Any experience with compiling VBScript? - performance

I have a home-spun 2000 lines VBScript script, that has become progressively slow with each additional code I add. It was created as a private debugging aid and now that it has become really useful. I want to polish it and ship it along with our product.
I thought I could speed it up by compiling it and making it an EXE. Furthermore I want to have a user interface for my tool, which might be possible once I use the extra libraries that the compiling platform might give me. I'm also considering extending the script by calling Win32 functions for whatever missing functionalities I require.
I have VB 6.0 or I can buy an external compiler. But I also need the created program (not the compiler itself) to run fine in Windows Vista. What are my best options?

I would recommend downloading Visual Basic Express Edition ( and port your tool to VB.Net. However, that approach has one drawback - your program will be dependent on .Net. For the most part that shouldn't be a big problem, as by now most machines should have .Net 2.0, still it's better to keep it in mind.
I would stay away from VB6.0; however, aside from VB.Net I don't know any other good Basic compilers you could use.

There's probably more to the slowness than just the fact it's being interpreted. There are probably various optimisations you could make to it to make it faster. Try finding which parts of the code slow it down the most and try to speed them up.
Depending on what the code does VB6 could be fine. If it'll be dealing with natural text/filenames, then it would be better to use, 'cause VB6 doesn't support Unicode well.
But I get the feeling that even after compilation, it could still be slow, because compilation will only make it run faster, but not more efficiently.

Well ... there are a number of "good" BASIC compilers out there:
are the ones that come to mind immediately. Quite a few are listed on the mindteq site. (Jabaco is particularly interesting - VB6 re-expressed in Java. I've fiddled with it, and it looks very promising!)
But getting back to VBScript compilers, they do exist .. sort of. What they do is tokenise the code and put some kind of wrapper around them. Whether they run any faster is moot.

It's hard to say without knowing more of what the program is doing or how much data it's processing.
I agree with Franci - VB6 is no longer sold or supported so VB.Net would be the way to go for compiled code. (Express is free.) VBScript is not very much like VB.Net, so that might be a good bit of work to port unless it's all WMI or LDAP queries or something like that.
I would start out timing things to see where your bottlenecks are. Unless you're doing tons of looping and multi-level function calling you're probably stuck on external calls.
wscript.echo "Begin: " & Time
tStartTime = Timer
'... do stuff ...
tStopTime = Timer
wscript.echo "Elapsed time: " & tStopTime - tStartTime


Create a Debugging IDE for proprietary language

I am using a rather obsure, proprietary langauge called WIL/Winbatch that had an awful IDE (winbatch studio).
I would like to develop an alternative environment; however, without the ability to set breakpoints, step, and examine variables, there is really no point. How does one begin even researching how to implementing a debugger for a proprietary language? Is it even legal?
I guess I'm kind of locked in a mindset that the debugger portion must be able to examine the statements that are provided to it in WIL as they are executed, right? So somehow i have to trap the output of the interpreter? Or is it just a matter of reading locations in memory using whatever language?
Thanks in advance.
Having been there and successfully completed the task, here are the things to keep in mind:
Build it as a plug-in/extension to an IDE your team is already familiar with and likes. They'll thank you for providing an interface consistent with what they really know how to use, plus you can focus entirely on the features that make your language different from others.
You'll have to learn the debugging protocol for your language. In our case, we had source access to the runtime for the interpreted language. In other cases, you may find documentation for GDB local or remote debugging interface, a library you can link to for the language's debugging protocols, or maybe even figure out what the call stacks look like and wrap the Windows Debugging API to analyze it behind the scenes.
Don't build in excess of what the language provides. Adding debugging features takes a lot of time, and they have a rather annoying habit of needing to be significantly altered or completely rewritten as versions of the target language are updated.
Why are you tied so closely to this language? If it's not well supported, there are many others you can use. Anyway, to actually answer your question, the difficulty depends on whether it is a compiled or interpreted language and whether or not you have access to any source code (which it seems of course, that you don't). That said, this would be a very challenging project as you would have to reverse engineer the compiled code for it to have any meaning. Your time would be better spent learning another (better) language.
Perhaps if you can give us an idea of why you want to use this language we could give you some help?

Any real world experience debugging a production functional program?

