Designing Panels without a parent Form in VS? - visual-studio

Are there any tools or plugins to design a Panel independently of a Form (Windows, not Web Form) within Visual Studio?
I've been using the designer and manually extracting the bits I want from the source, but surely there is a nicer way.

You could do all the design work inside of a UserControl.
If you go that route, instead of just copying the bits out of the user control, simply use the user control itself.

You could just write the code by hand!

As Chris Karcher said, you should probably use a user control. This will allow easy, VS-supported/-integrated reuse without having to manually fiddle with designer code.


Unbind/unsynchronized scrolling in source control compare function

In compare option inside the source control, the scrolling is bind together for both files.
I want to scroll just one of the sides while the other stay pinned also I want to avoid comparing outside on the VS.
I can't find any solution online and there is no obvious option in the VS.
I'm Using VS2015 with TFS.
Thank you.
New feature request for microsoft was opened
Feature request
In VS1029 Version 16.11.3 feature exist, by pressing it you can unbind the windows
In compare option inside the source control, the scrolling is bind
together for both files.
For this , I am afraid this is by designed. The same is true for my test in visual studio2019.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Menu-commands extension for Visual Studio without command-table

I am building a Visual Studio extension (VSIX) with menu commands depending on the options for the extension. Its dynamic, what commands (how many) depends on the options.
I have a solution for it that uses the command-table, like: Dynamically add menu items
I would like to skip the command-table and build the menus totally programmatically, like: HOWTO: Package with commands created by code
The reason is to make it more dynamic. So if the user adds/changes/deletes in the options of the extension it would be handled dynamically (programmatically). On saving options the menu-command tree would be rebuildt. If I use a command-table I will have to add/delete nodes there to be able to solve it.
The thing I can not figure out is howto add the objects for "groups" and "menus" programmatically.
So I am out for the class/interface that has "AddGroup" or "AddMenu" as methods.
Is this at all possible or do I have to use the command-table? If it is possible I would appreciate links to code-examples for it.
Regards Hans
MVP Carlos Quintero has published sample code using IVsProfferCommmands3.AddNamedCommand that illustrates how to programmatically add menu items via the automation services (formerly utilized by the now discontinued add-in extensibility model).
While add-ins are no longer supported, the automation interfaces are still present. So you can use these, bearing in mind these menu items (aka commands) are temporary.
Also, the sample code here is a little outdated, using Package instead of AsyncPackage, and ProvideAutoLoad attributes. So you'll also want to read up on the following:

How can I programmatically add xaml elements in Visual Studio 2017?

I have a C++/winrt project with a complex and dynamic xaml interface created in C++ code. Now I am moving to the latest VS 15.9.0 Preview 3, which has platform support for C++/Winrt and also allows use of the xaml designer in such a project. But I don't want to use the designer and have turned it off in Tools/Options/Xaml. The result is that none of my programmatic xaml elements appears. The project seems to expect me to enter these elements in a xaml code page, rather than using C++, e.g. Grid(), StackPanel(), view.RowDefinitions.Append(), view.SetRow() etc. The GeneratedFiles folder is now full of items that were not present in the previous project, yet can't be removed. Is it still possible to use the C++ interface for xaml, and what must be done to enable it if so? Thanks.
Ryan is correct: C++/winrt does support programmatic creation of xaml, and it works great. With the help of a couple of c++/winrt guys at MS I think I also know why my code was not doing anything. In the former version of my app I had declared MainPage as a C++ class, not a struct, and had assigned the starting Grid for the xaml by getting the current Window and setting currentWindow.Content(theGrid). But in the new template app MainPage is a struct, which might matter, and while setting window.Content that way no longer works, this does: this->Content(theGrid). Leaving aside some irrelevant issues about declarations in the BlankApp, this I think is the answer. Programmatic xaml works if you set that initial content as above.
Unfortunately, this is not the intended way to use this UI system. XAML-based UI systems are descendants of WPF, which relies on the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern.
This pattern intends three types of classes to make up your application: Views, which are primarily written in XAML, and only deal with displaying data they are given; ViewModels, which are the wrapper and translator to give the views data, and to give the models commands; and lastly, Models, which are your backend business-logic classes.
Your instinct to not trust the designer is reasonable - it generates messy and unidiomatic XAML code. But it is an excellent way to preview the way your XAML code looks.
To get back to your specific situation, there are real problems in the library's API that will be serious roadblocks to programmatically define a UI in C++. Instead, you will want to use XAML to declare the UI. Adding and removing grid column definitions is not something that is well-supported, but using StackPanels and DockPanels is the normal way to do this.
If you have more specific questions, feel free to open a new question here, but do bear in mind that you may want to search first under the tags mvvm and wpf in addition to xaml, c++-winrt, and winrt.
If you have more questions that are rather broad and may be too broad for the main site here, feel free to join the WPF channel on chat, but bear in mind that most of us don't have experience in WinRT specifically.

What is imgMain control in visual Basic 6?

I'm using a VB6 application as a reference and have come across imgMain. I'm assuming its an image control, however, I cannot find the object on any of the forms. It's used to load the image. I'm just not sure what's going on with this. I'm assuming its an IMAGE CONTROL, but I cannot find this on any of the forms? it's mentioned a lot of times in teh application as it lets you view incoming faxes and stuff.
Without having a look on source code i assume It might be custom user control that was created for some reasons probably to extend basic picturebox control.
One thing i can advise you is to further inspect code and dig to code of this custom control. If code for this control is not available then see what methods and properties instances of that particular control uses and compare them with regular picturebox.

Disabling component source tab on Tridion 2011 SP-1

We have a client that has a requirement to disable the source tab on components, they want to force them to use the GUI fields only and not mess around with any source.
Whilst this is easy to accomplish for rich-text fields I cannot find a configurable way of doing it for the whole component.
I'm presuming I'm going to have to modify the GUI somehow and make the source tab only viewable by administrators (or a specifically created user group). What I lack is a) the knowledge on how to do this and b) knowing whether this can be done via a method I'm unaware of.
Any help appreciated as I've not had to customise the GUI since 5.2 SP1.
