Where should you enable SSL? - performance

My last couple of projects have involved websites that sell a product/service and require a 'checkout' process in which users put in their credit card information and such. Obviously we got SSL certificates for the security of it plus giving peace of mind to the customers. I am, however, a little clueless as to the subtleties of it, and most importantly as to which parts of the website should 'use' the certificate.
For example, I've been to websites where the moment you hit the homepage you are put in https - mostly banking sites - and then there are websites where you are only put in https when you are finally checking out. Is it overkill to make the entire website run through https if it doesn't deal with something on the level of banking? Should I only make the checkout page https? What is the performance hit on going all out?

I personally go with "SSL from go to woe".
If your user never enters a credit card number, sure, no SSL.
But there's an inherent possible security leak from the cookie replay.
User visits site and gets assigned a cookie.
User browses site and adds data to cart ( using cookie )
User proceeds to payment page using cookie.
Right here there is a problem, especially if you have to handle payment negotiation yourself.
You have to transmit information from the non-secure domain to the secure domain, and back again, with no guarantees of protection.
If you do something dumb like share the same cookie with unsecure as you do with secure, you may find some browsers ( rightly ) will just drop the cookie completely ( Safari ) for the sake of security, because if somebody sniffs that cookie in the open, they can forge it and use it in the secure mode to, degrading your wonderful SSL security to 0, and if the Card details ever get even temporarily stored in the session, you have a dangerous leak waiting to happen.
If you can't be certain that your software is not prone to these weaknesses, I would suggest SSL from the start, so their initial cookie is transmitted in the secure.

If the site is for public usage, you should probably put the public parts on HTTP. This makes things easier and more efficient for spiders and casual users. HTTP requests are much faster to initiate than HTTPS and this is very obvious especially on sites with lots of images.
Browsers also sometimes have a different cache policy for HTTPS than HTTP.
But it's alright to put them into HTTPS as soon as they log on, or just before. At the point at which the site becomes personalised and non-anonymous, it can be HTTPS from there onwards.
It's a better idea to use HTTPS for the log on page itself as well as any other forms, as it gives the use the padlock before they enter their info, which makes them feel better.

I have always done it on the entire website.

I too would use HTTPS all the way. This doesn't have a big performance impact (since browser cache the negociated symmetric key after the first connection) and protects against sniffing.
Sniffing was once on its way out because of fully switched wired networks, where you would have to work extra hard to capture anyone else's traffic (as opposed to networks using hubs), but it's on its way back because of wireless networks, which create a broadcast medium once again an make session hijacking easy, unless the traffic is encrypted.

I think a good rule of thumb is forcing SSL anywhere where sensitive information is going to possibly be transmitted. For example: I'm a member of Wescom Credit Union. There's a section on the front page that allows me to log on to my online bank account. Therefore, the root page forces SSL.
Think of it this way: will sensitive, private information be transmitted? If yes, enable SSL. Otherwise you should be fine.

In our organization we have three classifications of applications -
Low Business Impact - no PII, clear-text storage, clear-text transmission, no access restrictions.
Medium Business Impact - non-transactional PII e.g. email address. clear-text storage, SSL from datacenter to client, clear-text in data center, limited storage access.
High Business Impact - transactional data e.g. SSN, Credit Card etc. SSL within and outside of datacenter. Encrypted & Audited Storage. Audited applications.
We use these criteria to determine partitioning of data, and which aspects of the site require SSL. Computation of SSL is either done on server or through accelerators such as Netscaler. As level of PII increases so does the complexity of the audit and threat modelling.
As you can imagine we prefer to do LBI applications.

Generally anytime you're transmitting sensitive or personal data you should be using SSL - e.g. adding an item to a basket probably doesn't need SSL, logging in with your username/password, or entering your CC details should be encrypted.

I only ever redirect my sites to SSL when it requires the user to enter sensitive information. With a shopping cart as soon as they have to fill out a page with their personal information or credit card details I redirect them to a SSL page.
For the rest of the site its probably not needed - if they are just viewing information/products on your commerce site.

SSL is pretty computationally intensive and should not be used to transmit large amounts of data if possible. Therfore it would be better to enable it at the checkout stage where the user would be transmitting sensitive information.

