How do I create a background process with Haskell on windows without a visible command window being created?
I wrote a Haskell program that runs backup processes periodically but every time I run it, a command window opens up to the top of all the windows. I would like to get rid of this window. What is the simplest way to do this?
You should really tell us how you are trying to do this currently, but on my system (using linux) the following snippet will run a command without opening a new terminal window. It should work the same way on windows.
module Main where
import System
import System.Process
import Control.Monad
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Running command..."
pid <- runCommand "mplayer song.mp3" -- or whatever you want
replicateM_ 10 $ putStrLn "Doing other stuff"
waitForProcess pid >>= exitWith
Thanks for the responses so far, but I've found my own solution. I did try a lot of different things, from writing a vbs script as suggested to a standalone program called hstart. hstart worked...but it creates a separate process which I didn't like very much because then I can't kill it in the normal way. But I found a simpler solution that required simply Haskell code.
My code from before was a simple call to runCommand, which did popup the window. An alternative function you can use is runProcess which has more options. From peeking at the ghc source code file runProcess.c, I found that the CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag is set when you supply redirects for all of STDIN, STOUT, and STDERR. So that's what you need to do, supply redirects for those. My test program looks like:
import System.Process
import System.IO
main = do
inH <- openFile "in" ReadMode
outH <- openFile "out" WriteMode
runProcess "rsync.bat" [] Nothing Nothing (Just inH) (Just outH) (Just outH)
This worked! No command window again! A caveat is that you need an empty file for inH to read in as the STDIN eventhough in my situation it was not needed.
The simplest way I can think of is to run the rsync command from within a Windows Shell script (vbs or cmd).
I don't know anything about Haskell, but I had this problem in a C project a few months ago.
The best way to execute an external program without any windows popping up is to use the ShellExecuteEx() API function with the "open" verb. If ShellExecuteEx() is available to you in Haskell, then you should be able to achieve what you want.
The C code looks something like this:
// Execute it
memset (&Info, 0, sizeof (Info));
Info.cbSize = sizeof (Info);
Info.hwnd = NULL;
Info.lpVerb = "open";
Info.lpFile = "rsync.exe";
Info.lpParameters = "whatever parameters you like";
Info.lpDirectory = NULL;
Info.nShow = SW_HIDE;
b = ShellExecuteEx (&Info);
if (b)
// Looks good; if there is an instance, wait for it
if (Info.hProcess)
// Wait
WaitForSingleObject (Info.hProcess, INFINITE);
I have a minimal reproducible case where a worker thread is not yielding to the main thread, or IOW, the scheduler is not triggering a context switch to the main thread, or IOOW, the task in the worker thread is blocking the main thread.
I'm on Windows 10.0.18362 and using ActiveState Perl 5.28.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use threads;
use Data::Dumper;
# sub yield {
# sleep(1);
# }
sub wait_for_notepad {
my #notepads = ();
while (!scalar(#notepads)) {
#notepads = grep /notepad\.exe/, qx(tasklist);
# yield();
sub main {
my $thr = threads->create(sub {
# yield();
system("cmd /c \"notepad.exe\"");
my $script_dir = dirname($0);
my $output = qx(perl $script_dir\\;
system("taskkill /im notepad.exe /f /t");
main(); (place in the same directory as
use strict;
print("hello from\n");
Then run with perl path/to/
The docs mention a threads->yield(), but it also mentions that it's a no-op on most systems, which seems to be how it's behaving for me. Another option I found was to use a sleep() right before the worker thread calls system() (the commented parts of the code). Are there any other alternatives that would help me tell the worker thread to yield to the main thread?
Sorry for being unclear. The exact sequence of behavior I'm seeing from this is when the script is ran, notepad opens up. I'm expecting to see print "hello from" in the console concurrently, but that does not happen. The main thread sits there blocked for several seconds with nothing printed to stdout until I interactively close notepad. Is this expected behavior? Perhaps there's a better way to achieve parallel/multi processing in perl, or I'm just doing this wrong.
Also, if I edit the line where I have my $output = qx(perl $script_dir\\; to system("perl $script_dir\\"), the problem disappears and no blocking occurs.
Title may be misleading. Sorry about that. I'm bad at making titles when it's late in the day =P. By "yield", I mean some worker thread gets interrupted to give some time to the main thread. But that's weird too b.c. if each thread is running on their own core then you'd get parallel processing anyway, so "yielding" makes no sense in this context. Anyway, never mind all that; in any case, the title should've been something more like "process deadlock when using perl threads api with no synchronization primitives". That's probably more accurate here.
