how can I understand a register correctly? - vhdl

There is a problem always bothers me. I have written 3 similar functions in VHDL, code and simulation see below. out_1 and input_sig_2 are identicial with input. But out_1 is delayed for 1 clock cycle when compared with input_sig_1. Can someone tell me why is this happens? Is that because input_sig_1 is signal and input is port?
Any response will be highly appreciated!
input_sig_1 <= input;
out_2 <= input_sig_2;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if reset = '1' then
out_0 <= '0';
out_1 <= '0';
input_sig_2 <= '0';
out_0 <= input;
out_1 <= input_sig_1;
input_sig_2 <= input;
end if;
end if;
end process;

You are changing the signal input at the same time, when a rising clock edge occurs. So the question is, which of both signal changes reaches first the clocked process. This depends at how many delta cycles you are inserting during the signal path from the testbench to the process. You insert by "input_sig_1 <= input;" one additional delta cycle, so the signal input_1_sig changes after the rising clock edge has reached the process. To avoid such problems you always should change input signals at the inactive clock edge, in your case at the falling clock edge (or at any other time, when no rising clock edge is assigned).


how to delay a signal for several clock cycles in vhdl

I'm trying to delay a signal for five clock cycles..
process (read_clk)
if (rising_edge(read_clk)) then
rd_delay <= rd_en;
end if;
end process;
delay3 <= not(rd_en) and rd_delay;
By edge detecting technique,this will give me a one clock cycle delay, but i need five clock cycles.
Thank you all.
The slightly more elegant version of Matthew's proposal could be, for instance:
constant dn: positive := 5;
signal delay: std_ulogic_vector(0 to dn - 1);
process (read_clk)
if rising_edge(read_clk) then
delay <= rd_en & delay(0 to dn - 2);
end if;
end process;
rd_en_d5 <= delay(dn - 1);
Your signal delay3 is not a delayed version of the signal rd_en, it is a pulse that is '1' for one clock cycle following a falling edge on the signal rd_en.
If you simple want to delay rd_en for five clock cycles, then add 5 flip-flops:
process (read_clk)
if rising_edge(read_clk) then
rd_en_d5 <= rd_en_d4;
rd_en_d4 <= rd_en_d3;
rd_en_d3 <= rd_en_d2;
rd_en_d2 <= rd_en_d1;
rd_en_d1 <= rd_en;
end if;
end process;
(Or if you have the VHDL knowledge do something a bit more elegant with an array and perhaps a for loop.)
If you then want to detect a falling edge as well, then go ahead and use something similar to the process in your question.

VHDL Gated Clock how to avoid

I've received an advice to avoid gated clock because it may cause problems with slacks and timing costraints. But I want to ask what I can consider like a gated clock.
For example:
This code have gated clock because StopCount gate it.
if (rising_edge(ModuleCLK) and StopCount = '0') then
if ModuleEN = '0' then
RESET <= '0';
POWER <= '1';
EN <= '0';
CLOCK <= '0';
SERIAL <= '0';
This code have also gated clock?
if ModuleEN = '0' then
RESET <= '0';
POWER <= '1';
EN <= '0';
CLOCK <= '0';
SERIAL <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(ModuleCLK)) then
The term "gated clock" is often used in ASIC technology for a clock where the clock pulse is only generated when a condition is true (1), so the gated clock is a property of the clock source. A gated clock can be made with a latch and AND gate, like show below, and that kind of design requires special attention to address the timing issues you mention, thus is not suited for FPGA design:
The code you have shown uses an enable on the flip-flop to update the flip-flop value depending on the enable, so this is a clock enable, not a gated clock.
The first code can, and should, be written as:
process (ModuleCLK) is
if rising_edge(ModuleCLK) then
if StopCount = '0' then
... -- Update at clock if StopCount = '0'
This reflect how the design is typically implemented in a FPGA, where the flip-flop is always clocked (ModuleCLK) but where the output is only updated if the condition (StopCount = '0') is true.
The second code example looks like asynchronous reset, except that the code should have reset condition (ModuleEN) in the sensitivity list (missing in the question code). The asynchronous reset occurs since no clock clock is required for the flip-flops to change value; the only requirement is that the reset condition is true, and then a change of value occurs asynchronously to any clock.
So a way to properly write flip-flops in VHDL, with input a and output z, is like:
process (reset, clock) is
if reset = '1' then
z <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if enable = '1' then
z <= a;
end if;
end if;
end process;
In Altera Quartus II this creates RTL figure like:
The implementation in an Arria II device is then:
This shows that the flip-flop up actually updated at every rising edge of the clock, so the clock enable is implemented through a combinatorial design (LUT), where the current data is feed back to the flip-flop when enable is false (0), or new data is given from a when enable is true (1).

