Are there any better command prompts for Windows? - windows

For some reason the Windows command prompt is "special" in that you have to go to a properties dialog to resize it horizontally rather than just dragging the corner of the window like every other app. Unsurprisingly this feature made it into P-P-P-Powershell as well -- is there any way around this via command prompt replacement or Windows hackery?

2019 Update:
Microsoft has released the terminal app on Github & the Windows Store, and it has tabs, panels, acrylic transparency, and other features.
2016 Update:
Windows 10's default conhost UI has more features, including free resize, transparency, etc (this includes cmd & powershell)
I now use ConEmu (walkthrough here) which has many features including tabs & split panes.
Other options include Cmder (which comes with additional tools built in), and ConsoleZ (a fork of Console2).
Console appears to no longer be updated

I don't know if this is what you want: Resizing the Powershell Console Window. If so, I got this awhile ago: Just type: resize and use the arrow keys to adjust width and height.
## Author : Roman Kuzmin
## Synopsis : Resize console window/buffer using arrow keys
function Size($w, $h)
New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size($w, $h)
function resize()
Write-Host '[Arrows] resize [Esc] exit ...'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
for($ui = $Host.UI.RawUI;;) {
$b = $ui.BufferSize
$w = $ui.WindowSize
switch($ui.ReadKey(6).VirtualKeyCode) {
37 {
$w = Size ($w.width - 1) $w.height
$ui.WindowSize = $w
$ui.BufferSize = Size $w.width $b.height
39 {
$w = Size ($w.width + 1) $w.height
$ui.BufferSize = Size $w.width $b.height
$ui.WindowSize = $w
38 {
$ui.WindowSize = Size $w.width ($w.height - 1)
40 {
$w = Size $w.width ($w.height + 1)
if ($w.height -gt $b.height) {
$ui.BufferSize = Size $b.width $w.height
$ui.WindowSize = $w
27 {

If you don't mind installing cygwin you can use it with xterm or rxvt. You'll also be able to use Bash as the shell instead of cmd.exe which is much nicer.

This isn't quite what you're looking for, but the way I get around it is by using cygwin's rootless X-Windows mode and XTerms. I prefer the unix command line environment more then Windows' env, and the XTerm windows act just like any other window.
As for straight replacements, a quick google search shows these:
I haven't tried them, so I'm not sure if they have what you're looking for, but they might be worth a shot.

PowerShell v2.0 ships with an interactive shell, called the PowerShell Integrated Script Environment (ISE). It's not fantastic, but it's usually better than the console subsystem.
Includes a PowerShell script editor, with colorization
Colorization as a type at the prompt
I can have multiple PowerShell sessions, including remote sessions, as tabs.
The ISE is PowerShell-aware, so I can manipulate and extend it with PowerShell. For example, see the "IsePack", which adds a ton of features, including copy-as-HTML.
Can easily scale the text
Conventional Windows resizing, cursor navigation, selection, copy, paste, fonts, etc.
Interactive console applications block waiting for input, and thus hang.
Console applications that detect whether their standard IO are redirected will think that is so, and thus act oddly. The worst is TFS's tf.exe. For example, 'tf submit' will submit without prompting, even though the prompt is GUI, not CLI.
A limited feature set out of the box. It's obvious they would like to make a much richer PowerShell IDE but did not.

Way after the fact, but things have improved in the meantime. ConEmu is highly configurable, and can be resized horizontally and vertically. It has the somewhat odd (to me anyway) behavior of resizing the font as the window is resized. There's some discussion about it here. And Scott Hanselman has written about it, including integration with FarManager.

You might consider installing FAR. It's an excellent text mode file manager and much more. It could also be resized by dragging the corner of the window :)

If you set the property 'Layout/Screen Buffer Size/Width' then, when prompted, choose 'Modify shortcut that started this window' it will remember the buffer width. Then when you start another command prompt it will be, for example, the original 80 wide, but you can now stretch it to whatever you set the buffer width to.
Command Prompt will not wrap at the current window width, only at the buffer width. Thus if you've set the buffer width to 120, but the window is only 80 wide the lines will wrap at 120 and you'll have to scroll to read characters past 80.


