Proving correctness of multithread algorithms - algorithm

Multithread algorithms are notably hard to design/debug/prove. Dekker's algorithm is a prime example of how hard it can be to design a correct synchronized algorithm. Tanenbaum's Modern operating systems is filled with examples in its IPC section. Does anyone have a good reference (books, articles) for this? Thanks!

It is impossible to prove anything without building upon guarentees, so the first thing you want to do is to get familiar with the memory model of your target platform; Java and x86 both have solid and standardized memory models - I'm not so sure about CLR, but if all else fails, you'll have build upon the memory model of your target CPU architecture. The exception to this rule is if you intend to use a language that does does not allow any shared mutable state at all - I've heard Erlang is like that.
The first problem of concurrency is shared mutable state.
That can be fixed by:
Making state immutable
Not sharing state
Guarding shared mutable state by the same lock (two different locks cannot guard the same piece of state, unless you always use exactly these two locks)
The second problem of concurrency is safe publication. How do you make data available to other threads? How do you perform a hand-over? You'll the solution to this problem in the memory model, and (hopefully) in the API. Java, for instance, has many ways to publish state and the java.util.concurrent package contains tools specifically designed to handle inter-thread communication.
The third (and harder) problem of concurrency is locking. Mismanaged lock-ordering is the source of dead-locks. You can analytically prove, building upon the memory model guarentees, whether or not dead-locks are possible in your code. However, you need to design and write your code with that in mind, otherwise the complexity of the code can quickly render such an analysis impossible to perform in practice.
Then, once you have, or before you do, prove the correct use of concurrency, you will have to prove single-threaded correctness. The set of bugs that can occur in a concurrent code base is equal to the set of single-threaded program bugs, plus all the possible concurrency bugs.

The Pi-Calculus, A Theory of Mobile Processes is a good place to begin.

"Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming", M. Ben-Ari
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-31283-9
They have in on safari books online for reading:

Short answer: it's hard.
There was some really good work in the DEC SRC Modula-3 and larch stuff from the late 1980's.
Thread synchronization: A formal specification (1991)
by A D Birrell, J V Guttag, J J Horning, R Levin
System Programming with Modula-3, chapter 5
Extended static checking (1998)
by David L. Detlefs, David L. Detlefs, K. Rustan, K. Rustan, M. Leino, M. Leino, Greg Nelson, Greg Nelson, James B. Saxe, James B. Saxe
Some of the good ideas from Modula-3 are making it into the Java world, e.g.
JML, though "JML is currently limited to sequential specification" says the intro.

I don't have any concrete references, but you might want to look into the Owicki-Gries theory (if you like theorem proving) or process theory/algebra (for which there are also various model-checking tools available).

#Just in case: I is. But from what i learnt, doing so for a non trivial algorithm is a major pain. I leave that sort of a thing for brainier people. I learnt what i know from Parallel Program Design: A Foundation (1988)
by K M Chandy, J Misra


Algorithms that can only be written in assembly

Any algorithm you can implement in a HLL you can implement in assembly. On the other hand, there are many algorithms you can implement in assembly which you cannot implement in a HLL. - Randall Hyde
I found this statement in the forward to a book on assembly. The book is here:
Does anyone know an example of this type of algorithm?
It's plain wrong.
You can implement any algorithm (in the CS sense of the word) in any turing complete programming language.
On the other hand, if he would have said something a like: "Some algorithms can be implemented very efficiently, and with ease in assembly, much more so than what is possible in most high level programming languages", then his statement would have made sense...
Interesting text though....
There is a sense in which it is trivially false: in the worst case, you could write an emulator in the HLL and then run the algorithm in there. But that's cheating a bit because now the HLL does not directly implement the algorithm.
A concrete example of what many HLL's can't do (or maybe they can in practice, but it is not guaranteed that they can do it), is directly implementing a XOR linked list. In many languages you just cannot XOR pointers, and/or it wouldn't make sense even if you could (consider garbage collection). Of course you can refer to every node by an integer ID and XOR those, but that's a workaround, not a direct implementation.
HLL's often have trouble implementing unstructured control flow, though many (particularly older) languages offer a goto. That means you may have to jump through hoops to implement a state machine (using a switch in a loop or whatever), instead of letting the state be implied by the program counter.
There are also many algorithms and data structures that rely on operations that don't exist in typical HLL's, for example popcnt or lzcnt, which can again be emulated, but then so can everything.
In case you have strict limitations in terms of memory and/or execution time, you might be forced to use assembly language.
High level languages typically require a run-time library which might be too big to fit into your program memory.
Think of a time-critical driver routine. An interrupt service routine for example. If there are only a few nanoseconds available for the routine, assembly language might be the only viable option.
How about this? You need to write some assembly code in order to access system registers and tables. But onces the setup is done, no CPU instructions are executed (everything's done by the complex CPU exception handling mechanisms) and yet the thing is Turing-complete and can "run" programs.

