How do you communicate between Windows Vista Session 0 and Desktop? - windows-vista

In prior versions of Windows before Vista you could have a Windows Service interact with the current logged in desktop user to easy display information on the screen from the service. In Windows Vista Session 0 was added for security to isolate the services from the desktop. What is an easy way to communicate between a service and an application running outside of Session 0? So far I have gotten around this by using TCP/IP to communicate between the two but it seems to be kind of a sloppy way to do it.

You can use shared memory or named pipe to facilitate IPC as well. Conceptually this is similar to TCP/IP, but you don't have to worry about finding an unused port.
You have to make sure that the named objects you create are prefixed with "Global\" to allow them to be accessed by all sessions as described here.
AFAIK there is no way for a service to directly interact with the desktop any more.

Indeed, for security reasons it is no longer possible to communicate directly with the "desktop". What exactly is the "desktop" anyway, when you live in a machine with multiple active users + remote sessions?
The general way to solve the problem is to use service apps which communicate via some RPC mechanism (TCP/IP, IPC, .Net Remoting Channels over one of those, etc). Its kind of a pain, but I think the benefits are worth the change.

For the service to talk to the desktop, you're pretty much stuck with one of the RPC mechanisms. The .NET remoting mechanism (IpcServerChannel) isn't to hard to implement for this purpose.
Also with .NET a desktop application can send messages directly to the service with the ServiceController.ExecuteCommand. These commands are received by the service via ServiceBase.OnCustomCommand. This is even easier to do, and would be all you need if controlling the service is your only requirement.


Alternatives to XPC Service

I am trying to port Wine 1.7.13 to modern Cocoa. I am considering running Windows binaries in an XPC service’s process, for security isolation and crash-proofing. However, there is one problem: To the best of my knowledge, XPC services are singletons. Only one XPC service process is allowed to be running at a time. This is a problem because, if I use threads to enable multiple Windows binaries to run at once, a segfault or other hard crash in one Windows binary would cause all the other binaries to crash with it.
As mentioned here, it is generally understood that the above assertion is true. If that is so, it would seem that I cannot implement this sort of isolation within a single XPC service process.
My other alternative is to use sandbox inheritance (having the GUI application fork and using more traditional IPC to have the Windows processes talk to each other) instead of an XPC service. What are the pros and cons of using that instead of an XPC service? I understand that processes that inherit their parent’s sandbox does not get to have its own entitlements. What other drawbacks are there?
I also understand that Apple discourages the use of sandbox inheritance in favor of XPC, but it is still an available design decision. They must have kept it around for a reason. Would a sandboxed Mac App Store app be able to use sandbox inheritance in this fashion?
I am going through the same decision. I had my heart set on XPC services, but upon discovering that there would be a single XPC Service with multiple connections, I cannot use them (my XPC Service will use plug-ins provided by third-parties so I want to keep them apart, and also the XPC Service will use libraries that might not clean-up properly, so I want to be able to dispose of them while keeping the UI stable - well I shouldn't have to justify this - I want one-process-per-job and that's that).
I am considering the normal sub-process model using posix_spawn() (I think this behaves better than fork() WRT to Sandboxing), CocoaAsyncSocket for the comms. I am going to see if I can replace the use of TCP/IP in CocoaAsynSocket with UNIX sockets to speed-up up comms (with the intent of contributing it back to the project if this works out). (UPDATE: this has already been done, some time ago by github user #jdiehl. See his socketUN branch and the discussion in issue #88 of the upstream repo).
For data marshalling I will use Google Protocol Buffers (UPDATE #2: Nope; not worth the hassle when NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver provide everything required out-of-the box. They may not provide data as packed as Google Protocol Buffers, but they 1) Don't require writing and maintaining, 2) Allow any class to participate by implementing the NSCoding protocol, and 3) Don't have to solve the issue of cross-platform data exchange.
The only possible disadvantage I can see is I don't know if file bookmarks can be passed to the subprocess and used (i.e. the UI opens a file or has a file dragged to it and wants to give access to the file to the worker process). I will update this answer with whatever I learn. (FINAL UPDATE: Passing the URL bookmark across the UNIX domain socket works fine, and the bookmark doesn't even need to be a security-scoped bookmark for this to work. There are no more impediments to this alternative to XPC).
Your assertion is incorrect about sub-processes not having their own entitlements; they do and are embedded into the executable and it must have "inherits sandbox" set for the sub-process to work correctly.
And the end-of-the-day the one-xpc-service-per-app is a show stopper so you have no choice but to find an alternative.