There is one major downside to a full https site and it's not the speed (thats ok).
It will be very hard to run Youtube, "Like"boxes etc without the unsecure warning.
We are running a full forces secured website and shop for two years now and this is the biggest drawback. We managed to get Youtube to work now but the "Add this" is still a big challenge. And if they change anything to the protocol then it could be that all our Youtube movies are blank...


Downside(s) of using HTTPs only on parts of the site

I am managing a shop that forces HTTPs on the register/login/account/checkout pages, but that's it, and I've been trying to convince people to force HTTPs on everything.
I know that it's recommended to use HTTPs everywhere, but not sure why.
Are there any good reasons to keep part of the site on HTTP ?
One good reason is that page perfomance has a massive impact on sales (there's lots of published studies) and SSL has a BIG imact on performance - particularly if it's not tuned right.
But running a mixed SSL and non-SSL is full of pitfalls for the unwary...
Exactly which pages you put inside SSL has a big impact on security too though - suppose you send a login form using HTTP with a POST target which is HTTPS - a trivial analysis would suggest this is secure - but in fact an MITM could modify the login page to send the post elsewhere or inject some ajax to fork a request to a different location.
Further with mixed HTTP and HTTPS you've got the problem of transferring sessions securely - the user fills their session-linked shopping basket outside the SSL site, then pays for it inside the SSL site - how do you prevent session fixation problems in the transition?
Hence I'd only suggest running a mixed site if you've got really expert skills in HTTP - and since you're asking this question here, that rather implies you don't.
A compromise solution is to use SPDY. SPDY requires SSL but makes most sites (especially ones that have not been heavily performance optimized) much faster. Currently it's not supported by MSIE - and (last time I checked) is not enabled by default in Firefox. But it's likely to make up a large part of HTTP/2.0 any time soon.
Using (good) CDNs over HTTPS also mitigates much of the performance impact of SSL.
There's really no need to use HTTPS on the whole website. Using HTTPS will cause the server to consume more resources as it has to do extra work to encrypt and decrypt the connection, not to mention extra steps/handshake in negotiating algorithms etc.
If you have a heavy traffic website, the performance hit can be quite big.
This will also mean a slow response time then using plain on HTTP.
You should only really use HTTPS on the parts of the site you actually need to be secure, such as when ever the user send important information to your site, completes forms, logs in, private parts of the site etc.
One other issue can be if you use resources from none secure URLS, maybe images/scripts hosted elsewhere. If they are not available over HTTPS then your visitors will get a warning about an insecure connection.
You also need to realise the fact HTTPS data/pages will hardly ever get cached. this will also add a performance penalty.

SSL Speed - specific with Magento

I have seen some general questions regarding speed of SSL, but most answers are generic and ask for specifics to give a better answer.
Well, here are my specifics, i really hope someone can help me with some advice what to do.
I would prefer to keep SSL on throughout the site, instead of only at default Magento SSL behavior such as logging in, account edits, orders and payments. So basically, also during product browsing, reading CMS pages, etc.
But at what performance cost will this be. I'm only worried about actual performance a user may notice.
I'm running a Magento multistore site on a dedicated server with 4GB memory and dualcore processor with gigabit internet connectivity, running Centos 5 and latest LAMP versions. I run a Comodo SSL multidomain Extended Validation (the 'green bar').
Ask me for any details that are relevant to make a better advice :-)
In short, the answer is you will most definitely see a performance hit. This is why Magento was built the way it was. Secure the pages the have private content, and leave the rest open.
Each HTTPS request made using HTTPS, the client and server must deal with verifying the certificate, passing keys, encrypting and decrypting the data. This adds quite an overhead to apache and the OS. You will also loose the efficiencies of local caching of static content, such as stylesheets, javascript pages, images, etc.
As a result, the client will see a increase in load times, Google will ding you for a slow website, conversion will most likely decrease, and possibly other unforeseen consequences.
Here's a conversation from Magentocommerce about constant HTTPS: magentocommerce
In the end, it's not a great idea. Magento does a very good job knowing which pages should be secure and which are fine without.
But, if you MUST, it is possible. Watch your conversion and analytics numbers closely. If you have Google Analytics installed, add page_speed _trackPageLoadTime to your site. Then, at least, you will know what the dammage is.