How do you mitigate proposal-number overflow attacks in Byzantine Paxos?

I've been doing a lot of research into Paxos recently, and one thing I've always wondered about, I'm not seeing any answers to, which means I have to ask.
Paxos includes an increasing proposal number (and possibly also a separate round number, depending on who wrote the paper you're reading). And of course, two would-be leaders can get into duels where each tries to out-increment the other in a vicious cycle. But as I'm working in a Byzantine, P2P environment, it makes me what to do about proposers that would attempt to set the proposal number extremely high - for example, the maximum 32-bit or 64-bit word.
How should a language-agnostic, platform-agnostic Paxos-based protocol deal with integer maximums for proposal number and/or round number? Especially intentional/malicious cases, which make the modular-arithmetic approach of overflowing back to 0 a bit unattractive?
From what I've read, I think this is still an open question that isn't addressed in literature.
Byzantine Proposer Fast Paxos addresses denial of service, but only of the sort that would delay message sending through attacks not related to flooding with incrementing (proposal) counters.
Having said that, integer overflow is probably the least of your problems. Instead of thinking about integer overflow, you might want to consider membership attacks first (via DoS). Learning about membership after consensus from several nodes may be a viable strategy, but probably still vulnerable to Sybil attacks at some level.
Another strategy may be to incorporate some proof-of-work system for proposals to limit the flood of requests. However, it's difficult to know what to use this as a metric to balance against (for example, free currency when you mine the block chain in Bitcoin). It really depends on what type of system you're trying to build. You should consider the value of information in your system, then create a proof of work system that requires slightly more cost to circumvent.
However, once you have the ability to slow down a proposal counter, you still need to worry about integer maximums in any system with a high number of (valid) operations. You should have a strategy for number wrapping or a multiple precision scheme in place where you can clearly determine how many years/decades your network can run without encountering trouble without blowing out a fixed precision counter. If you can determine that your system will run for 100 years (or whatever) without blowing out your fixed precision counter, even with malicious entities, then you can choose to simplify things.
On another (important) note, the system model used in most papers doesn't reflect everything that makes a real-life implementation practical (Raft is a nice exception to this). If anything, some authors are guilty of creating a system model that is designed to avoid a hard problem that they haven't found an answer to. So, if someone says that X will solve everything, please be aware they they only mean that it solves everything in the very specific system model that they defined. On the other side of this, you should consider that the system model is closely tied to a statement that says "Y is impossible". A nice example to explain this concept is the completely asynchronous message passing of the Ben-Or consensus algorithm which uses nondeterminism in the system model's state machine to avoid the limits specified by the FLP impossibility result (which specifies that consensus requires partially asynchronous message passing when the system model's state machine is deterministic).
So, you should continue to consider the "impossible" after you read a proof that says it can't be done. Nancy Lynch did a nice writeup on this concept.
I guess what I'm really saying is that a good solution to your question doesn't really exist yet. If you figure it out, please publish it (or let me know if you find an existing paper).

How Concurrent is Prolog?