I'm interested in what tools and methods are used for diagnosing flaws in large scale functional programs. What tools are useful? My current understanding is that 'printf' debugging (e.g. add logging and redeploy) is what is typically used.
If you've done debugging of a functional system what was different about it then debugging a system built with an OO or procedural language?
Sadly, printf debugging seems to be the state of practice for Standard ML, Objective Caml, and Haskell. There's a little bit of debugging at the interactive read-eval-print loop, but once your app hits 25,000 or 50,000 lines that's less useful.
If you're lucky enough to be using Haskell, there's an exception: QuickCheck is indispensible for testing and deubgging. QuickCheck can be used even on combinations of Haskell and C code, as demonstrated by experience with the Xmonad window manager.
It's worth noting that around 1990 Andrew Tolmach built a very nice time-travel debugger for Standard ML of New Jersey, but that it was not considered worth maintaining. It's also worth noting that at one point the OCaml debugger (also a time-travel debugger) worked only on bytecode, which was inconvneient, and refused to violate abstraction barriers, which made it useless. This was around release 3.07 or so; perhaps things have improved.
Also in the early 1990s, Henrik Nilsson built an interesting debugger for Haskell, but mostly what it did was prevent the debugger from accidentally changing the evaluation behavior of the program. This was interesting, but only to lavzy-evaluation weenies.
As someone who has built or worked on large applications in all three of these languages, I find the state of play depressing.
The main tools we use at work (a Haskell shop) are:
HPC: visual Haskell program coverage tool (we developed this in house)
Sometimes, the GHCi debugger
My current job is to implement new features and support a large system implemented in ocaml and C#. Most of the "logic" is implemented in caml and the GUI and data access is in C#. The debugging techniques are pretty much as you describe lots of logging and assert to work out what's gone wrong.
Additionally we have a large number of unit tests, which are just caml scripts for testing the logic and help to spot any regression errors.
We also use continuous integration to check the build and run nightly test scripts, including some automated testing of the GUI though our "automation" style scripting interface.
I quite often use the C# debugger for debugging the C# portion of the application, the ocaml debugger does yet work under windows so we don't use it. Although we hope one day we may fix this but it isn't top of our priority list. I have occasionally used windbg to investigate managed and unmanaged memory problems, though this turned out to be caused by a third party component implemented in C#.
So overall, nothing out of the ordinary but it seems to work okay, we don't see too many production problems.
F# has Visual Studio integration, so you can attach the debugger to your program and set breakpoints, watches, etc, just like with any other .NET language.
However, I prefer to avoid debugging as much as possible, by writing short functions that I can unit-test individually.
A couple of years ago when I did this I had to use a combination of printf debugging and QuickCheck. These days I would also use the ghci built-in debugger.
The biggest headache was actually laziness causing space-time leaks. There still doesn't seem to be a good answer to these: just do lots of profiling and keep trying to figure it out.
OCaml and F# both have excellent debuggers. OCaml's is time reversible. F#'s has excellent IDE and multithreading support.

Is it possible to "decompile" a Windows .exe? Or at least view the Assembly?

