event (OnBackKeyPress) and call NavigationContext.NavigateTo(MainPage) by yourself. You can do the same same on the Menu page.
