User Interfaces - Colors and Layout - user-interface

Although I'm specifically interested in web application information, I would also be somewhat curious about desktop application development as well. This question is driven by my work on my personal website as well as my job, where I have developed a few features, but left it to others to integrate into the look and feel of the site.
Are there any guides or rules of thumb for things like color schemes, layouts, formatting, etc? I want to ensure readability and clarity for visitors, but not be bland and dull at the same time.
As for my knowledge in this area - If you hand me a picture, I have enough knowledge to reproduce it on the screen, but if you ask me to design a new interface or redesign an existing one, I wouldn't know where to begin.

Usually, each operating System has user Interface Guidelines. For Windows, have a look here. (Edit: The links in that post are broken. But a Search for "User Interface Guidelines" on MSDN has articles about everything)
Apple has it's own as well. Also, you may want to keep accessibility in mind.

One tip to check if your colors have good contrast is taking a snapshot of it and converting to grayscale. If you can't read something, colors were surely bad choosen.
Plus, although it's not about user interfaces, Before & After Magazine can give you some pretty good hints about color, design and related topics. It even has got some free pdf's to download.

The book Designing Interfaces, by Jenifer Tidwell has a entire chapter on the subject (Chapter 9, excerpts accesible online).
The entire book is worth recommending.

For web UI, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the most important color in web design is white, or "light". This is the color on top of which you place dense tracts of content.
Dark text, light background, always, when it comes to your primary content areas.
And the most important rule in layouting is whitespace. Let the content breathe.
Following these two simple rules is worth more than most "user interface usability" guidelines.
And by the way, the MS user interface guidelines are (by and large) horrible. Read Jakob Nielsen, look at Apple design aesthetics, but stay away from the MS "neutral gray/blue crunchbox" 12-step Wizard 10pt text philosophy of UI.
(And I say that as a long-time MS GUI programmer)

I'm horrible at finding colors that look good together, so I cheat and use pictures from nature that are mostly the color I want (say, green) and then I use this website to pull out the main color scheme. Generally nature does a pretty good job of setting its own nice color schemes.

Use high contrast color combos; Black text on white background is the best example of a high contrast combo.
A bad combo is green text on red background. It's horrible for color blind people (like myself).
See what your site looks like to a color blind person:

As for desktop applications: Whatever you do, do not use hand-picked colors. Stick with the named system colors such as "Window Background", "Menu Text", etc. Otherwise, people relying on OS accessibility features will be locked with your color choices (unable to choose a high-contrast theme, for instance) and to people who like to customize their desktop themes will think your application is fugly.

Here are some simple pointers for usability in your typography. These things mainly address readability and accessibility concerns.
Use relative font sizing (em)
Identify language changes within a document using the LANG attribute
Black text on a white background
For headings, use H1, H2, etc. and nest them appropriately
Chunk up content and organize with headings that fit what your users are looking for
Write clear and simple copy
Align left, ragged right
Text-to-background color must be high contrast
Use "click here" or "more" as link text
Use underline for emphasis
More than 2 font-type families
Blocks of text using all caps
Use true red or true blue text on white background (chromatic aberration)


CMS WYSIWYG Editors - What techniques do you use to client-proof these types of pages?