A friend of mine downloaded some malware from Facebook, and I'm curious to see what it does without infecting myself. I know that you can't really decompile an .exe, but can I at least view it in Assembly or attach a debugger?
Edit to say it is not a .NET executable, no CLI header.
With a debugger you can step through the program assembly interactively.
With a disassembler, you can view the program assembly in more detail.
With a decompiler, you can turn a program back into partial source code, assuming you know what it was written in (which you can find out with free tools such as PEiD - if the program is packed, you'll have to unpack it first OR Detect-it-Easy if you can't find PEiD anywhere. DIE has a strong developer community on github currently).
OllyDbg, free, a fine 32-bit debugger, for which you can find numerous user-made plugins and scripts to make it all the more useful.
WinDbg, free, a quite capable debugger by Microsoft. WinDbg is especially useful for looking at the Windows internals, since it knows more about the data structures than other debuggers.
SoftICE, SICE to friends. Commercial and development stopped in 2006. SoftICE is kind of a hardcore tool that runs beneath the operating system (and halts the whole system when invoked). SoftICE is still used by many professionals, although might be hard to obtain and might not work on some hardware (or software - namely, it will not work on Vista or NVIDIA gfx cards).
IDA Pro(commercial) - top of the line disassembler/debugger. Used by most professionals, like malware analysts etc. Costs quite a few bucks though (there exists free version, but it is quite quite limited)
W32Dasm(free) - a bit dated but gets the job done. I believe W32Dasm is abandonware these days, and there are numerous user-created hacks to add some very useful functionality. You'll have to look around to find the best version.
Visual Basic: VB Decompiler, commercial, produces somewhat identifiable bytecode.
Delphi: DeDe, free, produces good quality source code.
C: HexRays, commercial, a plugin for IDA Pro by the same company. Produces great results but costs a big buck, and won't be sold to just anyone (or so I hear).
.NET(C#): dotPeek, free, decompiles .NET 1.0-4.5 assemblies to C#. Support for .dll, .exe, .zip, .vsix, .nupkg, and .winmd files.
Some related tools that might come handy in whatever it is you're doing are resource editors such as ResourceHacker (free) and a good hex editor such as Hex Workshop (commercial).
Additionally, if you are doing malware analysis (or use SICE), I wholeheartedly suggest running everything inside a virtual machine, namely VMware Workstation. In the case of SICE, it will protect your actual system from BSODs, and in the case of malware, it will protect your actual system from the target program. You can read about malware analysis with VMware here.
Personally, I roll with Olly, WinDbg & W32Dasm, and some smaller utility tools.
Also, remember that disassembling or even debugging other people's software is usually against the EULA in the very least :)
psoul's excellent post answers to your question so I won't replicate his good work, but I feel it'd help to explain why this is at once a perfectly valid but also terribly silly question. After all, this is a place to learn, right?
Modern computer programs are produced through a series of conversions, starting with the input of a human-readable body of text instructions (called "source code") and ending with a computer-readable body of instructions (called alternatively "binary" or "machine code").
The way that a computer runs a set of machine code instructions is ultimately very simple. Each action a processor can take (e.g., read from memory, add two values) is represented by a numeric code. If I told you that the number 1 meant scream and the number 2 meant giggle, and then held up cards with either 1 or 2 on them expecting you to scream or giggle accordingly, I would be using what is essentially the same system a computer uses to operate.
A binary file is just a set of those codes (usually call "op codes") and the information ("arguments") that the op codes act on.
Now, assembly language is a computer language where each command word in the language represents exactly one op-code on the processor. There is a direct 1:1 translation between an assembly language command and a processor op-code. This is why coding assembly for an x386 processor is different than coding assembly for an ARM processor.
Disassembly is simply this: a program reads through the binary (the machine code), replacing the op-codes with their equivalent assembly language commands, and outputs the result as a text file. It's important to understand this; if your computer can read the binary, then you can read the binary too, either manually with an op-code table in your hand (ick) or through a disassembler.
Disassemblers have some new tricks and all, but it's important to understand that a disassembler is ultimately a search and replace mechanism. Which is why any EULA which forbids it is ultimately blowing hot air. You can't at once permit the computer reading the program data and also forbid the computer reading the program data.
(Don't get me wrong, there have been attempts to do so. They work as well as DRM on song files.)
However, there are caveats to the disassembly approach. Variable names are non-existent; such a thing doesn't exist to your CPU. Library calls are confusing as hell and often require disassembling further binaries. And assembly is hard as hell to read in the best of conditions.
Most professional programmers can't sit and read assembly language without getting a headache. For an amateur it's just not going to happen.
Anyway, this is a somewhat glossed-over explanation, but I hope it helps. Everyone can feel free to correct any misstatements on my part; it's been a while. ;)
Good news. IDA Pro is actually free for its older versions now:
x64dbg is a good and open source debugger that is actively maintained.
Any decent debugger can do this. Try OllyDbg. (edit: which has a great disassembler that even decodes the parameters to WinAPI calls!)
If you are just trying to figure out what a malware does, it might be much easier to run it under something like the free tool Process Monitor which will report whenever it tries to access the filesystem, registry, ports, etc...
Also, using a virtual machine like the free VMWare server is very helpful for this kind of work. You can make a "clean" image, and then just go back to that every time you run the malware.
I'd say in 2019 (and even more so in 2022), Ghidra ( is worth checking out. It's open source (and free), and has phenomenal code analysis capabilities, including the ability to decompile all the way back to fairly readable C code.
Sure, have a look at IDA Pro. They offer an eval version so you can try it out.
You may get some information viewing it in assembly, but I think the easiest thing to do is fire up a virtual machine and see what it does. Make sure you have no open shares or anything like that that it can jump through though ;)
Boomerang may also be worth checking out.
I can't believe nobody said nothing about Immunity Debugger, yet.
Immunity Debugger is a powerful tool to write exploits, analyze malware, and reverse engineer binary files. It was initially based on Ollydbg 1.0 source code, but with names resoution bug fixed. It has a well supported Python API for easy extensibility, so you can write your python scripts to help you out on the analysis.
Also, there's a good one Peter from Corelan team wrote called, excelent tool btw.
If you want to run the program to see what it does without infecting your computer, use with a virtual machine like VMWare or Microsoft VPC, or a program that can sandbox the program like SandboxIE
You can use dotPeek, very good for decompile exe file. It is free.
What you want is a type of software called a "Disassembler".
Quick google yields this: Link
If you have no time, submit the malware to cwsandbox:
The explorer suite can do what you want.

