Parallel calculations in Python - parallel-processing

I have the following code:
for i in range (4):
I have a multi-core processor and I would like to distribute the calculations of the equation y[i]=x**2*a[i] for each parameter a[i] to a separate processor.
How to do parallel calculations for this example in Python?
I can easily do it in the Wolfram Mathematica using ParallTable, but I don't know how to do it in Python.

The easiest would be to use numpy instead, which would be way more efficient as it is written in C.
But if you need to explicitly use multiple cores, then here is another approach:
This is a CPU-bound task, therefore you should use multiprocessing module. Although it might seem slower at first, on the bigger arrays it will show a significant boost in time, but will consume a lot of system resources.
import multiprocessing as mp
def your_func(elem):
return x * elem ** 2
x = 12
pool = mp.Pool(NUMBER_OF_CORES)
a = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
print(, a))
# [12, 48, 192, 300, 432]


Optimize rank computation for high dimension tensor

My programme wastes a lot of time on the code below, whereas it's been executed on the GPU machine. How can I optimise it please? The tensors can be of this size y_ul.shape = [8, 512, 128, 128]
for i, m in enumerate(y_ul):
for j, l in enumerate(m):
mean_rank_topleft = torch.mean(ranks_topleft.float())
Unlike torch.matrix_rank, torch.linalg.matrix_rank allows batched inputs documetation here. You can try:
ranks = torch.linalg.matrix_rank(y_ul) # shape (8, 512)
mean_rank_topleft = torch.mean(ranks) # scalar
Note that you can adjust the tolerance for computation (but the one by default should be good). Plus if your matrices are symmetric, you can add hermitian=True to speed-up calculations.
Note that torch.matrix_rank is deprecated and will be removed in further versions!

Performance expectations when running caret::train() to develop a kknn model

I'm using the caret::train() function to develop a weighted knn classification model (kknn) with 10-fold cross-validation and a tuneGrid containing 15 values for kmax, one value for distance, and 3 values for kernel.
That’s 450 total iterations if I understand the process correctly (an iteration being the computation of the probability of a given outcome for a given combination of kmax, distance, and kernel). x has about 480,000 data points (6 predictors each having about 80,000 observations), and y has about 80,000 data points.
Understanding that there are innumerable variables affecting performance, how long can I reasonably expect the train function to take if run on a pc with an 8-core 3GHz Intel processor and 32GB of RAM?
It currently takes about 70 minutes per fold, which is about 1.5 minutes per iteration. Is this reasonable, or excessive?
This is a kknn learning exercise. I realize there are other types of algorithms that produce better results more efficiently.
Here is the essential code:
x <- as.matrix(train_set2[, c("n_launch_angle", "n_launch_speed", "n_spray_angle_Kolp", "n_spray_angle_adj", "n_hp_to_1b", "n_if_alignment")])
y <- train_set2$events
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, p = 0.8, returnData = TRUE,
returnResamp = "all", savePredictions = "all",
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, classProbs = TRUE,
verboseIter = TRUE)
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(kmax = seq(11, 39, 2),
distance = 2,
kernel = c("triangular", "gaussian", "optimal"))
kknn_train <- train(x, y, method = "kknn",
tuneGrid = tuneGrid, trControl = fitControl)
As we have established in the comments, it is reasonable to expect this type of runtime. There are a few step to reduce this;
Running your code in parallel
Using a more efficient OS; like Linux
Be more efficient in your trainControl(), is it really necessary to have returnResamps=TRUE? There is small gains in controlling these.
Clearly, the first one is a no-brainer. For the second one, I can find as many computer-engineers who swears to linux as those who swears to windows. What convinced me to switch to Linux, was this particular test, which I hope will give you what it gave me.
# Calculate distance matrix
test_data <- function(dim, num, seed = 1903) {
rnorm(dim * num), nrow = num
# Benchmarking
This piece of code simply just runs faster on the exact same machine that runs Linux. At least this was my experience.

Why does this tensorflow loop require so much memory?

