Is there an editor out there that will show me the found text at the top of the window? [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I've been racking my brain to figure out how to get found text to be shown at the top of an editor rather than the middle so that I can see more context below the found text at a glance.
When I use less (command line tool), I search for some text, and it shows up at the top of the screen.
I would like an editor such as Notepad++, VSCode, VisualStudio or something else to be able to do this. I did find some reference to the command "editor.action.revealLine" which might be able to do this in VSCode, but I get the error:
command 'editor.action.revealLine' not found.
Is there any way to get the editors mentioned above to show the matched text at the top rather than the middle of the window? Is there another editor that might do this?
I have found that I can configure vim to do this as per this post:
However, I am looking for a more graphical editor because I'm sifting through lots of data and vim is jumping quite a lot between refreshes which is giving me a headache.


Building system-wide macOS text editing tools [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So, these little popups you get when typing on macOS:
They're unique in that they allow users to trigger an action immediately, not from the menu bar or a contextual menu (e.g. right click) They're common among most OSs' in some form, this just happens to be Apple's design.
This popup is
1. System wide, working in browsers, many text editors, etc.
2. Always where your eyes are when typing, at the text cursor/most recent word typed.
As this window is always below the cursor, I figure there's space above to add other typing tools that work in a similar way.
For any typing tool like that it really has to be system-wide, not just in a particular app.
I'm struggling to find useful leads as to which APIs cover this, and whether it's even possible to access this area of the macOS system.
You may be able to program such a feature as an input method, using InputMethodKit. Input methods are most commonly used for Asian language input, where there are many more characters than keys on a keyboard. However, the API is more general than that.
Insofar as the pop-up you're citing as an example is a spell-checker, you may be able to customize it by building a custom spell server. I assume the user will have to select your spelling service explicitly, though, for each document.

the package can prompt file path prompt like Bracket while editing HTML [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It is really handy in Bracket Editor that can prompt the file path while typing.
After search for a while I still cannot find a package that accomplish the same thing Bracket does.
Can you suggest or name one package providing similar feature in Sublime Text 3.
I use AutoFileName, although it can be a bit intrusive at times, if you're trying to type a string literal and it keeps trying to autocomplete paths. Other than that, recent versions seem to work quite well. Another option is FileSystem Autocompletion, which I haven't tried. FuzzyFilePath may also work for you, but only inserts file paths in your current project.

Windows command line multiple colors for logging [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm routing my application logs to the windows cmd line window. It's hard to read I was just wondering if some kinda of plugin exists for the cmd line to color the text based on some rules for example timestamps in green, anything in [] as yellow, etc.
I'm not talking about routing the logs somewhere else more readable, but specifically if I can get the windows cmd line to be a more readable log target.
There is a free tool called SnakeTail that can tail log files and colorize the data in its application window based on regular expressions. You could use it instead of viewing log files from cmd.exe.

GitHub-like Markdown editor / preview (OSX)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just want to preview markdown before push to GitHub.
I tried a bunch of Editors, but none of them parsed the following:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
That's all I wanted, but every editor I've tried so far just could not parse it right (at least out of the box). I tried MacDown, TextMate, Marked so far.
This just falls apart by the end of the file, while GitHub reads it fine.
Can you just suggest a solution that works?
Although, your syntax seems right, it looks like using the csharp alias is better handled accross editor. See the supported languages/aliases in languages.yml per language from the linguist project.
This below:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
is perfectly rendered in Atom, for instance, whereas using ```C# doesn't work.

Looking for free/oss multiple window text editor (Perl + other lang) for view/edit different sections of same file at same time (windows platform) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a free/oss multiple window code text editor (Perl + other languages) for viewing/editing different sections of same file. Can you recommend one for Windows platform?
Currently I use Notepad++ which is good and has a tab for each file. But it doesn't allow opening the same file more than once in different tabs to be able to view different parts of the file. I would also like to 'tear-off' a tab to make a new window (just like in Google Chrome) so I can see different parts of the same file side by side.
In Notepad++ (5.9.3 at least) right click on the tab of a version and select Clone to Other View.
Voila! Editing the same file in two different tabs. You can also drag the tab out of the window and 'drop' it on the desktop to open another instance of Notepad++.
emacs is a good fit. its almost-clone (but really not the same) epsilon is lighter and easier to begin with.
(i just remembered that, although i have a full version of epsilon, it is not free... too bad, because it's a very good editor)
Have a look at Sublime Text. I've switched to it From Notepad++. Works on Windows OS X and Linux. I find the Minimap very useful.
You can get multiple views on a file using "New View into" from the file menu.
