Performance expectations when running caret::train() to develop a kknn model - performance

I'm using the caret::train() function to develop a weighted knn classification model (kknn) with 10-fold cross-validation and a tuneGrid containing 15 values for kmax, one value for distance, and 3 values for kernel.
That’s 450 total iterations if I understand the process correctly (an iteration being the computation of the probability of a given outcome for a given combination of kmax, distance, and kernel). x has about 480,000 data points (6 predictors each having about 80,000 observations), and y has about 80,000 data points.
Understanding that there are innumerable variables affecting performance, how long can I reasonably expect the train function to take if run on a pc with an 8-core 3GHz Intel processor and 32GB of RAM?
It currently takes about 70 minutes per fold, which is about 1.5 minutes per iteration. Is this reasonable, or excessive?
This is a kknn learning exercise. I realize there are other types of algorithms that produce better results more efficiently.
Here is the essential code:
x <- as.matrix(train_set2[, c("n_launch_angle", "n_launch_speed", "n_spray_angle_Kolp", "n_spray_angle_adj", "n_hp_to_1b", "n_if_alignment")])
y <- train_set2$events
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, p = 0.8, returnData = TRUE,
returnResamp = "all", savePredictions = "all",
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, classProbs = TRUE,
verboseIter = TRUE)
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(kmax = seq(11, 39, 2),
distance = 2,
kernel = c("triangular", "gaussian", "optimal"))
kknn_train <- train(x, y, method = "kknn",
tuneGrid = tuneGrid, trControl = fitControl)

As we have established in the comments, it is reasonable to expect this type of runtime. There are a few step to reduce this;
Running your code in parallel
Using a more efficient OS; like Linux
Be more efficient in your trainControl(), is it really necessary to have returnResamps=TRUE? There is small gains in controlling these.
Clearly, the first one is a no-brainer. For the second one, I can find as many computer-engineers who swears to linux as those who swears to windows. What convinced me to switch to Linux, was this particular test, which I hope will give you what it gave me.
# Calculate distance matrix
test_data <- function(dim, num, seed = 1903) {
rnorm(dim * num), nrow = num
# Benchmarking
This piece of code simply just runs faster on the exact same machine that runs Linux. At least this was my experience.


Julia: FAST way of calculating the smallest distances between two sets of points

I have 5000 3D points in a Matrix A and another 5000 3D point in a matrix B.
For each point in A i want to find the smallest distance to a point in B. These distances should be stored in an array with 5000 entries.
So far I have this solution, running in about 0.145342 seconds (23 allocations: 191.079 MiB). How can I improve this further?
using Distances
A = rand(5000, 3)
B = rand(5000, 3)
mis = #time minimum(Distances.pairwise(SqEuclidean(), A, B, dims=1), dims=2)
This is a standard way to do it as it will have a better time complexity (especially for larger data):
using NearestNeighbors
nn(KDTree(B'; leafsize = 10), A')[2] .^ 2
Two comments:
by default Euclidean distance is computed (so I square it)
by default NearestNeigbors.jl assumes observations are stored in columns (so I need B' and A' in the solution; if your original data were transposed it would not be needed; the reason why it is designed this way is that Julia uses column major matrix storage)
Generating a big distance matrix using Distances.pairwise(SqEuclidean(), A, B, dims=1) is not efficient because the main memory is pretty slow nowadays compared to CPU caches and the computing power of modern CPUs and this is not gonna be better any time soon (see "memory wall"). It is faster to compute the minimum on-the-fly using two basic nested for loops. Additionally, one can use multiple cores to compute this faster using multiple threads.
function computeMinDist(A, B)
n, m = size(A, 1), size(B, 1)
result = zeros(n)
Threads.#threads for i = 1:n
minSqDist = Inf
#inbounds for j = 1:m
dx = A[i,1] - B[j,1]
dy = A[i,2] - B[j,2]
dz = A[i,3] - B[j,3]
sqDist = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
if sqDist < minSqDist
minSqDist = sqDist
result[i] = minSqDist
return result
mis = #time computeMinDist(A, B)
Note the Julia interpreter uses 1 thread by default but this can be tuned using the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS=auto or just by running it using the flag --threads=auto. See the multi-threading documentation for more information.
Performance results
Here are performance results on my i5-9600KF machine with 6 cores (with two 5000x3 matrices):
Initial implementation: 93.4 ms
This implementation: 4.4 ms
This implementation is thus 21 times faster.
Results are the same to few ULP.
Note the code can certainly be optimized further using loop tiling, and possibly by transposing A and B so the JIT can generate a more efficient implementation using SIMD instructions.

