Error while testing with H2 database with Reactive Spring boot - spring-boot

I am using Reactive Spring boot to create a REST API and while the API works perfectly (I have tested it with postman), I also need to write some Unit tests and for the Unit tests I need to use a seperate in-memory database for it. I am using H2 database for testing and a hosted Postgres DB for the actual application and while my application entities are being loaded successfully in the postgres DB, None of my tests are passing as I receieve the following error:
Failed to execute SQL script statement #1 of class path resource [data.sql]: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS full_connection ( id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , aa TEXT NOT NULL, fip TEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT, created_on TIMESTAMP, created_by TEXT, last_updated_on TIMESTAMP, last_updated_by TEXT ); nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Long cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.lang.Long and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
I am assuming the error is being thrown because of the id paramater which has the datatype BIGINT which the official documentation of H2 says is mapped to java.long.Long.
Here's my entity:
public class FullConnection {
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "AA", nullable = false)
private String aa;
#Column(name = "FIP", nullable = false)
private String fip;
private String status;
private LocalDateTime createdOn;
private String createdBy;
private LocalDateTime lastUpdatedOn;
private String lastUpdatedBy;
Here's how I am initializing the data:
ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer(#Qualifier("connectionFactory") ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer = new ConnectionFactoryInitializer();
ResourceDatabasePopulator resource =
new ResourceDatabasePopulator(new ClassPathResource(dataInitializerName));
return initializer;
where it's reading the dataInitializerName string from application-test.yaml and is being read correctly, the script (for testing)(the script for prod and testing are different) is:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS full_connection (
status TEXT,
created_on TIMESTAMP,
created_by TEXT,
last_updated_on TIMESTAMP,
last_updated_by TEXT
Here: it clearly states that BIGINT is mapped to java.long.Long, then why is it trying to cast it to int? Or is it regarding some other field?

I had a similar problem. Explicitly defining the version for the dependency r2dbc-h2 in pom.xml is causing the problem. I removed the version so that springboot will automatically use the compatible version of r2dbc-h2, and then the problem resolved.


jpa generated schema doesn't include property of extended class

I've a very complex database which i will try to resume in here
open class ChargeableDTO(
#NotBlank var name: String,
#NotBlank var ref: String,
#Min(1) var priceCents: Int,
#NotNull #Min(1) #Max(12) var maxInstallments: Int = 1,
#NotNull var gateway: PaymentGateway) {
class CreditPackageDTO(name: String,
ref: String,
priceCents: Int,
maxInstallments: Int = 1,
gateway: PaymentGateway,
#Min(1) var creditAmount : Int) : ChargeableDTO(name, ref, priceCents, maxInstallments, gateway) {
#Table(name = "credit_packages", uniqueConstraints = [UniqueConstraint(columnNames = ["gateway", "ref"])])
class CreditPackage(dto: CreditPackageDTO) : ChargeableEntity(dto)
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
abstract class ChargeableEntity(#field:Embedded open var dto: ChargeableDTO) : HydraEntity()
many other classes that are not relevant to this problem....
but when running the schema generation script hibernate generates a code like
create table credit_packages (
id bigint not null,
created_date datetime(6),
last_modified_date datetime(6),
public_id varchar(255),
gateway integer,
max_installments integer not null,
name varchar(255),
price_cents integer not null,
ref varchar(255),
primary key (id)
) engine=InnoDB
the first 4 fields come from a parent class which all my entities inherit from.
but this schema complete ignores the property creditAmount which is defined in the extended dto
also this code doesn't metion the limit 1 to 12 for maxinstallments
am i doing anything wrong, how can i fix it?

