How to set java home variable in system settings - visual-studio

I am creating an environment of React native in my comput
When i install android studio in my computer it gives me error
when i open the android studio that show me
look the image enter image description here
my current JAVA_HOME variable settings
look the image enter image description here
Please tell me the solution
I can also share my computer screen with anyone
for this problem


too much spacing between letters windows terminal

I'm using a windows terminal and was trying to install an ubuntu font that was downloaded from the google.fonts site, so no errors were expected. But just for this application, the spacing between letters is too large. I also tried in Microsoft Word, there are no problems there.
Perhaps the solution is to set up a json file with a Windows terminal configuration.
Please tell me how to fix this
enter image description here

qt webengine request camera and mic access on mac

I tried to access the camera and mic using QWebEngineView so I used this code to grand the access on my Mac
I used the solution which is Here it worked fine when I run the app inside QT and it asks me for the first time on my Mac that QT need to access my Mic and Camera which I allow it and it works, the problem is when I use the release version which has all the needed dependencies and stuff, the app crashes and when I check my system preferences for the permission I did not see the app is listed only QT in both Camer and Mic, and I can't add an app manually.
So what is the solution of this problem? to let the app ask for permission instead of crashes? what edit do I need to do to the codes to allow the app to ask for permission as QT does?
What I tried as well is to run the app from executable inside the .app or the package which allow the terminal to request permission to the camera and mic and I worked but this not effective solution to ask the user to do so.
Another test I did is to go to the info.plist inside the .app package and add both
Privacy - Camra Usage Description
Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
after that I test again, the app not crash but the Camera open and then after 1 or two seconds the Camera close that is it, so I think I need to show the Permission dialog box, any help with it or how to show it up?
after trying many solutions what is worked that I added both permissions to the plist in qt bundle
Privacy - Camra Usage Description
Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
but with values 6.0 or any other value that not have space or long characters, and it worked! and it shows me the permission box and added the app to the privacy in system preferences, maybe long text not let the dialog box show, I am not sure exactly.

Change Android Emulator resolution When using Xamarin

I'm using the standard Android emulator that comes with Visual Studio 2019 with a Xamarin project but the resolution is ridiculously low as you can see:
I'm trying to build a simple login screen and my screen has a small logo, the username and password field and a reset password link and the screen is pretty much full. I should have a tonne of space but it's not the case.
Is there anyway to increase this as I was on my own phone for example (Samsung S8+)?
I found a couple of article mentioning this should be done when creating the virtual image, but there is no mention of what properties should be set to?
I've just added a few properties I noticed were missing from the emulator property list but it made no difference:
hw.lcd.density : 560
hw.lcd.height : 2560
hw.lcd.width : 1440
hw.ramSize : 1024
I'm not sure if you are trying to edit the properties on an existing image, which I don't know if it would work. Have you tried creating a new image?
In the android device manager (tools > Android > Android Device Manager), click on new to create a new image. Set the base device to generic Phone Xh-DPI 4.7". This populates the fields density/height/width with 320/720/1280. Adjust as needed and hit create. Once created, set this as your deploy target.

I cannot configure the Emulator Manager(Base Image) in Tizen

When I create the vm in Emulator Manager(Tizen) there I did not found Base Image. It shows to open the Browse folder to find the base image. But I don't know where from I can collect the Base Image.
Please let me know the PATH I can Browse it.
Where you install your tizen SDK like
Try opening your Install Manager to make sure you have installed the platform image associated with the emulator. It is located in Configure->Platforms->Tizen 2.2->Platform Image.
The image itself is located in: /tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.2/emulator-images/default/x86-standard$

Unidentified UI portion windows phone 8
The image in this link shows some unidentified UI portion on the top right of the screen. Can someone please describe why it keeps on showing ?
I am unable to identify and correct it.
These framerate counters only shows up in development when the debugger is attached. You'll notice if you run your app when Visual Studio isn't connected and running this UI will disappear.
Here's some more info about it:
And how to hide it if your really want to:
