suggestion in Kibana Devtools doesn't work - elasticsearch

I'm learning about elasticsearch and Kibana, So I'm comparing local and cloud environment.
but autocomplete suggestion doesn't work in local.
cloud service of my firm
local(my PC)
When I use "Ctrl + space" shortcut, there isn't any suggestion in my PC.
I want to use index, API suggestions in local PC


Elasticsearch - Collecting logs from devices not on server LAN

I am trying to build familiarity with SIEM systems in general and decided to set up an Elastic Stack via Digital Ocean. Everything was successful and my server as localhost is producing logs. It's been interesting to tinker with visualizations and that good stuff.
Obviously my interest isn't in logs from this remote server, though. I would like to configure some devices on my home network to send logs.
Current setup on server: filebeat > logstash > elasticsearch > kibana.
When I install filebeat onto, say, my laptop and configure the .yml file in a similar way to the server (comment out elastic output, uncomment logstash output) it is not able to connect. Basically I just set the hosts to serverip:logstash port and enabled filebeat on the system. Running the setup commands leads to a "couldn't connect to any configured elasticsearch hosts".
Instead of a direct answer, can someone explain for me generally what I need to be considering for this process? What is happening when connecting outside of the server LAN? and how do I handle authentication to the server, if needed?
Thank you, really. I know that the information is out there but I am deep in a rabbit hole and having a hard time finding what I need.
By default, the HTTP API is bound to only the host's local loopback interface,
ensuring that it is not accessible to the rest of the network. Because the API
includes neither authentication nor authorization and has not been hardened or
tested for use as a publicly-reachable API, binding to publicly accessible IPs
should be avoided where possible.
Even you set "" - you need to open port for your laptop (better if you already have public IP and open it only for your laptop)
For authentication - you have to investigate xpack - security features .
BR Alexey.

Kibana service is running but can not access via browser to console

Good afternoon community,
I have the following problem, which will surely be silly, but I do not give with the key. I have a Debian 9 machine where I have ELK installed (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). It has been configured as it comes in the documentation. The installation versions correspond to the 6.x.
The services start correctly each and every one of them, the problem is when accessing the Kibana console through port 5601, when I access the browser and enter the url : 5601, I get a message that tells me the following "Kibana server is not ready yet"
I have not configured much more than what the official documentation says, so I do not understand why I do not lift the console to start configuring it.
Thanks in advance.

Windows Server Containers in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

I'd like to run Windows containers in GKE.
Is it possible to use Windows Server Containers OS in Google Kubernetes Engine?
I see Windows Server Containers OS is available in Compute Engine and seems that Kubernetes support is available for Windows.
It is possible to run Windows containers, but only as a container in a Compute Engine VM instance.
I would refer you to this article in the GCP blog. Please be aware that there a few known issues that you should read before deploying Windows containers in Windows VM instances.
For GKE, there is currently a Feature Request. Other customers have asked to include future support for Windows containers in GKE. This is a request through official means. Google will consider the need based on its feasibility, or the number of customers who ask for it, but they can't guarantee an implementation or provide you with an ETA for it.

Getting logs from remote windows systems in Elastic Search ELK

I am new to Elasticsearch and logstash. I wanted to know if there's a way to get windows event logs of remote systems which login to my server(which has logstash) where the windows systems don't have any logpusher software on them.
Thanks in Advance!

Accessing elasticsearch outside of localhost

Elastic-search: Installed on windows server 2012 running windows 10
I have been working with elasticsearch on localhost as I get familiar with it. Now, that I am familiar with it I have started up a Windows Server and installed elastic search on that machine.But, now I can't find documentation to access Elatic-search without using localhost.If somebody can point me in the right direction it would be highly appreciated.
I think this is the page you are after. Dont forget the security implications of having an ES server accessible from outside your network as there is no access controls for ES.
