ansible: using with_items with notify handler - ansible

I want to pass a variable to a notification handler, but can't find anywhere be it here on SO, the docs or the issues in the github repo, how to do it. What I'm doing is deploying multiple webapps, and when the code for one of those webapps is changed, it should restart the service for that webapp.
From this SO question, I got this to work, somewhat:
- hosts: localhost
- name: "task 1"
shell: "echo {{ item }}"
register: "task_1_output"
with_items: [a,b]
- name: "task 2"
msg: "{{ item.item }}"
when: item.changed
with_items: task_1_output.results
(Put it in test.yml and run it with ansible-playbook test.yml -c local.)
But this registers the result of the first task and conditionally loops over that in the second task. My problem is that it gets messy when you have two or more tasks that need to notify the second task! For example, restart the web service if either the code was updated or the configuration was changed.
AFAICT, there's no way to pass a variable to a handler. That would cleanly fix it for me. I found some issues on github where other people run into the same problem, and some syntaxes are proposed, but none of them actually work.
Including a sub-playbook won't work either, because using with_items together with include was deprecated.
In my playbooks, I have a site.yml that lists the roles of a group, then in the group_vars for that group I define the list of webapps (including the versions) that should be installed. This seems correct to me, because this way I can use the same playbook for staging and production. But maybe the only solution is to define the role multiple times, and duplicate the list of roles for staging and production.
So what is the wisdom here?

Variables in Ansible are global so there is no reason to pass a variable to handler. If you are trying to make a handler parameterized in a way that you are trying to use a variable in the name of a handler you won't be able to do that in Ansible.
What you can do is create a handler that loops over a list of services easily enough, here is a working example that can be tested locally:
- hosts: localhost
- file: >
path=/tmp/{{ item }}
register: files_created
- one
- two
notify: some_handler
- name: "some_handler"
shell: "echo {{ item }} has changed!"
when: item.changed
with_items: files_created.results

I finally solved it by splitting the apps out over multiple instances of the same role. This way, the handler in the role can refer to variables that are defined as role variable.
In site.yml:
- hosts: localhost
- role: something
name: a
- role: something
name: b
In roles/something/tasks/main.yml:
- name: do something
shell: "echo {{ name }}"
notify: something happened
- name: do something else
shell: "echo {{ name }}"
notify: something happened
In roles/something/handlers/main.yml:
- name: something happened
msg: "{{ name }}"
Seems a lot less hackish than the first solution!

To update jarv's answer above, Ansible 2.5 replaces with_items with loop. When getting results, item by itself will not work. You will need to explicitly get the name, e.g.,
- hosts: localhost
- file: >
path=/tmp/{{ item }}
register: files_created
- one
- two
notify: some_handler
- name: "some_handler"
shell: "echo {{ }} has changed!"
when: item.changed
loop: files_created.results

I got mine to work like this - I had to add some curly brackets
- name: Aktivieren von Security-, Backport- und Non-Security-Upgrades
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^[^"//"]*"\${distro_id}:\${distro_codename}-{{ item }}";'
line: ' "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-{{ item }}";'
insertafter: "Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {"
state: present
register: aenderung
- updates
- security
- backports
notify: Auskommentierte Zeilen entfernen
- name: Auskommentierte Zeilen entfernen
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^\/\/.*{{ item.item }}";.*'
state: absent
when: item.changed
loop: "{{ aenderung.results }}"


ansible how to load variables from another role, without executing it?