I have a contrived version of a complicated network:
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.ones([1000])
b = tf.ones([1000])
for i in range(int(1e6)):
a = a * b
My intuition is that this should require very little memory. Just the space for the initial array allocation and a string of commands that utilizes the nodes and overwrites the memory stored in tensor 'a' at each step. But memory usage grows quite rapidly.
What is going on here, and how can I decrease memory usage when I compute a tensor and overwrite it a bunch of times?
Thanks to Yaroslav's suggestions the solution turned out to be using a while_loop to minimize the number of nodes on the graph. This works great and is much faster, requires far less memory, and is all contained in-graph.
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.ones([1000])
b = tf.ones([1000])
cond = lambda _i, _1, _2: tf.less(_i, int(1e6))
body = lambda _i, _a, _b: [tf.add(_i, 1), _a * _b, _b]
i = tf.constant(0)
output = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [i, a, b])
with tf.Session() as sess:
result =
Your a*b command translates to tf.mul(a, b), which is equivalent to tf.mul(a, b, g=tf.get_default_graph()). This command adds a Mul node to the current Graph object, so you are trying to add 1 million Mul nodes to the current graph. That's also problematic since you can't serialize Graph object larger than 2GB, there are some checks that may fail once you are dealing with such a large graph.
I'd recommend reading Programming Models for Deep Learning by MXNet folks. TensorFlow is "symbolic" programming in their terminology, and you are treating it as imperative.
To get what you want using Python loop you could construct multiplication op once, and run it repeatedly, using feed_dict to feed updates
mul_op = a*b
result =
for i in range(int(1e6)):
result =, feed_dict={a: result})
For more efficiency you could use tf.Variable objects and var.assign to avoid Python<->TensorFlow data transfers

Create expression trees from given sets of numbers and operations and find those that evaluate to a target number in Mathematica 8 or above

