sending data from mysql table to list of mailchimp campaign is it possible? [closed] - mailchimp

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using Mailchimp campaign to send emails but when i tried to save data in the list from my sql with laravel hit they just blocked my account any solution of this you can see the screenshot.

Contact their Developers and use contact forum You will get the solution by them may be your account is not supporting their terms and conditions.They are always on monday to friday


Calling API from Oracle Stored Procedure using token authorization and input parameter [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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how can i call API from Oracle Stored Procedure using token authorization and input parameter.

Is there a way we can auto-generate create swagger spec or api blueprint for graphql [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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This is a sample graphql endpoint. Is there a way we can auto-generate create swagger spec or api blueprint for graphql

Where is a better place to place Laravel Migration? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm creating an erp with laravel + larvel nova, a rest api with laravel and frontend with vuejs. My doubt is: where should i build my database migration as better practice, should i put my migration in my erp project or in my api rest project. Both will use the same database.
My suggestion is to create your migration in Rest Api beacuse api most work is in database and you want to give data(which is in Database) to user in most cases with Api!

Sage Pay integrate terminal payments in backend [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We're using direct integration which works fine for the customer and they are correctly redirected to the 3D secure page for validation and enter the password if required by the backend. We want to take payment over the phone as well. Sage Pay offers terminal transaction within My Sage Pay page, but I couldn't see to find any documents that we can do same but from our backend.
It's exactly the same as your ecommerce integration - all you need to do differently is specify AccountType=M in the transaction post. This will suppress 3D Secure checking. You will need a MOTO MID on your sagepay account, though.

How to make Google reCAPTCHA a required field? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I make Google's No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA a required field?
I mean, I want to check it with HTML or JavaScript.
What you have to do is prevent the form submission until you can validate the user response by using the Google reCaptcha verify callback, then, if it passes, allow the form to submit. See this answer: Google ReCAPTCHA how to make required? and also check the documentation:
