How to implement a queue using two stacks? - algorithm

Suppose we have two stacks and no other temporary variable.
Is to possible to "construct" a queue data structure using only the two stacks?

Keep 2 stacks, let's call them inbox and outbox.
Push the new element onto inbox
If outbox is empty, refill it by popping each element from inbox and pushing it onto outbox
Pop and return the top element from outbox
Using this method, each element will be in each stack exactly once - meaning each element will be pushed twice and popped twice, giving amortized constant time operations.
Here's an implementation in Java:
public class Queue<E>
private Stack<E> inbox = new Stack<E>();
private Stack<E> outbox = new Stack<E>();
public void queue(E item) {
public E dequeue() {
if (outbox.isEmpty()) {
while (!inbox.isEmpty()) {
return outbox.pop();

A - How To Reverse A Stack
To understand how to construct a queue using two stacks, you should understand how to reverse a stack crystal clear. Remember how stack works, it is very similar to the dish stack on your kitchen. The last washed dish will be on the top of the clean stack, which is called as Last In First Out (LIFO) in computer science.
Lets imagine our stack like a bottle as below;
If we push integers 1,2,3 respectively, then 3 will be on the top of the stack. Because 1 will be pushed first, then 2 will be put on the top of 1. Lastly, 3 will be put on the top of the stack and latest state of our stack represented as a bottle will be as below;
Now we have our stack represented as a bottle is populated with values 3,2,1. And we want to reverse the stack so that the top element of the stack will be 1 and bottom element of the stack will be 3. What we can do ? We can take the bottle and hold it upside down so that all the values should reverse in order ?
Yes we can do that, but that's a bottle. To do the same process, we need to have a second stack that which is going to store the first stack elements in reverse order. Let's put our populated stack to the left and our new empty stack to the right. To reverse the order of the elements, we are going to pop each element from left stack, and push them to the right stack. You can see what happens as we do so on the image below;
So we know how to reverse a stack.
B - Using Two Stacks As A Queue
On previous part, I've explained how can we reverse the order of stack elements. This was important, because if we push and pop elements to the stack, the output will be exactly in reverse order of a queue. Thinking on an example, let's push the array of integers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} to a stack. If we pop the elements and print them until the stack is empty, we will get the array in the reverse order of pushing order, which will be {5, 4, 3, 2, 1} Remember that for the same input, if we dequeue the queue until the queue is empty, the output will be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. So it is obvious that for the same input order of elements, output of the queue is exactly reverse of the output of a stack. As we know how to reverse a stack using an extra stack, we can construct a queue using two stacks.
Our queue model will consist of two stacks. One stack will be used for enqueue operation (stack #1 on the left, will be called as Input Stack), another stack will be used for the dequeue operation (stack #2 on the right, will be called as Output Stack). Check out the image below;
Our pseudo-code is as below;
Enqueue Operation
Push every input element to the Input Stack
Dequeue Operation
If ( Output Stack is Empty)
pop every element in the Input Stack
and push them to the Output Stack until Input Stack is Empty
pop from Output Stack
Let's enqueue the integers {1, 2, 3} respectively. Integers will be pushed on the Input Stack (Stack #1) which is located on the left;
Then what will happen if we execute a dequeue operation? Whenever a dequeue operation is executed, queue is going to check if the Output Stack is empty or not(see the pseudo-code above) If the Output Stack is empty, then the Input Stack is going to be extracted on the output so the elements of Input Stack will be reversed. Before returning a value, the state of the queue will be as below;
Check out the order of elements in the Output Stack (Stack #2). It's obvious that we can pop the elements from the Output Stack so that the output will be same as if we dequeued from a queue. Thus, if we execute two dequeue operations, first we will get {1, 2} respectively. Then element 3 will be the only element of the Output Stack, and the Input Stack will be empty. If we enqueue the elements 4 and 5, then the state of the queue will be as follows;
Now the Output Stack is not empty, and if we execute a dequeue operation, only 3 will be popped out from the Output Stack. Then the state will be seen as below;
Again, if we execute two more dequeue operations, on the first dequeue operation, queue will check if the Output Stack is empty, which is true. Then pop out the elements of the Input Stack and push them to the Output Stack unti the Input Stack is empty, then the state of the Queue will be as below;
Easy to see, the output of the two dequeue operations will be {4, 5}
C - Implementation Of Queue Constructed with Two Stacks
Here is an implementation in Java. I'm not going to use the existing implementation of Stack so the example here is going to reinvent the wheel;
C - 1) MyStack class : A Simple Stack Implementation
public class MyStack<T> {
// inner generic Node class
private class Node<T> {
T data;
Node<T> next;
public Node(T data) { = data;
private Node<T> head;
private int size;
public void push(T e) {
Node<T> newElem = new Node(e);
if(head == null) {
head = newElem;
} else { = head;
head = newElem; // new elem on the top of the stack
public T pop() {
if(head == null)
return null;
T elem =;
head =; // top of the stack is
return elem;
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
public void printStack() {
System.out.print("Stack: ");
if(size == 0)
System.out.print("Empty !");
for(Node<T> temp = head; temp != null; temp =
System.out.printf("%s ",;
C - 2) MyQueue class : Queue Implementation Using Two Stacks
public class MyQueue<T> {
private MyStack<T> inputStack; // for enqueue
private MyStack<T> outputStack; // for dequeue
private int size;
public MyQueue() {
inputStack = new MyStack<>();
outputStack = new MyStack<>();
public void enqueue(T e) {
public T dequeue() {
// fill out all the Input if output stack is empty
T temp = null;
if(!outputStack.isEmpty()) {
temp = outputStack.pop();
return temp;
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
C - 3) Demo Code
public class TestMyQueue {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyQueue<Integer> queue = new MyQueue<>();
// enqueue integers 1..3
for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
// execute 2 dequeue operations
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
System.out.println("Dequeued: " + queue.dequeue());
// enqueue integers 4..5
for(int i = 4; i <= 5; i++)
// dequeue the rest
System.out.println("Dequeued: " + queue.dequeue());
C - 4) Sample Output
Dequeued: 1
Dequeued: 2
Dequeued: 3
Dequeued: 4
Dequeued: 5

You can even simulate a queue using only one stack. The second (temporary) stack can be simulated by the call stack of recursive calls to the insert method.
The principle stays the same when inserting a new element into the queue:
You need to transfer elements from one stack to another temporary stack, to reverse their order.
Then push the new element to be inserted, onto the temporary stack
Then transfer the elements back to the original stack
The new element will be on the bottom of the stack, and the oldest element is on top (first to be popped)
A Queue class using only one Stack, would be as follows:
public class SimulatedQueue<E> {
private java.util.Stack<E> stack = new java.util.Stack<E>();
public void insert(E elem) {
if (!stack.empty()) {
E topElem = stack.pop();
public E remove() {
return stack.pop();

The time complexities would be worse, though. A good queue implementation does everything in constant time.
Not sure why my answer has been downvoted here. If we program, we care about time complexity, and using two standard stacks to make a queue is inefficient. It's a very valid and relevant point. If someone else feels the need to downvote this more, I would be interested to know why.
A little more detail: on why using two stacks is worse than just a queue: if you use two stacks, and someone calls dequeue while the outbox is empty, you need linear time to get to the bottom of the inbox (as you can see in Dave's code).
You can implement a queue as a singly-linked list (each element points to the next-inserted element), keeping an extra pointer to the last-inserted element for pushes (or making it a cyclic list). Implementing queue and dequeue on this data structure is very easy to do in constant time. That's worst-case constant time, not amortized. And, as the comments seem to ask for this clarification, worst-case constant time is strictly better than amortized constant time.

Let queue to be implemented be q and stacks used to implement q be stack1 and stack2.
q can be implemented in two ways:
Method 1 (By making enQueue operation costly)
This method makes sure that newly entered element is always at the top of stack 1, so that deQueue operation just pops from stack1. To put the element at top of stack1, stack2 is used.
enQueue(q, x)
1) While stack1 is not empty, push everything from stack1 to stack2.
2) Push x to stack1 (assuming size of stacks is unlimited).
3) Push everything back to stack1.
1) If stack1 is empty then error
2) Pop an item from stack1 and return it.
Method 2 (By making deQueue operation costly)
In this method, in en-queue operation, the new element is entered at the top of stack1. In de-queue operation, if stack2 is empty then all the elements are moved to stack2 and finally top of stack2 is returned.
enQueue(q, x)
1) Push x to stack1 (assuming size of stacks is unlimited).
1) If both stacks are empty then error.
2) If stack2 is empty
While stack1 is not empty, push everything from stack1 to stack2.
3) Pop the element from stack2 and return it.
Method 2 is definitely better than method 1. Method 1 moves all the elements twice in enQueue operation, while method 2 (in deQueue operation) moves the elements once and moves elements only if stack2 empty.

Implement the following operations of a queue using stacks.
push(x) -- Push element x to the back of queue.
pop() -- Removes the element from in front of queue.
peek() -- Get the front element.
empty() -- Return whether the queue is empty.
class MyQueue {
Stack<Integer> input;
Stack<Integer> output;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public MyQueue() {
input = new Stack<Integer>();
output = new Stack<Integer>();
/** Push element x to the back of queue. */
public void push(int x) {
/** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */
public int pop() {
return output.pop();
/** Get the front element. */
public int peek() {
if(output.isEmpty()) {
while(!input.isEmpty()) {
return output.peek();
/** Returns whether the queue is empty. */
public boolean empty() {
return input.isEmpty() && output.isEmpty();

A solution in c#
public class Queue<T> where T : class
private Stack<T> input = new Stack<T>();
private Stack<T> output = new Stack<T>();
public void Enqueue(T t)
public T Dequeue()
if (output.Count == 0)
while (input.Count != 0)
return output.Pop();

Two stacks in the queue are defined as stack1 and stack2.
The euqueued elements are always pushed into stack1
The top of stack2 can be popped out since it is the first element inserted into queue when stack2 is not empty. When stack2 is empty, we pop all elements from stack1 and push them into stack2 one by one. The first element in a queue is pushed into the bottom of stack1. It can be popped out directly after popping and pushing operations since it is on the top of stack2.
The following is same C++ sample code:
template <typename T> class CQueue
void appendTail(const T& node);
T deleteHead();
stack<T> stack1;
stack<T> stack2;
template<typename T> void CQueue<T>::appendTail(const T& element) {
template<typename T> T CQueue<T>::deleteHead() {
if(stack2.size()<= 0) {
while(stack1.size()>0) {
T& data =;
if(stack2.size() == 0)
throw new exception("queue is empty");
T head =;
return head;
This solution is borrowed from my blog. More detailed analysis with step-by-step operation simulations is available in my blog webpage.

You'll have to pop everything off the first stack to get the bottom element. Then put them all back onto the second stack for every "dequeue" operation.

for c# developer here is the complete program :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace QueueImplimentationUsingStack
class Program
public class Stack<T>
public int size;
public Node<T> head;
public void Push(T data)
Node<T> node = new Node<T>(); = data;
if (head == null)
head = node;
{ = head;
head = node;
public Node<T> Pop()
if (head == null)
return null;
Node<T> temp = head;
// = null;
head =;
return temp;
public void Display()
if (size == 0)
Node<T> temp = head;
while (temp!= null)
temp =;
public class Queue<T>
public int size;
public Stack<T> inbox;
public Stack<T> outbox;
public Queue()
inbox = new Stack<T>();
outbox = new Stack<T>();
public void EnQueue(T data)
public Node<T> DeQueue()
if (outbox.size == 0)
while (inbox.size != 0)
Node<T> temp = new Node<T>();
if (outbox.size != 0)
temp = outbox.Pop();
return temp;
public class Node<T>
public T data;
public Node<T> link;
static void Main(string[] args)
Queue<int> q = new Queue<int>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
// q.Display();
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)

An implementation of a queue using two stacks in Swift:
struct Stack<Element> {
var items = [Element]()
var count : Int {
return items.count
mutating func push(_ item: Element) {
mutating func pop() -> Element? {
return items.removeLast()
func peek() -> Element? {
return items.last
struct Queue<Element> {
var inStack = Stack<Element>()
var outStack = Stack<Element>()
mutating func enqueue(_ item: Element) {
mutating func dequeue() -> Element? {
return outStack.pop()
mutating func peek() -> Element? {
return outStack.peek()
private mutating func fillOutStack() {
if outStack.count == 0 {
while inStack.count != 0 {

While you will get a lot of posts related to implementing a queue with two stacks :
1. Either by making the enQueue process a lot more costly
2. Or by making the deQueue process a lot more costly
One important way I found out from the above post was constructing queue with only stack data structure and the recursion call stack.
While one can argue that literally this is still using two stacks, but then ideally this is using only one stack data structure.
Below is the explanation of the problem:
Declare a single stack for enQueuing and deQueing the data and push the data into the stack.
while deQueueing have a base condition where the element of the stack is poped when the size of the stack is 1. This will ensure that there is no stack overflow during the deQueue recursion.
While deQueueing first pop the data from the top of the stack. Ideally this element will be the element which is present at the top of the stack. Now once this is done, recursively call the deQueue function and then push the element popped above back into the stack.
The code will look like below:
if (s1.isEmpty())
System.out.println("The Queue is empty");
else if (s1.size() == 1)
return s1.pop();
else {
int x = s1.pop();
int result = deQueue();
return result;
This way you can create a queue using a single stack data structure and the recursion call stack.

Below is the solution in javascript language using ES6 syntax.
//stack using array
class Stack {
constructor() { = [];
push(data) {;
pop() {
peek() {
return[ - 1];
export { Stack };
import { Stack } from "./Stack";
class QueueUsingTwoStacks {
constructor() {
this.stack1 = new Stack();
this.stack2 = new Stack();
enqueue(data) {
dequeue() {
//if both stacks are empty, return undefined
if (this.stack1.size() === 0 && this.stack2.size() === 0)
return undefined;
//if stack2 is empty, pop all elements from stack1 to stack2 till stack1 is empty
if (this.stack2.size() === 0) {
while (this.stack1.size() !== 0) {
//pop and return the element from stack 2
return this.stack2.pop();
export { QueueUsingTwoStacks };
Below is the usage:
import { StackUsingTwoQueues } from './StackUsingTwoQueues';
let que = new QueueUsingTwoStacks();
console.log(que.dequeue()); //output: "A"

**Easy JS solution **
Note: I took ideas from other people comment
enQueue(q, x)
1) Push x to stack1 (assuming size of stacks is unlimited).
1) If both stacks are empty then error.
2) If stack2 is empty
While stack1 is not empty, push everything from stack1 to stack2.
3) Pop the element from stack2 and return it.
class myQueue {
constructor() {
this.stack1 = [];
this.stack2 = [];
push(item) {
remove() {
if (this.stack1.length == 0 && this.stack2.length == 0) {
return "Stack are empty"
if (this.stack2.length == 0) {
while (this.stack1.length != 0) {
return this.stack2.pop()
peek() {
if (this.stack2.length == 0 && this.stack1.length == 0) {
return 'Empty list'
if (this.stack2.length == 0) {
while (this.stack1.length != 0) {
return this.stack2[0]
isEmpty() {
return this.stack2.length === 0 && this.stack1.length === 0;
const q = new myQueue();

// Two stacks s1 Original and s2 as Temp one
private Stack<Integer> s1 = new Stack<Integer>();
private Stack<Integer> s2 = new Stack<Integer>();
* Here we insert the data into the stack and if data all ready exist on
* stack than we copy the entire stack s1 to s2 recursively and push the new
* element data onto s1 and than again recursively call the s2 to pop on s1.
* Note here we can use either way ie We can keep pushing on s1 and than
* while popping we can remove the first element from s2 by copying
* recursively the data and removing the first index element.
public void insert( int data )
if( s1.size() == 0 )
s1.push( data );
while( !s1.isEmpty() )
s2.push( s1.pop() );
s1.push( data );
while( !s2.isEmpty() )
s1.push( s2.pop() );
public void remove()
if( s1.isEmpty() )
System.out.println( "Empty" );

I'll answer this question in Go because Go does not have a rich a lot of collections in its standard library.
Since a stack is really easy to implement I thought I'd try and use two stacks to accomplish a double ended queue. To better understand how I arrived at my answer I've split the implementation in two parts, the first part is hopefully easier to understand but it's incomplete.
type IntQueue struct {
front []int
back []int
func (q *IntQueue) PushFront(v int) {
q.front = append(q.front, v)
func (q *IntQueue) Front() int {
if len(q.front) > 0 {
return q.front[len(q.front)-1]
} else {
return q.back[0]
func (q *IntQueue) PopFront() {
if len(q.front) > 0 {
q.front = q.front[:len(q.front)-1]
} else {
q.back = q.back[1:]
func (q *IntQueue) PushBack(v int) {
q.back = append(q.back, v)
func (q *IntQueue) Back() int {
if len(q.back) > 0 {
return q.back[len(q.back)-1]
} else {
return q.front[0]
func (q *IntQueue) PopBack() {
if len(q.back) > 0 {
q.back = q.back[:len(q.back)-1]
} else {
q.front = q.front[1:]
It's basically two stacks where we allow the bottom of the stacks to be manipulated by each other. I've also used the STL naming conventions, where the traditional push, pop, peek operations of a stack have a front/back prefix whether they refer to the front or back of the queue.
The issue with the above code is that it doesn't use memory very efficiently. Actually, it grows endlessly until you run out of space. That's really bad. The fix for this is to simply reuse the bottom of the stack space whenever possible. We have to introduce an offset to track this since a slice in Go cannot grow in the front once shrunk.
type IntQueue struct {
front []int
frontOffset int
back []int
backOffset int
func (q *IntQueue) PushFront(v int) {
if q.backOffset > 0 {
i := q.backOffset - 1
q.back[i] = v
q.backOffset = i
} else {
q.front = append(q.front, v)
func (q *IntQueue) Front() int {
if len(q.front) > 0 {
return q.front[len(q.front)-1]
} else {
return q.back[q.backOffset]
func (q *IntQueue) PopFront() {
if len(q.front) > 0 {
q.front = q.front[:len(q.front)-1]
} else {
if len(q.back) > 0 {
} else {
panic("Cannot pop front of empty queue.")
func (q *IntQueue) PushBack(v int) {
if q.frontOffset > 0 {
i := q.frontOffset - 1
q.front[i] = v
q.frontOffset = i
} else {
q.back = append(q.back, v)
func (q *IntQueue) Back() int {
if len(q.back) > 0 {
return q.back[len(q.back)-1]
} else {
return q.front[q.frontOffset]
func (q *IntQueue) PopBack() {
if len(q.back) > 0 {
q.back = q.back[:len(q.back)-1]
} else {
if len(q.front) > 0 {
} else {
panic("Cannot pop back of empty queue.")
It's a lot of small functions but of the 6 functions 3 of them are just mirrors of the other.

With O(1) dequeue(), which is same as pythonquick's answer:
// time: O(n), space: O(n)
if stack.isEmpty():
temp = stack.pop()
// time: O(1)
x dequeue():
return stack.pop()
With O(1) enqueue() (this is not mentioned in this post so this answer), which also uses backtracking to bubble up and return the bottommost item.
// O(1)
// time: O(n), space: O(n)
x dequeue():
temp = stack.pop()
if stack.isEmpty():
x = temp
x = dequeue()
return x
Obviously, it's a good coding exercise as it inefficient but elegant nevertheless.

My Solution with PHP
$_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
$queue = array();
$count = 0;
while($line = fgets($_fp)) {
if($count == 0) {
$noOfElement = $line;
$action = explode(" ",$line);
$case = $action[0];
switch($case) {
case 1:
$enqueueValue = $action[1];
array_push($queue, $enqueueValue);
case 2:
case 3:
$show = reset($queue);

public class QueueUsingStacks<T>
private LinkedListStack<T> stack1;
private LinkedListStack<T> stack2;
public QueueUsingStacks()
stack1=new LinkedListStack<T>();
stack2 = new LinkedListStack<T>();
public void Copy(LinkedListStack<T> source,LinkedListStack<T> dest )
source.Head = source.Head.Next;
public void Enqueue(T entry)
public T Dequeue()
T obj;
if (stack2 != null)
Copy(stack1, stack2);
obj = stack2.Pop();
Copy(stack2, stack1);
throw new Exception("Stack is empty");
return obj;
public void Display()
For every enqueue operation, we add to the top of the stack1. For every dequeue, we empty the content's of stack1 into stack2, and remove the element at top of the stack.Time complexity is O(n) for dequeue, as we have to copy the stack1 to stack2. time complexity of enqueue is the same as a regular stack

here is my solution in Java using linkedlist.
class queue<T>{
static class Node<T>{
private T data;
private Node<T> next;
Node(T data){ = data;
next = null;
Node firstTop;
Node secondTop;
void push(T data){
Node temp = new Node(data); = firstTop;
firstTop = temp;
void pop(){
if(firstTop == null){
Node temp = firstTop;
while(temp != null){
Node temp1 = new Node(; = secondTop;
secondTop = temp1;
temp =;
secondTop =;
firstTop = null;
while(secondTop != null){
Node temp3 = new Node(; = firstTop;
firstTop = temp3;
secondTop =;
Note: In this case, pop operation is very time consuming. So I won't suggest to create a queue using two stacks.

Queue implementation using two java.util.Stack objects:
public final class QueueUsingStacks<E> {
private final Stack<E> iStack = new Stack<>();
private final Stack<E> oStack = new Stack<>();
public void enqueue(E e) {
public E dequeue() {
if (oStack.isEmpty()) {
if (iStack.isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No elements present in Queue");
while (!iStack.isEmpty()) {
return oStack.pop();
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (oStack.isEmpty() && iStack.isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
public int size() {
return iStack.size() + oStack.size();


Java Stream collect all children

I would like to write a Java 8 stream().collect function that return a List<T> containing all children and subchildren of a node within a hierarchical structure. For example TreeItem<T> getChildren() and all of the children's children and so on, reducing it to a single list.
By the way, here is my final solution as generic method. Very effective and very useful.
public static <T> Stream<T> treeStream(T root, boolean includeRoot, Function<T, Stream<? extends T>> nextChildren)
Stream<T> stream = nextChildren.apply(root).flatMap(child -> treeStream(child, true, nextChildren));
return includeRoot ? Stream.concat(Stream.ofNullable(root), stream) : stream;
You have to flatten the tree using a recursive function. You have an example here:
In order not to fall with stack overflow there is a way to replace stack with queue in heap.
This solution creates stream from iterator that lazily navigates tree holding next items in Queue.
Depending on type of queue traversal can be depth first or breadth first
class TreeItem {
Collection<TreeItem> children = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<TreeItem> flatten(TreeItem root) {
Iterator<TreeItem> iterator = new Iterator<TreeItem>() {
Queue<TreeItem> queue = new LinkedList<>(Collections.singleton(root)); //breadth first
// Queue<TreeItem> queue = Collections.asLifoQueue(new LinkedList<>(Collections.singleton(root))); //depth first
#Override public boolean hasNext() {
return !queue.isEmpty();
#Override public TreeItem next() {
TreeItem next = queue.poll();
return next;
return, 0), false);