Strange spikes in the signal ModelSim VHDL

I'm working on a final project for school and this is my first time working with VHDL in Quartus and ModelSIM. It's supposed to be a control for an elevator that services three floors. I have these strange spikes in a few signals, and I can't seem to find their source.
The one problem I have is a spike in a signal that feeds to an up/down counter that shows the current floor. When it stops at a floor, it ends up counting one additional time and going either one floor too high or one floor too low, while the next floor display seems to show the same floor just fine until another floor is called. The next floor display comes from an FSM, while the current floor display is from an up/down counter.
It's a bit complex to post everything here, so I'm just going to post the waveform for now in case someone's come across this signal spike thing and it ends up being a minor error/easy fix.!
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity FSM_Elevador is
port (Up_Down, Igual, Reset, Clock: in std_logic;
Andar_Dif: out std_logic
end FSM_Elevador;
architecture FSM_beh of FSM_Elevador is
type Elev_States is (Start, Wait_State, Pulse_State);
signal Current_State, Next_State: Elev_States;
signal RST, CLK, Sig_Andar_Dif, Cont_Mesmo_Andar: std_logic;
RST <= Reset;
CLK <= Clock;
process(RST, CLK)
if RST = '0' then
Current_State <= Start;
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
Current_State <= Next_State;
end if;
end process;
process(Current_State, Igual)
case Current_State is
when Start =>
Next_State <= Wait_State;
when Wait_State =>
if Igual = '1' then
Next_State <= Wait_State;
Sig_Andar_Dif <= '0';
Next_State <= Pulse_State;
Sig_Andar_Dif <= '1';
end if;
when Pulse_State =>
if Igual = '1' then
Sig_Andar_Dif <= '0';
Next_State <= Wait_State;
Sig_Andar_Dif <= '0';
Next_State <= Pulse_State;
end if;
end case;
end process;
Andar_Dif <= Sig_Andar_Dif;
end FSM_beh;
fru1tbat: I use the Elev_pulse to make the counter go up or down once, and yes it enters the counter as a clock. It was suggested by the professor.
Edit: sorry that was the wrong code earlier. Andar_Dif is what sends out the signal that ends up going to the component that has Elev_Pulse
Get rid of the reassignment of Clock and Reset to CLK and RST and just use the signals from the port directly. That is creating a delta cycle delay which is the cause of these kind of spikes. It looks like you have resets with different delays in the design which can also complicate matters. If the removal of the indirection doesn't clear things up you need to scrutinize the ordering of when events are generated on signals and when they are processed.
The outputs from your state machine are unregistered which is also potentially involved. Consider reworking the FSM so that all outputs are registered. This is a better design practice in general as it ensures that you don't have unknown combinational delays affecting downstream logic.