I have a task to create a one-off cleanup playbook which is using variables from a role, but i don't need to execute that role. Is there a way to provide a role name to get everything from it's defaults and vars, without hardcoding paths to it? I also want to use vars defined in group_vars or host_vars with higher precedence than the ones included from role.
Example task:
- name: stop kafka and zookeeper services if they exist
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
- "{{ kafka_service_name }}"
- "{{ zookeeper_service_name }}"
ignore_errors: true
where kafka_service_name and zookeeper_service_name are contained in role kafka, but may also be present in i.e. group_vars.
I came up with a fairly hacky solution, which looks like this:
- name: save old host_vars
old_host_vars: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] }}"
- name: load kafka role variables
dir: "{{ item.root }}/{{ item.path }}"
- kafka
paths: "{{ ['roles'] + lookup('config', 'DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH') }}"
with_filetree: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}"
when: item.state == 'directory' and item.path in ['defaults', 'vars']
- name: stop kafka and zookeeper services if they exist
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
- "{{ old_host_vars['kafka_service_name'] | default(kafka_service_name) }}"
- "{{ old_host_vars['zookeeper_service_name'] | default(zookeeper_service_name) }}"
include_vars task finds the first kafka role folder in ./roles and in default role locations, then includes files from directories defaults and vars, in correct order.
I had to save old hostvars due to include_vars having higher priority than anything but extra vars as per ansible doc, and then using included var only if old_host_vars returned nothing.
If you don't have a requirement to load group_vars - include vars works quite nice in one task and looks way better.
UPD: Here is the regexp that i used to replace vars with old_host_vars hack.
This was tested in vscode search/replace, but can be adjusted for any other editor
Search for vars that start with kafka_:
\{\{ (kafka_\w*) \}\}
Replace with:
{{ old_host_vars['$1'] | default($1) }}

Where to put (-) hyphen in yaml ansible play books?

I am very confused, in the play book where actually we put single hyphen (-). I found similar threads here, but still confused, so decided to draft one new. I have read it will be used to indicate start of a list item. again i have difficulty in understanding where is the start of list and where is start of dictionary.
Can some experts explain me where should i put hyphen in below code. and why is that?
connection: local
gather_facts: false
hosts: rtr
name: "read configs"
path: "{{ aws_config }}"
register: aws_requests
run_once: true
msg: "{{ aws_requests.list }}"
name: "display awsconfigs requests"
run_once: true
name: "set awsconfigs requests"
run_once: true
aws_configs: "{{ aws_requests.list }}"
name: "build template"
dest: "{{ config_filename }}"
lstrip_blocks: true
src: "{{ template }}"
I recommend that you read the "Intro to playbooks", which should answer your questions, but below is a summary.
As you noted correctly, hyphens are list items in YAML. YAML documents start with ---, which is why there are hyphens at the start of the file.
The starting point for any Ansible playbook is the playbook itself in the file. The playbook file itself may contain one or more so-called "plays", each as its own list element. Each play typically contains a hosts and a tasks part. In many playbooks, there is just one "play", so your typical minimal playbook looks like this:
- hosts: webservers
- name: Task 1
As you can see above, each "play" then has a list of tasks, each starting with a hyphen. So in the following example there are two tasks, each with a name and the module (yum and service in this case):
- hosts: webservers
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: ensure apache is running
name: httpd
state: started
Each Ansible module has different arguments, so you'll need to check the modules documentation for each one how to specify these arguments.
So the correct version for your playbook above would look like this:
- connection: local
gather_facts: false
hosts: rtr
- name: "read configs"
path: "{{ aws_config }}"
register: aws_requests
run_once: true
- name: "display awsconfigs requests"
msg: "{{ aws_requests.list }}"
run_once: true
- name: "set awsconfigs requests"
run_once: true
aws_configs: "{{ aws_requests.list }}"
- name: "build template"
dest: "{{ config_filename }}"
lstrip_blocks: true
src: "{{ template }}"

Ansible 2.6: Is there a way to reference the playbook's name in a role task?

Given a playbook like this:
- name: "Tasks for service XYZ"
hosts: apiservers
- { role: common }
Is there a way to reference the playbook's name ("Tasks for service XYZ")? (i.e. a variable)
My intention is to be able to reference the playbook's name in a role task, i.e. sending a msg via slack like
- name: "Send Slack notification indicating deploy has started"
channel: '#project-deploy'
token: '{{ slack_token }}'
msg: '*Deploy started* to _{{ inventory_hostname }}_ of `{{ PLAYBOOK_NAME }}` version *{{ service_version }}*'
delegate_to: localhost
tags: deploy
It was added in 2.8:
The name of the currently executed play. Added in 2.8.
No, the special variables for Ansible are documented here, and you can see that there is no variable to return the playbook name.
As mentioned in the comments, however, you can always do this:
- name: "{{ task_name }}"
hosts: localhost
task_name: "Tasks for service XYZ"
- debug:
msg: "{{ task_name }}"
From your circumstances, it looks like you only want this for audit/notification purposes? In that case (and assuming unixy clients), using
lookup('file', '/proc/self/cmdline') | regex_replace('\u0000',' ')
will give you the entire command line that ansible-playbook was called with, parameters and all, which would include the playbook name. Depending on your circumstances, that might be a useful enough tradeoff.