I can't find any info on this online... I am also new to Prolog...
It seems to me that Prolog could be highly concurrent, perhaps trying many possibilities at once when trying to match a rule. Are modern Prolog compilers/interpreters inherently* concurrent? Which ones? Is concurrency on by default? Do I need to enable it somehow?
* I am not interested in multi-threading, just inherent concurrency.
Are modern Prolog compilers/interpreters inherently* concurrent? Which ones? Is concurrency on by default?
No. Concurrent logic programming was the main aim of the 5th Generation Computer program in Japan in the 1980s; it was expected that Prolog variants would be "easily" parallelized on massively parallel hardware. The effort largely failed, because automatic concurrency just isn't easy. Today, Prolog compilers tend to offer threading libraries instead, where the program must control the amount of concurrency by hand.
To see why parallelizing Prolog is as hard as any other language, consider the two main control structures the language offers: conjunction (AND, serial execution) and disjunction (OR, choice with backtracking). Let's say you have an AND construct such as
p(X) :- q(X), r(X).
and you'd want to run q(X) and r(X) in parallel. Then, what happens if q partially unifies X, say by binding it to f(Y). r must have knowledge of this binding, so either you've got to communicate it, or you have to wait for both conjuncts to complete; then you may have wasted time if one of them fails, unless you, again, have them communicate to synchronize. That gives overhead and is hard to get right. Now for OR:
p(X) :- q(X).
p(X) :- r(X).
There's a finite number of choices here (Prolog, of course, admits infinitely many choices) so you'd want to run both of them in parallel. But then, what if one succeeds? The other branch of the computation must be suspended and its state saved. How many of these states are you going to save at once? As many as there are processors seems reasonable, but then you have to take care to not have computations create states that don't fit in memory. That means you have to guess how large the state of a computation is, something that Prolog hides from you since it abstracts over such implementation details as processors and memory; it's not C.
In other words, automatic parallelization is hard. The 5th Gen. Computer project got around some of the issues by designing committed-choice languages, i.e. Prolog dialects without backtracking. In doing so, they drastically changed the language. It must be noted that the concurrent language Erlang is an offshoot of Prolog, and it too has traded in backtracking for something that is closer to functional programming. It still requires user guidance to know what parts of a program can safely be run concurrently.
In theory that seems attractive, but there are various problems that make such an implementation seem unwise.
for better or worse, people are used to thinking of their programs as executing left-to-right and top-down, even when programming in Prolog. Both the order of clauses for a predicate and of terms within a clause is semantically meaningful in standard Prolog. Parallelizing them would change the behaviour of far too much exising code to become popular.
non-relational language elements such as the cut operator can only be meaningfully be used when you can rely on such execution orders, i.e. they would become unusable in a parallel interpreter unless very complicated dependency tracking were invented.
all existing parallelization solutions incur at least some performance overhead for inter-thread communication.
Prolog is typically used for high-level, deeply recursive problems such as graph traversal, theorem proving etc. Parallelization on a modern machines can (ideally) achieve a speedup of n for some constant n, but it cannot turn an unviable recursive solution method into a viable one, because that would require an exponential speedup. In contrast, the numerical problems that Fortran and C programmers usually solve typically have a high but quite finite cost of computation; it is well worth the effort of parallelization to turn a 10-hour job into a 1-hour job. In contrast, turning a program that can look about 6 moves ahead into one that can (on average) look 6.5 moves ahead just isn't as compelling.
There are two notions of concurrency in Prolog. One is tied to multithreading, the other to suspended goals. I am not sure what you want to know. So I will expand a little bit about multithreading first:
Today widely available Prolog system can be differentiated whether they are multithreaded or not. In a multithreaded Prolog system you can spawn multiple threads that run concurrently over the same knowledge base. This poses some problems for consult and dynamic predicates, which are solved by these Prolog systems.
You can find a list of the Prolog systems that are multithreaded here:
Operating system and Web-related features
Multithreading is a prerequesite for various parallelization paradigmas. Correspondingly the individudal Prolog systems provide constructs that serve certain paradigmas. Typical paradigmas are thread pooling, for example used in web servers, or spawning a thread for long running GUI tasks.
Currently there is no ISO standard for a thread library, although there has been a proposal and each Prolog system has typically rich libraries that provide thread synchronization, thread communication, thread debugging and foreign code threads. A certain progress in garbage collection in Prolog system was necessary to allow threaded applications that have potentially infinitely long running threads.
Some existing layers even allow high level parallelization paradigmas in a Prolog system independent fashion. For example Logtalk has some constructs that map to various target Prolog systems.
