Least common multiple for 3 or more numbers - algorithm

How do you calculate the least common multiple of multiple numbers?
So far I've only been able to calculate it between two numbers. But have no idea how to expand it to calculate 3 or more numbers.
So far this is how I did it
LCM = num1 * num2 / gcd ( num1 , num2 )
With gcd is the function to calculate the greatest common divisor for the numbers. Using euclidean algorithm
But I can't figure out how to calculate it for 3 or more numbers.

You can compute the LCM of more than two numbers by iteratively computing the LCM of two numbers, i.e.
lcm(a,b,c) = lcm(a,lcm(b,c))

In Python (modified primes.py):
def gcd(a, b):
"""Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm."""
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def lcm(a, b):
"""Return lowest common multiple."""
return a * b // gcd(a, b)
def lcmm(*args):
"""Return lcm of args."""
return reduce(lcm, args)
>>> lcmm(100, 23, 98)
>>> lcmm(*range(1, 20))
reduce() works something like that:
>>> f = lambda a,b: "f(%s,%s)" % (a,b)
>>> print reduce(f, "abcd")

Here's an ECMA-style implementation:
function gcd(a, b){
// Euclidean algorithm
while (b != 0){
var temp = b;
b = a % b;
a = temp;
return a;
function lcm(a, b){
return (a * b / gcd(a, b));
function lcmm(args){
// Recursively iterate through pairs of arguments
// i.e. lcm(args[0], lcm(args[1], lcm(args[2], args[3])))
if(args.length == 2){
return lcm(args[0], args[1]);
} else {
var arg0 = args[0];
return lcm(arg0, lcmm(args));

I would go with this one (C#):
static long LCM(long[] numbers)
return numbers.Aggregate(lcm);
static long lcm(long a, long b)
return Math.Abs(a * b) / GCD(a, b);
static long GCD(long a, long b)
return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b);
Just some clarifications, because at first glance it doesn't seams so clear what this code is doing:
Aggregate is a Linq Extension method, so you cant forget to add using System.Linq to your references.
Aggregate gets an accumulating function so we can make use of the property lcm(a,b,c) = lcm(a,lcm(b,c)) over an IEnumerable. More on Aggregate
GCD calculation makes use of the Euclidean algorithm.
lcm calculation uses Abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b) , refer to Reduction by the greatest common divisor.
Hope this helps,

I just figured this out in Haskell:
lcm' :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
lcm' a b = a`div`(gcd a b) * b
lcm :: Integral a => [a] -> a
lcm (n:ns) = foldr lcm' n ns
I even took the time to write my own gcd function, only to find it in Prelude! Lots of learning for me today :D

Some Python code that doesn't require a function for gcd:
from sys import argv
def lcm(x,y):
while (tmp%y)!=0:
return tmp
def lcmm(*args):
return reduce(lcm,args)
print lcmm(*args)
Here's what it looks like in the terminal:
$ python lcm.py 10 15 17

Here is a Python one-liner (not counting imports) to return the LCM of the integers from 1 to 20 inclusive:
Python 3.5+ imports:
from functools import reduce
from math import gcd
Python 2.7 imports:
from fractions import gcd
Common logic:
lcm = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y // gcd(x, y), range(1, 21))
Note that in both Python 2 and Python 3, operator precedence rules dictate that the * and // operators have the same precedence, and so they apply from left to right. As such, x*y // z means (x*y) // z and not x * (y//z). The two typically produce different results. This wouldn't have mattered as much for float division but it does for floor division.

Here it is in Swift.
// Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor
func gcd(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
let r = a % b
if r != 0 {
return gcd(b, r)
} else {
return b
// Returns the least common multiple of two numbers.
func lcm(_ m: Int, _ n: Int) -> Int {
return m / gcd(m, n) * n
// Returns the least common multiple of multiple numbers.
func lcmm(_ numbers: [Int]) -> Int {
return numbers.reduce(1) { lcm($0, $1) }

Here is a C# port of Virgil Disgr4ce's implemenation:
public class MathUtils
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the least common multiple of 2+ numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses recursion based on lcm(a,b,c) = lcm(a,lcm(b,c)).
/// Ported from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2641293/420175.
/// </remarks>
public static Int64 LCM(IList<Int64> numbers)
if (numbers.Count < 2)
throw new ArgumentException("you must pass two or more numbers");
return LCM(numbers, 0);
public static Int64 LCM(params Int64[] numbers)
return LCM((IList<Int64>)numbers);
private static Int64 LCM(IList<Int64> numbers, int i)
// Recursively iterate through pairs of arguments
// i.e. lcm(args[0], lcm(args[1], lcm(args[2], args[3])))
if (i + 2 == numbers.Count)
return LCM(numbers[i], numbers[i+1]);
return LCM(numbers[i], LCM(numbers, i+1));
public static Int64 LCM(Int64 a, Int64 b)
return (a * b / GCD(a, b));
/// <summary>
/// Finds the greatest common denominator for 2 numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Also from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2641293/420175.
/// </remarks>
public static Int64 GCD(Int64 a, Int64 b)
// Euclidean algorithm
Int64 t;
while (b != 0)
t = b;
b = a % b;
a = t;
return a;

And the Scala version:
def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
def gcd(nums: Iterable[Int]): Int = nums.reduce(gcd)
def lcm(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (a == 0 || b == 0) 0 else a * b / gcd(a, b)
def lcm(nums: Iterable[Int]): Int = nums.reduce(lcm)

Function to find lcm of any list of numbers:
def function(l):
s = 1
for i in l:
s = lcm(i, s)
return s

Using LINQ you could write:
static int LCM(int[] numbers)
return numbers.Aggregate(LCM);
static int LCM(int a, int b)
return a * b / GCD(a, b);
Should add using System.Linq; and don't forget to handle the exceptions ...

you can do it another way -
Let there be n numbers.Take a pair of consecutive numbers and save its lcm in another array. Doing this at first iteration program does n/2 iterations.Then next pick up pair starting from 0 like (0,1) , (2,3) and so on.Compute their LCM and store in another array. Do this until you are left with one array.
(it is not possible to find lcm if n is odd)

In R, we can use the functions mGCD(x) and mLCM(x) from the package numbers, to compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple for all numbers in the integer vector x together:
mGCD(c(4, 8, 12, 16, 20))
[1] 4
[1] 504
# Sequences
[1] 232792560

ES6 style
function gcd(...numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => b === 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b));
function lcm(...numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => Math.abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b));

Just for fun, a shell (almost any shell) implementation:
gcd() { # Calculate $1 % $2 until $2 becomes zero.
until [ "$2" -eq 0 ]; do set -- "$2" "$(($1%$2))"; done
echo "$1"
lcm() { echo "$(( $1 / $(gcd "$1" "$2") * $2 ))"; }
while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
t="$(lcm "$1" "$2")"
shift 2
set -- "$t" "$#"
echo "$1"
try it with:
$ ./script 2 3 4 5 6
to get
The biggest input and result should be less than (2^63)-1 or the shell math will wrap.

i was looking for gcd and lcm of array elements and found a good solution in the following link.
which includes following code. The algorithm for gcd uses The Euclidean Algorithm explained well in the link below.
private static int gcd(int a, int b) {
while (b > 0) {
int temp = b;
b = a % b; // % is remainder
a = temp;
return a;
private static int gcd(int[] input) {
int result = input[0];
for (int i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
result = gcd(result, input[i]);
return result;
private static int lcm(int a, int b) {
return a * (b / gcd(a, b));
private static int lcm(int[] input) {
int result = input[0];
for (int i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
result = lcm(result, input[i]);
return result;

Here is the PHP implementation:
// https://stackoverflow.com/q/12412782/1066234
function math_gcd($a,$b)
$a = abs($a);
$b = abs($b);
if($a < $b)
list($b,$a) = array($a,$b);
if($b == 0)
return $a;
$r = $a % $b;
while($r > 0)
$a = $b;
$b = $r;
$r = $a % $b;
return $b;
function math_lcm($a, $b)
return ($a * $b / math_gcd($a, $b));
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/2641293/1066234
function math_lcmm($args)
// Recursively iterate through pairs of arguments
// i.e. lcm(args[0], lcm(args[1], lcm(args[2], args[3])))
if(count($args) == 2)
return math_lcm($args[0], $args[1]);
$arg0 = $args[0];
return math_lcm($arg0, math_lcmm($args));
// fraction bonus
function math_fraction_simplify($num, $den)
$g = math_gcd($num, $den);
return array($num/$g, $den/$g);
var_dump( math_lcmm( array(4, 7) ) ); // 28
var_dump( math_lcmm( array(5, 25) ) ); // 25
var_dump( math_lcmm( array(3, 4, 12, 36) ) ); // 36
var_dump( math_lcmm( array(3, 4, 7, 12, 36) ) ); // 252
Credits go to #T3db0t with his answer above (ECMA-style code).

GCD needs a little correction for negative numbers:
def gcd(x,y):
while y:
if y<0:
x,y=y,x % y
return x
def gcdl(*list):
return reduce(gcd, *list)
def lcm(x,y):
return x*y / gcd(x,y)
def lcml(*list):
return reduce(lcm, *list)

How about this?
from operator import mul as MULTIPLY
def factors(n):
f = {} # a dict is necessary to create 'factor : exponent' pairs
divisor = 2
while n > 1:
while (divisor <= n):
if n % divisor == 0:
n /= divisor
f[divisor] = f.get(divisor, 0) + 1
divisor += 1
return f
def mcm(numbers):
#numbers is a list of numbers so not restricted to two items
high_factors = {}
for n in numbers:
fn = factors(n)
for (key, value) in fn.iteritems():
if high_factors.get(key, 0) < value: # if fact not in dict or < val
high_factors[key] = value
return reduce (MULTIPLY, ((k ** v) for k, v in high_factors.items()))

We have working implementation of Least Common Multiple on Calculla which works for any number of inputs also displaying the steps.
What we do is:
0: Assume we got inputs[] array, filled with integers. So, for example:
inputsArray = [6, 15, 25, ...]
lcm = 1
1: Find minimal prime factor for each input.
Minimal means for 6 it's 2, for 25 it's 5, for 34 it's 17
minFactorsArray = []
2: Find lowest from minFactors:
minFactor = MIN(minFactorsArray)
3: lcm *= minFactor
4: Iterate minFactorsArray and if the factor for given input equals minFactor, then divide the input by it:
for (inIdx in minFactorsArray)
if minFactorsArray[inIdx] == minFactor
inputsArray[inIdx] \= minFactor
5: repeat steps 1-4 until there is nothing to factorize anymore.
So, until inputsArray contains only 1-s.
And that's it - you got your lcm.