Sentinel node in Binary Search Trees

I was wondering if in a way to avoid having to deal with the root as a special case in a Binary Search Tree I could use some sort of sentinel root node?
public void insert(int value) {
if (root == null) {
root = new Node(value);
} else {
Node node = root;
while (true) {
if (value < node.value) {
if (node.left == null) {
node.left = new Node(value);
} else {
node = node.left;
} else if (value > node.value) {
if (node.right == null) {
node.right = new Node(value);
} else {
node = node.right;
} else return;
For instance, in the insert() operation I have to treat the root node in a special way. In the delete() operation the same will happen, in fact, it will be way worse.
I've thought a bit regarding the issue but I couldn't come with any good solution. Is it because it is simply not possible or am I missing something?
The null node itself is the sentinel, but instead of using null, you can use an instance of a Node with a special flag (or a special subclass), which is effectively the null node. A Nil node makes sense, as that is actually a valid tree: empty!
And by using recursion you can get rid of the extra checks and new Node littered all over (which is what I presume is really bothering you).
Something like this:
class Node {
private Value v;
private boolean is_nil;
private Node left;
private Node right;
public void insert(Value v) {
if (this.is_nil) {
this.left = new Node(); // Nil node
this.right = new Node(); // Nil node
this.v = v;
this.is_nil = false;
if (v > this.v) {
} else {
class Tree {
private Node root;
public Tree() {
root = new Node(); // Nil Node.
public void insert(Value v) {
If you don't want to use recursion, your while(true) is kind of a code smell.
Say we keep it as null, we can perhaps refactor it as.
public void insert(Value v) {
prev = null;
current = this.root;
boolean left_child = false;
while (current != null) {
prev = current;
if (v > current.v) {
current = current.right;
left_child = false;
} else {
current = current.left;
left_child = true;
current = new Node(v);
if (prev == null) {
this.root = current;
if (left_child) {
prev.left = current;
} else {
prev.right = current;
The root will always be a special case. The root is the entry point to the binary search tree.
Inserting a sentinel root node means that you will have a root node that is built at the same time as the tree. Furthermore, the sentinel as you mean it will just decrease the balance of the tree (the BST will always be at the right/left of its root node).
The only way that pops in my mind to not manage the root node as a special case during insert/delete is to add empty leaf nodes. In this way you never have an empty tree, but instead a tree with an empty node.
During insert() you just replace the empty leaf node with a non-empty node and two new empty leafs (left and right).
During delete(), as a last step (if such operation is implemented as in here) you just empty the node (it becomes an empty leaf) and trim its existing leafs.
Keep in mind that if you implement it this way you will have more space occupied by empty leaf nodes than by nodes with meaningful data. So, this implementation has sense only if space is not an issue.
The code would look something like this:
public class BST {
private Node root;
public BST(){
root = new Node();
public void insert(int elem){
public void delete(int elem){
public class Node{
private static final int EMPTY_VALUE = /* your empty value */;
private int element;
private Node parent;
private Node left;
private Node right;
public Node(){
this(EMPTY_VALUE, null, null, null);
public Node(int elem, Node p, Node l, Node r){
element = elem;
parent = p;
left = l;
right = r;
public void insert(int elem){
Node thisNode = this;
// this cycle goes on until an empty node is found
while(thisNode.element != EMPTY_VALUE){
// follow the correct path for the insertion here
// insert new element here
// thisNode is an empty node at this point
thisNode.element = elem;
thisNode.left = new Node();
thisNode.right = new Node();
thisNode.left.parent = thisNode;
thisNode.right.parent = thisNode;
public void delete(int elem){
// manage delete here

how to connect circular doubly-linked lists

Consider, I have given 2 items of the circular doubly-linked lists A and B. I want to implement a function which connects both of the lists.
This task is simple. However, I want to handle the case where A and B are the members of the same linked list. In this case it would just do nothing. Is it possible to implement it in O(1)? Do I need to check whether A and B are from the same list first? Or can I somehow magically swap/mix the pointers?
IMO it is not possible, but I'm unable to prove it.
You can. Being curious myself, I sketched an implementation in Java. Assuming a linked list as follows
public class CLinkedList {
class Node {
Node prev, next;
int val;
public Node(int v) {
val = v;
Node s;
public CLinkedList(Node node) {
s = node;
void traverse() {
if (s == null)
Node n = s;
do {
n =;
} while (n != s);
a merging method would look like
void join(CLinkedList list) {
Node prev = list.s.prev;
Node sprev = s.prev; = s; = list.s;
s.prev = prev;
list.s.prev = sprev;
which works just fine when the lists are different.
If they're not, all this does is just split the original list into two perfectly valid, different linked lists. All you should do is just join them again.
Edit: The join method joins (lol) two lists if they are different or (contrary to its name) splits the list if the nodes belong to the same list. Applying join twice thus has no effect, indeed. But you can make use of this property in other ways. The method below works fine:
public void merge(CLinkedList list) {
CLinkedList nList = new CLinkedList(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
CLinkedList list = new CLinkedList(new int[] {1,2,3});
CLinkedList nlist = new CLinkedList(;
Still O(1) :) Keeping the small disclaimer - not the best quality code, but you get the picture.

Is it possible to design a tree where nodes have infinitely many children?