Now lets turn to suspended goals. From older Prolog systems (since Prolog II, 1982, in fact) we know the freeze/2 command or blocking directives. These constructs force a goal not to be expanded by existing clauses, but instead put on a sleeping list. The goal can the later be woken up. Since the execution of the goal is not immediate but only when it is woken up, suspended goals are sometimes seen as concurrent goals,
but the better notion for this form of parallelism would be coroutines.
Suspended goals are useful to implement constraint solving systems. In the simplest case the sleeping list is some variable attribute. But a newer approach for constraint solving systems are constraint handling rules. In constraint handling rules the wake up conditions can be suspended goal pair patterns. The availability of constraint solving either via suspended goals or constraint handling rules can be seen here:
Overview of Prolog Systems
Best Regards
From a quick google search it appears that the concurrent logic programming paradigm has only been the basis for a few research languages and is no longer actively developed. I have seen claims that concurrent logic is easy to do in the Mozart/Oz system.
There was great hope in the 80s/90s to bake parallelism into the language (thus making it "inherently" parallel), in particular in the context of the Fifth Generation Project. Even special hardware constructs were studied to implement "Parallel Inference Machine" (PIM) (Similar to the special hardware for LISP machines in the "functional programming" camp). Hardware efforts were abandoned due to continual improvement of off-the-shelf CPUs and software effort were abandoned due to excessive compiler complexity, lack of demand for hard-to-implement high-level features and likely lack of payoff: parallelism that looks transparent and elegantly exploitable at the language level generally means costly inter-process communication and transactional locking "under the hood".
A good read about this is
"The Deevolution of Concurrent Logic Programming Languages"
by Evan Tick, March 1994. Appeared in "Journal of Logic Programming, Tenth Anniversary Special Issue, 1995". The Postscript file linked to is complete, unlike the PDF you get at Elsevier.
The author says:
There are two main views of concurrent logic programming and its
development over the past several years [i.e. 1990-94]. Most logic programming
literature views concurrent logic programming languages as a
derivative or variant of logic programs, i.e., the main difference
being the extensive use of "don't care" nondeterminism rather than
"don't know" (backtracking) nondeterminism. Hence the name committed
choice or CC languages. A second view is that concurrent logic
programs are concurrent, reactive programs, not unlike other
"traditional" concurrent languages such as 'C' with explicit message
passing, in the sense that procedures are processes that communicate
over data streams to incrementally produce answers. A cynic might say
that the former view has more academic richness, whereas the latter
view has more practical public relations value.
This article is a survey of implementation techniques of concurrent
logic programming languages, and thus full disclosure of both of these
views is not particularly relevant. Instead, a quick overview of basic
language semantics, and how they relate to fundamental programming
paradigms in a variety of languages within the family, will suffice.
No attempt will be made to cover the many feasible programming
paradigms; nor semantical nuances, nor the family history. (...).
The main point I wish to make in this article is that concurrent logic
programming languages have been deevolving since their inception,
about ten years ago, because of the following tatonnement:
Systems designers and compiler writers could supply only certain limited features in robust; efficient implementations. This drove the
market to accept these restricted languages as, in some informal
sense, de facto standards.
Programmers became aware that certain, more expressive language features were not critically important to getting applications
written, and did not demand their inclusion.
Thus my stance in this article will be a third view: how the initially
rich languages gradually lost their "teeth," and became weaker, but
more practically implementable, and achieved faster performance.
The deevolutionary history begins with Concurrent Prolog (deep guards,
atomic unification; read-only annotated variables for
synchronization), and after a series of reductions (for example: GHC
(input-matching synchronization), Parlog (safe), FCP (flat), Fleng (no
guards), Janus (restricted communication), Strand (assignment rather
than output unification)), and ends for now with PCN (flat guards,
non-atomic assignments input-matching synchronization, and
explicitly-defined mutable variables). This and other terminology will
be defined as the article proceeds.
This view may displease some
readers because it presupposes that performance is the main driving
force of the language market; and furthermore that the main "added
value" of concurrent logic programs over logic programs is the ability
to naturally exploit parallelism to gain speed. Certainly the reactive
nature of the languages also adds value; e.g., in building complex
object-oriented applications. Thus one can argue that the deevolution
witnessed is a bad thing when reactive capabilities are being traded
for speed.
ECLiPSe-CLP, a language "largely backward-compatible with Prolog", supports OR-parallelism, even though "this functionality is currently not actively maintained because of other priorities".
[1,2] document OR- (and AND-)parallelism in ECLiPSe-CLP.
However, I tried to get it working some time using the code from ECLiPSe-CLP's repository, but I didn't get it though.