LCM is both associative and commutative.
here is sample code in C:
int main()
int a[20],i,n,result=1; // assumption: count can't exceed 20
printf("Enter number of numbers to calculate LCM(less than 20):");
printf("Enter %d numbers to calculate their LCM :",n);
printf("LCM of given numbers = %d\n",result);
return 0;
int lcm(int a,int b)
int gcd=gcd_two_numbers(a,b);
return (a*b)/gcd;
int gcd_two_numbers(int a,int b)
int temp;
return a;
return gcd_two_numbers(b%a,a);

Method compLCM takes a vector and returns LCM. All the numbers are within vector in_numbers.
int mathOps::compLCM(std::vector<int> &in_numbers)
int tmpNumbers = in_numbers.size();
int tmpMax = *max_element(in_numbers.begin(), in_numbers.end());
bool tmpNotDividable = false;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < tmpNumbers && tmpNotDividable == false; i++)
if (tmpMax % in_numbers[i] != 0 )
tmpNotDividable = true;
if (tmpNotDividable == false)
return tmpMax;

data = [1 2 3 4 5]
for i=1:1:length(data)
LCM = lcm(LCM,data(i))

For anyone looking for quick working code, try this:
I wrote a function lcm_n(args, num) which computes and returns the lcm of all the numbers in the array args. The second parameternum is the count of numbers in the array.
Put all those numbers in an array args and then call the function like lcm_n(args,num);
This function returns the lcm of all those numbers.
Here is the implementation of the function lcm_n(args, num):
int lcm_n(int args[], int num) //lcm of more than 2 numbers
int i, temp[num-1];
return lcm(args[0], args[1]);
temp[i] = args[i];
temp[num-2] = lcm(args[num-2], args[num-1]);
return lcm_n(temp,num-1);
This function needs below two functions to work. So, just add them along with it.
int lcm(int a, int b) //lcm of 2 numbers
return (a*b)/gcd(a,b);
int gcd(int a, int b) //gcd of 2 numbers
int numerator, denominator, remainder;
//Euclid's algorithm for computing GCD of two numbers
if(a > b)
numerator = a;
denominator = b;
numerator = b;
denominator = a;
remainder = numerator % denominator;
while(remainder != 0)
numerator = denominator;
denominator = remainder;
remainder = numerator % denominator;
return denominator;

int gcd(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) return a;
return gcd(b, a%b);
int lcm(int[] a, int n) {
int res = 1, i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res = res*a[i]/gcd(res, a[i]);
return res;

In python:
def lcm(*args):
"""Calculates lcm of args"""
biggest = max(args) #find the largest of numbers
rest = [n for n in args if n != biggest] #the list of the numbers without the largest
factor = 1 #to multiply with the biggest as long as the result is not divisble by all of the numbers in the rest
while True:
#check if biggest is divisble by all in the rest:
ans = False in [(biggest * factor) % n == 0 for n in rest]
#if so the clm is found break the loop and return it, otherwise increment factor by 1 and try again
if not ans:
factor += 1
biggest *= factor
return "lcm of {0} is {1}".format(args, biggest)
>>> lcm(100,23,98)
'lcm of (100, 23, 98) is 112700'
>>> lcm(*range(1, 20))
'lcm of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) is 232792560'

This is what I used --
def greater(n):
for i in range(0,len(n),1):
return a
r=input('enter limit')
for x in range (0,r,1):
a=input('enter number ')
a= greater(num)
while True:
while (a%num[i]==0):
if i==len(num):
print 'L.C.M = ',a

for python 3:
from functools import reduce
gcd = lambda a,b: a if b==0 else gcd(b, a%b)
def lcm(lst):
return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y//gcd(x, y), lst)

In Ruby, it's as simple as:
> [2, 3, 4, 6].reduce(:lcm)
=> 12
> [16, 32, 96].reduce(:gcd)
=> 16
(tested on Ruby 2.2.10 and 2.6.3.)


Writing a method to find the prime factors of a number

It's my first time creating a method in a class library to be used in a console app.
I'm trying to return a list of all prime factors of a number that is input
(Examples: if I input 4 it should return 2 and 4; input 50 it should return 2, 5, and 5).
Here's what I have for the method:
namespace PrimeFactorsLib
public class PrimeFactorsClass
public string PrimeFactors(int a, byte b)
string x = "";
for (b =2; a > 0; b++)
while (a % b == 0)
x = "{b}";
return x;
This is the result of combining your code with the one in GeeksForGeeks as I wrote in the previous comment:
namespace PrimeFactorsLib
public class PrimeFactorsClass
public string primeFactors(int n)
string x = "";
// Print the number of 2s that divide n
while (n % 2 == 0)
Console.Write(2 + " ");
n /= 2;
// n must be odd at this point. So we can
// skip one element (Note i = i +2)
for (int i = 3; i <= Math.Sqrt(n); i+= 2)
// While i divides n, print i and divide n
while (n % i == 0)
x += "{i} ";
n /= i;
// This condition is to handle the case when
// n is a prime number greater than 2
x += "{n}";
return x;
Try this and see if it's the result you're looking for. Anyway, there is another, more efficient algorithm that you can also combine in your code. You can check this one at Prime Factorization using Sieve O(log n) for multiple queries.

