Add robots.txt for Laravel 9+ - laravel

I want to add robots.txt to my Laravel project but robots.txt packages I found are not compatible with Laravel 9+ so if you know there is any tutorial or package for latest version of Laravel, please share. Thanks.

To add a robots.txt file for a Laravel 9+ application, follow these steps:
Create a new file named robots.txt in the public directory of your Laravel project. You can use any text editor to create this file.
Open the robots.txt file and add the following lines:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin


Java client side source files for CKFinder

I would like to upgrade client-side part of CKFinder to the latest version for a java application
CKFinder downloads - does not contain UI related files for Java
How can I get the client-side code of CKFinder? Is it bundled along with CKEditor?
Java static files can be downloaded from CKFinder JAR archive:
unzip ckfinder3-3.5.1.jar
CKFinder's client side part can be found in static/ckfinder directory.
Refer below link for more details:
Also, client-side part for ASP and PHP is available along with its zip file -

How to access JavaScript file from root directory in spring boot

I want to access my files from root like https://localhost:8080/myfile.js
While hitting this url it is giving me 404 error page not found.
Any help will be appreciated.
If your JavaScript file is placed in one of the subdirectories of your project as described below, it should work out of the box.
Spring Boot will automatically add static web resources located within any of the following directories:

How to install AccessControl NSIS plugin? and grant full access to a subfolder?

I am doing what it says on the forum but can't figure out where is the problem. I downloaded the .zip and extracted it. There was 4 folders (Contrib,Docs,Plugins,Unicode) aside from Docs where do I put the rest ? From AccessControl/Plugins I put the .dll to my NSIS/Plugins folder where are the other .dll files. But the other two folders diden't contained any .nsh or .nsi file to put in NSIS/Include. Where is the problem ? I am using HM NIS Edit and when I try to compile it says Invalid Command.
I tried this code and it compiles but I dont think it does something.. or maybe I am using the wrong command. I need to give to my config folder read,write permission thats in the INSTDIR. I tried it with INSTDIR\config and INSTDIR. But nothing works at the moment. Maybe the plugin isent included.
System::Call 'AccesControl.dll::GrantOnFile (t ."$INSTDIR",t .""(S-1-5-32-545)",t ."FullAccess")'
Was going to add a comment to the above answer, but system wouldn't let me. A clarification as for NSIS 3.0+ the default folder locations didn't work. To fix it I copied the files to:\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi\Unicode\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode
You can unzip the plugin zip at the root of the NSIS directory, or at least, you need to put the plugin dll into the NSIS plugins directory (or to any directory you want if you include it with !addplugindir)
The core of the plugin is in the dll file in Plugins directory (the unicode/plugins contains the unicode version of the plugin suitable for the unicode flavor of NSIS 3.0+)
the Docs directory contains the plugin documentation
the Contrib directory contains the plugin source code useful if you want to modify the plugin and rebuild it. It is not needed in normal nsis usage.
The correct way to call an nsis plugin is not via the system plugin: you need to call directly the plugin methods from the nsis script, as illustrated in the plugin page :
# Make the directory "$INSTDIR\database" read write accessible by all users
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\database" "(BU)" "GenericRead + GenericWrite"
or from some code of mine
AccessControl::GrantOnFile `${somePath}` `(S-1-5-32-545)` `${someAccess}` ;(S-1-5-32-545) is local users GUID

Gitignore CodeIgniter

Before I put my very first (CodeIgniter) application on Github, I have a question about the CodeIgniter .gitignore file (see below). I do not have a development directory in my config directory. Can I just .gitignore */config/* instead? What is the importance of the development directory in the config directory?
Many people set up development and production folders in their config folders. Codeigniter will load the correct file from the correct folder depending on the environment you set in the main index.php
If you're creating a public repository on github copy the files with passwords and keys (your config.php and database.php are the only two that come standard with the framework I believe) to a new folder called development inside config, then remove the passwords and paths and things from the ones in the root folder. Leave the gitignore as is.
This way when you push to git you aren't pushing your personal private information to the project.

Silverstripe - installation files explained

in a fresh silverstripe installation (3.0.5) there are many files where I wonder if I will ever need them or what their purpose is... so what I would like to have is a clean silverstripe installation and delete all unnecessary files/folders.
For what do I need these files/folders?:
many thanks for the clarification.
PHPUNIT / TeamCity
those are files used to configure php unit and team city (team city is a continuous integration software by jetbrains
(if you don't use teamcity, you can safely delete this files)
Web Server Config
this is the configuration file for apache web servers (if you don't use apache, you can delete this file)
this is for Microsoft IIS web servers, it is the equivalent to the .htaccess (if you don't use IIS as web server you can delete this file)
GIT (Version Control System)
if you don't use git, you don't need them
the composer file holds information of php dependencies and where to get them.
the vendor folder is the folder where composer installs its dependencies
(composer is a php dependency manager which I can really recommend
(if you do not use composer, you don't need them)
PHP files
fallback file in case mod_rewrite or the ISS equivalent is not working
the installer for SilverStripe, this file should be deleted after you installed SilverStripe
part of the installer
I can't say much about behat because I don't use it, here is a quote from the website ( "A php framework for testing your business expectations."
All I can say is that you can delete the file if you don't use behat
no idea, I have never seen this file
obviously the readme file
a info file containing information on guidelines for contributing back to SilverStripe
Can't exactly say how to use those 2 files, but unless you do use them, you can delete them safely
the only files you really need is one of those 2:
if you are using apache (linux and mac but also windows) then you need to keep .htaccess
if you are IIS (windows server) then you need web.config
and the index.php if mod_rewrite is not available on your server
all other files are just for 3rd party software the core developers use
