When adding new endpoints to my net6 API on Azure App Service slot, I receive 404 not found ONLY on the new endpoints - .net-6.0

I have an API that has lots of controllers and endpoints. It was built on net 3.1 and was recently migrated to net 6. The migration worked fine.
Let's say that this API has one controller called ProductController, and this controller have a bunch of endpoints. One of them we can call it GetProductsByUserAndType.
I had to create a new endpoint, inside this existing controller, called GetProductsByUser.
I run my api locally and the new endpoint works fine.
I publish it on an appservice hosted in a testing environment and it works fine
I publish it in release mode in a folder, run the .exe file and it works fine
But when I publish it in on an appservice-slot hosted in a production environment, this new endpoint throws a 404 not found.
I recently added a new Controller to this API with a new endpoint, and this new endpoint also throws 404 not found.
I'm really lost here because this problem doesn't make sense to me. Why come only new endpoints doesn't work ? I have 2 endpoints living side-by-side on a controller and one of them throws 404 (the new one) and the other not.
I tried to:
search for the problem: I found nothing related, this situation looks very specific;
re-deploy the code to the appservice-slot (I use the Local git option);
deploy using the Publish configuration on Visual Studio 2022;

As I was writing this question, a teamate suggested to delete the slot and create a new one.
I did that, deployed again and it worked. So, I hope this helps someone out there.


Bot Framework emulator not posting to localhost after renaming my solution (500 error)

I created a Web App Bot in Azure with a basic template, downloaded the files and tested it with no problems on localhost with the Bot Framework Emulator.
However, once I renamed the solution/project/namespaces from the default Microsoft.Bot.Samples.SimpleEchoBot to MyBotName, the Bot Emulator received 500 - Internal Server Error.
The solution builds and runs, and setting a breakpoint in the MessagesController shows that the Post method is never reached.
How do I fix this?
A GET request to localhost:[PORT]/api/messages (open that url in the browser) reveals the error message Multiple types were found that match the controller named 'messages'. It was somehow finding both the old messages controller (Microsoft.Bot.Samples.SimpleEchoBot.MessagesController) and the new one (MyBotName.MessagesController).
Solution: delete the bin/ folder and re-build/run the project.

Hyperledger-Composer REST Authentication

Request assistance with hyperledger composer. I have created a network and web app around the REST API that was built with the composer-rest-server. I am able to add participants, assets and execute transaction with the default settings. I am now trying to add authentication to the REST server as well as add identities to new participants. However I got stuck. I have reviewed the information at
But I'm not sure where I should place the export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{.... information to continue the setup.
Any assistance, tips and tricks are much appreciated.
Ok so I figured it out. The problem was that I was running off an older version of composer-rest-server.
I installed the developer tool back in Sep 17 and did the tutorial soon after. I tried the tutorial again and noticed that the deployment command was different and it would not let me deploy my network.
So I updated the composer-rest-server and component cli and it deployed fine. I then followed the steps on the authentication webpage that I referenced above and it worked as intended. I deployed my personal network with the new command and it worked as intended.
Lesson learned this stuff is still being updated and I should be more aware on what changes. Thank you very much #nilakantha singh deo
Open a new terminal from inside the project folder.Format your COMPOSER_PROVIDERS in notepad according to the document you mentioned and copy the whole message and paste it in the terminal.Then you can echo it (see it) by typing the following.
It should ideally return the same json file.
Then make sure that the compopser-rest-server is running with multiuser mode and authentication enabled in the same terminal where you echoed and saw the COMPOSER_PROVIDERS.
In browser now type
It should ask for authentication .Rest of the steps are listed in the document you mentioned.

Error 404 for rest webservice request in offline app in GeneXus Ev3 U9

I'm developing an offline Android app with Genexus Ev3 U9 and when I try the app in the device I see there is no initial synchronization, even when I try to execute a manual sync the app shuts down. The cat log shows that request made to URLs like
worked fine but when the app tries to get this URL returns 404 I tried the same link in my laptop and it's like the requested resource was not created by GeneXus.
What could be wrong?
There are actually a couple of things you might want to check.
When you accessed you got data but that just means that the virtual directory was successfully created. (which is good of course)
Then you need to check if the WCF module is installed correctly, in order to do that you could try to go to or any other service in your KB. That goes straight to the service implementation. (you can check you web.config file in order to see the actual rewriting rules)
If that works it's certainly a URL Rewrite problem like Sandro and Guscarr suggested.
You can download and install the module from here: http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite
It seems that you're generating to .net, right?
If so, it could be some problem with iis rewrite module.
Anyway you might check gx software requirements...
It seems that REST services cannot be run on your IIS, as Sandro said, try installing URLRewrite.
Further info at http://wiki.genexus.com/commwiki/servlet/wiki?14575,Android%20-%20FAQ%20and%20Common%20Issues

ASP.net web API GET method called twice

I am trying to compile and run ASP.net web api project in mono. On windows this projects works fine but in mono the GET method is called twice. This happens only with GET method. The project has authentication requirement, so if any end point is hit without authentication the returned error response is also twice. What can be the issue?
Finally I was able to narrow down the issue. This was happening because WebApiConfig.cs was getting registered twice

Web API 404 File or Directory not Found for "root" routes

I am developing a RESTful web api service. It's web api v.1, not v.2. Also I am developing on Visual Studio 2010 SP1. I have installed the MVC 4 for VS2010 SP1.
Please understand and keep in mind that Upgrading to newer versions of VS or Web Api 2 is not an option.
I have the following problem after a Windows Update ocurred.
When I try to use my RESTful api this way....
http://url.com/documents/ (get all the documents) I get the following error...
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Here is the stack trace.
[HttpException]: File does not exist. at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.GetFileInfo(String virtualPathWithPathInfo, String physicalPath, HttpResponse response) at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContext context, String overrideVirtualPath) at System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) at system.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
If I specify the action name directly, it works. For example...
http://url.com/documents/get (gets all the documents) or
http://url.com/documents/7 (gets document id=7.
It only fails when you call it by its default name. I have already read similar situations here and I have tried to follow their solutions but they are not working for me properly.
Now, I know this is not a "web api routing" issue because I actually get the .net default exception page html markup (I am using Postman to test my webservice). When I force a "routing issue", then I get a JSON error description, which means that the Controller actually got created in the pipeline and returned a response.
Also, I have a custom file (SecurityHandler) that inherits from DelegatingHandler. This file gets executed almost first in the pipeline with each call to the api. Even before the actual Controller. Well, this file is never called when I get the error, which confirms to me that the "webserver" (either VS Development Server or IIS 7) is the one throwing the exception.
I have exhausted every single solution that I have found here. Change my web.config to multiple handlers configurations, re-installed MVC 4 for VS2010, created an entire new project... all these efforts have shown no results whatsoever.
Like I said, this was working perfectly fine until my pc restarted from a Windows Update BUT... why does it fail in the server as well? I did deploy my api to the server after the error started to occur.
The issue is not in Web API (and has nothing to do with it's version or Visual Studio 2010), it's the static file handler trying to serve and failing.
0. Do you have a documents folder in your site? Get rid of it.
1. Remove the static file handler for directory browsing and re-add it.
2. Use RAMMFAR (less recommended)