This is a topic that may be considered something not necessarily "programming related"; however, I feel it is since I'm asking for specific techniques.
Essentially, as a web developer, I work with a variety of platforms that include a WYSIWYG editor in the backend (TinyMCE, WYGWAM, etc) and one of the selling points of such systems is that it becomes easier to manage your own content because of these tools.
In theory, sounds great, in practice, not so much.
It can be way too easy for a client to break a layout by using many of the advanced features of a WYSIWYG editor. They can start floating things, setting too much margin/padding, etc.
Generally, I have tried to build any of these types of pages with only some sensible default styles applied to a few of the most common tags, such as setting a font size, colors, some margins, and some text decorations.
I would like to know if anyone has used anything more advanced to essentially turn the output of:
...or equivalent into something that is effectively sandboxed and operates entirely agnostic of any other style/layout elements being used.
As often as possible, I express to clients that they should purchase an HTML/CSS book for Dummies and read it so that they aren't deer in headlights when they click "code view" in a WYSIWYG. But I know they don't do this, nor do they hire anyone who has experience, and it ends up allowing a client more control than they should responsibly have.
Plus, it sucks when you are using their sites as work samples to show others knowing they have the ability to take your beautiful design and development and make it look like crap.
A few things:
I have a standard WYGWAM config that I reuse on new sites by importing the exp_wygwam_configs table.
I keep options very limited in the editors
Areas of the page delineated for images should use a File field, with an image resizer like CE Image used to insure proper size
Client training. Make videos with Camtasia or similar tool if you have to.
Use a custom stylesheet for WYGWAM that has a small subset of styles, so they can choose h2...h4, for example, but not h1 or h5.
After encountering a lot of issues with WYSIWYG editors (which, by the way, never reflect accurately what you "get" in the end), I now prefer to leave only the most basic formatting features in the editor's configuration. For example, take a look at stackoverflow's editor.
It's got the following features: bold, italic, link, quote, pictures, lists, and alignments. The only special feature here are code sample and html, which are targeted to this site's audience. Most of your client don't need them.
I think it's the best approach, because if you give your clients the feeling that they can do whatever they want in the page, but in the end, this content is filtered when the page is rendered, they are going to be really frustrated. Not to mention the fact that the site will be slowed by the filtering process and the need to put the filtered content in cache.
Sometimes the client indeed wants to have a special layout in a page, but I think that can be best done by customizing the CMS so that it fits the client need.

Best practice for sizing text buttons when doing globalization and localization

Say we have an overlay DHTML panel on a web page that contains two buttons in the top occupying whole width of the dialog, like this:
Text for Button 1 and Button 2 should be localized. Content of checkbox group is static and should not be localized.
There can be a big difference between button text width in different languages (~100% extra space in comparison with English version).
The question is which strategy to apply for sizing Button 1 and Button 2 depending on the length of the text content:
Make buttons fixed width and truncate text content with ellipsis.
Make buttons fixed width and wrap text content on the subsequent lines making buttons grow in height.
Make buttons fixed width but make them wide enough to host text in all languages without truncation or wrapping.
Make buttons dynamically adjust width and make panel grow horizontally with their size.
I am leaning towards using third or forth option according to the several UI localization best practices that were found:
Preparing the User Interface for Localization
Best Practices for Globalization and Localization
Globalization Step-by-Step - UI Considerations
Still we have some debate in the team discussing the best option and it would be interesting to hear concious outer voice of the community.
I am interested in the best approach for this specific case as well general guidelines for solving web UI sizing issues in regards of localization.
As you perhaps know, text shortened with ellipsis (or with a single dot) could be incomprehensible:
How compr. is th.?
You should seen a lot of this staff in mobile area (phones, tablets, etc.), such translations look ugly. OK, with lower screen resolutions you actually end up with no choice (unless you can create some auto-scrolling text). But in case of web interface you certainly have a choice.
Typically, there are two kind of solutions corresponding to your points #3 and #4. Personally, I am leaning to #4 - make buttons auto-sizable. This of course will result with inconsistently sized buttons, but there is little we can do about it.
If you cannot use solution #4 (i.e. UI Designer is strong opponent of this technique), you may modify solution #3 a bit. Basically, what I used in past projects was, I had buttons of fixed sizes and default size was capable to fit most of languages (except Polish and Russian of course), but I also had several CSS classes that defined wider buttons. When localizing into "too long" languages I simply used the most wide button class I could. If the text still didn't fit, then I asked the translators for shortening it (usually re-phrasing it and shorten the text with a single dot as a last resort).
However, please keep in mind that it increases localization costs. This is the reason I would not recommend this method.
As for solution #2, you will end up with ugly looking UI. You simply have no control over how browser will wrap a text, and you will have a lot of texts that go outside the button clipping rectangle (overlap it).
As for solution #1, using ellipsis is a bad idea for two reasons. First one is, ellipsis is not valid in many languages (this especially regards to Asian languages). The second one is, as I understand you want to do that automatically. In this case, you won't be able to measure strings - their actual, on screen size, written with a fall-back font. In case of web UI, you don't know whether user has particular font installed, so you will be guessing the size (OK, with Dojo you can theoretically measure it on the client side). This will of course result in overlapping text (if you decide on dynamic shortening over your chosen font) or totally incomprehensible text (if you decide on shortening after say 8 characters). I had a project which started to use static shortening, it was a total mess. Then we switch to dynamic and it is still not good enough.
To counter potential UI Designer argument that goes "we have no space for string expansion", I can only say that means that you designed the interface incorrectly for it is too crowded. This is the point where I18n goes hand in hand with UI design best practices: strive for simplicity (in UI design). The result would be easy to use and easy to localize application.

Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets for a text game GUI?

I tried to sign up, but I was unable; perhaps a problem from my side. Hopefully I'll get an answer as anonymous.
I apologize for the grammar/syntax, but English isn't my native language.
Recently I lost my job, so I have enough spare time to try something fun. I decided to create a simple text RPG game for me and some friends. It will very close to the board games like Talisman, Dungeon Run, and HeroQuest, using dice and a simple attribute/skill system. So no 3d graphics. The only 2d element, if I decide to include it, will be a map
that will allow the hero to move between locations. Currently I'm using Windows XP SP3, for the game I use wxDev-C++, and although cross platform would be cool, I don't really care.
I have some experience in C++ (currently using wxDev-C++), but I'm far from being called an expert or even a great programmer. I was about to start writing parts of the code, but I decided to check if creating a GUI for the game is possible. In some forums, many suggested I use Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets, but most examples I saw are grey boxes that are
indifferent at best, when I want something that fits better in a fantasy setting. I don't claim I would do better, but I want a GUI that is more fantasy related.
What I want from the GUI:
1. A "cool" Gui with decent graphics. I could even create an image to serve as a mask in Photoshop, but the GUI builder will have to support imported images.
2. A relatively large textbox in the middle (with a scrollbar) that will display die rolls, damage and options.
3. The ability to display dynamically values (like the change in the health after each action without requiring to refresh manually)
4. Display an icon or a small image of the character in the area where I display stats/abilities.
5. Open new windows created with tha same GUI builder to allocate points, buy/sell things and open a map.
About the map in the game: I decided to create a map in photoshop. When the hero decides to move to another location, a new window will open showing the map. I thought of 2 possible ways to move between locations: 1) Create hotspots on the image and select one by clicking on the name of the location.(I dare not think about the complexity of this so we
move to idea #2) and 2) Have the image as a backgroung to a grid with vertical and horizontal coordinates. When the hero selects a new area to visit, he clicks on the area, but what he really does is click on the grid, which returns the two values (x,y) of the location and informs the game about the area the hero wants to visit.
Yeah, yeah, I know it's too much, so what I'm most interested in are the 1-3. I know that even if they are possible, it will propably take forever, but as I said I have spare time, and I like learning new things. I apologize for the size of the post, but I decided to post as many info as possible so you know what I want.
If any of you has used Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets could you tell which covers most of my criteria? I saw some great stuff build with CEGUI, but I don't know if it is too hard to learn?
Thank in advance.
I know my answer comes pretty late, I only recently started using stackoverflow fairly recently, but maybe this response will help anybody.
CEGUI fully supports skinning widgets using XML. Our CEED editor (WYSIWYG) fully supports layout editing, but the skinning editor (LNF editor) is not finished as of now (11.11.2014), the development version supports exchanging images however and changing sizes and proportions, but more advanced adjustments have to be done in XML.
CEGUI has an imageset editor, fully supported by the CEED editor. Creating imagesets (sets of named subimages, with position and dimension inside a big texture atlas) is supported there. Additionally there is a way to create imagesets from just a bunch of jpg/png/... files using a tool. You would have to ask for specifics in the forum though because it is not integrated into CEED yet.
So basically with CEGUI you are free to make whatever fantasy GUI you want. Skinning simple elements like buttons and progress bars isn't much work in XML anyways. Without the finished editor, some more advanced widgets are more work to skin, but many skins have already been created done this way and some of them are even publically available in the forum and in the CEGUI stock files.
StaticText widgets supports what you want, you can even use images in there or change fonts and colours in the text if you want. Scrollbars are supported too.
I am not sure what you mean by this. You have to specify this.
A simple "Generic/Image" widget is available in CEGUI for this purpose. You can use precreated images or even RTT textures.
You can create and destroy windows in CEGUI without issues.
Regarding the map: I m not sure what you mean, but getting the position of a click in respect to an image (representing the map) is possible in CEGUI.
CEGUI is not particularly hard to learn. There is always the forums and the chat if you got questions. For an Open Source project it is quite well documented so if you read all of the API docu, and look at the supplied samples in the sample browser, you should already get quite far. And for everything additional there is the forum (search), the IRC chat and a community wiki (mind the targeted versions of an article there though)
For a project like yours, CEGUI seems perfectly suited (this is what it was created for in the first place). Qt is not really optimal for games for numerous reasons. wxWidgets I have never used.