Find the smallest positive integer that does not occur in a given sequence

I was trying to solve this problem:
Write a function:
class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }
that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive
integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.
For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function should return
Given A = [1, 2, 3], the function should return 4.
Given A = [−1, −3], the function should return 1.
Assume that:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A
is an integer within the range [−1,000,000..1,000,000]. Complexity:
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space
complexity is O(N) (not counting the storage required for input
I wrote the solution below which gives a low performance, however, I can't see the bug.
public static int solution(int[] A) {
Set<Integer> set = new TreeSet<>();
for (int a : A) {
int N = set.size();
int[] C = new int[N];
int index = 0;
for (int a : set) {
C[index++] = a;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (C[i] > 0 && C[i] <= N) {
C[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (C[i] != 0) {
return (i + 1);
return (N + 1);
The score is provided here,
I will keep investigating myself, but please inform me if you can see better.
If the expected running time should be linear, you can't use a TreeSet, which sorts the input and therefore requires O(NlogN). Therefore you should use a HashSet, which requires O(N) time to add N elements.
Besides, you don't need 4 loops. It's sufficient to add all the positive input elements to a HashSet (first loop) and then find the first positive integer not in that Set (second loop).
int N = A.length;
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
for (int a : A) {
if (a > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= N + 1; i++) {
if (!set.contains(i)) {
return i;
100% result solution in Javascript:
function solution(A) {
// only positive values, sorted
A = A.filter(x => x >= 1).sort((a, b) => a - b)
let x = 1
for(let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
// if we find a smaller number no need to continue, cause the array is sorted
if(x < A[i]) {
return x
x = A[i] + 1
return x
My code in Java, 100% result in Codility
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] arr) {
int smallest = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == smallest) {
return smallest;
Here is an efficient python solution:
def solution(A):
m = max(A)
if m < 1:
return 1
A = set(A)
B = set(range(1, m + 1))
D = B - A
if len(D) == 0:
return m + 1
return min(D)
filter to get positive non zero numbers from A array
sort above filtered array in ascending order
map to iterate loop of above stored result
if to check x is less than the current element then return
otherwise, add 1 in the current element and assign to x
function solution(A) {
let x = 1
A.filter(x => x >= 1)
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
.map((val, i, arr) => {
if(x < arr[i]) return
x = arr[i] + 1
return x
console.log(solution([3, 4, -1, 1]));
console.log(solution([1, 2, 0]));
No need to store anything. No need for hashsets. (Extra memory), You can do it as you
move through the array. However, The array has to be sorted. And we know the very most minimum value is 1
import java.util.Arrays;
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
int min = 1;
for efficiency — no need to calculate or access the
array object’s length property per iteration
int cap = A.length;
for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++){
if(A[i] == min){
can add else if A[i] > min, break;
as suggested by punit
min = ( min <= 0 ) ? 1:min;
which means: if (min <= 0 ){
min =1} else {min = min}
you can also do:
if min <1 for better efficiency/less jumps
return min;
Here is my PHP solution, 100% Task Score, 100% correctness, and 100% performance. First we iterate and we store all positive elements, then we check if they exist,
function solution($A) {
$B = [];
foreach($A as $a){
if($a > 0) $B[] = $a;
$i = 1;
$last = 0;
foreach($B as $b){
if($last == $b) $i--; // Check for repeated elements
else if($i != $b) return $i;
$last = $b;
return $i;
I think its one of the clears and simples functions here, the logic can be applied in all the other languages.
For Swift 4
public func solution(_ A : inout [Int]) -> Int {
let positive = A.filter { $0 > 0 }.sorted()
var x = 1
for val in positive {
// if we find a smaller number no need to continue, cause the array is sorted
if(x < val) {
return x
x = val + 1
return x
I achieved 100% on this by the below solution in Python:-
def solution(A):
if m>0:
for i in range(1,m):
if i not in a:
return i
return m+1
return 1
This solution is in c# but complete the test with 100% score
public int solution(int[] A) {
// write your code in C# 6.0 with .NET 4.5 (Mono)
var positives = A.Where(x => x > 0).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
if(positives.Count() == 0) return 1;
int prev = 0;
for(int i =0; i < positives.Count(); i++){
if(positives[i] != prev + 1){
return prev + 1;
prev = positives[i];
return positives.Last() + 1;
My answer in Ruby
def smallest_pos_integer(arr)
sorted_array = arr.select {|x| x >= 1}.sort
res = 1
for i in (0..sorted_array.length - 1)
if res < sorted_array[i]
return res
res = sorted_array[i] + 1
In Kotlin with %100 score
Detected time complexity: O(N) or O(N * log(N))
fun solution(A: IntArray): Int {
var min = 1
val b = A.sortedArray()
for (i in 0 until b.size) {
if (b[i] == min) {
return min
JavaScript ES6 Solution:
function solution(A) {
if (!A.includes(1)) return 1;
return A.filter(a => a > 0)
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
.reduce((p, c) => c === p ? c + 1 : p, 1);
console.log(solution([1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2]));
console.log(solution([1, 2, 3]));
console.log(solution([-1, -3]));
console.log(solution([4, 5, 6]));
console.log(solution([1, 2, 4]));
This answer gives 100% in Python. Worst case complexity O(N).
The idea is that we do not care about negative numbers in the sequence, since we want to find the smallest positive integer not in the sequence A.
Hence we can set all negative numbers to zero and keep only the unique positive values. Then we check iteratively starting from 1 whether the number is in the set of positive values of sequence A.
Worst case scenario, where the sequence is an arithmetic progression with constant difference 1, leads to iterating through all elements and thus O(N) complexity.
In the extreme case where all the elements of the sequence are negative (i.e. the maximum is negative) we can immediately return 1 as the minimum positive number.
def solution(A):
B=set([a if a>=0 else 0 for a in A ])
if max_A<=0:
while b in B:
Javascript solution:
function solution(A) {
A = [...new Set(A.sort( (a,b) => a-b))];
// If the initial integer is greater than 1 or the last integer is less than 1
if((A[0] > 1) || (A[A.length - 1] < 1)) return 1;
for (let i in A) {
let nextNum = A[+i+1];
if(A[i] === nextNum) continue;
if((nextNum - A[i]) !== 1) {
if(A[i] < 0 ) {
if(A.indexOf(1) !== -1) continue;
return 1;
return A[i] + 1;
0. Introduction
A) Languages allowed
The Codility skills assessment demo test allows for solutions
written in 18 different languages: C, C++, C#, Go, Java 8, Java 11, JavaScript, Kotlin, Lua, Objective-C, Pascal, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift 4, Visual Basic.
B) Some remarks on your question
I write the solution below which gives a low performance
There is no reason to worry about performance until you have a
correct solution.
Always make sure the solution is correct before you even think about
how fast or slow your algorithm/code is!
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N)
Well, as the asker of the question, it is your decision what
requirements should be met in an answer.
But if the goal is to score 100% in the Codility (performance) test,
then there is no need to demand O(N).
There are plenty of solutions in the answers here which are O(N log N)
and not O(N), but still pass all 4 performance tests.
This proves that the O(N) requirement on time complexity is
unnecessarily harsh (if the sole aim is to score 100% on the Codility
C) About the solutions presented here
All of the solutions presented here are either refactored versions of
already published answers, or inspired by such answers.
All solutions here score 100% in the Codility skills assessment
demo test.
I have striven to
explicitly reference each original answer/solution,
provide a runnable jdoodle link for each
use the same 8 tests (chosen by myself) for all the solutions,
choose solutions that score 100% (meaning 5 of 5 for correctness and
4 of 4 for performance/speed),
make it easy to copy-paste the answers directly into the Codility
skills assessment demo test,
focus on some of the most used languages.
1. Java: the Codility test for correctness is incorrect (!)
I will use one of the existing answers to demonstrate that the Codility
test for correctness is flawed for the edge case when the given array
is empty.
In an empty array, the smallest positive missing integer is clearly 1.
But the Codility test suite seems to accept just about any answer for
the empty array.
In the code below, I deliberately return -99 for the empty array,
which is obviously incorrect.
Yet, Codility gives me a 100% test score for my flawed solution. (!)
import java.util.Arrays;
https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
To run the program in a terminal window:
javac Solution.java && java Solution && rm Solution.class
Terminal command to run the combined formatter/linter:
java -jar ../../../checkstyle-8.45.1.jar -c ../../../google_checks.xml *.java
public class Solution {
/** Returns the smallest positive integer missing in intArray. */
public static int solution(int[] intArray) {
if (intArray.length == 0) { // No elements at all.
return -99; // So the smallest positive missing integer is 1.
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(intArray)); // Temporarily uncomment?
if (intArray[0] >= 2) { // Smallest positive int is 2 or larger.
return 1; // Meaning smallest positive MISSING int is 1.
if (intArray[intArray.length - 1] <= 0) { // Biggest int is 0 or smaller.
return 1; // Again, smallest positive missing int is 1.
int smallestPositiveMissing = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) {
if (intArray[i] == smallestPositiveMissing) {
} // ^^ Stop incrementing if intArray[i] > smallestPositiveMissing. ^^
} // Because then the smallest positive missing integer has been found:
return smallestPositiveMissing;
/** Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 (but vertically). */
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Codility Demo Test for Java, B");
int[] array1 = {-1, -3};
int[] array2 = {1, -1};
int[] array3 = {2, 1, 2, 5};
int[] array4 = {3, 1, -2, 2};
int[] array5 = {};
int[] array6 = {1, -5, -3};
int[] array7 = {1, 2, 4, 5};
int[] array8 = {17, 2};
Below is a screen dump of the result from the test.
As the solution is clearly wrong, of course it should not score 100%!
2. JavaScript
Below is a JavaScript solution.
This one has not been posted before, but is inspired by
one of the previous answers.
https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
(c) Henke 2022 https://stackoverflow.com/users/9213345
To run the program in a terminal window:
node CodilityDemoJS3.js
Terminal command to run the combined formatter/linter:
standard CodilityDemoJS3.js
function solution (A) {
/// Returns the smallest positive integer missing in the array A.
let smallestMissing = 1
// In the following .reduce(), the only interest is in `smallestMissing`.
// I arbitrarily return '-9' because I don't care about the return value.
A.filter(x => x > 0).sort((a, b) => a - b).reduce((accumulator, item) => {
if (smallestMissing < item) return -9 // Found before end of the array.
smallestMissing = item + 1
return -9 // Found at the end of the array.
}, 1)
return smallestMissing
// Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 (but vertically).
// Note! The following lines need to be left out when running the
// Codility Demo Test at https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test :