This is a bit long, so bear with me!
I'm having a bit of trouble working with a Haskell program, that I have to use as part of a uni project. For reference, it's Casper.
So, you're supposed to execute a script, which is actually a Bash script to invoke Hugs interpreter like this:
exec $HUGSBIN/hugs $HUGSARGS +p"Casper> " $FILES
Where $FILES points to a Main.lhs file.
After this, I need to invoke a function "compile" with a path to a file, in the interpreter.
I need to perform the above in a scripted manner. I need this automated because I'm writing a program that will call on Casper in the background.
So I compiled the .lhs file. Now I want to execute the "compile" function but I have no idea how this is done. I try:
./Main compile <a path>
from the command line but it returns me an error about a file "test" not found. Upon investigation, I see these lines in the Main.lhs file:
>main :: String -> IO()
>main = compile "test"
>compile :: String -> IO()
>compile s = catch (compile0 False s) handler
The 2nd line solves this question. Now my question is, how do I invoke the "compile" function and pass a path to it after I have compiled main.lhs? From the interpreter, I just type "compile " and it works, but I can't get the same to work after compiling the main.lhs and executing from the command line? Any ideas why? Is there any way I can script Hugs if all else fails?
Thank you for any assistance!
You may access the command-line arguments passed to a Haskell program via getArgs. For example, it sounds like you want a main function that does something like this:
>main = do
> args <- getArgs
> case args of
> [] -> putStrLn "What file did you want me to compile?"
> [filename] -> compile filename
> _ -> putStrLn "I only compile one file at a time."
Modify to taste.
Replace main with
main = getArgs >>= \(arg1:_) -> compile arg1
This will pass the first command line argument (arg1) to compile instead of "test", and ignore the rest (_). You may need to add
import System
import System.Environment
I can't remember what is needed in hugs for this.
I am trying to debug a problem where users occasionally have locked files which they try to open. The code appears to have correct exception handling but users are still reporting seeing error messages. How can I simulate a locked file so that I can debug this myself?
EDIT: For Windows.
try this:
( >&2 pause ) >> yourfile.txt
>> opens yourfile.txt in append mode
see this for a reference
depends, but in case, MS word locks
if you are wonderig if your application lock files and it do not relase locks:
just modify a bit your aplication (to create a testapp) and never close the file (and keep it runnig)
I used LockFileEx function from the Windows API to write a unittest in Python. This worked well for me (shutil.copy() with a locked target fails).
import win32con
import win32file
import pywintypes
p = "yourfile.txt"
f = file(p, "w")
hfile = win32file._get_osfhandle(f.fileno())
win32file.LockFileEx(hfile, flags, 0, 0xffff0000, pywintypes.OVERLAPPED())
I am using this command prompt
type yourfile.txt | more
to insert inside yourfile.txt a very long text of "few pages" and want to pipe via | more to batch the insertion.
However the file seems to lock, any reason why?
I have to create a console application which needs certain parameters. If they are missing or wrong I print out an error message.
Now the problem: If someone starts the program from the explorer by double-clicking the console window disappears immediately. (But the application is not entirely useless from the explorer, you could drag files onto it and it would work)
I could always wait for a keypress, but I don't want that if the user did start it from the command line.
Is there some way to distinguish between these situations?
See, "INFO: Preventing the Console Window from Disappearing".
The idea is to use GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo to determine that the cursor has not moved from the initial 0,0 position.
Code sample from #tomlogic, based on the referenced Knowledge Base article:
// call in main() before printing to stdout
// returns TRUE if program is in its own console (cursor at 0,0) or
// FALSE if it was launched from an existing console.
// See
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int separate_console( void)
if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi))
printf( "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
// if cursor position is (0,0) then we were launched in a separate console
return ((!csbi.dwCursorPosition.X) && (!csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y));
I've seen code which performs
if (!GetConsoleTitle(NULL, 0) && GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Console
} else {
// GUI
BUT... I've found that AttachConsole() is more helpful
In C++ (off the top of my head, and I'm no C++ programmer)
if (!AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) {
// GUI
} else {
// Console, and you have a handle to the console that already exists.
Is more effective. Additionally, if you find yourself in a GUI environment and would like to stay there as long as you can, but later find something catastrophic has happened that could really use a dump to a console window (you can't be arsed writing an edit box window to lot it to or attach to the NT System log and throw up a MessageBox()) well then you can AllocConsole() later on in the process, when GUI methods have failed.
