Java client side source files for CKFinder - ckeditor4.x

I would like to upgrade client-side part of CKFinder to the latest version for a java application
CKFinder downloads - does not contain UI related files for Java
How can I get the client-side code of CKFinder? Is it bundled along with CKEditor?

Java static files can be downloaded from CKFinder JAR archive:
unzip ckfinder3-3.5.1.jar
CKFinder's client side part can be found in static/ckfinder directory.
Refer below link for more details:
Also, client-side part for ASP and PHP is available along with its zip file -


Incorrect build output when using ckbuilder

I had downloaded CKEDITOR version 4.5.5 and used the online CKBUILDER tool to remove the plugins not required. Now I need to add one more plugin - 'clipboard', to do so I am following the steps mentioned below:
git clone branch 4.5.x
copy pasted the build-config.js file from my downloaded version and added one plugin to the plugin list
edited from VERSION="4.5.11 dev" to VERSION="4.5.5"
I still see all the plugins getting generated in release/ckeditor folder. But the excluded plugins are not built with ckeditor.js file. Thus I have only copied 'clipboard' plugin folder, ckeditor.js file and the lang folder. Does this seem correct or shall I copy all the previous plugins too?
Is my approach correct to get the correct version build by changing the VERSION variable to 4.5.5?

XMPP sampler not found in jmeter

I have installed jmeter and it's extension, copy lib extension jar to jmeter lib and extension-->lib-->extension to jmeter-->lib-->extension
i have found xmpp connection config but couldn't find the xmpp sampler, am new to jmeter.
i need xmpp sampler
Simplest way is to install a JMeter plugin using Plugin-Manager.
First, Install Plugin-Manager. download the jar and keep in /lib/ext folder of JMeter and restart the JMeter.
From JMeter GUI, go to Options -> Plugin-Manager which displayes already installed plugin, available plugins, and the plugins which have new versions to upgrade. select the checkbox related to XMPP protocol support to install XMPP plugin.
Another way is which you followed.
Download the zip file (contain jars) from here
Extract it to a folder. it contains lib folder and ext folder (inside lib folder) with jars.
Move the jars under lib folder from the unzipped file to JMeter lib folder.
Move the jars under ext folder from the unzipped file to JMeter ext folder.
Start jmeter.bat/ file.
XMPP Config Element and XMPP samplers will be available as bzm - XMPP Connection & bzm - XMPP Sampler

can't install mbtiles plugin in geoserver

I am trying to install mbtiles plugin for geoserver 2.9. I have successfully installed geoserver in tomcat 7.0 (in windows 10).
I downloaded geoserver from [] It works fine without any plugin installed.
But when I try to install plugin mbtiles into the lib folder it gives me error message.
HTTP Status 404 - /geoserver
type Status report
message /geoserver
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.59
I know my tomcat is working fine and geoserver is there in the webapps folder.
I downloaded the mbtiles plugin from: []. I know that my version of mbtiles plugin and geoserver is same. That is what was mentioned in geoserver documentation page.
I have 3 files in the mbtiles plugin:
If I remove those files from lib folder then my geoserver works fine.
Can anyone suggest what am I missing here??
I tried with other versions of geoserver but I get the same error message like above.
Any help is appreciated.
I had this problem for a while. At first look at log file which is in this directory \logs\wrapper.log it shows the errors and why they prevent running geoserver's service.
One of dependencies which mbtile plug-in has is wps plug-in. This plug-in is not loaded into geoserver by default. So before installing mbtiles plug-in at first install geoserver wps plug-in from this link
Select and download wps
Another thing that I have fount is that some times sqlite-jdbc-3.8.6.jar which is in mbtile's zip file has a bug.It is quite an old version. So if your problem exists replace this file with newest version from here
sqlite-jdbc download link
I hope this helps some one. If yes please vote it up.
You have to put it on:
Well, since opengeo-geoserver is a custom build from geoserver, it has some modifications that won't let you simply run the original geoserver plugins.
You'll have to open the jars and decompile the class files to modify the code of the plugin to match the structure of opengeo-geoserver...

Silverstripe - installation files explained

in a fresh silverstripe installation (3.0.5) there are many files where I wonder if I will ever need them or what their purpose is... so what I would like to have is a clean silverstripe installation and delete all unnecessary files/folders.
For what do I need these files/folders?:
many thanks for the clarification.
PHPUNIT / TeamCity
those are files used to configure php unit and team city (team city is a continuous integration software by jetbrains
(if you don't use teamcity, you can safely delete this files)
Web Server Config
this is the configuration file for apache web servers (if you don't use apache, you can delete this file)
this is for Microsoft IIS web servers, it is the equivalent to the .htaccess (if you don't use IIS as web server you can delete this file)
GIT (Version Control System)
if you don't use git, you don't need them
the composer file holds information of php dependencies and where to get them.
the vendor folder is the folder where composer installs its dependencies
(composer is a php dependency manager which I can really recommend
(if you do not use composer, you don't need them)
PHP files
fallback file in case mod_rewrite or the ISS equivalent is not working
the installer for SilverStripe, this file should be deleted after you installed SilverStripe
part of the installer
I can't say much about behat because I don't use it, here is a quote from the website ( "A php framework for testing your business expectations."
All I can say is that you can delete the file if you don't use behat
no idea, I have never seen this file
obviously the readme file
a info file containing information on guidelines for contributing back to SilverStripe
Can't exactly say how to use those 2 files, but unless you do use them, you can delete them safely
the only files you really need is one of those 2:
if you are using apache (linux and mac but also windows) then you need to keep .htaccess
if you are IIS (windows server) then you need web.config
and the index.php if mod_rewrite is not available on your server
all other files are just for 3rd party software the core developers use

Xuggler with Tomcat on Windows 7

I have been developing a web application , here I need to generate thumbnails of videos when they are uploaded by users. I am using Tomcat as my server. So my Tomcat resides in C:\Apache Tomcat 6 . So do i need to include the jar files of Xuggler in C:\Apache Tomcat 6\lib folder ???? and if so which specific jar files do i need to place there ?? which version of Xuggler would be better ? I am not using Maven or Ivy or any dependencies. I am just doing the Web Application in simple Servlet and Jsp concept.
I will explain how to setup xuggler on localhost tomcat 7
download xuggler jars and all its dependencies.
then extract the .dll files from xuggler.jar(xuggler5.2.jar or xuggler5.4.jar),it is the binary file which is written i c language.
copy the .dll files,which is perfect for your system (32bit x86 ,64bit x64) to any folder. for example
Add the path of .dll to the classpath.
if you are using eclipse in the build path add path of .dll to the native library path to avoid any issues.
This could definitely work ,i have done this lot of times!!!
please vote if you find my answer useful !!!
