Accessing ansible playbook task variables inside a callback plugin - ansible

I have the following playbook
- name: Test Playbook
hosts: localhost
hostinfo_input: "{{ lookup('file','hostinfo.json') | from_json }}"
- name: Check Server
command: python3 {{item}}
register: async_out
async: 100
poll: 0
with_items: "{{hostinfo_input.hosts}}"
I am using callback plugin to print something at the start and end of "Check Server" task. I have the following questions.
How do I access the {{item}} variable inside the callback function ?
Which callback functions can I use to print something at the start of the task and then at the end of the task ?
For start of task, I guess, I can use def v2_playbook_on_task_start(self, task, is_conditional): , right ?


Ansible run script on all hosts, gather output and send once to an API

I have the following task set:
- name: Initialise inventory_data variable
inventory_data: ""
- name: Get Instance Inventory
remote_user: me
ansible.builtin.script: scripts/
register: inventory
- name: Set inventory variable
inventory_data: "{{ inventory_data }} {{ inventory.stdout_lines | join('\n')}}"
- name: Send to API
remote_user: me
method: POST
body: "{{ inventory_data }}"
status_code: 200
The desired result is that i need to gather the results from and send them only once at the end of the run.
I've tried different variations, with run_once, delegate_to etc.. but i cannot seem to get this!
I am trying to gather some data from my script which is ran on every host, however i wish to aggregate the results from all hosts, and send it once to an API.
First, if your play looks something like this:
- hosts: all
- name: Initialise inventory_data variable
inventory_data: ""
- name: Get Instance Inventory
remote_user: me
ansible.builtin.script: scripts/
register: inventory
- name: Set inventory variable
inventory_data: "{{ inventory_data }} {{ inventory.stdout_lines | join('\n')}}"
It's not going to do you any good. Your script will run on each host, which will set the inventory variable for that host, and the subsequent task will append inventory.stdout_lines to inventory_data for that host. This won't collect the output from multiple hosts. You need to restructure your playbook. First, run the inventory script on each host:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: Get Instance Inventory
ansible.builtin.script: scripts/
register: inventory
Then in a second play targeting localhost, build your merged inventory variable and send the data to the API:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: create merged inventory
inventory_data: "{{ inventory_data + hostvars[item].inventory.stdout }}"
inventory_data: ""
loop: "{{ groups.all }}"
- name: Send to API
remote_user: me
method: POST
body: "{{ inventory_data }}"
status_code: 200
This way, (a) you build the inventory_data variable correctly and (b) you only make a single API call.
I've made a complete, runnable example of this solution available here.

Reusing environment variables between tasks in Ansible

I'm running a few tasks in a playbook which runs a bash script and registers its output:
- name: Compare FOO to BAZ
shell: .
register: output
- name: Print the generated output
msg: "The output is {{ output }}"
- include: Run if BAZ is true
when: output.stdout == "true"
BAR=$(cat file2.txt)
if [ $FOO == $BAR ]; then
export BAZ=true
export BAZ=false
What happens is that Ansible registers the output of FOO=$(curl instead of export BAZ.
Is there a way to register BAZ instead of FOO?
I tried running another task that would get the exported value:
- name: Register value of BAZ
shell: echo $BAZ
register: output
But then I realized that every task opens a separate shell on the remote host and doesn't have access to the variables that were exported in previous steps.
Is there any other way to register the right output as a variable?
I've come up with a workaround, but there must be an other way to do this...
I added a line in and cat the file in a seperate task
echo $BAZ > ~/baz.txt
then in the playbook.yml:
- name: Check value of BAZ
shell: cat ~/baz.txt
register: output
This looks a bit like using a hammer to drive a screw... or a screwdriver to plant a nail. Decide if you want to use nails or screws then use the appropriate tool.
Your question misses quite a few details so I hope my answer wont be too far from your requirements. Meanwhile here is an (untested and quite generic) example using ansible to compare your files and run a task based on the result:
- name: compare files and run task (or not...)
hosts: my_group
compared_file_path: /path/on/target/to/file2.txt
# Next var will only be defined when the two tasks below have run
file_matches: "{{ reference.content == (compared.content | b64decode) }}"
- name: Get reference once for all hosts in play
url: "{{ reference_url }}"
return_content: true
register: reference
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
- name: slurp file to compare from each host in play
path: "{{ compared_file_path }}"
register: compared
- name: run a task on each target host if compared is different
msg: "compared file is different"
when: not file_matches | bool
Just in case you would be doing all this just to check if a file needs to be updated, there's no need to bother: just download the file on the target. It will only be replaced if needed. You can even launch an action at the end of the playbook if (and only if) the file was actually updated on the target server.
- name: Update file from reference if needed
hosts: my_group
target_file_path: /path/on/target/to/file2.txt
- name: Update file on target if needed and notify handler if changed
url: "{{ reference_url }}"
dest: "{{ target_file_path }}"
notify: do_something_if_changed
- name: do whatever task is needed if file was updated
msg: "file was updated: doing some work"
listen: do_something_if_changed
Some references to go further on above concepts:
uri module
get_url module
slurp module
delegating tasks in ansible
registering output of tasks

