in laravel 5.6 how can i show the data in my database using yajra datatables - laravel-5

This is my table and the script. How can i code this one? I'm using laravel 5.6. I already install yajra.


How to create a observer in laravel using command

I need to create an observer using the laravel artisan command. I tried many ways but can't find the right way.
I think you have been are using laravel 5.5, the artisan comman is available only from Laravel 5.6
Please upgrade your framework in composer.json and change laravel 5.5 to Laravel 5.6. and then you can run php artisan make:observer Test

how to use laravel collective package v5.4 in laravel v5.7

I am using laravel 5.7. I want to use laravel collective package. But latest updated laravel collective package is 5.4. When I am trying to install from composer it shows error :
' [UnexpectedValueException] Could not parse version constraint
:5.7: Invalid version string ":5.7"'
Please suggest now how can I use collective package in laravel 5.7?

Can I use scout with laravel 5.1

Given Laravel scout was introcuced with laravel 5.3 can I use it with laravel 5.1?
The docs at doesn't state anything about this.
Yes you can include it in laravel 5.x as well , Using this blog
Blog Link
Also you can check Other Elastic Search plugin which are being used in laravel much before Scout
No It's not possible as laravel/scout required
illuminate/contracts: ~5.3
illuminate/database: ~5.3
illuminate/support: ~5.3
which is only available in laravel >=5.3

create laravel project with laravel installer

I am new to laravel framework,after some search I decided to use laravel 5.1
I read the official document and set the environment,also I install the laravel installer.but when I use laravel installer to create a project, it will use laravel newest version(such as 5.2.*).I want to know how can I specify the laravel version useing laravel installer?
I know I can specify laravel version using composer create-project ...,but for some reason when I using composer I must wait for long is there a way useing laravel installer to create project with specified laravel?
You should be able to do it using this alternative laravel installer.
composer g require artesaos/laravel-installer
And then you can do:
laravel new name version
You may need to uninstall the previous installer you had.

how to integrate laravel 5.1 with elasticsearch 2.1.1

I'm trying to integrate elasticsearch on laravel 5.1
I have tested some packages but I couldn't use theme because I didn't find any sample code of how to index and query in controllers and how to index all records of a table in database
please give me a simple project of elasticsearch in laravel 5.1