Given a set of numbers and a set of binary operations,
what is the fastest way to create random expression trees or exhaustively check every possible combination in Mathematica?
What I am trying to solve is given:
numbers={25,50,75,100,3,6} (* each can ONLY be used ONCE *)
operators={Plus,Subtract,Times,Divide} (* each can be used repeatedly *)
find expression trees that would evaluate to target.
I have two solutions whose performances I give for the case where expression trees contain exactly 4 of the numbers and 3 operators:
random sample & choice: ~25K trees / second
exhaustive scan: 806400 trees in ~2.15 seconds
(timed on a laptop with: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 # 2.50GHz, 3GB ram, no parallelization used yet but would be most welcome in answers)
My notebooks are a bit messy at the moment. So I would first love to pose the question and hope for original ideas and answers while I clean up my code for sharing.
Largest possible case is where every expression tree uses up all the (6) numbers and 'Length[numbers]-1' (5) operators.
Performance of methods in the largest case is:
random sample & choice: ~21K trees / second
exhaustive scan: 23224320 trees in ~100 seconds
Also I am using Mathematica 8.0.1 so I am more than all ears if there are any ways to do it in OpenCL or using compiled functions wiht CompilationTarget->"C", etc.
OK, this is not elegant or fast, and it's buggy, but it works (sometimes). It uses a monte carlo method, implementing the metropolis algorithm for a weight function that I (arbitrarily) selected just to see if this would work. This was some time ago for a similar problem; I suppose my mathematica skills have improved as it looks ugly now, but I have no time to fix it at the moment.
Execute this (it looks more reasonable when you paste it into a notebook):
swap[lst_, {p1_, p2_}] :=
lst, {p1 \[Rule] lst\[LeftDoubleBracket]p2\[RightDoubleBracket],
p2 \[Rule] lst\[LeftDoubleBracket]p1\[RightDoubleBracket]}]
(*first element of opslst is Identity*)
evalops[opslst_, ord_, nums_] :=
Module[{curval}, curval = First#nums;
Do[curval =
\[RightDoubleBracket]\[RightDoubleBracket]], {p, 2, Length#nums}];
randomizeOrder[ordlst_] :=
swap[ordlst, RandomInteger[{1, Length#ordlst}, 2]]
(*never touch the first element*)
randomizeOps[oplst_, allowedOps_] :=
oplst, {RandomInteger[{2, Length#oplst}] \[Rule] RandomChoice[ops]}]
takeMCstep[goal_, opslst_, ord_, nums_, allowedops_] :=
Module[{curres, newres, newops, neword, p},
curres = evalops[opslst, ord, nums];
newops = randomizeOps[opslst, allowedops];
neword = randomizeOrder[ord];
newres = evalops[newops, neword, nums];
Switch[Abs[newres - goal],
0, {newops,
neword}, _, (p = Abs[curres - goal]/Abs[newres - goal];
If[RandomReal[] < p, {newops, neword}, {opslst, ord}])]]
then to solve your actual problem, do
ops = {Times, Plus, Subtract, Divide}
nums = {25, 50, 75, 100, 3, 6}
ord = Range[Length#nums]
(*the first element is identity to simplify the logic later*)
oplist = {Identity}~Join~RandomChoice[ops, Length#nums - 1]
out = NestList[
99, #\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket], #\
\[LeftDoubleBracket]2\[RightDoubleBracket], nums, ops] &, {oplist,
ord}, 10000]
and then to see that it worked,
ev = Map[evalops[#\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket], #\
\[LeftDoubleBracket]2\[RightDoubleBracket], nums] &, out];
ev // Last // N
ev // ListPlot[#, PlotMarkers \[Rule] None] &
thus, it obtained the correct order of operators and numbers after around 2000 tries.
As I said, it's ugly, inefficient, and badly programmed as it was a quick-and-dirty adaptation of a quick-and-dirty hack. If you're interested I can clean up and explain the code.
This was a fun question. Here's my full solution:
ExprEval[nums_, ops_] := Fold[
#2[[1]][#1, #2[[2]]] &,
Transpose[{ops, Rest#nums}]]
SymbolicEval[nums_, ops_] := ExprEval[nums, ToString /# ops]
GetExpression[nums_, ops_, target_] := Select[
Tuples[ops, Length#nums - 1],
(target == ExprEval[nums, #]) &]
Usage example:
nums = {-1, 1, 2, 3};
ops = {Plus, Subtract, Times, Divide};
solutions = GetExpression[nums, ops, 3]
ExprEval[nums, #] & /# solutions
SymbolicEval[nums, #] & /# solutions
{{Plus, Times, Plus}, {Plus, Divide, Plus}, {Subtract, Plus,
Plus}, {Times, Plus, Times}, {Divide, Plus, Times}}
{3, 3, 3, 3, 3}
{"Plus"["Times"["Plus"[-1, 1], 2], 3],
"Plus"["Divide"["Plus"[-1, 1], 2], 3],
"Plus"["Plus"["Subtract"[-1, 1], 2], 3],
"Times"["Plus"["Times"[-1, 1], 2], 3],
"Times"["Plus"["Divide"[-1, 1], 2], 3]}
How it works
The ExprEval function takes in the numbers and operations, and applies them using (I think) RPN:
ExprEval[{1, 2, 3}, {Plus, Times}] == (1 + 2) * 3
It does this by continually folding pairs of numbers using the appropriate operation.
Now that I have a way to evaluate an expression tree, I just needed to generate them. Using Tuples, I'm able to generate all the different operators that I would intersperse between the numbers.
Once you get all possible operations, I used Select to pick out the the ones that evaluate to the target number.
The solution above is really slow. Generating all the possible tuples is exponential in time. If there are k operations and n numbers, it's on the order of O(k^n).
For n = 10, it took 6 seconds to complete on Win 7 x64, Core i7 860, 12 GB RAM. The timings of the runs match the theoretical time complexity almost exactly:
Red line is the theoretical, blue is experimental. The x-axis is size of the nums input and the y-axis is the time in seconds to enumerate all solutions.
The above solution also solves the problem using a functional programming style. It looks pretty, but the thing also sucks up a butt ton of memory since it's storing the full results at nearly every step.
It doesn't even make use of parallelization, and I'm not entirely certain how you would even parallelize the solution I produced.
Some limitations
Mr. Wizard brought to my attention that this code only solves for only particular set of solutions. Given some input such as {a, b, c, d, e, ... } it only permutes the operators in between the numbers. It doesn't permute the ordering of the numbers. If it were to permute the numbers as well, the time complexity would rise up to O(k^n * n!) where k is the number of operators and n is the length of the input number array.
The following will produce the set of solutions for any permutation of the input numbers and operators:
(* generates a lists of the form
{number permutation, {{op order 1}, {op order 2}, ... }
}, ...
GetAllExpressions[nums_, ops_, target_] :=
ParallelMap[{#, GetExpression[#, ops, target]} &,
Tuples[nums, Length#nums]]

Bit-wise alternative

I'm trying to write a shader that needs pseudo-random number generation per pixel - fetching from a texture is just too expensive.
All of the generators I've found use ^, <<, & operators, but the shader model I'm working on doesn't support these. Is there a mathematical equivalent of these operators I can use instead?
For reference, I'm valuing speed over precision.
Of those, the only one I know the mathematical equivalent to is the << operator. Namely:
N << X = N * (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc)
N << 5 = N * 32
Simply create a lookup for the value (2 ^ X), and multiply by that value.
The others are going to be more complicated, and will probably require that you write an algorithm to solve them. I don't think they have any direct mathematical equivalents.
The source code for a C runtime implementation might be useful for that. Or simply search for algorithms to implement each, such as: Fast implementation/approximation of pow() function in C/C++
