Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages disappear on web app, on reload or messages switching - outlook

How to persist notifications on outlook web application
I'm using the following function.
Message persists on the Outlook Desktop application, but on the Outlook web application disappears when switching between email messages or reloading the page.
plus icon also not appear on web, which is the correct icon resolution for the web because 80x80 appears on Desktop app
const addNotificationMessage=(text)=>{
const message = {
type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.InformationalMessage,
message: text,
persistent: true,
icon: "Icon80",
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.replaceAsync("action", message);

Looks like a bug. I've reproduced this issue in Outlook for the web and Outlook for desktop on Windows. So, I've filed it as an issue. You may track it at .
Be aware, the documentation states that in modern Outlook on the web, you can add an InsightMessage notification only in Compose mode.
At present, the custom icon is displayed in Outlook on Windows only and not on other clients (e.g., Mac, web browser).


This tab is not available on mobile

Recently, our (published) app stopped working on mobile, with the above message, "This tab is not available on mobile". The app is a custom teams tab basically.
What can be causing this issue?
From our side, we have not changed anything (neither in the manifest nor in the hosting).
Are there some changes in the teams policy or maybe some new requirements or changes?
In the desktop/web client the app works like it did before. On the mobile, if you try to click a link to the app tab, it shows this notification tooltip "not available on mobile" instead of opening the tab.
Manifest version: 1.9
"#microsoft/teams-js": "^1.12.1",
Not sure, if the versions are related, the mobile client shows that tooltip without even trying to open the tab.
It looks like the problem appeared with some latest update of the Teams client. The app is still working fine with Teams client from June 2022, but starts showing this message "tab is not available on mobile" if the Teams mobile client is updated to the latest version.
I have noticed that now there is a button to "Add an app.." in the teams app on mobile. Are there some new requirements for existing apps because of this maybe (so that existing apps won't work on mobile unless adapted)?
Related observation: all app tabs created disappeared on "More..." tab after mobile teams client is updated
Appreciate any insights what might be causing the issue?
Posting the solution here from the linked issue if somebody else faces it. The message was appearing because websiteUrl property was not set in the tab configuration. It is now required for the tab to appear in the mobile client. Setting this property in the tab configuration resolves the issue.

outlook web addin using icon(logo) only visible through web but not on desktop outlook client. How to make it visible on the outlook client?

Developed an outlook web addin using VS 2022, used custom icon which is only visible through web but not on desktop outlook client. How to make it visible on the outlook client?
any idea or solutions are welcome, thanks
manifest Icon code:
<IconUrl DefaultValue="~remoteAppUrl/Images/icon64.png"/>
I have tried changing it, clearing cache, re publish & redeploy locally Everything works when I run it in chrome, The icon and ribbon changes in browser but it is not reflecting in desktop outlook client
You need to specify the absolute full URL in the manifest.
The IconUrl element allows specifying the full, absolute URL of the image that is used to represent your Office Add-in in the insertion UX, AppSource, and the vertical task pane tab bar.
I can confirm that it works on my side in outlook desktop. Try clearing the browser and application cache, see Clear the Office cache for more information.

MS Teams Personal Tab (Custom App) is not displaying in the side App bar

I have the below queries:
We were trying to expose the SharePoint portal in Microsoft Teams by creating a Personal Tabs App. In order to display it in the side app bar, we have added the app in Global Policy (admin.teams->Teams app->setup policy) and rearranged the App to top.
But the app is not getting displayed in the app bar for any user. Are there any more configurations need to be implemented?
Will this take hours to get displayed in the Teams UI, does E3 subscription will take more time to render the APP in Teams compare to E5?
If so, how many hours do we need to wait to see the update in Teams UI?
Please note this app is created via App Studio, not custom code.
Reference links:
Yes it is taking 24 hours to get displayed in the side bar. The configured tabs are displaying successfully in Teams web app/via browser. But not rendering in the desktop version. The tabs url changed in the below format to overcome this issue but not sure why this is replicating. Tab url format:

How do I associate mailto links with a PWA app on Windows 10?

I'm using windows 10.
So I have installed as a PWA through Edge Beta (Chromium based Edge).
Now I would like to associate it with mailto links.
How do I do that?
I haven't found any information on how to use PWAs as a standard app for email on windows 10 so any pointers would be appreciated.
I think we can't associate outlook PWA with mailto links. mailto will open the system's default email client. What we select in the default app setting will decide which client the mailto will launch.
After installing the outlook PWA, it doesn't show in the optional app list. You could try to search if it exists in your list:
Besides, there's not a setting I can find in outlook PWA which can set this app as the default email app.
Answering the OWA-specific question first, but then the general answer for app developers next.
For "improving" the OWA PWA, I found this answer, but it didn't work because my PWA is running at a weird URL like and I was getting error Can only register custom handler in the document's origin.
This worked well enough, running in the devtools console after interacting with the page:
navigator.registerProtocolHandler("mailto", location.origin + "/owa/?&rru=compose&to=%s", "PWA Outlook");
and then manually approving the change.
Now (on macOS) clicking on a mailto: link opens a OWA tab in a normal Chrome tab. The browser bar has a "pop out" icon to "Open with" the PWA which seems to work fine. This is Good Enough for me, because it doesn't waken the sleeping giant of desktop Outlook and I can quickly close the tab because I often click mailto by mistake anyway.
Looking into why the link does't "deep link" into the PWA, it seems there's a property intent_filters that needs to be set on the PWA app manifest, but it's not: i.e. I think that's enough improvement, but somebody else is welcome to hack that too.
You asked on and not, so I feel obligated to give the answer I'd want the OWA dev team to implement. It looks like protocol handers are supported now:
I haven't tried it, but those docs point to two options, adding protocol_handlers to your PWA app manifest:
"protocol_handlers": [
"protocol": "web+jngl",
"url": "/lookup?type=%s"
"protocol": "web+jnglstore",
"url": "/shop?for=%s"
or dynamically using registerProtocolHandler() with user interaction like above.
You can't use the installed PWA, but you can make it that the browser opens the site in a new tab, when you click a mailto link. I found it here:
You go to the settings of the chromium browser and search for "Handlers" in the Privacy and Security settings and there you "allow sites to ask to become the default handlers for protocols".
Then you go to your PWA mail site and click on the address bar symbol on the right and allow this site to be the default for mails.

What browser does Office 2016 on Mac use for taskpanes?

I've got a Word add-in working well on Windows, and the basics are working on Mac also (Word 2016 both).
What browser does Word 2016 for Mac use?
I see this post:
What browser / browser engine do Office Add-ins use?
But it doesn't explicitly define the way Mac does it.
I see posts about clearing the cache, which is helpful (that will be my next challenge) like How to clear client side browser cache for Excel 2016 Task Pane add-in on Mac?.
Specific reason I'm asking is trying to use Firebase for authentication. On Windows, because Word 2016 uses IE11, clicking Login (with Firebase running the show) in my taskpane pops open IE11...and the login through the full browser is recognized by the Taskpane.
On Mac, clicking Login is opening my default browser...
Alternately I could try to keep the Firebase flow in the Taskpane...but not sure how to do that:)
Mostly curious how Microsoft is kludging this on Mac.
For Mac, the native WebKit control is being used ( or other popups will open in the default browser and not share cookies or have window.opener pointer to the WebKit control by default. This does not work in authentication scenarios. If you want the popup window to be opened in a separate WebKit control for authentication, you will need to include the trusted domain in the AppDomain list of the manifest: window.opener and cookies should then work between the popup and add-in. The AppDomain list is supported on every platform.