R caret: fully reproducible results with parallel rfe on different machines

I have the following code using random forest as method which is fully reproducible if you run it in parallel mode on the same machine:
recursive_feature_elimination <- function(dat){
all_preds <- dat[,which(names(dat) %in% c("Time", "Chick", "Diet"))]
response <- dat[,which(names(dat) == "weight")]
sizes <- c(1:(ncol(all_preds)-1))
# set seeds manually
set.seed(42, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
# an optional vector of integers for the size. The vector should have length of length(sizes)+1
# length is n_repeats*nresampling+1
seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 16)
for(i in 1:15) seeds[[i]]<-, size = length(sizes)+1)
# for the last model
seeds[[16]]<, 1)
seeds_list <- list(rfe_seeds = seeds,
train_seeds = NA)
# specify rfeControl
contr <- caret::rfeControl(functions=rfFuncs, method="repeatedcv", number=3, repeats=5,
saveDetails = TRUE, seeds = seeds, allowParallel = TRUE)
# recursive feature elimination caret
results <- caret::rfe(x = all_preds,
y = response,
sizes = sizes,
method ="rf",
ntree = 250,
metric= "RMSE",
rfeControl=contr )
dat <-
cores <- detectCores()
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores, outfile="")
results <- recursive_feature_elimination(dat)
The outcome on my machine is:
Variables RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD Selected
1 39.14 0.6978 24.60 2.755 0.02908 1.697
2 23.12 0.8998 13.90 2.675 0.02273 1.361 *
3 28.18 0.8997 20.32 2.243 0.01915 1.225
The top 2 variables (out of 2):
Time, Chick
I am using a Windows OS with one CPU and 4 cores. If the code is run on a UNIX OS using multiple CPUs with multiple cores, the outcome is different. I think this behaviour shows up because of the random number generation, which obviously differs between my system and the multi-CPU system. The same happens with train().
How can I get fully reproducible results independent of the OS and independent of how many CPUs and cores used for parallelization?
How can I assure that the same random numbers are used for each internal process of rfe and randomForest no matter in which sequence during the parallel computing the process is run?
How are the random numbers generated for each parallel process?

solving sparse Ax=b in scipy

I need to solve Ax=b where A is the matrix that represents finite difference method for PDEs. Typical size of A for a 2D problem is around (256^2)x(256^2), and it consists of a few diagonals. The following sample code is how I construct A:
N = Nx*Ny # Nx is no. of cols (size in x-direction), Ny is no. rows (size in y-direction)
# finite difference in x-direction
up1 = (0.5)*c
up1[Nx-1::Nx] = 0
down1 = (-0.5)*c
down1[::Nx] = 0
matX = diags([down1[1:], up1[:-1]], [-1,1], format='csc')
# finite difference in y-direction
up1 = (0.5)*c
down1 = (-0.5)*c
matY = diags([down1[Nx:], up1[:N-Nx]], [-Nx,Nx], format='csc')
Adding matX and matY together results in four diagonals. The above is for second-order discretization. For fourth-order discretization, then I have eight diagonals. If I have second derivative, then the main diagonal is nonzero as well.
I use the following code to do the actual solving:
# Initialize A_fixed, B_fixed
if const is True: # the potential term V(x) is time-independent
A = A_fixed + sp.sparse.diags(V_func(x))
B = B_fixed + sp.sparse.diags(V_func(x))
A_factored = sp.sparse.linalg.factorized(A)
for idx, t in enumerate(t_steps[1:],1):
# Solve Ax=b=Bu
if const in False: #
A = A_fixed + sp.sparse.diags(V_func(x,t))
B = B_fixed + sp.sparse.diags(V_func(x,t))
psi_n =
if const is True:
psi_new = A_factored(psi_n)
psi_new = sp.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,psi_n,use_umfpack=False)
psi_old = psi_new.copy()
I have a couple questions:
What's the best way to solve Ax=b in scipy? I use the spsolve in the sp.sparse.linalg library, which uses the LU-decomposition. I tried using the standard sp.linalg.solve for dense matrix, but it's considerably slower. I also tried using all the other iterative solvers in the sp.sparse.linalg library, but they are also slower (for 1000x1000, they all take a couple seconds, compared to less than half a second for spsolve, and my A is likely to be a lot bigger). Are there any alternative ways to do the computation?
Edit: The problem I'm trying to solve is actually the time-dependent Schrodinger Equation. If the potential term is time-independent, then as suggested I can pre-factorize the matrix A first to speed up the code, but this doesn't work if the potential is time-varying, as I need to change the diagonal term of both matrices A and B at each time step. For this specific problem, are there any ways to speed up the code using method similar to pre-factorization or other ways?
I have installed umfpack. I tried setting use_umfpack True and False to test it, but surprisingly use_umfpack=True takes nearly twice longer than use_umfpack=False. I thought having this package should give a speed up. Any idea what that's the case? (PS: I am using Anaconda Spyder to run the code if that makes any difference)
I have use cProfile to profile my codes, and nearly all the time is spent on that line with spsolve. So I think the remaining part of the code (matrix /problem initialization) is pretty much optimized, and it's the matrix solving part that needs to be improved.