Communication between Windows Store app and native desktop application

! For the sake of simplifying things I will refer to Windows Store applications (also known as Metro or Modern UI) as "app" and to common desktop applications as "application" !
I believe this is still one of the most unclear yet important questions concerning app-development for developers who already have established applications on the market:
How to manage communication between apps and applications on a Windows 8 system? (please let's not start a debate on principles - there're so many use cases where this is really required!)
I basically read hundrets of articles in the last few days but still it remains unclear how to proceed doing it right from the first time. Mainly because I found several conflicting information.
With my question here I'd like to re-approach this problem from the viewpoint of the final Windows 8 possibilities.
Given situation:
App and application run on same system
1:1 communication
Application is native (written in Delphi)
Administrator or if required even system privileges are available for the application
In 90% of the use cases the app requests an action to be performed by the application and receives some textual result. The app shouldn't be left nor frozen for this!
In 10% the application performs an action (triggered by some event) and informs the app - the result might be: showing certain info on the tile or in the already running and active app or if possible running the app / bringing it to the foreground.
Now the "simple" question is, how to achieve this?
Is local webserver access actually allowed now? (I believe it wasn't for a long time but now is since the final release)
WCF? (-> apparently MS doesn't recommend that anymore)
HTTP requests on a local REST/SOAP server?
WinRT syndication API? (another form of webservice access with RSS/atom responses)
WebSockets (like MessageWebSocket)?
Some other form of TCP/IP communication?
Sharing a text file for in- and output (actually simply thinking of this hurts, but at least that's a possibility MS can't block...)
Named Pipes are not allowed, right?
There are some discussions on this topic here on SO, however most of them are not up-to-date anymore as MS changed a lot before releasing the final version of Windows 8. Instead of mixing up old and new information I'd like to find a definite and current answer to this problem for me and for all the other Windows application and app developers. Thank you!
If you are talking about an application going into the Store, communication with the local system via any mechanism is not allowed. Communication with the local system is supported in some debug scenarios to make app development easier.
You can launch desktop applications from Windows Store applications with file or protocol handlers, but there is no direct communication.
So, to reiterate the point... communication between WinRT and the desktop is not allowed for released Windows Store applications. Communication between the two environments is allowed in debug only.
The PG has posted in different places reasons for why communication is not allowed, ranging from security, to the WinRT lifecycle (i.e., you app gets suspended - how does that get handled re: resources, sockets, remote app, etc. -- lots of failure points) and the fact that Store apps cannot have a dependency on external programs (i.e., I need your local desktop app/service for the app to run, but how do I get your app/service installed? You cannot integrate into the Store app. You can provide another Store desktop app entry, but that is a bad user experience.) Those are high level summaries, of course.

Are there any reasons not to host a COM server in a COM+ application?

The simplest way to transform an in-proc COM server into an out-proc COM server is creating a COM+ application. What are the possible drawbacks of doing it this way?
I really can't think of any reason to create your own container or use a 3rd party one (if any exist) in favour of MTS/COM+. I mean it does all the things you'd want:
Lets you chose the distribution of
COM objects to container processes.
Lets you configure the account they
run under.
Monitors the container
processes and restarts if necessary
and can recycle them.
Even allows you
to host STA components in scenarios
where you need multiple threads
serviced by starting up multlple
worker processes. etc.
It's hard to imagine doing better than that without spending 6 months or more on it.
Turning the question inside out, I guess your anti-self might ask, "Why are there options besides the COM+ Server for an out-of-proc COM server? What advantages do these other hosting options provide?"
I don't have anything prepared, but I am imagining a table - with hosting options across the top as headers in various columns, and the particular attributes as headers in the rows. you might evaluate each hosting option on each different area or attribute.
The main difference I see is in the administrative model and capability, and in the flexibility. For example, hosting a COM server in a Windows Service gives you the windows service capabilities - auto start with OS boot; the admin UI associated to services.msc (both administrative/operational things), and the flexibility to add other interfaces into that service (flexibility).

How can Windows API calls to an application/service be monitored?

My company is looking at implementing a new VPN solution, but require that the connection be maintained programatically by our software. The VPN solution consists of a background service that seems to manage the physical connection and a command line/GUI utilty that initiates the request to connect/disconnect. I am looking for a way to "spy" on the API calls between the front-end utilty and back-end service so that our software can make the same calls to the service. Are there any recommended software solutions or methods to do this?
Typically, communications between a front-end application and back-end service are done through some form of IPC (sockets, named pipes, etc.) or through custom messages sent through the Service Control Manager. You'll probably need to find out which method this solution uses, and work from there - though if it's encrypted communication over a socket, this could be difficult.
Like Harper Shelby said, it could be very difficult, but you may start with filemon, which can tell you when certain processes create or write to files, regmon, which can do the same for registry writes and reads, and wireshark to monitor the network traffic. This can get you some data, but even with the data, it may be too difficult to interpret in a manner that would allow you to make the same calls.
I don't understand why you want to replace the utility, instead of simply running the utility from your application.
Anyway, you can run "dumpbin /imports whatevertheutilitynameis.exe" to see the static list of API function names to which the utility is linked; this doesn't show the sequence in which they're called, nor the parameter values.
You can then use a system debugger (e.g. Winice or whatever its more modern equivalent might be) to set breakpoints on these API, so that you break into the debugger (and can then inspect parameter values) when the utility invokes these APIs.
You might be able to glean some information using tools such as Spy++ to look at Windows messages. Debugging/tracing tools (Windbg, or etc.) may allow you to see API calls that are in process. The Sysinternals tools can show you system information to some degree of detail of usage.
Although I would recommend against this for the most part -- is it possible to contact the solution provider and get documentation? One reason for that is fragility -- if a vendor is not expecting users to utilize that aspect of the interface, they are more likely to change it without notice.

