how to refresh screen in ai2? - app-inventor

I am making a simple social network app using App Inventor 2.
When a user follows another user, I need the follow button to become unfollow button and this works.
But when I click on unfollow buttton it shows follow notifier message, so is there a way I can make a hidden refresh so all the data recieved from database is updated?


Back button not working as expected in Teams Mobile

I have the MS team's custom tab application for the team's. It is an angular application, it has some internal navigations like navigating from one view to another. When I am sending a notification using the sendActivityNotification API call, it reaches to the mobile app. With the click of the notification, the application loads and it works fine.
But after navigation, if I tap on the back button of the device or (<-) button from the MS team's app header then it behaves like loading the history instead of navigating back to the activity(Feed).

Slack API: Is there a way to determine which user clicked on a button in an interactive message?

I am new to Slack's API, so bear with me. I have a slack button that contains a simple webhook link which, when clicked, updates a record somewhere on my site. However, I need to determine which user clicked the button and send this info back to my site in order to fill out an updated_by field with the user's name. The only way I see to do this is to somehow update the post request body with a variable containing the user's name?
You need to handle interaction with the buttton.
The payload received contains the SlackId of the user who clicked the button.

Android stock SMS App preview doing prefetching of a link embedded in a text message before the user clicks on it?

Another hair-pulling exercise. I am generating a link in a text message and when the user clicks on it then it would call the page, and take some action. Simple! But in the stock Android messages app (and perhaps others) it would appear that as soon as the message comes in it opens the link (effectively clicks on it like a user would = does a preview fetch?) even before there is an alert to the user. When the user then clicks on the link it is called a second time but that fails because the first call set a flag in a DB that the second call trips over. Is there some mechanism to programmatically thwart previews? Or detect that it is a preview?

Track button views and clicks as events in google analytics

I am trying to place a button that will be inside email and I want to track button views and clicks (Google Analytics events). Can you tell me if that is possible and how to do that?
You can't technically track a button click from an email, but what you can do is control where the button links to.
If you set the button's URL to point to your servers, you can intercept the link, send a hit to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol, and then redirect the user to where the button was originally pointing.
Alternatively, you could append custom campaign parameters to the end of the URL (utm_medium, utm_source, etc.). This would allow you to know what source the hit came from. Here's some information on custom campaigns:
This is able to track button views by using Measurement protocol, and using UTM tagging to track sessions come from this button (but not actual clicks).

Insert into backstack wp7

I have an application with the following pages:
when I start the application the order of the pages is the following Login -> Menu -> Chat
But... when my application is not running and I get a push notification I want to navigate the user directly to the chat window(and do the login in the background, without the login page). My problem comes at this point, because when I press back I would like to go to the menu page, and when pressing back again I want to go to the login page.
I dont want to navigate the user through the login and menu page before going to chat if he clicks a push notification.
Any suggestions?
One solution I can think of would be that you remenmber you came to the Chat page from a push notification. Then when Back key is pressed on the Chat page you you catch the event (OnBackKeyPress) and call NavigationContext.NavigateTo(MainPage) by yourself. You can do the same same on the Menu page.