Heroku shows Whitelabel Error Page but not on localhost

I have a Spring boot application with PostgreSQL. The app run very well on localhost with all the data from the PostgreSQL. I have successful upload the app to Heroku and migrated the database to Heroku PostgreSQL. The problem is when I click some of the links that retrieve data from PostgreSQL shows a White Error page. But on localhost every thing works fine.
Below is the Controller that link to the White Error Page.
public class MahubiriController {
private MisaleRepository misaleRepository;
public String masomoAngalia(Model model){
model.addAttribute("masomoYote", misaleRepository.findAllOrderByDateDesc() );
return "masomo";
} }
Below is the repository
public interface MisaleRepository extends JpaRepository <Misale, String> {
#Query(value ="SELECT * FROM misale ORDER BY date DESC" , nativeQuery = true)
public List<Misale> findAllOrderByDateDesc();
Below is the Entity for the particular object
#Table(name = "misale")
public class Misale {
#Column(name ="date")
private String date;
#Column(name ="first_reading", columnDefinition="text")
private String firstReading;
#Column(name ="second_reading", columnDefinition="text")
private String secondReading;
// Constructors, getter and setters
Below is the Query used to create the particular table on Postgresql
first_reading TEXT NOT NULL,
second_reading TEXT,gospel TEXT NOT NULL);
What could possibly be wrong on Heroku to lead to a White Error Page and not on a local host.
Update :
After implementing the Exception handling as suggested by # krishnkant jaiswal, I receive message "Unable to access lob str…le to access lob stream" as below.
timestamp "2021-04-03T01:26:43.791+00:00"
message "Unable to access lob stream; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to access lob stream"
details "uri=/masomo/somolaleo"
With the help of Exception handling and a long research, On my side it shows that you cannot use
#Lob and #Column(columnDefinition="text")
So I had to remove #Lob and leave #Column(columnDefinition="text")
Now I cloud retrieve the data from PostgreSQL without error.
Hope it might help someone else in future.

Why doesn't Mybatis map a simple ENUM correctly?

I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary from what I can tell. I have a spring boot application using mybatis:
implementation 'org.mybatis.spring.boot:mybatis-spring-boot-starter:2.1.1'
I have an config for mybatis that is pretty simple:
## MyBatis ##
My database table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE workspace_external_references (
workspace_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
external_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
With just a single entry like this:
'a907c0af-216a-41e0-b16d-42107a7af05f', 'e99e4ab4-839e-405a-982b-08e00fbfb2d4', 'ABC', '6', '2020-06-09 00:19:20.135822', '2020-06-09 00:19:20.135822'
In my mapper file I'm doing a select of all references like this:
#Select("SELECT * FROM workspace_external_references WHERE workspace_id = #{workspaceId}")
List<WorkspaceExternalReference> findByWorkspace(#Param("workspaceId") final UUID workspaceId);
And the java object that this is supposed to map to looks like this:
public class WorkspaceExternalReference {
private UUID id;
private UUID workspaceId;
private Sites site;
private String externalId;
private LocalDateTime createdAt;
private LocalDateTime updatedAt;
public WorkspaceExternalReference(
final Sites site,
final UUID workspaceId,
final String externalId) { = site;
this.workspaceId = workspaceId;
this.externalId = externalId;
public enum Sites {
Sooooo why doesn't this work? I get this error back:
Caused by: org.apache.ibatis.executor.result.ResultMapException: Error attempting to get column 'id' from result set. Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.acme.Sites.a907c0af-216a-41e0-b16d-42107a7af05f
When there is no default constructor, you need to let MyBatis know which columns to pass to the constructor explicitly (in most cases).
With annotations, it would look as follows.
You can use <resultMap> and <constructor> in XML mapper.
#Arg(column = "site", javaType = Sites.class),
#Arg(column = "workspace_id", javaType = UUID.class),
#Arg(column = "external_id", javaType = String.class)
#Select("SELECT * FROM workspace_external_references WHERE workspace_id = #{workspaceId}")
List<WorkspaceExternalReference> findByWorkspace(#Param("workspaceId") final UUID workspaceId);
Other columns (i.e. id, created_at, updated_at) will be auto-mapped via setters (if there are) or reflection.
Alternatively, you can just add the default (no-arg) constructor to the WorkspaceExternalReference class. Then all columns will be auto-mapped after the class is instantiated.
Note: To make it work, there needs to be a type handler registered for UUID, but you seem to have done it already (otherwise the parameter mapping wouldn't work).