How can I run a Windows GUI application on as a service?

I have an existing GUI application that should have been implemented as a service. Basically, I need to be able to remotely log onto and off of the Windows 2003 server and still keep this program running.
Is this even possible?
EDIT: Further refinement here... I do not have the source, it's not my application.
Windows services cannot have GUIs, so you will need to either get rid of the GUI or separate your application into two pieces - a service with no UI, and a "controller" application. If you have the source code, converting the non-GUI code into a service is easy - Visual Studio has a 'Windows Service' project type that takes care of the wrapping for you, and there is a simple walkthrough that shows you how to create a deployment project that will take care of installation.
If you opt for the second route and need to put some of the original GUI code into a controller, the controller and service can communicate via WCF, .NET Remoting or plain socket connections with a protocol you define yourself. If you use Remoting, be sure to use a "chunky" interface that transfers data with as few method invocations as possible - each call has a fair amount of overhead.
If the UI is fairly simple, you may be able to get away with using configuration files for input and log files or the Windows Event Log for output.
Has anyone used a third party product like: Always Up?
Seems to do what I need. It's the capability to keep running through login / logout cycles I need. And the capability to ignore that it's a GUI app and run it anyway.
They must be linking into the exe manually and calling WinMain or something.
You can wrap it up into srvany, though you may need to assign it an actual user account (as opposed to LocalService or some such)
I've had good experience with winsw. I was able to convert quite easily my batch files to services using it.
I've used it for nginx as well, per this answer.
Do you actually need it to run as a service or do you just need it to stay running when you aren't connected? If the latter, you can disconnect instead of logging off and the application will continue running. The option should be in the drop down list after choosing Shut Down or you can call tsdiscon.exe.
Do you have the source? In many cases the difference between a stand alone application and a service are minimal.
Most of the changes are related to hooking the code into the service manager properly. Once done, you'll know that any problems that occur are a result of your programming and not any other program.
What happens if you create a service. That service is configure to interact with the desktop. Configure it to run a some user and to start automatic. From the service CreateProcess on this other application. I'd guess this is quick to try using C# (C/C++ was alot of code to even be a service if I recall). Would that work??
My first thought would be to create a virtual computer in a server-class virtual host (like Virtual Server, HyperV, VMWare). Those virtual machines will run as service (or whatever Hyper V does). The virtual machine would always be running - regardless of logging in and out.
Make this virtual computer auto login to windows (TweakUI can set this up) and then just launch the GUI app using a shortcut to the Startup folder. You can even remote desktop into it use the program's GUI (I bet Always Up can't do that).
You can use ServiceMill to achieve this operation.
Basically you install ServiceMill Server on your server.
Then click on right button over your executable file and "Install as a ServiceMill Service".
Next you configure some things (user/password, if you want to interact with desktop or if you prefer to hide the ui... and set the start mode to automatic).
Another tool from Active+ Software can be a solution, ServiceMill Exe Builder which allows you to create services from Command Line and this is great if you are using a Continuous Integration Server or if you plan to distribute your component as a service without having to think about service integration (plus it is royalty free).
FireDaemonPro turns most GUI apps into services; it's not free, but it might be worth getting it.
First I would have to ask why your service needs a user interface. Most likely it does not but you probably need a client that gets data from this service. The reason services don't usually have GUI's is they may not have a window environment to run in. Services can start and run without a user logged in to the machine. In this case there would be no desktop for the service GUI to run in.
Having said that you can set properties on the service to run as a user as suggested by Mark. You can also specify in the properties of the service to "Allow service to interact with desktop". Only do this if you know a user will be logged in.
A service shouldn't have a GUI, since it should run without any needing any intervention from a user, and there are all sorts of problems associated with finding and communicating with the correct users desktop.
Since, presumably the reason for asking this is to be able to remotely monitor the application, the way to do it would be to have two applications. The service side (written basically as a console application) and the client/monitoring GUI side. The service would use some remote connectivity (when I did this I used Named Pipes) to communicate with the client/monitoring application. Either should be able to run without the other, and certainly the service should be able to run with out the client.