Programatically change font size in a linux terminal using python

In Ubuntu gnome-terminal it can be done by doing Ctrl + or Ctrl -
Is there a way to write a python script that when executed would resize the font size of the terminal it is executed from?
I need this in order to display images in terminal with high resolution using timg.
Checking the source (vte and gnome-terminal), looks like there's no way to do this. Other terminals (e.g., xterm) can do this using escape sequences. See XTerm Control Sequences:
OSC Ps ; Pt ST
Set Text Parameters. For colors and font, if Pt is a "?", the
control sequence elicits a response which consists of the con-
trol sequence which would set the corresponding value. The
dtterm control sequences allow you to determine the icon name
and window title.
Ps = 5 0 -> Set Font to Pt. These controls may be disabled
using the allowFontOps resource. If Pt begins with a "#",
index in the font menu, relative (if the next character is a
plus or minus sign) or absolute. A number is expected but not
required after the sign (the default is the current entry for
relative, zero for absolute indexing).
vte recognizes the 50, but that (like a lot of other xterm features) is just a stub that doesn't do anything. The xterm sources include a 20-year old script which demonstrates the feature (see
Rather than using an escape sequence, you might be able to use the wmctrl tool (which could ask the window manager to negotiate with the terminal). Some have done that with other terminals, e.g, terminology (but ultimately using an escape sequence).
vte does have some code which might be accessible from a python script, using g_signal_connect to associate decrease-font-size and increase-font-size signal (see source code). The signal code is what you're using with the keyboard. But how you might determine the object pointer from a script starting outside the terminal emulator isn't clear.
There is no easy way to do this across terminals. Terminals support so called control sequences, which can set a bunch of options, like text color and others, but there is no control sequence for setting the font size. See for example and for what kind of actions are supported.

Windows 10 CMD/Powershell Buffer adjusts only when enlarging the console window; not when shrinking. Fix?