console.log('Hello Codility Demo Test for JavaScript, 3.')
console.log(solution([-1, -3]))
console.log(solution([1, -1]))
console.log(solution([2, 1, 2, 5]))
console.log(solution([3, 1, -2, 2]))
console.log(solution([1, -5, -3]))
console.log(solution([1, 2, 4, 5]))
console.log(solution([17, 2]))
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
3. Python
Python has come to compete with Java as one of the most used
programming languages worldwide.
The code below is a slightly rewritten version of this answer.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
To run the program in a terminal window:
python codility_demo_python_a.py
Command in the terminal window to run the linter:
py -m pylint codility_demo_python_a.py
Dito for autopep8 formatting:
autopep8 codility_demo_python_a.py --in-place
def solution(int_array):
Returns the smallest positive integer missing in int_array.
max_elem = max(int_array, default=0)
if max_elem < 1:
return 1
int_array = set(int_array) # Reusing int_array although now a set
# print(int_array) # <- Temporarily uncomment at line beginning
all_ints = set(range(1, max_elem + 1))
diff_set = all_ints - int_array
if len(diff_set) == 0:
return max_elem + 1
return min(diff_set)
# Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 (but vertically).
# Note! The following lines need to be commented out when running the
# Codility Demo Test at https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test :
print('Hello Codility Demo Test for Python3, a.')
print(solution([-1, -3]))
print(solution([1, -1]))
print(solution([2, 1, 2, 5]))
print(solution([3, 1, -2, 2]))
print(solution([1, -5, -3]))
print(solution([1, 2, 4, 5]))
print(solution([17, 2]))
4. C#
Here a solution for C#, inspired by a previous answer.
using System;
using System.Linq;
/// https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
/// (c) 2021 Henke, https://stackoverflow.com/users/9213345
/// https://jdoodle.com/a/3B0Z
/// To initialize the program in a terminal window, only ONCE:
/// dotnet new console -o codilityDemoC#-2 && cd codilityDemoC#-2
/// To run the program in a terminal window:
/// dotnet run && rm -rf obj && rm -rf bin
/// Terminal command to run 'dotnet-format':
/// dotnet-format --include DemoC#_2.cs && rm -rf obj && rm -rf bin
public class Solution {
/// Returns the smallest positive integer missing in intArray.
public int solution(int[] intArray) {
var sortedSet =
intArray.Where(x => x > 0).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
// Console.WriteLine("[" + string.Join(",", sortedSet) + "]"); // Uncomment?
if (sortedSet.Length == 0) return 1; // The set is empty.
int smallestMissing = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedSet.Length; i++) {
if (smallestMissing < sortedSet[i]) break; // The answer has been found.
smallestMissing = sortedSet[i] + 1;
} // Coming here means all of `sortedSet` had to be traversed.
return smallestMissing;
/// Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 (but vertically).
/// NOTE! The code below must be removed before running the Codility test.
static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("Hello Codility Demo Test for C#, 2.");
int[] array1 = { -1, -3 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array1));
int[] array2 = { 1, -1 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array2));
int[] array3 = { 2, 1, 2, 5 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array3));
int[] array4 = { 3, 1, -2, 2 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array4));
int[] array5 = { };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array5));
int[] array6 = { 1, -5, -3 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array6));
int[] array7 = { 1, 2, 4, 5 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array7));
int[] array8 = { 17, 2 };
Console.WriteLine((new Solution()).solution(array8));
5. Swift
Here is a solution for Swift, taken from this answer.
https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
public func solution(_ A : inout [Int]) -> Int {
/// Returns the smallest positive integer missing in the array A.
let positiveSortedInts = A.filter { $0 > 0 }.sorted()
// print(positiveSortedInts) // <- Temporarily uncomment at line beginning
var smallestMissingPositiveInt = 1
for elem in positiveSortedInts{
// if(elem > smallestMissingPositiveInt) then the answer has been found!
if(elem > smallestMissingPositiveInt) { return smallestMissingPositiveInt }
smallestMissingPositiveInt = elem + 1
return smallestMissingPositiveInt // This is if the whole array was traversed.
// Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 (but vertically).
// Note! The following lines need to be left out when running the
// Codility Demo Test at https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test :
print("Hello Codility Demo Test for Swift 4, A.")
var array1 = [-1, -3]
var array2 = [1, -1]
var array3 = [2, 1, 2, 5]
var array4 = [3, 1, -2, 2]
var array5 = [] as [Int]
var array6 = [1, -5, -3]
var array7 = [1, 2, 4, 5]
var array8 = [17, 2]
6. PHP
Here a solution for PHP, taken from this answer.
https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test 100%
function solution($A) {
$smallestMissingPositiveInt = 1;
foreach($A as $elem){
if($elem <=0) continue;
if($smallestMissingPositiveInt < $elem) return $smallestMissingPositiveInt;
else $smallestMissingPositiveInt = $elem + 1;
return $smallestMissingPositiveInt;
// Demo examples. --> Expected output: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 .
// Note! The starting and ending PHP tags are needed when running
// the code from the command line in a *.php file, but they and
// the following lines need to be left out when running the Codility
// Demo Test at https://app.codility.com/demo/take-sample-test :
echo "Hello Codility Demo Test for PHP, 1.\n";
echo solution([-1, -3]) . " ";
echo solution([1, -1]) . " ";
echo solution([2, 1, 2, 5]) . " ";
echo solution([3, 1, -2, 2]) . " ";
echo solution([]) . " ";
echo solution([1, -5, -3]) . " ";
echo solution([1, 2, 4, 5]) . " ";
echo solution([17, 2]) . " ";
The Codility skills assessment demo test
The LeetCode playground
A correct Java solution
A correct JavaScript solution
A correct Python 3 solution
A correct C# solution
A correct Swift 4 solution
A correct PHP solution
This is true even for the first solution – the Java solution –
despite the the fact that this solution is wrong!
2 You can try running the test yourself at
You will have to sign up to do so.
Simply copy-paste all of the code from the snippet.
The default is Java 8, so you won't need to change the language
for the first solution.
My solution in JavaScript, using the reduce() method
function solution(A) {
// the smallest positive integer = 1
if (!A.includes(1)) return 1;
// greater than 1
return A.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
if (current <= 0) return accumulator
const min = current + 1
return !A.includes(min) && accumulator > min ? min : accumulator;
}, 1000000)
console.log(solution([1, 2, 3])) // 4
console.log(solution([5, 3, 2, 1, -1])) // 4
console.log(solution([-1, -3])) // 1
console.log(solution([2, 3, 4])) // 1
I figured an easy way to do this was to use a BitSet.
just add all the positive numbers to the BitSet.
when finished, return the index of the first clear bit after bit 0.
public static int find(int[] arr) {
BitSet b = new BitSet();
for (int i : arr) {
if (i > 0) {
return b.nextClearBit(1);
JavaScript solution without sort, 100% score and O(N) runtime. It builds a hash set of the positive numbers while finding the max number.
function solution(A) {
set = new Set()
let max = 0
for (let i=0; i<A.length; i++) {
if (A[i] > 0) {
max = Math.max(max, A[i])
for (let i=1; i<max; i++) {
if (!set.has(i)) {
return i
return max+1
Here is a simple and fast code in PHP.
Task Score: 100%
Correctness: 100%
Performance: 100%
Detected time complexity: O(N) or O(N * log(N))
function solution($A) {
$x = 1;
foreach($A as $i){
if($i <=0) continue;
if($x < $i) return $x;
else $x = $i+1;
return $x;
Performance tests
100% solution in Swift, I found it here, it is really beautiful than my algo... No need to turn array as ordered, instead using dictionary [Int: Bool] and just check the positive item in dictionary.
public func solution(_ A : inout [Int]) -> Int {
var counter = [Int: Bool]()
for i in A {
counter[i] = true
var i = 1
while true {
if counter[i] == nil {
return i
} else {
i += 1
My solution having 100% result in codility with Swift 4.
func solution(_ A : [Int]) -> Int {
let positive = A.filter { $0 > 0 }.sorted()
var x = 1
for val in positive{
if(x < val) {
return x
x = val + 1
return x
My simple and (time) efficient Java solution:
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
Set<Integer> set=new TreeSet<>();
for (int x:A) {
if (x>0) {
int y=1;
Iterator<Integer> it=set.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int curr=it.next();
if (curr!=y) {
return y;
return y;
First let me explain about the algorithm down below.
If the array contains no elements then return 1,
Then in a loop check if the current element of the array is larger then the previous element by 2 then there is the first smallest missing integer, return it.
If the current element is consecutive to the previous element then the current smallest missing integer is the current integer + 1.
if(A.Length == 0) return 1;
int last = (A[0] < 1) ? 0 : A[0];
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
if(A[i] > 0){
if (A[i] - last > 1) return last + 1;
else last = A[i];
return last + 1;
This my implementation in Swift 4 with 100% Score. It should be a pretty similar code in Java. Let me know what you think.
public func solution(_ A : inout [Int]) -> Int {
let B = A.filter({ element in
element > 0
var result = 1
for element in B {
if element == result {
result = result + 1
} else if element > result {
return result
This is the solution in C#:
using System;
// you can also use other imports, for example:
using System.Collections.Generic;
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// Console.WriteLine("this is a debug message");
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
// write your code in C# 6.0 with .NET 4.5 (Mono)
int N = A.Length;
HashSet<int> set =new HashSet<int>();
foreach (int a in A) {
if (a > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= N + 1; i++) {
if (!set.Contains(i)) {
return i;
return N;
This is for C#, it uses HashSet and Linq queries and has 100% score on Codility
public int solution(int[] A)
var val = new HashSet<int>(A).Where(x => x >= 1).OrderBy((y) =>y).ToArray();
var minval = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++)
if (minval < val[i])
return minval;
minval = val[i] + 1;
return minval;
You're doing too much. You've create a TreeSet which is an order set of integers, then you've tried to turn that back into an array. Instead go through the list, and skip all negative values, then once you find positive values start counting the index. If the index is greater than the number, then the set has skipped a positive value.
int index = 1;
for(int a: set){
return index;
} else{
return index;
Updated for negative values.
A different solution that is O(n) would be to use an array. This is like the hash solution.
int N = A.length;
int[] hashed = new int[N];
for( int i: A){
if(i>0 && i<=N){
hashed[i-1] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i<N; i++){
return i+1;
return N+1;
This could be further optimized counting down the upper limit for the second loop.
I find another solution to do it with additional storage,
* if A = [-1,2] the solution works fine
* */
public static int solution(int[] A) {
int N = A.length;
int[] C = new int[N];
* Mark A[i] as visited by making A[A[i] - 1] negative
* */
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
* we need the absolute value for the duplicates
* */
int j = Math.abs(A[i]) - 1;
if (j >= 0 && j < N && A[j] > 0) {
C[j] = -A[j];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (C[i] == 0) {
return i + 1;
return N + 1;
//My recursive solution:
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
return next(1, A);
public int next(int b, int[] A) {
for (int a : A){
if (b==a)
return next(++b, A);
return b;

