Problem with appending minifying JS to war - maven

I have an issue with minifying JS files and adding the minified JS file to my *.war file. Currently, my war file contains non-minified JS files.
My pom category build
How can I fix my file so that the minified files are included in the war file during the build process?


How to remove a a specific directory from the Maven's target directory at the end of the build?

I have a task to unpack all the jars mentioned in the pom.xml and then jar the unpacked content into one single jar. I am able to do this using the unpack-dependency goal of the dependency plugin and the jar plugin.
However, after i generate the new jar, I want to delete the folder that was created after unpacking. I am using the following code snippet in my pom.xml(Please read the comments above each plugin).
<!-- This part of the code is used to unpack all the dependencies mentioned in my pom.xml -->
<!-- This part of the code is used for creating a jar with all the contents of the "alternateLocation" directory above -->
<!-- I am using this part of the code to delete the "alternateLocation" after everything is done, but it deletes the target directory instead -->
The clean plugin is basically deleting the target directory by default.
So how can I delete the "alternateLocation" folder from the target directory at the end of the build. (I guess you can do it using the maven-antrun-plugin but i don't want to use this plugin.).
You can solved this by using the maven-assembly-plugin via the predefined descriptor jar-with-dependencies which can be done by the following:
Than you don't need supplemental configuration.

Generated sources being compiled twice

Using Eclipse Luna with m2eclipse, I have a parent Maven project (facturas_root) and two Maven modules inheriting from it (sharepoint_ws and api_sharepoint).
sharepoint_ws was to be used only to generate JAXWS classes to connect to the Sharepoint WebServices, so I downloaded the related WSDL and included those as resources of the project. At generate-sources phase, it works correctly and generates the sources in target\generated-sources\ws-consume\mypackage\.
Now, the issue is that I made api_sharepoint import the sharepoint_ws dependency, but it does not detect any class. I assumed that it was because the generated classes were not at src/main/java, so I added a plugin to copy them there. Now, the problem is that at the compile phase of sharepoint_ws, it finds twice the source file of each class and throws an error.
My pom.xml -> build
<!-- clean /src/main/java and /target/generated-sources -->
<!-- generate jaxws -->
<!-- copy sources -->
In order to try to exclude target/generated-sources I have addded this:
As stated above, I do comment the "copy" plugin, the module depending on sharepoint_ws does not have any ot its classes available; I do use it I get errors in the tune of
[ERROR] /C:/Users/s004256/workspace/facturas_root/sharepoint_ws/src/main/java/es/ssib/otic/facturas/sharepoint_ws/[34,8] duplicate class: es.ssib.otic.facturas.sharepoint_ws.DeleteList
for each generated list.
In the first place, I recommend you'd better declare target/generated-sources as a source folder, instead of copying files here and there:
This should be enough to make Maven compile the target/generated-sources/*.java and package them all in the library, and also for Eclipse to recognize target/generated-sources as a source directory (after you execute Maven/Update Project).
By the way: You should take care of binding the plugins to a phase in the correct order: If you bound all tasks to "generate-sources", you have no gurantee about in which order will they be executed. And the same goes for the "compile" phase: You have to set properly the source folders, with its inclusions and exclusions, before the compile phase.
Take a look a the Default Maven Lifecycle and try to chose different, sequential phases for your tasks.

Getting 0% coverage report using jacoco-gwt-maven-plugin?

I am trying to get coverage report of GWTTestCases using jacoco-gwt-maven-plugin.
I followed the below link:
When I run the Project using commands as,
mvn clean
mvn install
Inside target folder I can see,
site Directory --> jacoco Directory --> index.html file gets created.
When I open index.html, code coverage is 0%.
What I am doing wrong, Please help.
I got some help from link below, but still struggling to get complete report
How do I setup coverage with GWT, maven, jacoco?
In target\test-classes folder I can see only GwtTestCovergeSample.class file from test package, does client and server folder class files should also be present here?

How to add WSDL, XSD (and possibly other files) to WAR

I have a very simple pom.xml that generates a fully working web service if deployed locally (Tomcat 7). This is its <build> section:
The reason it only works if deployed locally and not when deployed to a remote server is because the remote server cannot find the .wsdl and the .xsd files in development source directories ${basedir}/target/generated/src/main/ and they are also nowhere to be found in the WAR file.
Apparently, I am missing something in my pom.xml that would make Maven add or attach those files to the WAR.
I tried the attach-artifact goal (as quoted above) but it only copies the files to my local (development) .m2 repository, not to the WAR file.
How do I add or attach files to the actual .war file to be deployed?
I solved the mystery.
Posting the answer here in case another newbie to Maven (plus CXF?) encounters this problem:
It turns out that the attach-artifact execution is totally unneeded and is a shot in the wrong direction.
All I had to do was to add at the top of the <build> section, just before <plugins> the following:
That's all. Maven then automagically places all files in those directories in WEB-INF/classes/.

excluding vendor js files from jslint goal but not the compress goal in yuicompressor-maven-plugin

I have some third party js files in my project that I would like to minify during deployment, but I don't want to see the jslint warnings on those particular js files. How would I achieve this?
When I list both goals and exclude the js in the configuration, even the compress goal excludes them, as expected.
But even when I put the configuration in the individual executions, jslint still shows me errors from the excluded js files.
The above plugin configuration still shows jslint errors from the 3 listed js files. How do I avoid that?
Since they are 3rd party, I am not interested in fixing their jslint errors/warnings, but I'd still like them minified for my deployment purposes.
Found it here :
I could make it work having <configuration> under <plugin> not inside an <execution>