I have a seemingly simple question, but my google-fu is failing me:
I have started using CMD / Powershell more in my workflow recently, for a myriad of things including VIM, compiling, and Bash (Window's Ubuntu Subsystem). These all run in window's shell interface (if that is the right term for it? As distinct from Console 2/ConEmu, which are just wrappers around the shell and don't change its behavior).
Here's my problem:
When adjusting the shell window size larger, the buffer resizes to fit it.
However, when readjusting the window size to be smaller, the buffer stays large and scroll bars appear, and I have to use the scroll bars to view my entire window.
I don't want the latter half of this behavior, as it causes problems with programs like VIM, and is just annoying.
I actually like legacy console behavior in windows 10, as though it cannot be dynamically resized, it can be minimized or maximized and the buffer resizes along with both actions. However, I cannot simply enable this option as some things such as Bash require the modern windows 10 console and won't run in legacy mode.
Are there any other ways to have the buffer resize correctly along with the size of the window for either CMD or Powershell, or alternatively, to run Powershell with different settings than CMD (so I could have legacy console enabled in one, and not in the other -- they seem to share the same settings currently).
Additionally, if there are any alternative fixes or console shells that might solve this, feel free to suggest these as well! I've tried Mintty, and it's almost perfect, but messes up my register/clipboard settings in vim.
As you've discovered, switching to the legacy console on Windows 10 (via a console shortcut's Properties dialog, tab Options, checkbox Use legacy console (requires relaunch) is, unfortunately, a global setting (affects all future console windows, irrespective of the shell run in them).
Windows 10's new console, always sets the buffer width to the window width when you resize with the mouse, avoiding the need for horizontal scrolling (whereas the legacy console retains the original, larger buffer width when you make a window narrower with the mouse, at which point a horizontal scrollbar appears; as an aside: the legacy console doesn't allow making a window wider using the mouse).
If a shortcut file of yours doesn't behave that way while not in legacy mode, recreate the shortcut file.
Note: The terms legacy and new console above refer to modes of the legacy conhost.exe-based console windows overall, as distinct from their modern successor, Windows Terminal.
Therefore, the remaining part of this answer is only of interest, if any of the following apply:
you're using the legacy console - either because you've opted to do so on Windows 10 or because you're running on Windows 8.1 or below - and want a simple command to fix the horizontal scrolling issue.
you want to modify the startup dimensions of your console window by way of shortcut files.
you're interested in a script that programmatically resizes a console window.
There's no simple UI fix to avoid the horizontal scrolling when you narrow a window using the mouse - short of using the window's system menu's Properties dialog to make the buffer width match the window with, but that's cumbersome.
Here is a command you can run after mouse-based resizing to fix the horizontal scrolling issue:
[console]::BufferWidth = [console]::WindowWidth
So you don't have to type this every time, put it in a function, say, fixwin, and add it to your $PROFILE (initialization script):
function fixwin { [console]::BufferWidth = [console]::WindowWidth }
Using mode is not an option, because it would set your buffer height to the window height as well, so you'd lose your scroll-back buffer - see this answer.
You, can, however, call the above PowerShell command ad-hoc, using a DOSKEY macro:
doskey fixwin=powershell -noprofile -command "[console]::bufferwidth = [console]::windowwidth"
So you don't have to define the macro in every session, save the command to a batch file, say, .cmdrc.cmd in folder %USERPROFILE%, then modify the shortcut file that you use to start cmd.exe as follows:
Open the shortcut file's Properties dialog (via the shortcut menu, by right-clicking; for a taskbar item, right-click for the taskbar-related shortcut menu, then right-click the second to last item representing the underlying shortcut file).
In the Shortcut tab, replace the existing content of text box Target with the following:
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k "%USERPROFILE%\.cmdrc.cmd"
As an alternative to resizing a window after the fact, you can use a shortcut file to launch a console with preconfigured dimensions, which works with both the legacy and the new consoles:
Create a shortcut file pointing to the executable of interest (cmd.exe or powershell.exe).
Launch the shortcut.
Use the window's system menu's Properties dialog to set the desired window and buffer dimensions.
The next time you launch that shortcut file, the previously configured dimensions should take effect again.
To also remember the window position, position the window as desired, open the system menu's Properties dialog (again), uncheck Let system position window, and click OK.
cmd.exe / PowerShell script for fixing the buffer-width issue and/or programmatically resizing the window:
If you follow the instructions below, you'll be able to:
Simply execute rw (for resize window) after having used the mouse to narrow the window, so as to make the buffer width the same as the window width.
Alternatively, call rw <new-width> [<new-height>] to resize your window programmatically, which also sets the buffer width to the window width.
Pick or add a directory in your %PATH% in which to place the scripts below.
Create wrapper batch file rw.cmd with the following content:
#powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -noprofile -file "%~dpn0.ps1" %*
Create PowerShell script rw.ps1 with the following content (ignore the broken syntax-highlighting):
Resizes the console window.
Resizes the current console window to the specified width (in columns)
and/or height (in lines.
Note that the window position doesn't change; i.e., the top-left corner of
the window remains in place, and the width / height expands or shrinks.
To only change the width, specify a single value; e.g.: 120
To only change the height, specify 0 for the width; e.g.: 0 60
Specify neither if you don't want to resize, but want to ensure that the
buffer width is set to the same value as the window width, so as to avoid
the need for horizontal scrolling.
This is convenient after having resized the window with the mouse.
Note that specifying values that are too large causes an error.
The new width (in columns) to resize the current console window to.
The new height (in lines) to resize the current console window to.
.PARAMETER KeepBufferWidth
By default, the buffer width is always set to the resulting window width,
so as to avoid the need for horizontal scrolling.
Use this switch if you want to keep the current buffer width.
> rw 100 50
Makes the current console window 100 columns wide, and 50 lines tall.
> rw 100
Makes the current console window 100 columns, without changing the height.
> rw 0 70
Makes the current console window 70 lines tall, without changing the width.
> rw
Doesn't perform resizing, but ensures that the buffer width equals the
window width, so as to prevent horizontal scrolling.
[uint16] $Width,
[uint16] $Height,
[switch] $KeepBufferWidth
if ($width) { [console]::WindowWidth = $width }
if ($height) { [console]::WindowHeight = $height }
# Unless asked not to, always set the buffer width to the window width to
# prevent horizontal scrolling.
if (-not $KeepBufferWidth) { [console]::BufferWidth = [console]::WindowWidth }

Can I make emacs grep windows just use the other window to open files in?