How can I find permutations of size N with non repeated objects from a list with repeated objects? [duplicate]

I want to write a function that takes an array of letters as an argument and a number of those letters to select.
Say you provide an array of 8 letters and want to select 3 letters from that. Then you should get:
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
Arrays (or words) in return consisting of 3 letters each.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Fascicle 3 has a ton of these that might fit your particular situation better than how I describe.
Gray Codes
An issue that you will come across is of course memory and pretty quickly, you'll have problems by 20 elements in your set -- 20C3 = 1140. And if you want to iterate over the set it's best to use a modified gray code algorithm so you aren't holding all of them in memory. These generate the next combination from the previous and avoid repetitions. There are many of these for different uses. Do we want to maximize the differences between successive combinations? minimize? et cetera.
Some of the original papers describing gray codes:
Some Hamilton Paths and a Minimal Change Algorithm
Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm
Here are some other papers covering the topic:
An Efficient Implementation of the Eades, Hickey, Read Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm (PDF, with code in Pascal)
Combination Generators
Survey of Combinatorial Gray Codes (PostScript)
An Algorithm for Gray Codes
Chase's Twiddle (algorithm)
Phillip J Chase, `Algorithm 382: Combinations of M out of N Objects' (1970)
The algorithm in C...
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (Buckles Algorithm 515)
You can also reference a combination by its index (in lexicographical order). Realizing that the index should be some amount of change from right to left based on the index we can construct something that should recover a combination.
So, we have a set {1,2,3,4,5,6}... and we want three elements. Let's say {1,2,3} we can say that the difference between the elements is one and in order and minimal. {1,2,4} has one change and is lexicographically number 2. So the number of 'changes' in the last place accounts for one change in the lexicographical ordering. The second place, with one change {1,3,4} has one change but accounts for more change since it's in the second place (proportional to the number of elements in the original set).
The method I've described is a deconstruction, as it seems, from set to the index, we need to do the reverse – which is much trickier. This is how Buckles solves the problem. I wrote some C to compute them, with minor changes – I used the index of the sets rather than a number range to represent the set, so we are always working from 0...n.
Since combinations are unordered, {1,3,2} = {1,2,3} --we order them to be lexicographical.
This method has an implicit 0 to start the set for the first difference.
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (McCaffrey)
There is another way:, its concept is easier to grasp and program but it's without the optimizations of Buckles. Fortunately, it also does not produce duplicate combinations:
The set that maximizes , where .
For an example: 27 = C(6,4) + C(5,3) + C(2,2) + C(1,1). So, the 27th lexicographical combination of four things is: {1,2,5,6}, those are the indexes of whatever set you want to look at. Example below (OCaml), requires choose function, left to reader:
(* this will find the [x] combination of a [set] list when taking [k] elements *)
let combination_maccaffery set k x =
(* maximize function -- maximize a that is aCb *)
(* return largest c where c < i and choose(c,i) <= z *)
let rec maximize a b x =
if (choose a b ) <= x then a else maximize (a-1) b x
let rec iterate n x i = match i with
| 0 -> []
| i ->
let max = maximize n i x in
max :: iterate n (x - (choose max i)) (i-1)
if x < 0 then failwith "errors" else
let idxs = iterate (List.length set) x k in
List.map (List.nth set) (List.sort (-) idxs)
A small and simple combinations iterator
The following two algorithms are provided for didactic purposes. They implement an iterator and (a more general) folder overall combinations.
They are as fast as possible, having the complexity O(nCk). The memory consumption is bound by k.
We will start with the iterator, which will call a user provided function for each combination
let iter_combs n k f =
let rec iter v s j =
if j = k then f v
else for i = s to n - 1 do iter (i::v) (i+1) (j+1) done in
iter [] 0 0
A more general version will call the user provided function along with the state variable, starting from the initial state. Since we need to pass the state between different states we won't use the for-loop, but instead, use recursion,
let fold_combs n k f x =
let rec loop i s c x =
if i < n then
loop (i+1) s c ##
let c = i::c and s = s + 1 and i = i + 1 in
if s < k then loop i s c x else f c x
else x in
loop 0 0 [] x
In C#:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] {e}).Concat(c)));
var result = Combinations(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 3);
Short java solution:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Combination {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] arr = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
combinations2(arr, 3, 0, new String[3]);
static void combinations2(String[] arr, int len, int startPosition, String[] result){
if (len == 0){
for (int i = startPosition; i <= arr.length-len; i++){
result[result.length - len] = arr[i];
combinations2(arr, len-1, i+1, result);
Result will be
[A, B, C]
[A, B, D]
[A, B, E]
[A, B, F]
[A, C, D]
[A, C, E]
[A, C, F]
[A, D, E]
[A, D, F]
[A, E, F]
[B, C, D]
[B, C, E]
[B, C, F]
[B, D, E]
[B, D, F]
[B, E, F]
[C, D, E]
[C, D, F]
[C, E, F]
[D, E, F]
May I present my recursive Python solution to this problem?
def choose_iter(elements, length):
for i in xrange(len(elements)):
if length == 1:
yield (elements[i],)
for next in choose_iter(elements[i+1:], length-1):
yield (elements[i],) + next
def choose(l, k):
return list(choose_iter(l, k))
Example usage:
>>> len(list(choose_iter("abcdefgh",3)))
I like it for its simplicity.
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Written in code this look something like that
void print_combinations(const char *string)
int i, j, k;
int len = strlen(string);
for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++)
for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++)
printf("%c%c%c\n", string[i], string[j], string[k]);
The following recursive algorithm picks all of the k-element combinations from an ordered set:
choose the first element i of your combination
combine i with each of the combinations of k-1 elements chosen recursively from the set of elements larger than i.
Iterate the above for each i in the set.
It is essential that you pick the rest of the elements as larger than i, to avoid repetition. This way [3,5] will be picked only once, as [3] combined with [5], instead of twice (the condition eliminates [5] + [3]). Without this condition you get variations instead of combinations.
Short example in Python:
def comb(sofar, rest, n):
if n == 0:
print sofar
for i in range(len(rest)):
comb(sofar + rest[i], rest[i+1:], n-1)
>>> comb("", "abcde", 3)
For explanation, the recursive method is described with the following example:
Example: A B C D E
All combinations of 3 would be:
A with all combinations of 2 from the rest (B C D E)
B with all combinations of 2 from the rest (C D E)
C with all combinations of 2 from the rest (D E)
I found this thread useful and thought I would add a Javascript solution that you can pop into Firebug. Depending on your JS engine, it could take a little time if the starting string is large.
function string_recurse(active, rest) {
if (rest.length == 0) {
} else {
string_recurse(active + rest.charAt(0), rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse(active, rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse("", "abc");
The output should be as follows:
In C++ the following routine will produce all combinations of length distance(first,k) between the range [first,last):
#include <algorithm>
template <typename Iterator>
bool next_combination(const Iterator first, Iterator k, const Iterator last)
/* Credits: Mark Nelson http://marknelson.us */
if ((first == last) || (first == k) || (last == k))
return false;
Iterator i1 = first;
Iterator i2 = last;
if (last == i1)
return false;
i1 = last;
i1 = k;
while (first != i1)
if (*--i1 < *i2)
Iterator j = k;
while (!(*i1 < *j)) ++j;
i2 = k;
while (last != j)
return true;
return false;
It can be used like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string s = "12345";
std::size_t comb_size = 3;
std::cout << std::string(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size) << std::endl;
} while (next_combination(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size, s.end()));
return 0;
This will print the following:
static IEnumerable<string> Combinations(List<string> characters, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Count; i++)
// only want 1 character, just return this one
if (length == 1)
yield return characters[i];
// want more than one character, return this one plus all combinations one shorter
// only use characters after the current one for the rest of the combinations
foreach (string next in Combinations(characters.GetRange(i + 1, characters.Count - (i + 1)), length - 1))
yield return characters[i] + next;
Simple recursive algorithm in Haskell
import Data.List
combinations 0 lst = [[]]
combinations n lst = do
(x:xs) <- tails lst
rest <- combinations (n-1) xs
return $ x : rest
We first define the special case, i.e. selecting zero elements. It produces a single result, which is an empty list (i.e. a list that contains an empty list).
For n > 0, x goes through every element of the list and xs is every element after x.
rest picks n - 1 elements from xs using a recursive call to combinations. The final result of the function is a list where each element is x : rest (i.e. a list which has x as head and rest as tail) for every different value of x and rest.
> combinations 3 "abcde"
And of course, since Haskell is lazy, the list is gradually generated as needed, so you can partially evaluate exponentially large combinations.
> let c = combinations 8 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> take 10 c
And here comes granddaddy COBOL, the much maligned language.
Let's assume an array of 34 elements of 8 bytes each (purely arbitrary selection.) The idea is to enumerate all possible 4-element combinations and load them into an array.
We use 4 indices, one each for each position in the group of 4
The array is processed like this:
idx1 = 1
idx2 = 2
idx3 = 3
idx4 = 4
We vary idx4 from 4 to the end. For each idx4 we get a unique combination
of groups of four. When idx4 comes to the end of the array, we increment idx3 by 1 and set idx4 to idx3+1. Then we run idx4 to the end again. We proceed in this manner, augmenting idx3,idx2, and idx1 respectively until the position of idx1 is less than 4 from the end of the array. That finishes the algorithm.
1 --- pos.1
2 --- pos 2
3 --- pos 3
4 --- pos 4
First iterations:
A COBOL example:
05 IDX1 PIC 99.
05 IDX2 PIC 99.
05 IDX3 PIC 99.
05 IDX4 PIC 99.
05 OUT_IDX PIC 9(9).
* Stop the search when IDX1 is on the third last array element:
Another C# version with lazy generation of the combination indices. This version maintains a single array of indices to define a mapping between the list of all values and the values for the current combination, i.e. constantly uses O(k) additional space during the entire runtime. The code generates individual combinations, including the first one, in O(k) time.
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this T[] values, int k)
if (k < 0 || values.Length < k)
yield break; // invalid parameters, no combinations possible
// generate the initial combination indices
var combIndices = new int[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combIndices[i] = i;
while (true)
// return next combination