Huge memory allocation running a julia function?

I try to run the following function in julia command, but when timing the function I see too much memory allocations which I can't figure out why.
function pdpf(L::Int64, iters::Int64)
snr_dB = -10
snr = 10^(snr_dB/10)
Pf = 0.01:0.01:1
thresh = rand(100)
Pd = rand(100)
for m = 1:length(Pf)
i = 0
for k = 1:iters
n = randn(L)
s = sqrt(snr) * randn(L)
y = s + n
energy_fin = (y'*y) / L
#inbounds thresh[m] = erfcinv(2Pf[m]) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
if energy_fin[1] >= thresh[m]
i += 1
#inbounds Pd[m] = i/iters
#thresh = erfcinv(2Pf) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
#Pd_the = 0.5 * erfc(((thresh - (snr + 1)) * sqrt(L)) / (2*(snr + 1)))
Running that function in the julia command on my laptop, I get the following shocking numbers:
julia> #time pdpf(1000, 10000)
17.621551 seconds (9.00 M allocations: 30.294 GB, 7.10% gc time)
What is wrong with my code? Any help is appreciated.
I don't think this memory allocation is so surprising. For instance, consider all of the times that the inner loop gets executed:
for m = 1:length(Pf) this gives you 100 executions
for k = 1:iters this gives you 10,000 executions based on the arguments you supply to the function.
randn(L) this gives you a random vector of length 1,000, based on the arguments you supply to the function.
Thus, just considering these, you've got 100*10,000*1000 = 1 billion Float64 random numbers being generated. Each one of them takes 64 bits = 8 bytes. I.e. 8GB right there. And, you've got two calls to randn(L) which means that you're at 16GB allocations already.
You then have y = s + n which means another 8GB allocations, taking you up to 24GB. I haven't looked in detail on the remaining code to get you from 24GB to 30GB allocations, but this should show you that it's not hard for the GB allocations to start adding up in your code.
If you're looking at places to improve, I'll give you a hint that these lines can be improved by using the properties of normal random variables:
n = randn(L)
s = sqrt(snr) * randn(L)
y = s + n
You should easily be able to cut down the allocations here from 24GB to 8GB in this way. Note that y will be a normal random variable here as you've defined it, and think up a way to generate a normal random variable with an identical distribution to what y has now.
Another small thing, snr is a constant inside your function. Yet, you keep taking its sqrt 1 million separate times. In some settings, 'checking your work' can be helpful, but I think that you can be confident the computer will get it right the first time and thus you don't need to make it keep re-doing this calculation ; ). There are other similar places you can improve your code to avoid duplicate computations here that I'll leave to you to locate.
aireties gives a good answer for why you have so many allocations. You can do more to reduce the number of allocations. Using this property we know that y = s+n is really y = sqrt(snr) * randn(L) + randn(L) and so we can instead do y = rvvar*randn(L) where rvvar= sqrt(1+sqrt(snr)^2) is defined outside the loop (thanks for the fix!). This will halve the number of random variables needed.
Outside the loop you can save sqrt(2/L) to cut down a little bit of time.
I don't think transpose is special-cased yet, so try using dot(y,y) instead of y'*y. I know dot for sure is just a loop without having to transpose, while the other may transpose depending on the version of Julia.
Something that would help performance (but not allocations) would be to use one big randn(L,iters) and loop through that. The reason is because if you make all of your random numbers all at once it's faster since it can use SIMD and a bunch of other goodies. If you want to implicitly do that without changing your code much, you can use ChunkedArrays.jl where you can use rands = ChunkedArray(randn,L) to initialize it and then everytime you want a randn(L), you instead use next(rands). Inside the ChunkedArray it actually makes bigger vectors and replenishes them as needed, but like this you can just get your randn(L) without having to keep track of all of that.
ChunkedArrays probably only save time when L is smaller. This gives the code:
function pdpf(L::Int64, iters::Int64)
snr_dB = -10
snr = 10^(snr_dB/10)
Pf = 0.01:0.01:1
thresh = rand(100)
Pd = rand(100)
rvvar= sqrt(1+sqrt(snr)^2)
for m = 1:length(Pf)
i = 0
for k = 1:iters
y = rvvar*randn(L)
energy_fin = (y'*y) / L
#inbounds thresh[m] = erfcinv(2Pf[m]) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
if energy_fin[1] >= thresh[m]
i += 1
#inbounds Pd[m] = i/iters
which runs in half the time as using two randn calls. Indeed from the ProfileViewer we get:
#profile pdpf(1000, 10000)
using ProfileView
I circled the two parts for the line y = rvvar*randn(L), so the vast majority of the time is random number generation. Last time I checked you could still get a decent speedup on random number generation by changing to to VSL.jl library, but you need MKL linked to your Julia build. Note that from the Google Summer of Code page you can see that there is a project to make a repo RNG.jl with faster psudo-rngs. It looks like it already has a few new ones implemented. You may want to check them out and see if they give speedups (or help out with that project!)

