I want send code otp to user's phone for confirmation number phone from controller in laravel [closed] - laravel

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I want send code otp to user's phone for confirmation number phone from controller in laravel ,i'm use laravel for backend and send data to flutter app by api.
I want send code otp by firebase otp because free .
plase help me,how to do it?
I did create account in firebase and edit settings but I don't know how to relate it with laravel for(otp) not for notification(i did it).
i found only with view(blade) and recaptcha by js .but this not my goal


I'm working with laravel 5.6 Logs and i'm trying to store the user login data [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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“I'm working with laravel 5.6 Logs and i'm trying to store the user login data such as "date,ip address...ect" .but in my log called "laravel.log" it shows only the error logs only”
Laravel utilizes Monolog under the hood.
To log something explicitly, you can use the Log facade.
\Log::info("Some message");
This is, assuming, that your Log channel is configured to use either the daily or single log channels that write to the log file.
For more information, check the documentation on Logging.

sending data from mysql table to list of mailchimp campaign is it possible? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using Mailchimp campaign to send emails but when i tried to save data in the list from my sql with laravel hit they just blocked my account any solution of this you can see the screenshot.
Contact their Developers and use contact forum You will get the solution by them may be your account is not supporting their terms and conditions.They are always on monday to friday

Sage Pay integrate terminal payments in backend [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We're using direct integration which works fine for the customer and they are correctly redirected to the 3D secure page for validation and enter the password if required by the backend. We want to take payment over the phone as well. Sage Pay offers terminal transaction within My Sage Pay page, but I couldn't see to find any documents that we can do same but from our backend. http://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/15/37/process-a-terminal-transaction
It's exactly the same as your ecommerce integration - all you need to do differently is specify AccountType=M in the transaction post. This will suppress 3D Secure checking. You will need a MOTO MID on your sagepay account, though.

Questions about Laravel API-Centric app [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new to APIs. I want to make an API-centric Laravel web app and an Android app. They will use private API.
I am not sure how to make the user auth for the API. I have read many articles about JWT and many more about OAuth2 but I am still not sure which one to use and how to actually make it.
I recommend that you read through this very digestable book - https://apisyouwonthate.com/. It helps with the theory and the implementation of an API in Laravel. Although the code is specifically for Laravel 4, virtually everything in the book is still helpful.
Starting in Laravel 5.2, the framework has been providing support for token authentication and web form authentication right out of the box. https://www.laravel.com/docs/5.3/passport

How to make Google reCAPTCHA a required field? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I make Google's No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA a required field?
I mean, I want to check it with HTML or JavaScript.
What you have to do is prevent the form submission until you can validate the user response by using the Google reCaptcha verify callback, then, if it passes, allow the form to submit. See this answer: Google ReCAPTCHA how to make required? and also check the documentation: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display#example