var combination = new T[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combination[i] = values[combIndices[i]];
yield return combination;
// find first index to update
var indexToUpdate = k - 1;
while (indexToUpdate >= 0 && combIndices[indexToUpdate] >= values.Length - k + indexToUpdate)
if (indexToUpdate < 0)
yield break; // done
// update combination indices
for (var combIndex = combIndices[indexToUpdate] + 1; indexToUpdate < k; indexToUpdate++, combIndex++)
combIndices[indexToUpdate] = combIndex;
Test code:
foreach (var combination in new[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}.Combinations(3))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combination));
a b c
a b d
a b e
a c d
a c e
a d e
b c d
b c e
b d e
c d e
Here is an elegant, generic implementation in Scala, as described on 99 Scala Problems.
object P26 {
def flatMapSublists[A,B](ls: List[A])(f: (List[A]) => List[B]): List[B] =
ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case sublist#(_ :: tail) => f(sublist) ::: flatMapSublists(tail)(f)
def combinations[A](n: Int, ls: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (n == 0) List(Nil)
else flatMapSublists(ls) { sl =>
combinations(n - 1, sl.tail) map {sl.head :: _}
If you can use SQL syntax - say, if you're using LINQ to access fields of an structure or array, or directly accessing a database that has a table called "Alphabet" with just one char field "Letter", you can adapt following code:
SELECT A.Letter, B.Letter, C.Letter
FROM Alphabet AS A, Alphabet AS B, Alphabet AS C
WHERE A.Letter<>B.Letter AND A.Letter<>C.Letter AND B.Letter<>C.Letter
AND A.Letter<B.Letter AND B.Letter<C.Letter
This will return all combinations of 3 letters, notwithstanding how many letters you have in table "Alphabet" (it can be 3, 8, 10, 27, etc.).
If what you want is all permutations, rather than combinations (i.e. you want "ACB" and "ABC" to count as different, rather than appear just once) just delete the last line (the AND one) and it's done.
Post-Edit: After re-reading the question, I realise what's needed is the general algorithm, not just a specific one for the case of selecting 3 items. Adam Hughes' answer is the complete one, unfortunately I cannot vote it up (yet). This answer's simple but works only for when you want exactly 3 items.
I had a permutation algorithm I used for project euler, in python:
def missing(miss,src):
"Returns the list of items in src not present in miss"
return [i for i in src if i not in miss]
def permutation_gen(n,l):
"Generates all the permutations of n items of the l list"
for i in l:
if n<=1: yield [i]
r = [i]
for j in permutation_gen(n-1,missing([i],l)): yield r+j
you should have all combination you need without repetition, do you need it?
It is a generator, so you use it in something like this:
for comb in permutation_gen(3,list("ABCDEFGH")):
print comb
There is an implementation for JavaScript. It has functions to get k-combinations and all combinations of an array of any objects. Examples:
k_combinations([1,2,3], 2)
-> [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]
-> [[1],[2],[3],[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
function initializePointers($cnt) {
$pointers = [];
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$pointers[] = $i;
return $pointers;
function incrementPointers(&$pointers, &$arrLength) {
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$currentPointerIndex = count($pointers) - $i - 1;
$currentPointer = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex];
if($currentPointer < $arrLength - $i - 1) {
for($j=1; ($currentPointerIndex+$j)<count($pointers); $j++) {
$pointers[$currentPointerIndex+$j] = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex]+$j;
return true;
return false;
function getDataByPointers(&$arr, &$pointers) {
$data = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$data[] = $arr[$pointers[$i]];
return $data;
function getCombinations($arr, $cnt)
$len = count($arr);
$result = [];
$pointers = initializePointers($cnt);
do {
$result[] = getDataByPointers($arr, $pointers);
} while(incrementPointers($pointers, count($arr)));
return $result;
$result = getCombinations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3);
Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/127898/2628125, but more abstract, for any size of pointers.
Here you have a lazy evaluated version of that algorithm coded in C#:
static bool nextCombination(int[] num, int n, int k)
bool finished, changed;
changed = finished = false;
if (k > 0)
for (int i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--)
if (num[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i)
if (i < k - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
num[j] = num[j - 1] + 1;
changed = true;
finished = (i == 0);
return changed;
static IEnumerable Combinations<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
T[] elem = elements.ToArray();
int size = elem.Length;
if (k <= size)
int[] numbers = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
yield return numbers.Select(n => elem[n]);
while (nextCombination(numbers, size, k));
And test part:
static void Main(string[] args)
int k = 3;
var t = new[] { "dog", "cat", "mouse", "zebra"};
foreach (IEnumerable<string> i in Combinations(t, k))
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", i));
Hope this help you!
Another version, that forces all the first k to appear firstly, then all the first k+1 combinations, then all the first k+2 etc.. It means that if you have sorted array, the most important on the top, it would take them and expand gradually to the next ones - only when it is must do so.
private static bool NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(int[] num, int n, int k)
if (k > 1 && NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(num, num[k - 1], k - 1))
return true;
if (num[k - 1] + 1 == n)
return false;
++num[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i)
num[i] = i;
return true;
For instance, if you run the first method ("nextCombination") on k=3, n=5 you'll get:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
But if you'll run
int[] nums = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
while (NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(nums, n, k));
You'll get this (I added empty lines for clarity):
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 2 4
1 2 4
0 3 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
It's adding "4" only when must to, and also after "4" was added it adds "3" again only when it must to (after doing 01, 02, 12).
Array.prototype.combs = function(num) {
var str = this,
length = str.length,
of = Math.pow(2, length) - 1,
out, combinations = [];
while(of) {
out = [];
for(var i = 0, y; i < length; i++) {
y = (1 << i);
if(y & of && (y !== of))
if (out.length >= num) {
return combinations;
Clojure version:
(defn comb [k l]
(if (= 1 k) (map vector l)
(apply concat
#(map (fn [x] (conj x %2))
(comb (dec k) (drop (inc %1) l)))
Count from 1 to 2^n.
Convert each digit to its binary representation.
Translate each 'on' bit to elements of your set, based on position.
In C#:
void Main()
var set = new [] {"A", "B", "C", "D" }; //, "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
var kElement = 2;
for(var i = 1; i < Math.Pow(2, set.Length); i++) {
var result = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(set.Length, '0');
var cnt = Regex.Matches(Regex.Escape(result), "1").Count;
if (cnt == kElement) {
for(int j = 0; j < set.Length; j++)
if ( Char.GetNumericValue(result[j]) == 1)
Why does it work?
There is a bijection between the subsets of an n-element set and n-bit sequences.
That means we can figure out how many subsets there are by counting sequences.
e.g., the four element set below can be represented by {0,1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} (or 2^4) different sequences.
So - all we have to do is count from 1 to 2^n to find all the combinations. (We ignore the empty set.) Next, translate the digits to their binary representation. Then substitute elements of your set for 'on' bits.
If you want only k element results, only print when k bits are 'on'.
(If you want all subsets instead of k length subsets, remove the cnt/kElement part.)
(For proof, see MIT free courseware Mathematics for Computer Science, Lehman et al, section 11.2.2. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-fall-2010/readings/ )
short python code, yielding index positions
def yield_combos(n,k):
# n is set size, k is combo size
i = 0
a = [0]*k
while i > -1:
for j in range(i+1, k):
a[j] = a[j-1]+1
yield a
while a[i] == i + n - k:
i -= 1
a[i] += 1
All said and and done here comes the O'caml code for that.
Algorithm is evident from the code..
let combi n lst =
let rec comb l c =
if( List.length c = n) then [c] else
match l with
[] -> []
| (h::t) -> (combi t (h::c))#(combi t c)
combi lst []
Here is a method which gives you all combinations of specified size from a random length string. Similar to quinmars' solution, but works for varied input and k.
The code can be changed to wrap around, ie 'dab' from input 'abcd' w k=3.
public void run(String data, int howMany){
choose(data, howMany, new StringBuffer(), 0);
//n choose k
private void choose(String data, int k, StringBuffer result, int startIndex){
if (result.length()==k){
for (int i=startIndex; i<data.length(); i++){
choose(data,k,result, i+1);
Output for "abcde":
abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
Short javascript version (ES 5)
let combine = (list, n) =>
n == 0 ?
[[]] :
list.flatMap((e, i) =>
list.slice(i + 1),
n - 1
).map(c => [e].concat(c))
let res = combine([1,2,3,4], 3);
res.forEach(e => console.log(e.join()));
Another python recusive solution.
def combination_indicies(n, k, j = 0, stack = []):
if len(stack) == k:
yield list(stack)
for i in range(j, n):
for x in combination_indicies(n, k, i + 1, stack):
yield x
list(combination_indicies(5, 3))
[[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 2, 3],
[0, 2, 4],
[0, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 4],
[1, 3, 4],
[2, 3, 4]]
I created a solution in SQL Server 2005 for this, and posted it on my website: http://www.jessemclain.com/downloads/code/sql/fn_GetMChooseNCombos.sql.htm
Here is an example to show usage:
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetMChooseNCombos('ABCD', 2, '')
(6 row(s) affected)
Here is my proposition in C++
I tried to impose as little restriction on the iterator type as i could so this solution assumes just forward iterator, and it can be a const_iterator. This should work with any standard container. In cases where arguments don't make sense it throws std::invalid_argumnent
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
Here is a code I recently wrote in Java, which calculates and returns all the combination of "num" elements from "outOf" elements.
// author: Sourabh Bhat (heySourabh#gmail.com)
public class Testing
public static void main(String[] args)
// Test case num = 5, outOf = 8.
int num = 5;
int outOf = 8;
int[][] combinations = getCombinations(num, outOf);
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < combinations[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(combinations[i][j] + " ");
private static int[][] getCombinations(int num, int outOf)
int possibilities = get_nCr(outOf, num);
int[][] combinations = new int[possibilities][num];
int arrayPointer = 0;
int[] counter = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
counter[i] = i;
breakLoop: while (true)
// Initializing part
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i] = counter[i - 1] + 1;
// Testing part
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] < outOf)
} else
break breakLoop;
// Innermost part
combinations[arrayPointer] = counter.clone();
// Incrementing part
counter[num - 1]++;
for (int i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i - 1]++;
return combinations;
private static int get_nCr(int n, int r)
if(r > n)
throw new ArithmeticException("r is greater then n");
long numerator = 1;
long denominator = 1;
for (int i = n; i >= r + 1; i--)
numerator *= i;
for (int i = 2; i <= n - r; i++)
denominator *= i;
return (int) (numerator / denominator);

