Where can I find thorough DCOM documentation? [closed] - windows

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I work on an application that uses DCOM to communicate between what are essentially several peers; in the course of normal use, instances on separate machines serve a variety of objects to one another. Historically, for this to work we have used some magic incantations, chief among which is that on every machine the user must log into an account of the same name (note that these are local accounts; there is no domain available). Obviously, this is an aspect of our user experience that could be improved.
I would like to better understand how DCOM authentication works, but I am having difficulty assembling the whole story from the MSDN documentation for CoInitializeSecurity(), CoSetProxyBlanket(), and the like. Are there any thorough explanations available of how, exactly, DCOM operations are accepted or denied? Books, journals, web, any format is fine.

Programming Windows Security by Keith Brown includes a thorough discussion of DCOM security. I can highly recommend this book.

You could also try to round up a copy of Inside Distributed COM by Guy and Henry Eddon (Microsoft Press) - It is out of print but amazon shows a number of used copies for sale:


Auto Face Tagging Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for library which can auto tag persons on a photo. The features is similar to Facebook, Picasa or iPhoto tagging function. Preferably it's able to run on Linux server, callable through PHP and Python. Any recommendation? Thanks.
With regard to what you're looking for, you probably aren't going to find anything that you can host on your own server. Rather, most companies will offer an API to which you can send requests, and you will be charged base don how much you use the API. In no particular order, here are several resources you might consider using.
https://lambdal.com/face-recognition-api - They have low priced entry options, and they are well-suited to detecting and recognizing new faces.
http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/alchemyvision/face-detection - This is more geared to recognizing famous or well-know people.

tipc protocol in windows [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Any idea for TIPC protocol on Windows systems or any similar protocol which is available on windows ?
The Wikipedia basically says it's general-purpose communication library.
If you're designing an HPC cluster, take a look at "Microsoft High Performance Computing" in MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa496121.aspx bot keep in mind that API only exists on some editions of their server OSes.
I think you'll only get better answer when you'll describe what kind of tasks are you going to accomplish.
P.S. I don't actually get the point of TIPC, even after reading the programmer's guide.
It seems using the API is not easier then using sockets.
But when you're using sockets, at least you've got tons of good books, online manuals, and easy to use debugging and diagnostic tools.

Are there any VBScript libraries? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Are there any open source free VBScript libraries? I am doing a lot of windows administration and always find myself writing error prone code. Any help here?
You really should move to powershell.
I haven't heard of a sysadmin working in vbscript in quite a long time.
There used to be several sites that hosted script libraries, like win32scripting, but they've been rapidly disappearing due to powershell.
You might go check out The Scripting Guy. They have a section just for VBScript in their forums that may be of help.
Even 5 years after the post above was written it is still short sighted and doesn't answer the question.
Admins need to work in whatever language is available and suitable -- some of us with LARGE (1000s) server or client estates still have quite a bit of Win2003, Win2000, and even a few NT4 servers.
I dislike VBScript somewhat but write using it, since it is the only language besides CMD.exe batch that is ubiquitously available on all Microsoft systems from NT4 on forward.
Even our Win2003 servers don't typically have PowerShell.

Task management for team [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a web application to manage tasks (not necessary programming-oriented) for a small team. It must be easy to setup and maintain, and I don't look for an SaaS solution. It must offer file upload and mail users in case of a change. There is hundred of solutions available but most are too complex for what we want or are not "stable" (not updated since a long time, not very well programmed). i was wondering if stack overflow's folks have some recommendations...
lighthouse - http://lighthouseapp.com/
gemini - http://www.countersoft.com/home.aspx
We had a very similar requirement and after much searching we eventually decided on Redmine.
Does all that you require and more. Setup couldn't be easier if you use one of the Bitnami stacks. We went down the virtual image route as we had a VMWare server - but installers for existing platforms are also available.
I tried Basecamp some time ago but I don't need a web based solution. But it was pretty good.
Redmine is a great project management, used by many open source projects. It is also quite actively maintained and really stable.
It's worth mentioning that even though Redmine is software oriented, it can easily be used as a project management software. All you have to do is ignore all the parts about repositories and you have a full-fledged project management software.

Where are good examples of Web applications built for skilled and intense use? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have spent most of my development career writing backend code, or front-end apps for used as daily business tools, by at least semi-skilled staff, e.g. order-tracking, sales capture, etc. That those I helped build peformed their tasks well is comfort enough, but I am still seeking excellence in the building of these kind of apps, versus the trendy emphasis on more personal relationships with the UI.
Can anyone recommend reading on this type of application (LOB?) on the web today? Any available examples to study?
I suggest that you read Don't Make me Think. Don't think that engaging UIs are not efficient. I would suggest the opposite.
Actually this answer has many useful links.