Implementions of algorithms for evaluating circuits

Consider the problem of circuit evaluation, where the input is a boolean circuit C and an input string x and you want to compute C(x). (Assume fan-in 2 if you like.)
This is a 'trivial' problem algorithmically, however it appears non-trivial to implement when C can be huge (think several million gates) and memory management becomes an issue.
There are several ways this problem can be approached, trading off memory, time, and disc access. But before going through all this work myself, does anyone know of any existing implementations of algorithms for this problem? It would be surprising to me if none exist...
For C/C++, the standard digital circuit design & simulation system for more than 10 years now is SystemC.
It is a library that allows you to design digital logic in C++. There are supporting software that allows you to do timing analysis and even generate schematic netlist for C code.
I've only played with it a little before deciding that I was more comfortable with Verilog. But it is a mature piece of software with lots of industry support. Googling around will yield a lot of information including several tutorial pages.
It sounds like Binary Decision Diagrams could be used for your task? There are well-known algorithms (and implementations) of these which are very compact in terms of memory usage, given that they are designed to be used on huge state spaces.

Is it possible to create thread-safe collections without locks?

This is pure just for interest question, any sort of questions are welcome.
So is it possible to create thread-safe collections without any locks? By locks I mean any thread synchronization mechanisms, including Mutex, Semaphore, and even Interlocked, all of them. Is it possible at user level, without calling system functions? Ok, may be implementation is not effective, i am interested in theoretical possibility. If not what is the minimum means to do it?
EDIT: Why immutable collections don't work.
This of class Stack with methods Add that returns another Stack.
Now here is program:
Stack stack = new ...;
//Do the loop
stack = stack.Add(element);
this expression stack = stack.Add(element) is not atomic, and you can overwrite new stack from other thread.
There seem to be misconceptions by even guru software developers about what constitutes a lock.
One has to make a distinction between atomic operations and locks. Atomic operations like compare and swap perform an operation (which would otherwise require two or more instructions) as a single uninterruptible instruction. Locks are built from atomic operations however they can result in threads busy-waiting or sleeping until the lock is unlocked.
In most cases if you manage to implement an parallel algorithm with atomic operations without resorting to locking you will find that it will be orders of magnitude faster. This is why there is so much interest in wait-free and lock-free algorithms.
There has been a ton of research done on implementing various wait-free data-structures. While the code tends to be short, they can be notoriously hard to prove that they really work due to the subtle race conditions that arise. Debugging is also a nightmare. However a lot of work has been done and you can find wait-free/lock-free hashmaps, queues (Michael Scott's lock free queue), stacks, lists, trees, the list goes on. If you're lucky you'll also find some open-source implementations.
Just google 'lock-free my-data-structure' and see what you get.
For further reading on this interesting subject start from The Art of Multiprocessor Programming by Maurice Herlihy.
Yes, immutable collections! :)
Yes, it is possible to do concurrency without any support from the system. You can use Peterson's algorithm or the more general bakery algorithm to emulate a lock.
It really depends on how you define the term (as other commenters have discussed) but yes, it's possible for many data structures, at least, to be implemented in a non-blocking way (without the use of traditional mutual-exclusion locks).
I strongly recommend, if you're interested in the topic, that you read the blog of Cliff Click -- Cliff is the head guru at Azul Systems, who produce hardware + a custom JVM to run Java systems on massive and massively parallel (think up to around 1000 cores and in the hundreds of gigabytes of RAM area), and obviously in those kinds of systems locking can be death (disclaimer: not an employee or customer of Azul, just an admirer of their work).
Dr Click has famously come up with a non-blocking HashTable, which is basically a complex (but quite brilliant) state machine using atomic CompareAndSwap operations.
There is a two-part blog post describing the algorithm (part one, part two) as well as a talk given at Google (slides, video) -- the latter in particular is a fantastic introduction. Took me a few goes to 'get' it -- it's complex, let's face it! -- but if you presevere (or if you're smarter than me in the first place!) you'll find it very rewarding.
I don't think so.
The problem is that at some point you will need some mutual exclusion primitive (perhaps at the machine level) such as an atomic test-and-set operation. Otherwise, you could always devise a race condition. Once you have a test-and-set, you essentially have a lock.
That being said, in older hardware that did not have any support for this in the instruction set, you could disable interrupts and thus prevent another "process" from taking over but effectively constantly putting the system into a serialized mode and forcing sort of a mutual exclusion for a while.
At the very least you need atomic operations. There are lock free algorithms for single cpu's. I'm not sure about multiple CPU's