Ansible: run certain yaml tasks file for all hosts

I try to run certain yaml tasks file for all hosts, as follows (main.yml):
- name: prepare nodes
include_tasks: node.yml node="{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
- block:
- name: Task 1...
- name: Task 100...
delegate_to: "{{ node }}"
However I get this error: Invalid options for include_tasks: node. I think it used to work in this manner. Anyway I tried to move loop from main.yml into node.yml (right after delegate_to). I also tried to skip node="{{ item }}" part. But I always get errors.
What is the proper way to apply a task file to several hosts within a role?
It should work if you put your node variable under vars then loop.
- name: include tasks
include_tasks: node.yml
node: '{{ item }}'
loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
Above code is working.
A play runs on the hosts you specified. You can run certain tasks on a subset of nodes using when.
But you can have multiple plays in a playbook. So you need to specify a play with hosts: all where you run the tasks you want to run everywhere and another one which runs the rest of the tasks.
Your playbook could look like this:
# This is a play
- name: run on all
hosts: all
somevar: 'test'
- name: prepare nodes
include_tasks: node.yml
# This is another play
- name: run on group
hosts: hostgroup
somevar: 'example'
- debug:
msg: 'This runs on all hosts in hostgroup'
# Both plays are in the same playbook

Pause time between hosts in the Ansible Inventory

I am trying the below task in my playbook. but the pause is not executed. i want the play should be paused for 30 sec once after the each host is deleted.
name: delete host from the NagiosXI
shell: curl -k -XDELETE "{{ item }}&applyconfig=1"
- pause:
seconds: 120
ignore_error: yes
- "{{ groups['grp1'] }}"
can someone suggest if this is the right way if doing or propose me the right way. i also used serial=1 module but its still not working.
You can use pause under your loop:
- name: Pause
hosts: all
gather_facts: False
- name: delete host from the NagiosXI
shell: curl -k -XDELETE "{{ item }}&applyconfig=1"
ignore_errors: True
- "{{ groups['grp1'] }}"
pause: 120
Unfortunately, applying multiple tasks to with_items is not possible in Ansible at the moment, but is still doable with the include directive. As example,
The main play file would be
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
remote_user: me
- include: sub_play.yml nagios_host={{ item }}
- host1
- host2
- host3
The sub_play yml which is included in the main play would be,
- shell: echo "{{ nagios_host }}"
- pause:
prompt: "Waiting for {{ nagios_host }}"
seconds: 5
In this case, the include statement is executed over a loop which executes all the tasks in the sub_task yml.

ansible: using with_items with notify handler

I want to pass a variable to a notification handler, but can't find anywhere be it here on SO, the docs or the issues in the github repo, how to do it. What I'm doing is deploying multiple webapps, and when the code for one of those webapps is changed, it should restart the service for that webapp.
From this SO question, I got this to work, somewhat:
- hosts: localhost
- name: "task 1"
shell: "echo {{ item }}"
register: "task_1_output"
with_items: [a,b]
- name: "task 2"
msg: "{{ item.item }}"
when: item.changed
with_items: task_1_output.results
(Put it in test.yml and run it with ansible-playbook test.yml -c local.)
But this registers the result of the first task and conditionally loops over that in the second task. My problem is that it gets messy when you have two or more tasks that need to notify the second task! For example, restart the web service if either the code was updated or the configuration was changed.
AFAICT, there's no way to pass a variable to a handler. That would cleanly fix it for me. I found some issues on github where other people run into the same problem, and some syntaxes are proposed, but none of them actually work.
Including a sub-playbook won't work either, because using with_items together with include was deprecated.
In my playbooks, I have a site.yml that lists the roles of a group, then in the group_vars for that group I define the list of webapps (including the versions) that should be installed. This seems correct to me, because this way I can use the same playbook for staging and production. But maybe the only solution is to define the role multiple times, and duplicate the list of roles for staging and production.
So what is the wisdom here?
Variables in Ansible are global so there is no reason to pass a variable to handler. If you are trying to make a handler parameterized in a way that you are trying to use a variable in the name of a handler you won't be able to do that in Ansible.
What you can do is create a handler that loops over a list of services easily enough, here is a working example that can be tested locally:
- hosts: localhost
- file: >
path=/tmp/{{ item }}
register: files_created
- one
- two
notify: some_handler
- name: "some_handler"
shell: "echo {{ item }} has changed!"
when: item.changed
with_items: files_created.results
I finally solved it by splitting the apps out over multiple instances of the same role. This way, the handler in the role can refer to variables that are defined as role variable.
In site.yml:
- hosts: localhost
- role: something
name: a
- role: something
name: b
In roles/something/tasks/main.yml:
- name: do something
shell: "echo {{ name }}"
notify: something happened
- name: do something else
shell: "echo {{ name }}"
notify: something happened
In roles/something/handlers/main.yml:
- name: something happened
msg: "{{ name }}"
Seems a lot less hackish than the first solution!
To update jarv's answer above, Ansible 2.5 replaces with_items with loop. When getting results, item by itself will not work. You will need to explicitly get the name, e.g.,
- hosts: localhost
- file: >
path=/tmp/{{ item }}
register: files_created
- one
- two
notify: some_handler
- name: "some_handler"
shell: "echo {{ }} has changed!"
when: item.changed
loop: files_created.results
I got mine to work like this - I had to add some curly brackets
- name: Aktivieren von Security-, Backport- und Non-Security-Upgrades
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^[^"//"]*"\${distro_id}:\${distro_codename}-{{ item }}";'
line: ' "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-{{ item }}";'
insertafter: "Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {"
state: present
register: aenderung
- updates
- security
- backports
notify: Auskommentierte Zeilen entfernen
- name: Auskommentierte Zeilen entfernen
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^\/\/.*{{ item.item }}";.*'
state: absent
when: item.changed
loop: "{{ aenderung.results }}"