What successful conversion/rewrite of software have you done? [closed]

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What successful conversion/rewrite have you done of software you were involved with? What where the languages and framework involved in the process? How large was the software in question? Finally what is the top one or two thing you learned from being involved with the process.
This is related to this question
I'm going for "most abstruse" here:
Ported an 8080 simulator written in
FORTRAN 77 from a DECSystem-10 running TOPS-10 to an
IBM 4381 mainframe running VM/CMS.
I rewrote 20,000 lines of Perl to use "use strict" in every file. I had to add "my" everywhere it was needed and I had to fix the bugs that were uncovered during the process.
The biggest thing I learned from doing this is, "It always takes longer than you think."
I had to get it done all at once overnight so that the other coders would not be writing new, unfixed code at the same time. I thought it would go quickly, but it didn't, and I was still hacking on it at 6 AM the next morning.
I did get it complete and checked in before everyone else started work though!
I rewrote a large java web application to an ASP.Net application for a realty company for various reasons.
The biggest thing I learned is that, no matter how trivial the feature the original system had, if it's not in the second system, the client thinks the rewrite is a failure. Expectation management is everything when writing the new system.
This is the biggest reason rewrites are so hard: it seems so easy to the client ("Just re-do what I already have and add a few things.").
The coolest one for me, I think, was the port of MAME to the iPod. It was a great learning experience with embedded hardware, and I got to work with a lot of great people. Official site.
I am doing a rewrite of an Inhouse Project managment system to a more standard MVC model. Its in the LAMP stack (PHP) and i am close to the 1st milestone.
The things i have learned from that currently is how simple the program feels at the beginning and i tried to not add complexity until i have to.
Example is that i programmed all the functionality first (like i was an admin user) and then when that is sorted out, add the complexity of having restrictions (user levels etc)
I ported/redesigned/rewrote a 30,000-line MS-DOS C++ program into a similar-length but much more fully-featured and usable Java Swing program.
I learned never to take another job involving C++ or Java.
I ported a client server Powerbuilder app, a couple of hundred screens worth, into an ASP.NET app (C#).
Due to performance and maintainability issues, I had over the previous year moved a ton of embedded SQL out of Powerbuilder scripts and into stored procedures.
Although this would make a lot of you wince, having a lot of business logic in the database, it mean the Powerbuilder app was relatively "light" and when we built the .Net front end, it could take advantage of the SQL codebase and have a lot of functionality already built and tested.
Not saying I'd recommend building apps that way, but it certainly worked to our advantage in this instance.
We had a code generation tool in our application framework that was used to read in text-based data files, About 20 other applications made use of it.
We wanted to make use of XML data files instead of structured text-based files. The original code was quite outdated and difficult to maintain. We replaced this tool by a combination of XSLT scripts and a utility library. For the utility library we could make use of some code in the old tool.
The result was that all 20 applications could now make use of either the obsolete text based file format or the new XML based format. We also delivered a conversion-generation tool that converted old data files to new XML data files.
After bringing out one or two release we have now decided that we will no longer support the old text based format and everybody is able to convert their data to XML.
We did hardly have to do manual conversions,
Converted the main company app from pre-standard C++ to standard C++. We had a multimillion dollar sale contingent on making it work on AIX, and after looking at it we decided that converting to standard C++ was going to be just as easy as converting to IBM's traditional C++.
I don't know the line count, but the source code ran to hundreds of megabytes.
We used standard Unix tools to do this, including vi and the assorted compilers.
It took a few months. Most of the fixes were simple ones, caught by the compiler and almost mechanically fixed. Some of them were much more complicated.
I think my main takeaway was: Don't get too awfully clever with code in a language that hasn't been standardized yet, or is likely to have things change in unexpected ways. We had to do a lot of digging in some of the ingenious adaptations/abuses of C++ streams.
Ten years ago I managed a team that converted a CAD system from DOS into Windows. The DOS version used home-brew libraries for graphics drawing, the Windows version used MFC. The software was about 70.000 lines of C code at the time of the conversion. The most important thing we learned in the process is the power of abstraction. All device-specific non-portable routines were isolated in a few files. It was therefore relatively easy to substitute the calls to the DOS-based library that would draw by directly accessing the frame buffer with Windows API calls. Similarly, for input we just substituted the event loop that checked for keyboard and mouse events, with the corresponding Windows event loop. We continued our policy of isolating the non-portable (this time Windows) code from the rest of the system, but we have not yet found this particularly useful. Perhaps one day we will port the system to Mac OS X and be thankful again.
Several. But I mention one.
It was a performance modeling tool. Part delphi 1, part turbo pascal. It needed a rewrite else it was not going to survive. So we started as a team of 2, but only me survived to the end. And I was ready before the deadline ;-).
Several things we did:
Make it multimodel. The original had lots of globals. I removed them all and multi model was easy to adapt.
Extended error messages. Click on a message and get the help.
Lots of graphs and diagrams. All clickable to drill down.
Simulation. Change parameters over time and see how long the current configuration was enough.
We really made this one clean and it paid back heavily in the end. Such a big learning experience.
Re-wrote a system for a company that processes legal invoices - the original system was a VB monstrosity that had no idea of good OO principles - everything was mixed together. The HTML did SQL, and the SQL wrote HTML. A large part of it was a custom rules engine that used something like XML for the rules.
Two teams did the re-write, which took about 9 months. One team did the web front end and the backend workflow, while the other team (that I was on) re-wrote the rules engine. The new system was written in C#, and was done test-first. Adding new rules to the system when we were done was dirt simple, and it was all testable. Along the way we did things like convert the company from VSS to SVN, implement continuous integration, automate the deployment, and teach the other developers how to do TDD and other Scrum/XP practices.
Managing expectations was crucial through the project. Having a customer that was savvy about software was very helpful.
Having a mix of large scale (end-to-end) tests along with comprehensive unit and integration tests helped tons.
Converted vBulletin which is written in PHP into C#/Asp.NET. I'm pretty familiar with both languages, but PHP is the hands down the winner for building that software. The biggest pain in the rear was needing to do a C# equivalent of PHP's eval() for calling the templates.
It was my first challenge in trying to do a conversion. I learned that I need more experience with C# and that writing it from scratch is just the easier route sometimes.
I converted a dynamical build-process completely written in Perl to a C#/.Net solution using a workflow-engine a co-worker had developed (which was still in beta - so I had to do some refinements). That gave me the oppertunity to add fail-safe and fail-over functionality to the build process.
Before you ask - no - the microsoft workflow-foundation could not be used since you cannot dynamically change a process during its runtime.
What I learned:
to hate the Perl-developer
process-optimization using a wf-engine
fail-safe and fail-over strategies
some C# tweaks ;)
In the end it covered about 5k - 6k (including the wf-engine) LoC origin from 3 200 LoC Perl-files. But it was fun - and far better in the end ;)
Converting theoretically portable C code into theoretically portable C code across architectures to support a hardware change that saves the company X dollars per unit.
The size varies - this is a common need, and I've done small and large projects.
I learned to write more portable C code. Elegance is great, but when it comes right down to it the compiler takes care of performance, and the code should be as simple and portable as possible.
Ported a simulation written in Fortran 77 (despite being written in the 90s) to C/Java because the original only worked on small data sets. I learned to love big O notation after several times of explaining why just moving the entire data table into memory at the start of the program was not going to scale.
Migrating the B-2 Stealth Bomber mission software from JOVIAL to C. 100% fully automated conversion. Seriously!
Main lesson: using configurable automated conversion tools is a huge win.
See DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.