Guidelines for application colors (background, buttons, etc.) on Windows?

What are the recommended colors for an application's background, button faces, etc.?
In the past I've just chosen a color scheme but I'd like to be more compatible with the Windows Accessibility Options, etc.
I see that VB6 has System Colors like Application Workspace.
Edit: I'd like to find an explanation of all of those colors (like what's the difference between Application Workspace and Window Background?
In my opinion, you should leave the colors as they are if you are using standard controls; they'll get the right color according to che current color scheme by themselves. You need to use the color constants only if you have to draw your own UI elements; in that case, the meaning of those constants is explained briefly in their documentation.
This PDF [ explanation of VB6 System Color values ]should help you. It lists all the system color constants and what they mean. For instance vbApplicationWorkspace is the "Background color of multipledocument interface (MDI) applications."
If you're interested in the whole MS Windows UI/UX guidelines, they are available online here and for download here. Page 618 deals with how to "Use theme or system Colors"
It depends on the language and framework you use. .Net for example has an entire SystemColors class full of static properties like SystemColors.Control that are 'changed' to the corresponding system color in runtime.
I think most office applications conform to the system colors, while most graphics intensive applications (e.g. games) use their own color scheme.
It is best if you try to use the colors of the current system (like the .NET SystemColors), that way if the user changes his settings (for example if he uses a high-contrast color scheme or some fancy black theme he likes) your application will adapt those colors and that way conforms to the users preferences/needs.

How would you generate default user profile pictures?

I've been admiring StackOverflow's default quilt-like profile pictures (which I notice are also on the Fail Blog) and am curious what program both are using to generate them.
But what I really want to know is: If you were to design the system to create default profile pictures, how would you do it?
I'm looking for ideas on what algorithm you'd use, as well as things like how you would related the image to the user, be it related to their username, or some portrayal of their progress (ie the image gets more complex, or larger, as they gain reputation).
FWIW, the default pictures are generated by gravatar, which is why you'll see them on more than this site.
It's called an Identicon. On Stackoverflow it Gravatar uses your IP address to generate the image.
This is an editorial, not necessarily an answer.
Those auto-generated avatars on this site come from a service (Gravatar) that focuses exclusively on providing avatars and is therefore the core of their business. For apps that aren't specifically intended to generate and display avatars, I would just go with an empty placeholder (like Facebook). It's a neat feature, but is it worth your development time when a simple placeholder would be just as effective?
A very good source of images would be flame fractals. They are rather computationally expensive, so simply sourcing them from a project like electric sheep or having them be rendered by the user's computer should be considered to offload the work.
Who wouldn't want default profile pictures like these?
alt text alt text alt text alt text
Use a Julia set or something like that and set the initial conditions to a hash of the user's email address.
I'd use a jpeg server tool (aspjpg or similar) to manipulate the image on load so it displays their badges within their profile pic.
In fact, using any tool to dynamically generate images is pretty cool. Applying some sort of 3d or flash technology to dynamically create images using random variables for eye spacing or facial structure would be pretty wicked as well.
But ya this is a weird question. hah!
I did something similar years back, I used POV-Ray to generate little 3D scenes with torusses (torii ?) and spheres. There were lots of parameters to tweak such as the position, size and colour of each object.
POV-Ray is a scriptable 3D render engine, you can find it here.
Unfortunately my images all looked too similar to each other. I love Gravatar's identicons as uses on this site. I think the symmetry helps and the shapes are unique enough that you can identify users fairly clearly.
In ruby there have a library to generate it!