Make a signal wait until falling edge

I have this signal that should be zero until another signal Start = 0. How can I accomplish this? Here is the relevant code:
wait until falling_edge(start);
for i in 0 to 63 loop
wait until clk = '1' and clk'event;
if i = 0 then
Start <= '1','0' after clk_period;
end if;
if (i < 24) then
din <= 255;
elsif (i > 40) then
din <= 255;
din <= 0;
end if;
end loop;
I thought I could just make din = 0 until the falling edge of start but it stops at the rising edge of start. I want to start reading the din values when start =0. Before that din = 0.
Here is a pic:
EDIT: Actually I got it to start at the correct signal values but the dout value always has an intermediate value that isn't necessary. In this case its 78450. I know this has to do with the testbench code but I can't get it to just calculate the correct value at the correct time. What changes can be made to the code below to get rid of the intermediate value?
for i in 0 to 63 loop
wait until clk = '1' and clk'event;
if i = 0 then
Start <= '1','0' after clk_period;
elsif (i < 24) then
din <= 255;
elsif (i > 40) then
din <= 255;
din <= 0;
end if;
end loop;
First of all I assume (and hope) you are writing a testbench. If not, you should avoid using wait statements, as these have very limited support in synthesis tools.
Even in a testbench, it is best to use time-based wait or after statements only to generate the clock, and make all other signals dependent on an event (e.g. rising_edge(clk)). This avoids the problem of having multiple signals changing during delta cycle 0 along with the clock.
Consider the following code for a typical register:
process(clk) begin
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
a <= b;
end if;
end process;
and assume that clk and b are generated in a testbench as follows:
clk <= not clock after 1 ns;
process begin
b <= '1', '0' after 10 ns;
end process;
At time 0 delta 0, clk changes to '1' and b would change to '1'.
At time 0 delta 1, the register process would run since clk changed, and a would change to '1'.
No further sensitivity exists, so time would update to the next event at 1 ns.
At time 1 delta 0, clk changes to '0'.
At time 1 delta 1, the register process is run since clk changed, but nothing happens because rising_edge(clk) is false.
The above repeats for time 2-9 ns.
At time 10 delta 0, clk changes to '1' and b changes to '0'. Note that clk and b change in the same delta cycle.
At time 10 delta 1, the register process runs and a changes to '0'! As far as the result is concerned, this means that b changed before the rising clock edge!
Even if this behavior is understandable in this simple system, it can lead to some incredibly difficult to find simulation bugs. It is therefore better to base all signals off of the appropriate clock.
process begin
-- Initialize b to 1.
b <= '1';
-- Wait for 5 cycles.
for i in 1 to 5 loop
wait for rising_edge(clk);
end loop;
-- Set b to 0.
b <= '0';
-- Done.
end process;
This avoids unexpected behavior, since all signals will change at least one delta cycle after the associated clock, meaning causality is maintained throughout all of your processes.
I have this signal that should be zero until another signal Start = 0. How can I accomplish this?
Maybe you can use a handshake signal and put it in the sensitive list of the process. It will behave like a reset signal.
process (handshake_s, ...)
if (handshake_s = '1') then -- failing edge of start
din <= 0;
-- do something
end if;
end process;
Use another process to update handshake_s.
process (start, ...)
if failing_edge(start) then
handshake_s <= '1', '0' after 10 ns; -- produce a pulse
end if;
-- do something
end process;
Would you mind post all your code here so that we could understand the waveform better?
Testbench or RTL code?
For a testbench, your coding style is mostly ok, however, your signal Start has a problem and will never be '1' during a rising edge of clock. It goes to '1' just after the rising edge of clock and will return to '0' either simultaneously with clock or 1 delta cycle before clock (depending on your clock setup). Either way, anything running on rising_edge clock, such as your design, will not see it as a '1'.
A simple way to avoid this is to use nominal delays (25% of tperiod_Clk) on all of your testbench outputs that go to the DUT (Device Under Test). The pattern for a pulse is as follows.
wait until clk = '1' ; -- I recommend using rising_edge(Clk) for readability
Start <= '1' after tpd, '0' after tpd + tperiod_clk ;
Alternately, you can avoid this issue by not using waveform assignments. Such as the following. In this case, you don't need the tpd, however, if it really is a testbench, I recommend using it.
wait until clk = '1' ;
if i = 0 then
Start <= '1' after tpd ;
Start <= '0' after tpd ;
end if ;
For RTL code, you need to explore a different approach. Very briefly one way to approach it is as follows. Note do not use any delays, waveform assignments, or loops.
-- Counter to count from 0 to 63. Use "+ 1". Use "mod 64" if using type integer.
-- Start logic = decoder (can be coded separately)
-- Din Logic = decoder (can be coded separately)

VHDL driving signal from different processes

I have a little problem with following VHDL code:
process (zbroji)
if rising_edge(zbroji) then
oduzima <= '0';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
end if;
end process;
process (oduzmi)
if rising_edge(oduzmi) then
oduzima <= '1';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
end if;
end process;
The problem is that signal ucitanPrvi always has value X. If I don't try to set it's value in two processes, then I don't have any problems ... So I know that I mustn't drive one signal from multiple processes, but I don't know how to write this differently ...
Does anyone have an idea how I could resolve this problem ?
Thanks !
EDIT: Thank you all guys for replying :) Now I understand why I can't drive one signal from multiple processes (at least in the way I wanted it to work).
If you want to synthesize your design for a real FPGA or ASIC, you are going to have to think of VHDL in terms of real hardware (wires, flip flops, gates, etc.). Also, if you want to perform a real rising edge detect in hardware, you will need a system clock that drives a flip flop. Given your original code sample, it doesn't seem that zbroji or oduzmi are system clocks, but just std_logic signals. I wrote this code example assuming basic functionality from your example, hopefully, you can take my code and comments and accomplish what you need.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity example is
port (Reset : in std_logic;
SysClk : in std_logic;
zbroji : in std_logic;
oduzmi : in std_logic;
ulaz_broj : in std_logic;
oduzima : out std_logic;
ucitanPrvi : out std_logic;
broj1 : out std_logic
end example;
architecture Behavioral of example is
-- Delayed version of input signals (1 clock cycle delay)
signal zbroji_d : std_logic;
signal oduzmi_d : std_logic;
signal zbrojiRE : std_logic;
signal oduzmiRE : std_logic;
-- Generate 1 clock cycle delayed version of
-- signals we want to detect the rising edge
-- Assumes active high reset
-- Note: You should only use the rising_edge macro
-- on an actual global or regional clock signal. FPGA's and
-- ASICs place timing constraints on defined clock signals
-- that make it possible to use rising_edge, otherwise, we have
-- to generate our own rising edge signals by comparing delayed
-- versions of a signal with the current signal.
-- Also, with any respectable synthesizer / simulator using
-- rising_edge is almos exactly the same as (clk'event and clk='1')
-- except rising_edge only returns a '1' when the clock makes a
-- valid '0' to '1' transition. (see link below)
EdgeDetectProc : process (Reset, SysClk)
if Reset = '1' then
zbroji_d <= '0';
oduzmi_d <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(SysClk) then
zbroji_d <= zbroji;
oduzmi_d <= oduzmi;
end if;
end process EdgeDetectProc;
-- Assert risinge edge signals for one clock cycle
zbrojiRE <= '1' when zbroji = '1' and zbroji_d = '0' else '0';
oduzmiRE <= '1' when oduzmi = '1' and oduzmi_d = '0' else '0';
-- Assumes that you want a single cycle pulse on ucitanPrvi on the
-- rising edege of zbroji or oduzmi;
ucitanPrvi <= zbrojiRE or oduzmiRE;
-- Based on your example, I can't tell what you want to do with the
-- broj1 signal, but this logic will drive broj1 with ulaz_broj on
-- either the zbroji or oduzmi rising edge, otherwise '0'.
broj1 <= ulaz_broj when zbrojiRE = '1' else
ulaz_broj when oduzmiRE = '1' else
-- Finally, it looks like you want to clear oduzima on the rising
-- edge of zbroji and assert oduzima on the rising edge of
-- oduzmi
LatchProc : process (Reset, SysClk)
if Reset = '1' then
oduzima <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(SysClk) then
if zbrojiRE = '1' then
oduzima <= '0';
elsif oduzmiRE = '1' then
oduzima <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process LatchProc;
end Behavioral;
The previous code assumes you have a system clock. In a simulator like ModelSim (free student edition), you can generate a 100 MHz clock with non-synthesizable testbench code like this...