How can design a tree with lots (infinite number) of branches ?
Which data structure we should use to store child nodes ?
You can't actually store infinitely many children, since that won't fit into memory. However, you can store unboundedly many children - that is, you can make trees where each node can have any number of children with no fixed upper bound.
There are a few standard ways to do this. You could have each tree node store a list of all of its children (perhaps as a dynamic array or a linked list), which is often done with tries. For example, in C++, you might have something like this:
struct Node {
/* ... Data for the node goes here ... */
std::vector<Node*> children;
Alternatively, you could use the left-child/right-sibling representation, which represents a multiway tree as a binary tree. This is often used in priority queues like binomial heaps. For example:
struct Node {
/* ... data for the node ... */
Node* firstChild;
Node* nextSibling;
Hope this helps!
Yes! You can create a structure where children are materialized on demand (i.e. "lazy children"). In this case, the number of children can easily be functionally infinite.
Haskell is great for creating "functionally infinite" data structures, but since I don't know a whit of Haskell, here's a Python example instead:
class InfiniteTreeNode:
''' abstract base class for a tree node that has effectively infinite children '''
def __init__(self, data): = data
def getChild(self, n):
raise NotImplementedError
class PrimeSumNode(InfiniteTreeNode):
def getChild(self, n):
prime = getNthPrime(n) # hypothetical function to get the nth prime number
return PrimeSumNode( + prime)
prime_root = PrimeSumNode(0)
print prime_root.getChild(3).getChild(4).data # would print 18: the 4th prime is 7 and the 5th prime is 11
Now, if you were to do a search of PrimeSumNode down to a depth of 2, you could find all the numbers that are sums of two primes (and if you can prove that this contains all even integers, you can win a big mathematical prize!).
Something like this
Node {
public String name;
Node n[];
Add nodes like so
public Node[] add_subnode(Node n[]) {
for (int i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
n[i] = new Node();
p("\n Enter name: ");
n[i].name =;
p("\n How many children for "+n[i].name+"?");
int children = sc.nextInt();
if (children > 0) {
Node x[] = new Node[children];
n[i].n = add_subnode(x);
return n;
Full working code:
class People {
private Scanner sc;
public People(Scanner sc) { = sc;
public void main_thing() {
Node head = new Node(); = "Head";
p("\n How many nodes do you want to add to Head: ");
int nodes = sc.nextInt();
head.n = new Node[nodes];
Node[] n = add_subnode(head.n);
public Node[] add_subnode(Node n[]) {
for (int i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
n[i] = new Node();
p("\n Enter name: ");
n[i].name =;
p("\n How many children for "+n[i].name+"?");
int children = sc.nextInt();
if (children > 0) {
Node x[] = new Node[children];
n[i].n = add_subnode(x);
return n;
public void print_nodes(Node n[]) {
if (n!=null && n.length > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
p("\n "+n[i].name);
public static void p(String msg) {
class Node {
public String name;
Node n[];
I recommend you to use a Node class with a left child Node and right child Node and a parent Node.
public class Node
Node<T> parent;
Node<T> leftChild;
Node<T> rightChild;
T value;
Node(T val)
value = val;
leftChild = new Node<T>();
leftChild.parent = this;
rightChild = new Node<T>();
rightChild.parent = this;
You can set grand father and uncle and sibling like this.
Node<T> grandParent()
if(this.parent.parent != null)
return this.parent.parent;
return null;
Node<T> uncle()
if(this.grandParent() != null)
if(this.parent == this.grandParent().rightChild)
return this.grandParent().leftChild;
return this.grandParent().rightChild;
return null;
Node<T> sibling()
if(this.parent != null)
if(this == this.parent.rightChild)
return this.parent.leftChild;
return this.parent.rightChild;
return null;
And is impossible to have infinite child, at least you have infinite memory.
good luck !
Hope this will help you.

How to return tree within same level efficiently

I have a tree with nodes that implement this interface
Interface Node {
public boolean hasChildren() {};
How can I return a List of List with same treeLevel ?
for example if I have a tree like
2 3
4 5 6 7
I'll return a list of list like this {{1}{2,3}{4,5,6,7}}
This is basically a breadth-first traversal, except at each level you keep a list of that level. something like this example C# code:
IEnumerable<Node[]> Traverse(Node root) {
Node[] currentLevel = new [] { root };
Node[] nextLevel = null;
while(true) {
nextLevel = currentLevel.SelectMany(n => n.Children).ToArray();
if (nextLevel.Length > 0) {
yield return nextLevel;
currentLevel = nextLevel;
else {
