Disambiguating and controlling access to public, internal and hybrid gRPC APIs - protocol-buffers

I currently have a mobile application talks to a GraphQL API service which terminates SSL and then proxies requests to gRPC services. The gRPC services only talk to each other via gRPC.
This system works okay but writing all of the boilerplate to plumb the gRPC APIs through the GraphQL layer to the client is tedious and can be error prone.
I’ve started exploring the idea of talking directly to the backend via gRPC as the tooling has improved substantially over the last few years.
One issue I’m still wondering about, though, is the best way to disambiguate APIs only meant to be called internally by other services from those callable publicly by the native client.
There is also a third category, “hybrid” APIs where it can be called either internally or externally.
Examples —-
Internal: Sending an SMS via Twilio
Public: Log in to account
Hybrid: Update whether an inbox item is read (both from the app when opening a conversation and on the backend when a message is sent)
One option I thought of was an interceptor that passes along a context to indicate if the request is internal or public and use this in the code to return an error or perform additional validation on public requests.
Another option is creating an API service which is still gRPC but fulfills the same purpose as the GraphQL API service.
A third option is disambiguating public and internal services at an organizational level which might require duplicating some APIs that exist for both.
Are there other options I’m unaware of? How have you tackled this issue?


Service to intercept client-server websocket communication for purposes of API-untangling

I'm writing a custom client for an existing framework but in a different language than the supported client. Now I would like to intercept the traffic of the existing client-server connection to get a better grasp of the API intrinsics, which is always quite tedious if you have to extract it from the code alone. I had a look at postman but it doesn't seem to allow interception of websocket messages (https appears to be possible thorugh postman interceptor. Is there a similar tool for websockets?
Basically what I'm looking for is just a relay that forwards every request as-is to the server and vice-versa for the response.

Google API backend error - if we use Google Cloud Client Library, would we see less Backend Errors?

When we use Google Apps Script to call the Google/YouTube API (such as YouTube API, YouTube Content ID API etc), 3 legged oAuth authentication approach, sometimes we got the message "backend error". If we tried again, the same call would be successful. The backend error rate sometimes is pretty high.
We also used (we also could use) Google Cloud Client Library and service account to call Google/YouTube API, 2 legged oAuth authentication approach to make the same API call.
Due to Google encourages us to use newer Cloud Client Library if we can ,instead of the older API library, I am wondering will the backend error rate going down if we use the Google cloud client library calling the Google API instead.
Or backend error is purely on Google Backend, it does not matter which library we use to call the API?
Google Cloud's Client Libraries can give you some performance benefits by using gRPC. This is because gRPC-enabled API clients use protocol buffers and gRPC over HTTP2 to talk to the RPC interface.
Protocol buffers are smaller and faster than using JSON over HTTP to the REST interface. So, in a way, they're better for everyone and can provide lots of benefits in terms of throughput and CPU usage.
But, if there's a fail after the backend's RPC interface, then there is no difference.
Also note that they could provide an exponential backoff strategy to handle errors and retries.

Elixir websocket/channel basic usage

I'm working on a PoC of a system where a mobile app client needs to be connected on a server with communications going both ways : either for updating the server or being updated by it. There is no client-to-client communications for the moment.
The client logs in the server via an HTTPS/POST method and gets back a token if the credentials are OK. This token is to be used by any further communication in order to authenticate the user. The reason why I'm using HTTPS for logging in is that there also is a web interface for other purposes.
I could not find a tutorial or documentation that explains how to implement this use case with channels based on websocket transport. All I found so far are either partial and focus on some specific aspects (eg authentication, setting SSL/TLS, etc) and assume the reader already knows the rest or are the over simplified implementations of the chat app. I'm sure I'm not looking at the right place...
My questions are:
What would be the list of callback to implement this use case on
either side
On the server: how does a process send notifications to the
NB: I'm using Elixir 1.5.1 and Phoenix 1.3
From the Phoenix guide:
Each Channel will implement one or more clauses of each of these four callback functions — join/3, terminate/2, handle_in/3, and handle_out/3.
The page I linked contains also an MCVE of sockets running on Phoenix. In the bottom there are examples of how the server-client communication is done.
The only thing to apply this to your use-case would be to use one of authentication libraries (e.g. Überauth that comes with great examples) to handle token on each subsequent connection request.

What's the reason for not seeing even a handful of "useful" and publicly available websocket based services out there?

What's the reason for not seeing even a handful of "useful" and publicly available websocket based services out there?
RESTful services are plenty like the one below which is weather forecast related.
However, why aren't there services like
with some documentation about what messages a websocket client can expect to send and receive bi-directionally over a single connection?
What's the reason for not seeing even a handful of "useful" and publicly available websocket based services out there?
Maybe because websockets were not created for that? They came from the HTML5 initiative and were created to replace Ajax interaction between a browser and a web site for real time web applications. No more polling, long-polling, streaming, flash sockets, or any other HTTP hack to make a server push data to the browser. Webocket is the real thing.
Most web services now follow a request/reply pattern while the websocket is still a maturing technology. Give it time and services will appear, services that actually need the capabilities of websockets and not use them just because "there is a new kid in town".
As a final note, here is something for websockets emerging from Microsoft.

Secure Connection, NSURLSession to Django Rest API

More of a question of understanding rather than looking for a technical solution. I'm on a team working to build an iOS application that needs database support. We're using Swift for the application code. A Django REST API wraps a MySQL database on the backend. The two are communicating over HTTP using Swift's NSURLSession class.
We will be passing password information over one of the http requests, and so we want to up the requests to HTTPS. On the API side we can force traffic through SSL middleware using django-ssilfy.
My concern is that including this library does nothing on the client-side. As far as I know we will only need to change the url to include 'https://' rather than 'http://'. It seems that the data passed will only be secure once it reaches the API, rather than over the entire connection.
Is there anything we must do to secure the data being passed over the NSURLSession on Wi-Fi and mobile networks? Or is simply pointing the session at an API view that is throttled through a SSL port enough to ensure the request is secure?
Please let me know if I am way off track or if there is any steps other than django-ssilfy that I should take in order to make all http communication secure!
Go SO!
This question is more about whether or not SSL is secure, and less about if any of the tools that are being used make it less secure.
Luckily the Information Security Stack Exchange has your answer with an in-depth explanation as to how TLS does help secure your application.
When it comes to securing your Django site though, django-sslify is a good start, but it's not the magic cure to security issues. If you can, it's recommended to not serve insecure responses, which works well for API hosts (api.github.com is one example), but not if your API is hosted on the same domain as your front-end application. There are other Django apps available that are recommended, such as djang-secure (parts of which were integrated into Django 1.8).
You should also follow the Django security recommendations, and revisit them with new major releases. There are other resources you can look at, like "Is Django's built-in security enough" and many other questions on the Information Security Stack Exchange.