I've found a much better solution using GetConsoleProcessList to get the attached process count to the current console.
If this process is the only one attached it will be closed when the process exists.
I found it in a post
But it had a bug (at least in windows 10) since the documentation forbids invoking this function with null.
My solution was:
DWORD procId;
DWORD count = GetConsoleProcessList(&procId, 1);
if (count < 2) ...
I believe cmd.exe sets the CMDCMDLINE and CMDEXTVERSION environemntal variables when it starts. So if these are set your program was most probably started from a shell.
This isn't foolproof but it's something.
It's also possible to determine your parent PID in a few convoluted and possibly unreliable ways, or so I gather. You may want to look into that.
Here is the excellent answer from #DanielBenSassoon adapted for C#. Tested in Visual Studio 2019 and Windows 10.
// Gets a list of the process IDs attached to this console
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint GetConsoleProcessList(uint[] processList, uint processCount);
public static bool IsFinalProcess()
// See:
uint[] procIDs = new uint[64];
uint processCount = GetConsoleProcessList(procIDs, 64);
return (processCount < 2);
This approach allows you to distinguish between four scenarios:
Debugging from the IDE (F5) [process count = 1]
Running from the IDE, but not debugging (Ctrl + F5) [process count = 2]
Double-clicking in Explorer [process count = 1]
Running from a command-prompt window [process count = 2]
When IsFinalProcess is true, you can use Console.ReadKey(false); to prevent the console window from disappearing after your application exits.
EDIT: I've been using this .bat/.cmd wrapper successfully for a couple of years now:
REM Determine if script was executed from an interactive shell
(echo %CMDCMDLINE% | find /i "%~0" >NUL 2>&1) && (set IS_INTERACTIVE=false) || (set IS_INTERACTIVE=true)
<call console application here>
REM Wait for keystroke
if "%IS_INTERACTIVE%" == "false" (
echo Hit any key to close.
pause >NUL 2>&1
The advantage here is that this will work for all console applications, be it your own or someone else's (for which you might not have sources you could modify). The downside is, well, that you have a separate wrapper.
My original answer back in 2014 was this:
This works like a charm:
#echo off
for %%x in (%cmdcmdline%) do if /i "%%~x"=="/c" goto nonconsole
<do something>
goto exit
<do something>
Copied from this thread. I also tried evaluating %cmdcmdline% myself, however there's an issue regarding quote characters ("), which prevents something like if "%cmdcmdline%" == "%ComSpec%" goto [target] from working.
I have a Windows executable (whoami) which is crashing every so often. It's called from another process to get details about the current user and domain. I'd like to know what parameters are passed when it fails.
Does anyone know of an appropriate way to wrap the process and write it's command line arguments to log while still calling the process?
Say the command is used like this:
'whoami.exe /all'
I'd like a script to exist instead of the whoami.exe (with the same filename) which will write this invocation to log and then pass on the call to the actual process.
From a batch file:
echo Parameters: %* >> logfile.txt
whoami.exe %*
With the caveat that you can have problems if the parameters contain spaces (and you passed the in escaping with "), because the command-line parser basically de-escapes them and they should be re-escaped before passed to an other executable.
You didn't note which programming language. It is not doable from a .bat file if that's what you wanted, but you can do it in any programming language. Example in C:
int main(int argc, void **argv)
// dump contents of argv to some log file
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
printf("Argument #%d: %s\n", argv[i]);
// run the 'real' program, giving it the rest of argv vector (1+)
// for example spawn, exec or system() functions can do it
return 0; // or you can do a blocking call, and pick the return value from the program
I don't think using a "script" will work, since the intermediate should have a .exe extension for your ploy to work.
I would write a very small command line program to do this; something like the following (written in Delphi/Virtual Pascal so it will result in a Win32 executable, but any compiled language should do):
program PassThrough;
Dos; // Imports the Exec routine
PassTo = 'Original.exe'; // The program you really want to call
CommandLine: String;
i: Integer;
f: Text;
CommandLine := '';
for i := 1 to ParamCount do
CommandLine := CommandLine + ParamStr(i) + ' ';
Writeln(f, CommandLine); // Write a line in the log
Exec(PassTo, CommandLine); // Run the intended program
Can't you just change the calling program to log the parameters it used to call the process, and the exit code?
This would be way easier than trying to dig into whoami.exe
Look for whoami.exe, BACK IT UP, replace it with your own executable and see do whatever you like with it's parameters (maybe save them in a text file).
If you can reproduce the crash, use Process Explorer before crashed process is terminated to see its command line.