Publish Windows App Sdk - SelfContained vs WindowsAppSDKSelfContained - windows

While Publishing app developed using 'Windows App Sdk', What is the difference between <SelfContained> vs <WindowsAppSDKSelfContained>.
To reduce the app size, I want to set <WindowsAppSDKSelfContained>false</WindowsAppSDKSelfContained>. Will it require users to manually install windows app sdk on their system, or Microsoft Store app can automatically install the sdk as part of application installation?


Create MSI Installer for Xamarin Forms App

Is it possible to create windows' MSI installer for Xamarin form Apps Windows store? because some of our apps users disable windows store because of that can't install the app?
I don't think you can make an MSI for a UWP app (that it is a UWP built with XAmarin Forms is inconsequential), but you can sideload UWP apps or even install them from a web page.
See this document:
and to install from a web page:
And a more general doc on installing UWP apps outside of the store:

App Deploying on Internal storage in Physical Device

i am building an UWP App which i am targeting to work on both Mobile and PC,
Now Problem is -
After i clean install my PC (due to some reasons), i reinstall my copy of visual studio 2015 .
Now when i deploy app to my mobile (ARM) device i deploying automatically to internal storage, but previously before clean installing PC it deploy app on Mobile SD Card automatically .
Here is something which i need to configure in visual studio ?
In Mobile i also set to deploy app to SD Card

Cordova windows share app between different devices

Am using cordova to build windows platform. Previously when building for android I would run cordova build android and then find the apk file in the build directory and then I can easily share the file amongst different devices.
When building running cordova build windows I am finding following files in platform/windows/
How do I get the executable file to install in other devices since when running cordova run windows the application is successifully launched in my computer.
I have also tried running with visual studio and the same results as above are produced.
After running cordova build windows Cordova creates a .appx file in a directory like so:
where AppName is the name of your app.
APPX is the file format used to distribute and install apps on Windows
8.x and 10, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox One, Hololens, and Windows 10 IoT Core.
References: MSDN and Wikipedia
You can install this .appx file on your PC by doubleclicking it. On a Windows 10 mobile device you can follow a tutorial like this one (just skip the first part on how to create a .appx, as you already have one).

How to manually install Xamarin.Android without Xamarin account?

As I was already developing Android apps, JDK 8 and Android SDK are already installed in my machine. But it is in a custom location, not the default one. Using the default Visual Studio installer, I could not install Xamarin without installing JDK and Android SDK again in the default location. Then I tried to install Xamarin.Android manually according to instructions in this page-
This page instructed to download and install Xamarin.Android from store. But Xamarin store requires an account, which I assume to manage the paid subscriptions. Given Xamarin is free now, how should I proceed to install Xamarin.Android manually and reuse already installed Android components?
You can contact us at and we will send you the latest download links to the Xamarin.VisualStudio installer which includes both Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS (there is no separate installer per platform for Windows).
The Xamarin.VisualStudio installer does not attempt to install the JDK or Android SDK, so this sounds like what you need.

How to download APK from android market

I am developing an application which requires another application to be installed on device.
if application is not already installed on device I want to download it(.apk file) from android market through my application and make it installed on device.
how can I achieve it.