I've got emacs in front of me.
I've run a find-grep, and it's got many hits, which are displayed in a window. The file names are displayed in green as hyperlinks.
I make that the only window, with C-x 1.
If I click on a file name, the window splits vertically, and the file with the found text is displayed in the other window.
If I click on further filenames, then the new file replaces the old file, which is what I want to happen.
So far, so good...
However if I resize the windows, then emacs will periodically (when I click) split one of the two windows again, rendering the display difficult to read. It will then cycle opening new files between the two new windows. Occasionally it will open more windows and make the situation worse. If I close any of these new windows they just get reopened again.
In fact sometimes this perverse behaviour happens even if I don't resize anything. It just seems to happen more often if I do.
I would like emacs to stop buggering around and just have one find-grep window and one 'display' window, and always replace the display window with the new file. I would also like to be able to set these windows to the sizes that seem most convenient.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Or can anyone point me to an essay on how the whole (replace the contents of this window/replace the contents of a different window/create another window by splitting) thing works, so I can go and hack it sane.
Short fix:
Try doing this
(setq split-height-threshold nil
split-width-threshold nil)
This will prevent Emacs from splitting windows automatically (horizontally or vertically). This might be undesirable in other situations, but this should do the job. Try it for a week or so and see if it disrupts your flow.
Also, I found that if the point was in one of the windows, and I clicked on a link, the file opened up in the next window (if any).
So, if you want to make the file open in the right window (when you have more than one window), you can ensure that the point is in the window before the window you want.
Longer answer:
OK. I was able to reproduce the problem. The thing is the window showing the files is pretty big (wide or tall) because you resized it and Emacs sees that the width or height is greater than the respective threshold and splits it likewise. So, we have to either make the threshold higher or disallow the behaviour completely.
And, just to answer the last few questions:
To get current window - (selected-window)
To get next window - (next-window)
To select a window - (select-window foo-window)
To get the buffer of the current window - (current-buffer)
To get the buffer of some window - (window-buffer foo-window)
To set a buffer for a window - (set-window-buffer foo-window bar-buffer)
I'm sure you can hack together decent window/buffer management functions using these functions.
You can use C-h f to get more details on each of these functions.
Also check out the Elisp manual -

Resize terminal from command?

I'm using cygwin but, is it possible to resize the terminal window via a command rather than doing it myself every time I open it? Some scripts I want to be a certain size for my own benefit.
The 'CSI t' sequence can be used for that on xterm-compatible terminals. Search for XTWINOPS for details.
For example, to resize to 50 rows and 80 columns.
echo -ne '\e[8;50;80t'
This works for me on bash.exe : 80,50
to set 80 columns and 50 rows.
Note that mode and are not the same in this case.
You can't resize the default terminal, since it's just windows' native 'cmd'. Alternatively, I saw this new addition of late: Not particularly sure whether you can resize that reminal from commandline though. It's still a windows console application.

How to maximize command prompt in windows xp

I am on windows xp,
Is there any way to maximize my cmd.exe window?
I am doing some mysql and it is so difficult to read results of my queries in such a small window.
Why maximize does not really maximizes it?
Is there a way for maximizing?
Or maybe an alternative command prompt I can use?
Click on the top left icon in the window (the "C:\" one) and select "Properties".
Then select the "Layout" tab and change the window size to what you want it to be (I have 128x50 for the screen and 128x999 for the scroll buffer). You can also optionally set the top left position (I always have it at 1,1) if you don't want Windows itself deciding where the window goes.
When you click on OK, make sure you tell it to modify the shortcut that started the window.
Then it will remember.
This is for XP, other MS operating systems may vary slightly but the general idea should be the same.
Try this:
In the Command window, right click the Title
bar and select Properties from the
popup menu. The property sheet
In the property sheet, select 'Full
Screen' in the 'Display Options'
Close the property sheet by clicking
OK and select 'Save proeprties for
future windows with same title'.
I would recommand that you use powershell
It also support full screen mode, and some other nice feature.
Command Window Default Properties
Click on the sytem menu, or with focus set on the Command Windows, press Alt+Space, and select Properties. Change your Font, Window Size, and so on. I always change my Window Size (on the Layout tab) to Width 80 by Height 65 and Screen Buffer Size to 80 by 300.
Check out Console2, it seems to be about the most promising window enhancement for cmd.exe.
I have to say, cmd.exe is probably the worst part of windows! Especially the copy pasting support, etc.
Personally, I use putty to ssh into a Linux box when I really need to do command line work, you can't go past Bash.
Even though you could install that on windows using Cygwin, which will allow you to use another console, although this doesn't have the ability to override the windows cmd.exe, it might be worth a shot given that you are trying to use a command line application, and not windows :).
Access Properties by right clicking on top of the CMD window, go back to the Font tab, select either 10 x 18 or 12 x 16, and then click OK. You'll then need to go back to the Layout tab and reset the Screen Buffer Size Width to the appropriate value. For example, I selected the 10 x 18 font size and then changed the Screen Buffer Size Width to 160X300 and window size width to 134X37.