Parallelising gradient calculation in Julia

I was persuaded some time ago to drop my comfortable matlab programming and start programming in Julia. I have been working for a long with neural networks and I thought that, now with Julia, I could get things done faster by parallelising the calculation of the gradient.
The gradient need not be calculated on the entire dataset in one go; instead one can split the calculation. For instance, by splitting the dataset in parts, we can calculate a partial gradient on each part. The total gradient is then calculated by adding up the partial gradients.
Though, the principle is simple, when I parallelise with Julia I get a performance degradation, i.e. one process is faster then two processes! I am obviously doing something wrong... I have consulted other questions asked in the forum but I could still not piece together an answer. I think my problem lies in that there is a lot of unnecessary data moving going on, but I can't fix it properly.
In order to avoid posting messy neural network code, I am posting below a simpler example that replicates my problem in the setting of linear regression.
The code-block below creates some data for a linear regression problem. The code explains the constants, but X is the matrix containing the data inputs. We randomly create a weight vector w which when multiplied with X creates some targets Y.
# This code implements a simple linear regression problem
MAXITER = 100 # number of iterations for simple gradient descent
N = 10000 # number of data items
D = 50 # dimension of data items
X = randn(N, D) # create random matrix of data, data items appear row-wise
Wtrue = randn(D,1) # create arbitrary weight matrix to generate targets
Y = X*Wtrue # generate targets
The next code-block below defines functions for measuring the fitness of our regression (i.e. the negative log-likelihood) and the gradient of the weight vector w:
#everywhere begin
function negative_loglikelihood(Y,X,W)
# number of data items
N = size(X,1)
# accumulate here log-likelihood
ll = 0
for nn=1:N
ll = ll - 0.5*sum((Y[nn,:] - X[nn,:]*W).^2)
return ll
function negative_loglikelihood_grad(Y,X,W, first_index,last_index)
# number of data items
N = size(X,1)
# accumulate here gradient contributions by each data item
grad = zeros(similar(W))
for nn=first_index:last_index
grad = grad + X[nn,:]' * (Y[nn,:] - X[nn,:]*W)
return grad
Note that the above functions are on purpose not vectorised! I choose not to vectorise, as the final code (the neural network case) will also not admit any vectorisation (let us not get into more details regarding this).
Finally, the code-block below shows a very simple gradient descent that tries to recover the parameter weight vector w from the given data Y and X:
# start from random initial solution
W = randn(D,1)
# learning rate, set here to some arbitrary small constant
eta = 0.000001
# the following for-loop implements simple gradient descent
for iter=1:MAXITER
# get gradient
ref_array = Array(RemoteRef, nworkers())
# let each worker process part of matrix X
for index=1:length(workers())
# first index of subset of X that worker should work on
first_index = (index-1)*int(ceil(N/nworkers())) + 1
# last index of subset of X that worker should work on
last_index = min((index)*(int(ceil(N/nworkers()))), N)
ref_array[index] = #spawn negative_loglikelihood_grad(Y,X,W, first_index,last_index)
# gather the gradients calculated on parts of matrix X
grad = zeros(similar(W))
for index=1:length(workers())
grad = grad + fetch(ref_array[index])
# now that we have the gradient we can update parameters W
W = W + eta*grad;
# report progress, monitor optimisation
#printf("Iter %d neg_loglikel=%.4f\n",iter, negative_loglikelihood(Y,X,W))
As is hopefully visible, I tried to parallelise the calculation of the gradient in the easiest possible way here. My strategy is to break the calculation of the gradient in as many parts as available workers. Each worker is required to work only on part of matrix X, which part is specified by first_index and last_index. Hence, each worker should work with X[first_index:last_index,:]. For instance, for 4 workers and N = 10000, the work should be divided as follows:
worker 1 => first_index = 1, last_index = 2500
worker 2 => first_index = 2501, last_index = 5000
worker 3 => first_index = 5001, last_index = 7500
worker 4 => first_index = 7501, last_index = 10000
