too much spacing between letters windows terminal - windows

I'm using a windows terminal and was trying to install an ubuntu font that was downloaded from the google.fonts site, so no errors were expected. But just for this application, the spacing between letters is too large. I also tried in Microsoft Word, there are no problems there.
Perhaps the solution is to set up a json file with a Windows terminal configuration.
Please tell me how to fix this
enter image description here


Chinese characteres are not properly rendered in CMD/Powershell

I have this rendering issue on Chinese characters on multiple console app: fzf, lazygit and vim (when running fzf).
I have set the chcp to 65001 as default, using the correct font for Chinese (so the displaying the characters themselves have no problem). And the problem occurs to 2 PCs I have, one running Win10 Pro, one Win10 home. I have also tried to set system locale to Chinese and Use Unicode NTF-8 for worldwide language support option. Both options result the same.
I suspect there is some generic system setting that I could have tried / missed out. Would appreciate if you could point out to me. Many thanks in advance!

Installing fonts for CMD

I tried to look online but couldn't find any real solution on how to install fonts to windows CMD. I found some videos on youtube and some tutorials on google but none seem to have worked. I want to install a 3D Unicode font for CMD so I can display other language characters. I tried installing fonts via registry editor but it didn't work... can anybody help me on how to do this probably very simple task?
Thanks in advance!
Can you try the new Windows Terminal? It comes with a Unicode font and can run in CMD mode

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio terminal doesn't recognize emoji, while Mac terminal does

I have a different emoji in my .bash_profile config depending on the user in the terminal. I have both IntelliJ and Android Studio and the emoji shows as a broken character (Two squares). Is there any way to get intellij to recognize emoji. I have a couple of user profiles and I set the emoji to provide me with an easy way to know what profile I'm in without taking up 10 characters in the cmd line. This way, I save 9 chars.
I know this sounds like a bit of a ridiculous request (Who the heck needs emoji in terminal), but since the Mac terminal supports it, I suppose it wouldn't be a huge deal to get it working in IntelliJ?

Which windows font displays window closing button?

As you can see in my attached screenshot my windows has a issue displaying the closing button. I am thinking that a font is missing. Do you know which font i have to install?
After following a step-by-step suggestion by
I have been able to install all default windows 10 fonts.
The missing windows 10 font was also included.
Finally, to solve this problem you need to download a package with all windows 10 fonts and reinstall every one.

Cannot get custom font to work in Corona

I've read the tutorials and related questions here but still no luck using a custom font.
I'm on a Windows 7 machine and I've performed the following steps:
Installed the Font (Print Clearly OT.otf)
Copied the otf file to the project directory (same directory as the main.lua)
Restarted the Corona simulator
Used this code to find the font name (Print Clearly OT) and add the build settings:
Trying to use the font like:
lettertext = display.newText( "a", 40, 20, "Print Clearly OT", 24 )
Start up the simulator for ipad and I get "could not load font" message.
There was a comment on the link tutorial above, about otf files not working on windows but i assumed that was on a windows mobile device not in the ipad simulator on a windows system.
OTF fonts are not supported in Windows (like you can read at the link you provided) but you could use a ttf version of "Print Clearly OT" font, ttf fonts are supported in all systems.
The other solution is develop with a mac machine, Corona simulator will work better in this case but this solution is really expensive.
Corona SDK also uses the "Internal Font Name". The internal name could be different than the file name and the display name. It might be PrintClearly-Regular or something like that.
But likely it's the OTF's don't work on Windows.
