Is it possible to use Nerd Fonts as the font for Terminals in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

First, I hope everyone is well.
I am currently experimenting with Visual Studio [Version: 17.5.0 Preview 4.0] (to clarify, not Visual Studio Code) and was hoping to utilize a Nerd Font, specifically CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font, for my Terminal. This is so Oh-My-Posh will have the necessary icons to display correctly.
However, it seems that Visual Studio does not allow Nerd Fonts as a font for the Terminal. If you look in the attached screenshots below, you can see that the setting’s dropdown does not list Nerd Fonts as options. Curiously, they are available as a choice for the Text Editor.
Regarding to solve it myself, I have scoured the Visual Studio documentation and tried my best Google-fu to find any results. Disappointingly most search engines return results concerning Visual Studio, not Visual Studio Code.
Before I submit a report to the developers of Visual Studio, I would like to cover all my bases and make sure I am not missing something.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Wild guess here. They might still be on conhost which doesn't work with OTF files and needs TTF. So, theoretically, installing the same font as TTF could do the trick. You'll need to do a manual install from the Nerd Font repo in this case as they don't ship the TTF files inside their zip files.

I also have problems with the fact that "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font" and other fonts are not available for the terminal, but "JetBrainsMono NF" is available for some reason and the icons in the visual studio console are displayed correctly.
terminal screenshot
fornt list from vs


Is there a path-autocomplete extension on Visual Studio 2017?

I used to code on Visual Studio Code. Now, i'm trying to learn how to code on Visual Studio 2017 as it will be more beneficial for me. So far, it's so good.
But there is one thing which i miss on VS which is, in VSC, there was a neat extension, called Path Intellisense which autocompleted (or showed suggestions for) ./../file style file-paths. While coding in javascript (ExpressJS to be exact) i got no suggestions for file path autocomplete. Also, i didnt get any extensions to do so.
Those dot style file paths confuse me and i would really like an extension, or a workaround, in VS to help me with that. Are there any extensions for this?

Enabling opening and closing tag guidelines in Visual Studio

I've recently started using Visual Studio quite heavily since starting to develop in .Net
I really like the intellisense as it increases my productivity by allowing me to code faster. Previously when authoring CSS I would just use Notepad ++ and I got very used to some of the little features that this awesome text editor possessed however, now that I am doing the bulk of my work in Visual Studio 2013 I want to try and avoid having too many environments open at once. With this in mind, there is one feature inparticular that I would like to try and replicate in Visual Studio when editing CSS or indeed any other type of code.
In Notepad ++ it automatically includes a sort of guideline which runs down the page between the opening and closing tags of elements as shown below:
My question is, how do I replicate this behaviour in Visual Studio 2013 as the currently setup I have at the moment isn't as clear/productive as you can see below:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of free extensions you can use to do this. These will run on any of the Visual Studio versions except Express, which does not support extensions.
You can duplicate this with the Indent Guides extension.
You can also use the Structure Visualizer Feature of the Productivity Power Tools.
Note: The backgrounds in the example are different because they are taken on different machines with different themes.

Monokai Theme for multiple IDE's

Does anyone know of a good source for finding themes for multiple IDE's, I'm specifically looking for a good Monokai version to use but wouldn't mind others that have a darker background. I use Android Studio (which is based off IntelliJ), Visual Studio 2013, and Xcode for mobile development as well as TextWrangler and Navicat for other work and like to use themes that are similar within each IDE. I did find one Repo on GitHub Base16 Theme but I'm trying to find more themes or builders like this that can spit out the same theme for various IDE's that I use for development.
All you need to do is: search on github
Someone has created a version of the theme for Android Studio.
Full instructions on installing it here

True-type fonts that I installed not rendered in Visual Studio 2010 Text editor

I am trying to change the font for the Text Editor in VS 2010 Ultimate on a machine running Win XP Professional SP3 (32bit), and it does not render any installed fonts correctly - works fine with the default fonts though. (At first, I thought it was only with Monaco font, but I recently realized that it's more than that.)
I have tested with some fonts, including Inconsolata, Futurist fixed-width and Monaco on my PC, and if I change the font to any true-type font that I installed, the font renders as Consolas although the font name in the Fonts and Colors window shows the new font name.
I was successfully able to apply Monaco font on a colleague's machine (we both have the same OS and VS editions). I could also change the font in VS 2008 on my machine, that looks fine as well. Also, I can change the font to any of the above said fonts in my MS Word and Excel applications, so I don't think it is a system-wide problem.
I came across this very old post on SO that addresses a similar issue (which might not even be relevant to the 2010), but I did try some of the techniques listed for what it's worth without any success.
This is what I did so far (not necessarily in the same order), and nothing worked -
Resetting the Visual Studio as per the suggestion in the comments
Restart the IDE after installing the font
Close VS, un-install and re-install the font, and open VS again
Open VS in safe mode, disable the extensions, re-open VS again
Repair/reinstall the Visual Studio
Is it a possibility that my VS is corrupted? (If that's the case, wouldn't repairing have fixed that?)
I also learnt from a Microsoft Connect bug that VS 2010 text editor has been rebuilt using WPF - could that be what is causing the issue? The strange thing is, I can successfully set the environment font (the font for VS menus, solution explorer window, etc.) to any font I like - I cannot set the font only for the windows where we can type text, like the Text Editor, Watch window, Immediate Window, etc.
Did anyone else come across this kind of problem? Does anyone have a solution? I am out of ideas now, and my last resort seems to be uninstalling VS completely and re-installing (but again, I am not sure if that will work either).
The issue looks to be with the way I had Visual Studio installed on my machine - last week, my PC started freezing and giving the fabled BSOD all of a sudden - the tech support guys suggested to re-image the machine, which I reluctantly agreed to since that was the cure-all for my aging machine. Today, the support engineer stopped by and swapped my existing hard drive with the new one they built for me - they had been kind enough to push my current applications onto the new image.
After the swap finished uneventfully, and the support guy did some sanity checks and gave a thumbs up, I installed the Monaco font again (from the same source as I did originally), and applied the new font, and opened a new project - and, lo and behold, I now see my code in Monaco font! Feels good to see Monaco font on my machine - this has been eluding me for about 8 months. I still am not sure what fixed the issue, but I am glad I could finally put an end to the frustration I had been having.

VIsual Studio 2010 colour schemes compatible with ReSharper?

Are there any colour schemes for VS 2010 (preferably dark schemes) that include settings for ReSharper 5.1?
All attempts at google-fu have failed me.
The one I'm using at the moment messes up when R# tries to highlight a line because the colours are too similar.
I know I could do this myself... and will if I have to. But if there are already some schemes to save me the effort, it would be great. Thanks!
I've been using this one lately in 2010:
Visual Studio Settings for the TDD Ninja
Are you looking for a dark theme? If so, ping me and I'll send you mine.