ClockProc : process
SysClk <= '0';
wait for 5 ns;
SysClk <= '1';
wait for 5 ns;
end process ClockProc;
In an actual FPGA/ASIC implementation, you will probably want to use an external oscillator that you run into your chip, drive the signal into a DCM (Digital clock manager), which will output a very clean clock signal to all of your VHDL logic, so you can have a glitch free design.
And finally, here is a great explanation on the differences between rising_edge and
(clk'event and clk='1')
Hope that helps.
If you drive a std_logic signal from more than one process (and remember that a continuous assignment outside of a process also creates an implied process!) then all but one of them must be driving Z onto the signal. To a first approximation, the resolution function (that decides what the final value should be) will produce Xs unless this happens.
I'm not sure how best to change your code - you need to decide when a particular process should not drive the signal and have it drive a Z at that point.
The full definition of how the multiple drivers are resolved is defined in the ieee.std_logic_1164 package and covers all possibilities, such as a 1 and an L driving etc. The IEEE get shirty about copyright, so I'm not going to post even an excerpt here, but you'll be able to find it in the source libraries of your simulator.
Driving signals from multiple processes is a bad idea unless you really know what you're doing. You can re-write this code in a single process like this.
process (zbroji, oduzmi)
if rising_edge(zbroji) then
oduzima <= '0';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
end if;
if rising_edge(oduzmi) then
oduzima <= '1';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
end if;
end process;
Note that if you do this, and you get a rising edge on both zbroji & oduzmi then oduzima will get the value 1 as it happens last in the process. Before you'd have been trying to set it to 0 and 1 at the same time. That would simulate to X, and probably wouldn't synthesize. If it did synthesize you'd be connecting power and ground together in a CMOS design.
An alternative method is to have each process drive it's own version of the signal, and then resolve them externally with what ever function you like (or another process). In this case I used or:
process (zbroji)
if rising_edge(zbroji) then
ucitanPrvi_1 <= '1';
end if;
end process;
process (oduzmi)
if rising_edge(oduzmi) then
ucitanPrvi_2 <= '1';
end if;
end process;
ucitanPrvi <= ucitanPrvi_1 or ucitanPrvi_2;
Unless zbroji and oduzmi are seperate clocks this is my recommended implementation
This registers the zbroji and oduzmi and checks if the value in the register is the opposite of the original signal. This should only occur when zbroji/oduzmi go from 0 to 1 and the register has not yet updated the change in signal.
process (clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if zbroji = '1' and zbroji_old = '0' then
oduzima <= '0';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
elif oduzmi = '1' and oduzmi_old = '0' then
oduzima <= '1';
ucitanPrvi <= '1';
broj1 <= ulaz_broj;
end if;
zbroji_old <= zbroji;
oduzmi_old <= oduzmi;
end if;
end process;
Also it appears that ucitanPrvi and broj1 are always the same thing. Either the signals are useless, this was orignally a typo or you are creating "update" pulses in which case you need the statement
ucitanPrvi <= '0'
broj1 <= (others=>'0') -- assumed reset?
following the if(rising_edge(clk) statement
When you're changing same signal value from multiple process, the simulator will be creating multiple signal drivers for this. The output of them will essentially will be unresolved. Think of it as the output of multiple gates connected together, what do you expect?
To overcome this, what you need to implement is, a resolution function, that drivers the output to signal.
If you have any doubts, let me know.