Generate 10-digit number using a phone keypad

Given a phone keypad as shown below:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
How many different 10-digit numbers can be formed starting from 1? The constraint is that the movement from 1 digit to the next is similar to the movement of the Knight in a chess game.
For eg. if we are at 1 then the next digit can be either 6 or 8
if we are at 6 then the next digit can be 1, 7 or 0.
Repetition of digits are allowed - 1616161616 is a valid number.
Is there a polynomial time algorithm which solves this problem? The problem requires us to just give the count of 10-digit numbers and not necessarily list the numbers.
EDIT: I tried modeling this as a graph with each digit having 2 or 3 digits as its neighbors. Then I used DFS to navigate upto the depth of 10 nodes and then increment the count of numbers each time I reached the depth of 10. This obviously is not polynomial time. Assuming each digit had just 2 neighbors, this would have required at least 2^10 iterations.
The variable here is the number of digits. I have taken the eg. of 10 digit numbers. It could as well be n-digits.
Sure it can be done in polynomial time. It's an excellent exercise in dynamic programming or memoization.
Lets assume N (the number of digits) equals 10 for the example.
Think of it recursively like this: How many numbers can I construct using 10 digits starting from 1?
Answer is
[number of 9-digit numbers starting from 8] +
[number of 9-digit numbers starting from 6].
So how many "9-digit numbers starting from 8" are there? Well,
[number of 8-digit numbers starting from 1] +
[number of 8-digit numbers starting from 3]
and so on. Base case is reached when you get the question "How many 1-digit numbers are there starting from X" (and the answer is obviously 1).
When it comes to complexity, the key observation is that you reuse previously computed solutions. That is for instance, the answer to "how many 5-digit numbers starting from 3" there are, can be used both when answering "how many 6-digit numbers are there starting from 8" AND "how many 6-digit numbers are there starting from 4". This reuse make the complexity collapse from exponential to polynomial.
Let's take a closer look at the complexity of a dynamic programming solution:
Such implementation would fill in a matrix in the following way:
num[1][i] = 1, for all 0<=i<=9 -- there are one 1-digit number starting from X.
for digits = 2...N
for from = 0...9
num[digits][from] = num[digits-1][successor 1 of from] +
num[digits-1][successor 2 of from] +
num[digits-1][successor K of from]
return num[N][1] -- number of N-digit numbers starting from 1.
The algorithm simply fills the matrix one cell at a time, and the matrix is of dimension 10*N, and thus runs in linear time.
Wrote it down from the top of my head, please correct me if there are any typos.
I decided to tackle this problem and make it as extensible as I can. This solution allows you to:
Define your own board (phone pad, chess board, etc.)
Define your own chess piece (Knight, Rook, Bishop, etc.); you will have to write the concrete class and generate it from the factory.
Retrieve several pieces of information through some useful utility methods.
The classes are as follows:
PadNumber: Class defining a button on the phone pad. Could be renamed to 'Square' to represent a board square.
ChessPiece: Abstract class that defines fields for all chess pieces.
Movement: Interface that defines movement methods and allows for factory generation of pieces.
PieceFactory: Factory class to generate Chess pieces.
Knight: Concrete class that inherits from ChessPiece and implements Movement
PhoneChess: Entrance class.
Driver: Driver code.
OK, here's the code :)
package PhoneChess;
import java.awt.Point;
public class PadNumber {
private String number = "";
private Point coordinates = null;
public PadNumber(String number, Point coordinates)
if(number != null && number.isEmpty()==false)
this.number = number;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null or empty.");
if(coordinates == null || coordinates.x < 0 || coordinates.y < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.coordinates = coordinates;
public String getNumber()
return this.number;
public Integer getNumberAsNumber()
return Integer.parseInt(this.number);
public Point getCoordinates()
return this.coordinates;
public int getX()
return this.coordinates.x;
public int getY()
return this.coordinates.y;
package PhoneChess;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class ChessPiece implements Movement {
protected String name = "";
protected HashMap<PadNumber, List<PadNumber>> moves = null;
protected Integer fullNumbers = 0;
protected int[] movesFrom = null;
protected PadNumber[][] thePad = null;
Movement Interface:
package PhoneChess;
import java.util.List;
public interface Movement
public Integer findNumbers(PadNumber start, Integer digits);
public abstract boolean canMove(PadNumber from, PadNumber to);
public List<PadNumber> allowedMoves(PadNumber from);
public Integer countAllowedMoves(PadNumber from);
package PhoneChess;
public class PieceFactory
public ChessPiece getPiece(String piece, PadNumber[][] thePad)
if(thePad == null || thePad.length == 0 || thePad[0].length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pad");
if(piece == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid chess piece");
return new Knight("Knight", thePad);
return null;
Knight class
package PhoneChess;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
public final class Knight extends ChessPiece implements Movement {
/**Knight movements
* One horizontal, followed by two vertical
* Or
* One vertical, followed by two horizontal
* #param name
public Knight(String name, PadNumber[][] thePad)
if(name == null || name.isEmpty() == true)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be null or empty");
this.name = name;
this.thePad = thePad;
this.moves = new HashMap<>();
private Integer fullNumbers = null;
public Integer findNumbers(PadNumber start, Integer digits)
if(start == null || "*".equals(start.getNumber()) || "#".equals(start.getNumber()) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start point"); }
if(start.getNumberAsNumber() == 5) { return 0; } //Consider adding an 'allowSpecialChars' condition
if(digits == 1) { return 1; };
this.movesFrom = new int[thePad.length * thePad[0].length];
for(int i = 0; i < this.movesFrom.length; i++)
this.movesFrom[i] = -1;
fullNumbers = 0;
findNumbers(start, digits, 1);
return fullNumbers;
private void findNumbers(PadNumber start, Integer digits, Integer currentDigits)
//Base condition
if(currentDigits == digits)
currentDigits = 1;
List<PadNumber> options = this.moves.get(start);
if(options != null)
currentDigits++; //More digits to be got
for(PadNumber option : options)
findNumbers(option, digits, currentDigits);
public boolean canMove(PadNumber from, PadNumber to)
//Is the moves list available?
//No? Process.
if(this.moves.get(from) != null)
for(PadNumber option : this.moves.get(from))
return true;
return false;
* Overriden method that defines each Piece's movement restrictions.
public List<PadNumber> allowedMoves(PadNumber from)
//First encounter
if(this.moves == null)
this.moves = new HashMap<>();
return this.moves.get(from);
List<PadNumber> found = new ArrayList<>();
int row = from.getY();//rows
int col = from.getX();//columns
//1. One horizontal move each way followed by two vertical moves each way
if(col-1 >= 0 && row-2 >= 0)//valid
if(thePad[row-2][col-1].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row-2][col-1].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] = this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] + 1;
if(col-1 >= 0 && row+2 < thePad.length)//valid
if(thePad[row+2][col-1].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row+2][col-1].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] = this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] + 1;
if(col+1 < thePad[0].length && row+2 < thePad.length)//valid
if(thePad[row+2][col+1].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row+2][col+1].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] = this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] + 1;
if(col+1 < thePad[0].length && row-2 >= 0)//valid
if(thePad[row-2][col+1].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row-2][col+1].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
//Case 2. One vertical move each way follow by two horizontal moves each way
if(col-2 >= 0 && row-1 >= 0)
if(thePad[row-1][col-2].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row-1][col-2].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
if(col-2 >= 0 && row+1 < thePad.length)
if(thePad[row+1][col-2].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row+1][col-2].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
if(col+2 < thePad[0].length && row-1 >= 0)
if(thePad[row-1][col+2].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row-1][col+2].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
if(col+2 < thePad[0].length && row+1 < thePad.length)
if(thePad[row+1][col+2].getNumber().equals("*") == false &&
thePad[row+1][col+2].getNumber().equals("#") == false)
if(found.size() > 0)
this.moves.put(from, found);
this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] = found.size();
this.moves.put(from, null); //for example the Knight cannot move from 5 to anywhere
this.movesFrom[from.getNumberAsNumber()] = 0;
return this.moves.get(from);
public Integer countAllowedMoves(PadNumber from)
int start = from.getNumberAsNumber();
if(movesFrom[start] != -1)
return movesFrom[start];
movesFrom[start] = allowedMoves(from).size();
return movesFrom[start];
public String toString()
return this.name;
PhoneChess entrant class
package PhoneChess;
public final class PhoneChess
private ChessPiece thePiece = null;
private PieceFactory factory = null;
public ChessPiece ThePiece()
return this.thePiece;
public PhoneChess(PadNumber[][] thePad, String piece)
if(thePad == null || thePad.length == 0 || thePad[0].length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pad");
if(piece == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid chess piece");
this.factory = new PieceFactory();
this.thePiece = this.factory.getPiece(piece, thePad);
public Integer findPossibleDigits(PadNumber start, Integer digits)
if(digits <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Digits cannot be less than or equal to zero");
return thePiece.findNumbers(start, digits);
public boolean isValidMove(PadNumber from, PadNumber to)
return this.thePiece.canMove(from, to);
Driver Code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
PadNumber[][] thePad = new PadNumber[4][3];
thePad[0][0] = new PadNumber("1", new Point(0,0));
thePad[0][1] = new PadNumber("2", new Point(1,0));
thePad[0][2] = new PadNumber("3",new Point(2,0));
thePad[1][0] = new PadNumber("4",new Point(0,1));
thePad[1][1] = new PadNumber("5",new Point(1,1));
thePad[1][2] = new PadNumber("6", new Point(2,1));
thePad[2][0] = new PadNumber("7", new Point(0,2));
thePad[2][1] = new PadNumber("8", new Point(1,2));
thePad[2][2] = new PadNumber("9", new Point(2,2));
thePad[3][0] = new PadNumber("*", new Point(0,3));
thePad[3][1] = new PadNumber("0", new Point(1,3));
thePad[3][2] = new PadNumber("#", new Point(2,3));
PhoneChess phoneChess = new PhoneChess(thePad, "Knight");
This can be done in O(log N). Consider the keypad and the possible moves on it as a graph G(V, E) where vertices are the available digits and edges say which digits can follow which. Now for each output position i we can form a vector Paths(i) containing the number of different paths each vertex can be reached in. Now it's pretty easy to see that for a given position i and digit v, the possible paths that it can be reached through is the sum of the different paths that possible preceding digits could be reached through, or Paths(i)[v] = sum(Paths(i-1)[v2] * (1 if (v,v2) in E else 0) for v2 in V ). Now, this is taking the sum of each position the preceding vector times a corresponding position in a column of the adjacency matrix. So we can simplify this as Paths(i) = Paths(i-1) · A, where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph. Getting rid of the recursion and taking advantage of associativity of matrix multiplication, this becomes Paths(i) = Paths(1) · A^(i-1). We know Paths(1): we have only one path, to the digit 1.
The total number of paths for an n digit number is the sum of the paths for each digit, so the final algorithm becomes: TotalPaths(n) = sum( [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] · A^(n-1) )
The exponentiation can be calculated via squaring in O(log(n)) time, given constant time multiplies, otherwise O(M(n) * log(n)) where M(n) is the complexity of your favorite arbitrary precision multiplication algorithm for n digit numbers.
A simpler answer.
int a[10] = {2,2,2,2,3,0,3,2,2,2};
int b[10][3] = {{4,6},{6,8},{7,9},{4,8},{0,3,9},{},{1,7,0},{2,6},{1,3},{2,4}};
int count(int curr,int n)
int sum = 0;
return 1;
int i = 0;
int val = 0;
for(i = 0; i < a[curr]; i++)
val = count(b[curr][i],n+1);
sum += val;
return sum;
int main()
int n = 1;
int val = count(1,0);
Run time constant time solution:
#include <iostream>
constexpr int notValid(int x, int y) {
return !(( 1 == x && 3 == y ) || //zero on bottom.
( 0 <= x && 3 > x && //1-9
0 <= y && 3 > y ));
class Knight {
template<unsigned N > constexpr int move(int x, int y) {
return notValid(x,y)? 0 : jump<N-1>(x,y);
template<unsigned N> constexpr int jump( int x, int y ) {
return move<N>(x+1, y-2) +
move<N>(x-1, y-2) +
move<N>(x+1, y+2) +
move<N>(x-1, y+2) +
move<N>(x+2, y+1) +
move<N>(x-2, y+1) +
move<N>(x+2, y-1) +
move<N>(x-2, y-1);
template<unsigned N> constexpr int count() {
return move<N-1>(0,1) + move<N-1>(0,2) +
move<N-1>(1,0) + move<N-1>(1,1) + move<N-1>(1,2) +
move<N-1>(2,0) + move<N-1>(2,1) + move<N-1>(2,2);
template<> constexpr int Knight::move<0>(int x, int y) { return notValid(x,y)? 0 : 1; }
template<> constexpr int Knight::count<0>() { return 0; } //terminal cases.
template<> constexpr int Knight::count<1>() { return 8; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
static_assert( ( 16 == Knight().count<2>() ), "Fail on test with 2 lenght" ); // prof of performance
static_assert( ( 35 == Knight().count<3>() ), "Fail on test with 3 lenght" );
std::cout<< "Number of valid Knight phones numbers:" << Knight().count<10>() << std::endl;
return 0;
Method returns list of 10 digit numbers starting with 1. Again the count is 1424.
public ArrayList<String> getList(int digit, int length, String base ){
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
if(length == 1){
return list;
ArrayList<String> temp;
for(int i : b[digit]){
String newBase = base +i;
list.addAll(getList(i, length -1, newBase ));
return list;
I'm not sure if I missed something, but reading the description of the problem I came to this solution. It has O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.
I figured that number 1 is at a corner, right? In each corner you can either move to one of the sides (4 from 9 and 3, or 6 from 7 an 1) or one of the 'vertical' sides (8 from 3 and 1, or 2 from 9 and 7). So, corners add two moves: a side move and a 'vertical' move. This is true for all four corners (1,3,9,7).
From each side, you can either move to two corners (7 and 1 from 6, 9 and 3 from 4) or you can reach the bottom key (0). That's three moves. Two corners and one bottom.
On the bottom key (0), you can move to both sides (4 and 6). So, in each step, you check out all possible endings for the path of the previous length (that is, how many ended on a corner, a side, a 'vertical' or the 'bottom' zero key) and then generate new ending counts according to the generation rules stated before.
Each corner ending adds a side and a vertical.
Each side ending adds 2 corners and a bottom.
Each vertical ending adds 2 corners.
Each bottom ending adds 2 sides.
If you start from the '1' key, you start with one possible corner solution, in each step you count the number of corner, side, vertical and bottom endings of the previous step and then apply the rules to generate the next count.
In plain javascript code.
function paths(n) {
//Index to 0
var corners = 1;
var verticals = 0;
var bottom = 0;
var sides = 0;
if (n <= 0) {
//No moves possible for paths without length
return 0;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
var previousCorners = corners;
var previousVerticals = verticals;
var previousBottom = bottom;
var previousSides = sides;
sides = 1 * previousCorners + 2 * previousBottom;
verticals = 1 * previousCorners;
bottom = 1 * previousSides;
corners = 2 * previousSides + 2 * previousVerticals;
//console.log("Moves: %d, Length: %d, Sides: %d, Verticals: %d, Bottom: %d, Corners: %d, Total: %d", i, i + 1, sides, verticals, bottom, corners, sides+verticals+bottom+corners);
return sides + verticals + bottom + corners;
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
This problem may be also modelled as a Constraint satisfaction problem (aka CSP for short).
I suggest to use the Minion solver (fast and scalable) that you can find here.
Modelling maybe tedious and time consumming (steep learning curve).
Instead of using Minion language input, my advice is to formulate the model with solver independent modelling language such as ESSENCE and find a converter accordingly.
//Both the iterative and recursive with memorize shows count as 1424 for 10 digit numbers starting with 1.
int[][] b = {{4,6},{6,8},{7,9},{4,8},{0,3,9},{},{1,7,0},{2,6},{1,3},{2,4}};
public int countIterative(int digit, int length) {
int[][] matrix = new int[length][10];
for(int dig =0; dig <=9; dig++){
matrix[0][dig] = 1;
for(int len = 1; len < length; len++){
for(int dig =0; dig <=9; dig++){
int sum = 0;
for(int i : b[dig]){
sum += matrix[len-1][i];
matrix[len][dig] = sum;
return matrix[length-1][digit];
public int count(int index, int length, int[][] matrix ){
int sum = 0;
if(matrix[length-1][index] > 0){
System.out.println("getting value from memoize:"+index + "length:"+ length);
return matrix[length-1][index];
if( length == 1){
return 1;
for(int i: b[index] ) {
sum += count(i, length-1,matrix);
matrix[length-1][index] = sum;
return sum;
Recursive memoization approach:
vector<vector<int>> lupt = { {4, 6}, {6, 8}, {9, 7}, {4, 8}, {3, 9, 0},
{}, {1,7,0}, {6, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 4} };
int numPhoneNumbersUtil(int startdigit, int& phonenumberlength, int currCount, map< pair<int,int>,int>& memT)
int noOfCombs = 0;
vector<int> enddigits;
auto it = memT.find(make_pair(startdigit,currCount));
if(it != memT.end())
noOfCombs = it->second;
return noOfCombs;
if(currCount == phonenumberlength)
return 1;
enddigits = lupt[startdigit];
for(auto it : enddigits)
noOfCombs += numPhoneNumbersUtil(it, phonenumberlength, currCount + 1, memT);
memT.insert(make_pair(make_pair(startdigit,currCount), noOfCombs));
return memT[make_pair(startdigit,currCount)];
int numPhoneNumbers(int startdigit, int phonenumberlength)
map<pair<int,int>,int> memT;
int currentCount = 1; //the first digit has already been added
return numPhoneNumbersUtil(startdigit, phonenumberlength, currentCount, memT);
I implemented both brute force and dynamic programming models
import queue
def chess_numbers_bf(start, length):
if length <= 0:
return 0
phone = [[7, 5], [6, 8], [3, 7], [9, 2, 8], [], [6, 9, 0], [1, 5], [0, 2], [3, 1], [5, 3]]
total = 0
q = queue.Queue()
q.put((start, 1))
while not q.empty():
front = q.get()
val = front[0]
len_ = front[1]
if len_ < length:
for elm in phone[val]:
q.put((elm, len_ + 1))
total += 1
return total
def chess_numbers_dp(start, length):
if length <= 0:
return 0
phone = [[7, 5], [6, 8], [3, 7], [9, 2, 8], [], [6, 9, 0], [1, 5], [0, 2], [3, 1], [5, 3]]
memory = {}
def __chess_numbers_dp(s, l):
if (s, l) in memory:
return memory[(s, l)]
elif l == length - 1:
memory[(s, l)] = 1
return 1
total_n_ways = 0
for number in phone[s]:
total_n_ways += __chess_numbers_dp(number, l+1)
memory[(s, l)] = total_n_ways
return total_n_ways
return __chess_numbers_dp(start, 0)
# bf
for i in range(0, 10):
print(i, chess_numbers_bf(3, i))
for i in range(0, 10):
print(i, chess_numbers_bf(9, i))
# dp
for i in range(0, 10):
print(i, chess_numbers_dp(3, i))
# dp
for i in range(0, 10):
print(i, chess_numbers_dp(9, i))
Recursive function in Java:
public static int countPhoneNumbers (int n, int r, int c) {
if (outOfBounds(r,c)) {
return 0;
} else {
char button = buttons[r][c];
if (button == '.') {
// visited
return 0;
} else {
buttons[r][c] = '.'; // record this position so don't revisit.
// Count all possible phone numbers with one less digit starting
int result=0;
result = countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r-2,c-1)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r-2,c+1)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r+2,c-1)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r+2,c+1)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r-1,c-2)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r-1,c+2)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r+1,c-2)
+ countPhoneNumbers(n-1,r+1,c+2);
buttons[r][c] = button; // Remove record from position.
return result;

Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

I want to write a function that takes an array of letters as an argument and a number of those letters to select.
Say you provide an array of 8 letters and want to select 3 letters from that. Then you should get:
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
Arrays (or words) in return consisting of 3 letters each.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Fascicle 3 has a ton of these that might fit your particular situation better than how I describe.
Gray Codes
An issue that you will come across is of course memory and pretty quickly, you'll have problems by 20 elements in your set -- 20C3 = 1140. And if you want to iterate over the set it's best to use a modified gray code algorithm so you aren't holding all of them in memory. These generate the next combination from the previous and avoid repetitions. There are many of these for different uses. Do we want to maximize the differences between successive combinations? minimize? et cetera.
Some of the original papers describing gray codes:
Some Hamilton Paths and a Minimal Change Algorithm
Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm
Here are some other papers covering the topic:
An Efficient Implementation of the Eades, Hickey, Read Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm (PDF, with code in Pascal)
Combination Generators
Survey of Combinatorial Gray Codes (PostScript)
An Algorithm for Gray Codes
Chase's Twiddle (algorithm)
Phillip J Chase, `Algorithm 382: Combinations of M out of N Objects' (1970)
The algorithm in C...
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (Buckles Algorithm 515)
You can also reference a combination by its index (in lexicographical order). Realizing that the index should be some amount of change from right to left based on the index we can construct something that should recover a combination.
So, we have a set {1,2,3,4,5,6}... and we want three elements. Let's say {1,2,3} we can say that the difference between the elements is one and in order and minimal. {1,2,4} has one change and is lexicographically number 2. So the number of 'changes' in the last place accounts for one change in the lexicographical ordering. The second place, with one change {1,3,4} has one change but accounts for more change since it's in the second place (proportional to the number of elements in the original set).
The method I've described is a deconstruction, as it seems, from set to the index, we need to do the reverse – which is much trickier. This is how Buckles solves the problem. I wrote some C to compute them, with minor changes – I used the index of the sets rather than a number range to represent the set, so we are always working from 0...n.
Since combinations are unordered, {1,3,2} = {1,2,3} --we order them to be lexicographical.
This method has an implicit 0 to start the set for the first difference.
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (McCaffrey)
There is another way:, its concept is easier to grasp and program but it's without the optimizations of Buckles. Fortunately, it also does not produce duplicate combinations:
The set that maximizes , where .
For an example: 27 = C(6,4) + C(5,3) + C(2,2) + C(1,1). So, the 27th lexicographical combination of four things is: {1,2,5,6}, those are the indexes of whatever set you want to look at. Example below (OCaml), requires choose function, left to reader:
(* this will find the [x] combination of a [set] list when taking [k] elements *)
let combination_maccaffery set k x =
(* maximize function -- maximize a that is aCb *)
(* return largest c where c < i and choose(c,i) <= z *)
let rec maximize a b x =
if (choose a b ) <= x then a else maximize (a-1) b x
let rec iterate n x i = match i with
| 0 -> []
| i ->
let max = maximize n i x in
max :: iterate n (x - (choose max i)) (i-1)
if x < 0 then failwith "errors" else
let idxs = iterate (List.length set) x k in
List.map (List.nth set) (List.sort (-) idxs)
A small and simple combinations iterator
The following two algorithms are provided for didactic purposes. They implement an iterator and (a more general) folder overall combinations.
They are as fast as possible, having the complexity O(nCk). The memory consumption is bound by k.
We will start with the iterator, which will call a user provided function for each combination
let iter_combs n k f =
let rec iter v s j =
if j = k then f v
else for i = s to n - 1 do iter (i::v) (i+1) (j+1) done in
iter [] 0 0
A more general version will call the user provided function along with the state variable, starting from the initial state. Since we need to pass the state between different states we won't use the for-loop, but instead, use recursion,
let fold_combs n k f x =
let rec loop i s c x =
if i < n then
loop (i+1) s c ##
let c = i::c and s = s + 1 and i = i + 1 in
if s < k then loop i s c x else f c x
else x in
loop 0 0 [] x
In C#:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] {e}).Concat(c)));
var result = Combinations(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 3);
Short java solution:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Combination {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] arr = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
combinations2(arr, 3, 0, new String[3]);
static void combinations2(String[] arr, int len, int startPosition, String[] result){
if (len == 0){
for (int i = startPosition; i <= arr.length-len; i++){
result[result.length - len] = arr[i];
combinations2(arr, len-1, i+1, result);
Result will be
[A, B, C]
[A, B, D]
[A, B, E]
[A, B, F]
[A, C, D]
[A, C, E]
[A, C, F]
[A, D, E]
[A, D, F]
[A, E, F]
[B, C, D]
[B, C, E]
[B, C, F]
[B, D, E]
[B, D, F]
[B, E, F]
[C, D, E]
[C, D, F]
[C, E, F]
[D, E, F]
May I present my recursive Python solution to this problem?
def choose_iter(elements, length):
for i in xrange(len(elements)):
if length == 1:
yield (elements[i],)
for next in choose_iter(elements[i+1:], length-1):
yield (elements[i],) + next
def choose(l, k):
return list(choose_iter(l, k))
Example usage:
>>> len(list(choose_iter("abcdefgh",3)))
I like it for its simplicity.
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Written in code this look something like that
void print_combinations(const char *string)
int i, j, k;
int len = strlen(string);
for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++)
for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++)
printf("%c%c%c\n", string[i], string[j], string[k]);
The following recursive algorithm picks all of the k-element combinations from an ordered set:
choose the first element i of your combination
combine i with each of the combinations of k-1 elements chosen recursively from the set of elements larger than i.
Iterate the above for each i in the set.
It is essential that you pick the rest of the elements as larger than i, to avoid repetition. This way [3,5] will be picked only once, as [3] combined with [5], instead of twice (the condition eliminates [5] + [3]). Without this condition you get variations instead of combinations.
Short example in Python:
def comb(sofar, rest, n):
if n == 0:
print sofar
for i in range(len(rest)):
comb(sofar + rest[i], rest[i+1:], n-1)
>>> comb("", "abcde", 3)
For explanation, the recursive method is described with the following example:
Example: A B C D E
All combinations of 3 would be:
A with all combinations of 2 from the rest (B C D E)
B with all combinations of 2 from the rest (C D E)
C with all combinations of 2 from the rest (D E)
I found this thread useful and thought I would add a Javascript solution that you can pop into Firebug. Depending on your JS engine, it could take a little time if the starting string is large.
function string_recurse(active, rest) {
if (rest.length == 0) {
} else {
string_recurse(active + rest.charAt(0), rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse(active, rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse("", "abc");
The output should be as follows:
In C++ the following routine will produce all combinations of length distance(first,k) between the range [first,last):
#include <algorithm>
template <typename Iterator>
bool next_combination(const Iterator first, Iterator k, const Iterator last)
/* Credits: Mark Nelson http://marknelson.us */
if ((first == last) || (first == k) || (last == k))
return false;
Iterator i1 = first;
Iterator i2 = last;
if (last == i1)
return false;
i1 = last;
i1 = k;
while (first != i1)
if (*--i1 < *i2)
Iterator j = k;
while (!(*i1 < *j)) ++j;
i2 = k;
while (last != j)
return true;
return false;
It can be used like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string s = "12345";
std::size_t comb_size = 3;
std::cout << std::string(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size) << std::endl;
} while (next_combination(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size, s.end()));
return 0;
This will print the following:
static IEnumerable<string> Combinations(List<string> characters, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Count; i++)
// only want 1 character, just return this one
if (length == 1)
yield return characters[i];
// want more than one character, return this one plus all combinations one shorter
// only use characters after the current one for the rest of the combinations
foreach (string next in Combinations(characters.GetRange(i + 1, characters.Count - (i + 1)), length - 1))
yield return characters[i] + next;
Simple recursive algorithm in Haskell
import Data.List
combinations 0 lst = [[]]
combinations n lst = do
(x:xs) <- tails lst
rest <- combinations (n-1) xs
return $ x : rest
We first define the special case, i.e. selecting zero elements. It produces a single result, which is an empty list (i.e. a list that contains an empty list).
For n > 0, x goes through every element of the list and xs is every element after x.
rest picks n - 1 elements from xs using a recursive call to combinations. The final result of the function is a list where each element is x : rest (i.e. a list which has x as head and rest as tail) for every different value of x and rest.
> combinations 3 "abcde"
And of course, since Haskell is lazy, the list is gradually generated as needed, so you can partially evaluate exponentially large combinations.
> let c = combinations 8 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> take 10 c
And here comes granddaddy COBOL, the much maligned language.
Let's assume an array of 34 elements of 8 bytes each (purely arbitrary selection.) The idea is to enumerate all possible 4-element combinations and load them into an array.
We use 4 indices, one each for each position in the group of 4
The array is processed like this:
idx1 = 1
idx2 = 2
idx3 = 3
idx4 = 4
We vary idx4 from 4 to the end. For each idx4 we get a unique combination
of groups of four. When idx4 comes to the end of the array, we increment idx3 by 1 and set idx4 to idx3+1. Then we run idx4 to the end again. We proceed in this manner, augmenting idx3,idx2, and idx1 respectively until the position of idx1 is less than 4 from the end of the array. That finishes the algorithm.
1 --- pos.1
2 --- pos 2
3 --- pos 3
4 --- pos 4
First iterations:
A COBOL example:
05 IDX1 PIC 99.
05 IDX2 PIC 99.
05 IDX3 PIC 99.
05 IDX4 PIC 99.
05 OUT_IDX PIC 9(9).
* Stop the search when IDX1 is on the third last array element:
Another C# version with lazy generation of the combination indices. This version maintains a single array of indices to define a mapping between the list of all values and the values for the current combination, i.e. constantly uses O(k) additional space during the entire runtime. The code generates individual combinations, including the first one, in O(k) time.
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this T[] values, int k)
if (k < 0 || values.Length < k)
yield break; // invalid parameters, no combinations possible
// generate the initial combination indices
var combIndices = new int[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combIndices[i] = i;
while (true)
// return next combination
var combination = new T[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combination[i] = values[combIndices[i]];
yield return combination;
// find first index to update
var indexToUpdate = k - 1;
while (indexToUpdate >= 0 && combIndices[indexToUpdate] >= values.Length - k + indexToUpdate)
if (indexToUpdate < 0)
yield break; // done
// update combination indices
for (var combIndex = combIndices[indexToUpdate] + 1; indexToUpdate < k; indexToUpdate++, combIndex++)
combIndices[indexToUpdate] = combIndex;
Test code:
foreach (var combination in new[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}.Combinations(3))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combination));
a b c
a b d
a b e
a c d
a c e
a d e
b c d
b c e
b d e
c d e
Here is an elegant, generic implementation in Scala, as described on 99 Scala Problems.
object P26 {
def flatMapSublists[A,B](ls: List[A])(f: (List[A]) => List[B]): List[B] =
ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case sublist#(_ :: tail) => f(sublist) ::: flatMapSublists(tail)(f)
def combinations[A](n: Int, ls: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (n == 0) List(Nil)
else flatMapSublists(ls) { sl =>
combinations(n - 1, sl.tail) map {sl.head :: _}
If you can use SQL syntax - say, if you're using LINQ to access fields of an structure or array, or directly accessing a database that has a table called "Alphabet" with just one char field "Letter", you can adapt following code:
SELECT A.Letter, B.Letter, C.Letter
FROM Alphabet AS A, Alphabet AS B, Alphabet AS C
WHERE A.Letter<>B.Letter AND A.Letter<>C.Letter AND B.Letter<>C.Letter
AND A.Letter<B.Letter AND B.Letter<C.Letter
This will return all combinations of 3 letters, notwithstanding how many letters you have in table "Alphabet" (it can be 3, 8, 10, 27, etc.).
If what you want is all permutations, rather than combinations (i.e. you want "ACB" and "ABC" to count as different, rather than appear just once) just delete the last line (the AND one) and it's done.
Post-Edit: After re-reading the question, I realise what's needed is the general algorithm, not just a specific one for the case of selecting 3 items. Adam Hughes' answer is the complete one, unfortunately I cannot vote it up (yet). This answer's simple but works only for when you want exactly 3 items.
I had a permutation algorithm I used for project euler, in python:
def missing(miss,src):
"Returns the list of items in src not present in miss"
return [i for i in src if i not in miss]
def permutation_gen(n,l):
"Generates all the permutations of n items of the l list"
for i in l:
if n<=1: yield [i]
r = [i]
for j in permutation_gen(n-1,missing([i],l)): yield r+j
you should have all combination you need without repetition, do you need it?
It is a generator, so you use it in something like this:
for comb in permutation_gen(3,list("ABCDEFGH")):
print comb
There is an implementation for JavaScript. It has functions to get k-combinations and all combinations of an array of any objects. Examples:
k_combinations([1,2,3], 2)
-> [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]
-> [[1],[2],[3],[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
function initializePointers($cnt) {
$pointers = [];
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$pointers[] = $i;
return $pointers;
function incrementPointers(&$pointers, &$arrLength) {
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$currentPointerIndex = count($pointers) - $i - 1;
$currentPointer = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex];
if($currentPointer < $arrLength - $i - 1) {
for($j=1; ($currentPointerIndex+$j)<count($pointers); $j++) {
$pointers[$currentPointerIndex+$j] = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex]+$j;
return true;
return false;
function getDataByPointers(&$arr, &$pointers) {
$data = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$data[] = $arr[$pointers[$i]];
return $data;
function getCombinations($arr, $cnt)
$len = count($arr);
$result = [];
$pointers = initializePointers($cnt);
do {
$result[] = getDataByPointers($arr, $pointers);
} while(incrementPointers($pointers, count($arr)));
return $result;
$result = getCombinations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3);
Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/127898/2628125, but more abstract, for any size of pointers.
Here you have a lazy evaluated version of that algorithm coded in C#:
static bool nextCombination(int[] num, int n, int k)
bool finished, changed;
changed = finished = false;
if (k > 0)
for (int i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--)
if (num[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i)
if (i < k - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
num[j] = num[j - 1] + 1;
changed = true;
finished = (i == 0);
return changed;
static IEnumerable Combinations<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
T[] elem = elements.ToArray();
int size = elem.Length;
if (k <= size)
int[] numbers = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
yield return numbers.Select(n => elem[n]);
while (nextCombination(numbers, size, k));
And test part:
static void Main(string[] args)
int k = 3;
var t = new[] { "dog", "cat", "mouse", "zebra"};
foreach (IEnumerable<string> i in Combinations(t, k))
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", i));
Hope this help you!
Another version, that forces all the first k to appear firstly, then all the first k+1 combinations, then all the first k+2 etc.. It means that if you have sorted array, the most important on the top, it would take them and expand gradually to the next ones - only when it is must do so.
private static bool NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(int[] num, int n, int k)
if (k > 1 && NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(num, num[k - 1], k - 1))
return true;
if (num[k - 1] + 1 == n)
return false;
++num[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i)
num[i] = i;
return true;
For instance, if you run the first method ("nextCombination") on k=3, n=5 you'll get:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
But if you'll run
int[] nums = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
while (NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(nums, n, k));
You'll get this (I added empty lines for clarity):
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 2 4
1 2 4
0 3 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
It's adding "4" only when must to, and also after "4" was added it adds "3" again only when it must to (after doing 01, 02, 12).
Array.prototype.combs = function(num) {
var str = this,
length = str.length,
of = Math.pow(2, length) - 1,
out, combinations = [];
while(of) {
out = [];
for(var i = 0, y; i < length; i++) {
y = (1 << i);
if(y & of && (y !== of))
if (out.length >= num) {
return combinations;
Clojure version:
(defn comb [k l]
(if (= 1 k) (map vector l)
(apply concat
#(map (fn [x] (conj x %2))
(comb (dec k) (drop (inc %1) l)))
Count from 1 to 2^n.
Convert each digit to its binary representation.
Translate each 'on' bit to elements of your set, based on position.
In C#:
void Main()
var set = new [] {"A", "B", "C", "D" }; //, "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
var kElement = 2;
for(var i = 1; i < Math.Pow(2, set.Length); i++) {
var result = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(set.Length, '0');
var cnt = Regex.Matches(Regex.Escape(result), "1").Count;
if (cnt == kElement) {
for(int j = 0; j < set.Length; j++)
if ( Char.GetNumericValue(result[j]) == 1)
Why does it work?
There is a bijection between the subsets of an n-element set and n-bit sequences.
That means we can figure out how many subsets there are by counting sequences.
e.g., the four element set below can be represented by {0,1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} (or 2^4) different sequences.
So - all we have to do is count from 1 to 2^n to find all the combinations. (We ignore the empty set.) Next, translate the digits to their binary representation. Then substitute elements of your set for 'on' bits.
If you want only k element results, only print when k bits are 'on'.
(If you want all subsets instead of k length subsets, remove the cnt/kElement part.)
(For proof, see MIT free courseware Mathematics for Computer Science, Lehman et al, section 11.2.2. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-fall-2010/readings/ )
short python code, yielding index positions
def yield_combos(n,k):
# n is set size, k is combo size
i = 0
a = [0]*k
while i > -1:
for j in range(i+1, k):
a[j] = a[j-1]+1
yield a
while a[i] == i + n - k:
i -= 1
a[i] += 1
All said and and done here comes the O'caml code for that.
Algorithm is evident from the code..
let combi n lst =
let rec comb l c =
if( List.length c = n) then [c] else
match l with
[] -> []
| (h::t) -> (combi t (h::c))#(combi t c)
combi lst []
Here is a method which gives you all combinations of specified size from a random length string. Similar to quinmars' solution, but works for varied input and k.
The code can be changed to wrap around, ie 'dab' from input 'abcd' w k=3.
public void run(String data, int howMany){
choose(data, howMany, new StringBuffer(), 0);
//n choose k
private void choose(String data, int k, StringBuffer result, int startIndex){
if (result.length()==k){
for (int i=startIndex; i<data.length(); i++){
choose(data,k,result, i+1);
Output for "abcde":
abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
Short javascript version (ES 5)
let combine = (list, n) =>
n == 0 ?
[[]] :
list.flatMap((e, i) =>
list.slice(i + 1),
n - 1
).map(c => [e].concat(c))
let res = combine([1,2,3,4], 3);
res.forEach(e => console.log(e.join()));
Another python recusive solution.
def combination_indicies(n, k, j = 0, stack = []):
if len(stack) == k:
yield list(stack)
for i in range(j, n):
for x in combination_indicies(n, k, i + 1, stack):
yield x
list(combination_indicies(5, 3))
[[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 2, 3],
[0, 2, 4],
[0, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 4],
[1, 3, 4],
[2, 3, 4]]
I created a solution in SQL Server 2005 for this, and posted it on my website: http://www.jessemclain.com/downloads/code/sql/fn_GetMChooseNCombos.sql.htm
Here is an example to show usage:
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetMChooseNCombos('ABCD', 2, '')
(6 row(s) affected)
Here is my proposition in C++
I tried to impose as little restriction on the iterator type as i could so this solution assumes just forward iterator, and it can be a const_iterator. This should work with any standard container. In cases where arguments don't make sense it throws std::invalid_argumnent
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
Here is a code I recently wrote in Java, which calculates and returns all the combination of "num" elements from "outOf" elements.
// author: Sourabh Bhat (heySourabh#gmail.com)
public class Testing
public static void main(String[] args)
// Test case num = 5, outOf = 8.
int num = 5;
int outOf = 8;
int[][] combinations = getCombinations(num, outOf);
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < combinations[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(combinations[i][j] + " ");
private static int[][] getCombinations(int num, int outOf)
int possibilities = get_nCr(outOf, num);
int[][] combinations = new int[possibilities][num];
int arrayPointer = 0;
int[] counter = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
counter[i] = i;
breakLoop: while (true)
// Initializing part
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i] = counter[i - 1] + 1;
// Testing part
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] < outOf)
} else
break breakLoop;
// Innermost part
combinations[arrayPointer] = counter.clone();
// Incrementing part
counter[num - 1]++;
for (int i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i - 1]++;
return combinations;
private static int get_nCr(int n, int r)
if(r > n)
throw new ArithmeticException("r is greater then n");
long numerator = 1;
long denominator = 1;
for (int i = n; i >= r + 1; i--)
numerator *= i;
for (int i = 2; i <= n - r; i++)
denominator *= i;
return (int) (numerator / denominator);