VB6 (erk) - Inline functions?

I use VB6 for an application.
Is it possible to force the compiler to inline a function?
Or is there an add-in that achieves the same thing?
There's a secure part of my code that I want to make difficult to hack, by repeating the code at every point where it is used instead of being listed once as a function.
Hope someone can answer my question!
IMO if this is what you're doing as a security measure, you have bigger problems than getting VB to inline your function. And I don't think there is any provision in VB6 to do this. AND I tend to think that this technique would make it easier to hack your code, since you'd see the same really important function repeated over and over again... Sorry :-(
There is no support for inlining a function. However there are several things working in your favor.
First VB6 is notoriously difficult to decompile as witness by the lack of decompilers on the market over the history. The results has been less than useful for people trying to recover lost source code or hack VB6.
If you are using ActiveX DLLs then it could very easy to hack your software by a person writing a compatible DLL. The best way my company found to deal with this is to make critical objects public non-creatable and exchange packed binary data.
The public non-creatable prevents somebody from referencing the DLL, creating instance of that object and then running tests to see what you are doing. The binary data is to obscure the data you are exchanging.
In you look in the literature about COM there are more secure ways of dealing with these issues but these are simple things you can do to make a ActiveX application more difficult to hack.
My company goal isn't to make it impossible for somebody to hack our software but make it difficult enough that it cost less for our competitor to deal with us rather than try to hack our system (A CAD/CAM system)
As Dave said there is no support for that in the VB compiler.
If you really want to this why not run a search & replace on a copy of your code and build that copy. Doing that on the command line shouldn't be too difficult.