Unfortunately, this entire code works faster if I have only one worker. If add more workers via addprocs(), the code runs slower. One can aggravate this issue by create more data items, for instance use instead N=20000.
With more data items, the degradation is even more pronounced.
In my particular computing environment with N=20000 and one core, the code runs in ~9 secs. With N=20000 and 4 cores it takes ~18 secs!
I tried many many different things inspired by the questions and answers in this forum but unfortunately to no avail. I realise that the parallelisation is naive and that data movement must be the problem, but I have no idea how to do it properly. It seems that the documentation is also a bit scarce on this issue (as is the nice book by Ivo Balbaert).
I would appreciate your help as I have been stuck for quite some while with this and I really need it for my work. For anyone wanting to run the code, to save you the trouble of copying-pasting you can get the code here.
Thanks for taking the time to read this very lengthy question! Help me turn this into a model answer that anyone new in Julia can then consult!
I would say that GD is not a good candidate for parallelizing it using any of the proposed methods: either SharedArray or DistributedArray, or own implementation of distribution of chunks of data.
The problem does not lay in Julia, but in the GD algorithm.
Consider the code:
Main process:
for iter = 1:iterations #iterations: "the more the better"
δ = _gradient_descent_shared(X, y, θ)
θ = θ - α * (δ/N)
The problem is in the above for-loop which is a must. No matter how good _gradient_descent_shared is, the total number of iterations kills the noble concept of the parallelization.
After reading the question and the above suggestion I've started implementing GD using SharedArray. Please note, I'm not an expert in the field of SharedArrays.
The main process parts (simple implementation without regularization):
run_gradient_descent(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray, α, iterations) = begin
N = length(y)
for iter = 1:iterations
δ = _gradient_descent_shared(X, y, θ)
θ = θ - α * (δ/N)
_gradient_descent_shared(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray, op=(+)) = begin
if size(X,1) <= length(procs(X))
return _gradient_descent_serial(X, y, θ)
rrefs = map(p -> (#spawnat p _gradient_descent_serial(X, y, θ)), procs(X))
return mapreduce(r -> fetch(r), op, rrefs)
The code common to all workers:
#= Returns the range of indices of a chunk for every worker on which it can work.
The function splits data examples (N rows into chunks),
not the parts of the particular example (features dimensionality remains intact).=#
#everywhere function _worker_range(S::SharedArray)
idx = indexpids(S)
if idx == 0
return 1:size(S,1), 1:size(S,2)
nchunks = length(procs(S))
splits = [round(Int, s) for s in linspace(0,size(S,1),nchunks+1)]
splits[idx]+1:splits[idx+1], 1:size(S,2)
#Computations on the chunk of the all data.
#everywhere _gradient_descent_serial(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray) = begin
prange = _worker_range(X)
pX = sdata(X[prange[1], prange[2]])
py = sdata(y[prange[1],:])
tempδ = pX' * (pX * sdata(θ) .- py)
The data loading and training. Let me assume that we have:
features in X::Array of the size (N,D), where N - number of examples, D-dimensionality of the features
labels in y::Array of the size (N,1)
The main code might look like this:
X=[ones(size(X,1)) X] #adding the artificial coordinate
N, D = size(X)
α = 0.01
initialθ = SharedArray(Float64, (D,1))
sX = convert(SharedArray, X)
sy = convert(SharedArray, y)
X = nothing
y = nothing
finalθ = run_gradient_descent(sX, sy, initialθ, α, MAXITER);
After implementing this and run (on 8-cores of my Intell Clore i7) I got a very slight acceleration over serial GD (1-core) on my training multiclass (19 classes) training data (715 sec for serial GD / 665 sec for shared GD).
If my implementation is correct (please check this out - I'm counting on that) then parallelization of the GD algorithm is not worth of that. Definitely you might get better acceleration using stochastic GD on 1-core.
If you want to reduce the amount of data movement, you should strongly consider using SharedArrays. You could preallocate just one output vector, and pass it as an argument to each worker. Each worker sets a chunk of it, just as you suggested.