Manage String id sequence in spring boot entity

I'm working on oracle database to manage a JPA entity with a String Primary key.
I cannot modify the type on the PK to a Long or int in the database, so i want to know how to configure the pk sequence in my JPA entity,
i've tried this :
#SequenceGenerator(name="SEQ_ID", sequenceName = "SEQ_ID" )
#GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="SEQ_ID")
#Column(name="SEQ_ID",unique=true, nullable = false,updatable = false)
private String id;
but when persisting a new entity i got the error : Unknown integral data type for ids : java.lang.String
someone can help me please ?
Try removing #GeneratedValue and #SequenceGenerator
Also, a remark, #Id will automatically set unique=true, nullable = false,updatable = false so you can remove them from #Column.
Otherwise, you can check this article for more details about creating a custom string generator

org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement in SpringBoot with h2 and JPA

While running spring boot with h2 database and JPA i am getting below error.
org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement
at org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.exec.GenerationTargetToDatabase.accept( ~[hibernate-core-5.2.17.Final.jar:5.2.17.Final]
at org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.SchemaCreatorImpl.applySqlString( [hibernate-core-5.2.17.Final.jar:5.2.17.Final]
It is caused due to below one
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Syntax error in SQL statement "CREATE TABLE EXCHANGE_VALUE (ID INTEGER NOT NULL, CONVERSION_MULTIPLE DECIMAL(19,2), FROM[*] VARCHAR(255), PORT INTEGER NOT NULL, TO VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "; expected "identifier"; SQL statement:
create table exchange_value (id integer not null, conversion_multiple decimal(19,2), from varchar(255), port integer not null, to varchar(255), primary key (id)) [42001-197]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException( ~[h2-1.4.197.jar:1.4.197]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getSyntaxError( ~[h2-1.4.197.jar:1.4.197]
My hibernate class
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;
public class ExchangeValue {
private int id;
private String from;
private String to;
private BigDecimal conversionMultiple;
private int port;
public ExchangeValue() {
public ExchangeValue(String from, String to, BigDecimal conversionMultiple) {
// = id;
this.from = from; = to;
this.conversionMultiple = conversionMultiple;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
} is below
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto= create-drop
Just want to know as to what i am missing in the code tried adding spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto= create-drop but it did not helped.
#shubh.. Your Entity Field names are matching with SQL reserved keywords,
So try to change the field names otherwise use name attribute with #Column Annotation (which gives alias names to the DATABASE)
private String from;
private String to;
private BigDecimal conversionMultiple;
private int port;
Your Entity Field name from was matched with database reserved word from,
change the field name to another, or add a #Column annotation on that field.
#Column(name = "_from")
private String from;
I faced the same issue. I did the mistake in giving the schema name in mysql database.
In -> (spring boot application)
Here instead of "db_microservice" I Have given the name as "db-microservice". So don't use "-". And this solved my issue.
#ganesh045's response isnt actually true because hibernate's table creation query works like this: CREATE TABLE <your_table> 'password' for example to each of your attributes. Adding the `` to the attribute will make SQL read it NOT as reserved keyword. It also does the same when it queries for your select clauses inside JpaRepository. It will make a call such as this: SELECT 'attribute' FROM <your_table>. Your problem is most likely that you specified your schema name as kebab-case or anything which is not camelCase and snake_case. Also, with this approach you can have a table called User with attribute's username and password which actually also are MYSQL reserved keywords.
Adding to others observation, I got the same error when a column name contains hyphen.
#Column(name = "COST-CENTER")
private String costCenter;
#Column(name = "COST_CENTER")
private String costCenter;
in my problem, database name was 'user'. that's why was giving a error. I changed database name, bug fixed.
