How to create a observer in laravel using command - laravel-5

I need to create an observer using the laravel artisan command. I tried many ways but can't find the right way.

I think you have been are using laravel 5.5, the artisan comman is available only from Laravel 5.6
Please upgrade your framework in composer.json and change laravel 5.5 to Laravel 5.6. and then you can run php artisan make:observer Test


Install authentication in laravel

I'm proceeding with the first installation of Laravel 8, everything is ok, I also installed the authentication system via commands:
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
Unfortunately, I can't find any auth folders on the controller.
Furthermore, there is also no auth.php route
Can you tell me how to do it? How do I proceed?
PS: I would also like not to rely on any UI as bootstrap or whatever, but on my assets css and js. (I hope I have explained)
Run php artisan ui:controllers to scaffold the auth controllers.

Laravel 7.3 does not appear to install Vue, the components folder and ExampleComponent.vue are missing

Laravel is said to come with a Vue installation already packaged, but this no longer appears to be the case. Laravel 7.3 doesn't have the components folder and ExampleComponent.vue are missing.
I would like to get Vue running on Laravel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The frontend scaffolding typically provided with previous releases of Laravel has been extracted into a laravel/ui Composer package. This allows the first-party UI scaffolding to be developed and versioned separately from the primary framework. As a result of this change, no Bootstrap or Vue code is present in default framework scaffolding, and the make:auth command has been extracted from the framework as well.
Inorder to generate the Presets read the documentation:
The Bootstrap and Vue scaffolding provided by Laravel is located in the laravel/ui Composer package, which may be installed using Composer:
composer require laravel/ui
Once the laravel/ui package has been installed, you may install the frontend scaffolding using the ui Artisan command:
// Generate basic scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui vue
php artisan ui react // use this if you need react instead of vue
// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth
Once done with the vue artisan command, you can find the ExampleComponent.vue and the basic files in the js folder.
I was able to get Vue working on Laravel using this as the correct example:

Backpack for Laravel CSS issue

I have installed Laravel Base and Laravel CRUD. Everything was alright when I was using the Laravel base only. But after installing Laravel CRUD, everything has been shattered. I am pretty new to Backpack for Laravel, so I am not sure what is going on, or maybe I have missed any step while installing.
I inspected the element and found that elements are not picking the CSS defined by _all_skins.min.css in AdminLTE, for example.
<aside class="main-sidebar">
The class mentioned in this element is picking CSS defined by adminLte but not picking the CSS defined in _all_skins.min.css. I am using it with Laravel 6.0.
Backpack/Base is only used in Backpack v3.
Starting with Backpack v4, Base is no longer required.
Uninstall Backpack/Base - everything it provides is now included in Backpack/CRUD.
Clear all cache using:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear
Hope it helps.

Nothing to migrate in Laravel Backpack Package [Laravel 5.4]

I am installing Backpack package in my project, I followed the documentation steps but when I do migrate it says "Nothing to migrate".
I've already tried to publish the migrations but nothing works.
From their documentation, the only thing that you need to migrate is the default users and password reset table that comes with laravel.
php artisan migrate #generates users table (using Laravel's default migrations)
So in case if you've already migrated those, then you can skip that part. But if you haven't then make sure you have the default migrations in database/migrations and then run php artisan migrate:refresh

Laravel 5.X. make:mail not working

I am trying to create a mailable object using the steps described in a tutorial, iWhenI used the command
php artian make:mail
It is saying make:mail is not defined. Please tell me what am i doing wrong here?
According to the documentation, the make:mail command is available only in Laravel 5.3 and higher.