Run Ansible playbook task with predefined username and password

This is code of my ansible script .
- hosts: "{{ host }}"
remote_user: "{{ user }}"
ansible_become_pass: "{{ pass }}"
- name: Creates directory to keep files on the server
file: path=/home/{{ user }}/fabric_shell state=directory
- name: Move sh file to remote
src: /home/pankaj/my_ansible_scripts/normal_script/installation/
dest: /home/{{ user }}/fabric_shell/
- name: Execute the script
command: sh /home/{{ user }}/fabric_shell/
become: yes
I am running the ansible playbook using command>>>
ansible-playbook send_run_shell.yml --extra-vars "user=sakshi host= pass=Welcome01" .
But I don't know why am getting error
ERROR! 'ansible_become_pass' is not a valid attribute for a Play
The error appears to have been in '/home/pankaj/go/src/shell_code/send_run_shell.yml': line 2, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- hosts: "{{ host }}"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
Please guide , what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance ...
ansible_become_pass is a connection parameter which you can set as variable:
- hosts: "{{ host }}"
remote_user: "{{ user }}"
ansible_become_pass: "{{ pass }}"
# ...
That said, you can move remote_user to variables too (refer to the whole list of connection parameters), save it to a separate host_vars- or group_vars-file and encrypt with Ansible Vault.
Take a look on this thread thread and Ansible Page. I propose to use become_user in this way:
- hosts: all
- include_tasks: task/java_tomcat_install.yml
when: activity == 'Install'
become: yes
become_user: "{{ aplication_user }}"
Try do not use pass=Welcome01,
When speaking with remote machines, Ansible by default assumes you are using SSH keys. SSH keys are encouraged but password authentication can also be used where needed by supplying the option --ask-pass. If using sudo features and when sudo requires a password, also supply --ask-become-pass (previously --ask-sudo-pass which has been deprecated).

Ansible - Check if multiple directories exist - if so run a script on each directory - How?

Im creating a deployment playbook for our web services. Each web service is in its own directory such as:
I want to check to see if the service directory exists, and if so, I want to run a shell script that stops the service gracefully. Currently, I am able to complete this step by using ignore_errors: yes.
- name: Stop services
with_items: services_to_stop
shell: "/webapps/scripts/ {{item}}"
ignore_errors: yes
While this works, the output is very messy if one of the directories doesnt exist or a service is being deployed for the first time. I effectively want to something like one of these:
- name: Stop services
with_items: services_to_stop
shell: "/webapps/scripts/ {{item}}"
when: shell: [ -d /webapps/{{item}} ]
or this:
- name: Stop services
with_items: services_to_stop
shell: "/webapps/scripts/ {{item}}"
path: /webapps/{{item}}
register: path
when: path.stat.exists == True
I'd collect facts first and then do only necessary things.
- name: Check existing services
path: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ services_to_stop }}"
register: services_stat
- name: Stop existing services
with_items: "{{ services_stat.results | selectattr('stat.exists') | map(attribute='item') | list }}"
shell: "/webapps/scripts/ {{ item }}"
Also note, that bare variables in with_items don't work since Ansible 2.2, so you should template them.
This will let you get a list of existing directory names into the list variable dir_names (use recurse: no to read only the first level under webapps):
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
dir_names: []
- find:
paths: "/webapps"
file_type: directory
recurse: no
register: tmp_dirs
- set_fact: dir_names="{{ dir_names+ [item['path']] }}"
no_log: True
- "{{ tmp_dirs['files'] }}"
- debug: var=dir_names
You can then use dir_names in your "Stop services" task via a with_items. It looks like you're intending to use only the name of the directory under "webapps" so you probably want to use the | basename jinja2 filter to get that, so something like this:
- name: Stop services
with_items: "{{ dir_names }}"
shell: "/webapps/scripts/ {{item | basename }}"