Good practice or bad practice to force entire site to HTTPS?

I have a site that works very well when everything is in HTTPS (authentication, web services etc). If I mix http and https it requires more coding (cross domain problems).
I don't seem to see many web sites that are entirely in HTTPS so I was wondering if it was a bad idea to go about it this way?
Edit: Site is to be hosted on Azure cloud where Bandwidth and CPU usage could be an issue...
EDIT 10 years later: The correct answer is now to use https only.
you lose a lot of features with https (mainly related to performance)
Proxies cannot cache pages
You cannot use a reverse proxy for performance improvement
You cannot host multiple domains on the same IP address
Obviously, the encryption consumes CPU
Maybe that's no problem for you though, it really depends on the requirements
HTTPS decreases server throughput so may be a bad idea if your hardware can't cope with it. You might find this post useful. This paper (academic) also discusses the overhead of HTTPS.
If you have HTTP requests coming from a HTTPS page you'll force the user to confirm the loading of unsecure data. Annoying on some websites I use.
This question and especially the answers are OBSOLETE. This question should be tagged: <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> so that it no longer appears in search results.
To make THIS answer relevant:
Google is now penalizing website search rankings when they fail to use TLS/https. You will ALSO be penalized in rankings for duplicate content, so be careful to serve a page EITHER as http OR https BUT NEVER BOTH (Or use accurate canonical tags!)
Google is also aggressively indicating insecure connections which has a negative impact on conversions by frightening-off would-be users.
This is in pursuit of a TLS-only web/internet, which is a GOOD thing. TLS is not just about keeping your passwords secure — it's about keeping your entire world-facing environment secure and authentic.
The "performance penalty" myth is really just based on antiquated obsolete technology. This is a comparison that shows TLS being faster than HTTP (however it should be noted that page is also a comparison of encrypted HTTP/2 HTTPS vs Plaintext HTTP/1.1).
It is fairly easy and free to implement using LetsEncrypt if you don't already have a certificate in place.
If you DO have a certificate, then batten down the hatches and use HTTPS everywhere.
TL;DR, here in 2019 it is ideal to use TLS site-wide, and advisable to use HTTP/2 as well.
If you've no side effects then you are probably okay for now and might be happy not to create work where it is not needed.
However, there is little reason to encrypt all your traffic. Certainly login credentials or other sensitive data do. One the main things you would be losing out on is downstream caching. Your servers, the intermediate ISPs and users cannot cache the https. This may not be completely relevant as it reads that you are only providing services. However, it completely depends on your setup and whether there is opportunity for caching and if performance is an issue at all.
It is a good idea to use all-HTTPS - or at least provide knowledgeable users with the option for all-HTTPS.
If there are certain cases where HTTPS is completely useless and in those cases you find that performance is degraded, only then would you default to or permit non-HTTPS.
I hate running into pointlessly all-https sites that handle nothing that really requires encryption. Mainly because they all seem to be 10x slower than every other site I visit. Like most of the documentation pages on developer.mozilla.org will force you to view it with https, for no reason whatsoever, and it always takes long to load.

Will it ever be possible to run all web traffic via HTTPS?

I was considering what would it take (technologically) to move all the web traffic to HTTPS. I thought that computers are getting faster, and faster, so some time from now it will be possible to run all traffic via HTTPS without any noticeable cost.
But then again, I thought, encryption strength will have to evolve to counter the loss of security. If computers get 10x faster, encryption will have to be 10x stronger, or it will be 10x easier to break.
So, will we ever be able to encrypt all web traffic "for free"?
Edit: I'm asking only about the logic of performance increases in computing vs encryption. If we can use the same crypto algorhytms and keys in 20 years, they will consume a far lower percentage of the overall computing capacity of a server (or client), and in effect, that will make it "free" to encrypt and sign everything that we transmit over networks.
One of the big issues with using HTTPS is that its considered secure and so most web browsers don't do any caching, or at least do very limited caching.
Without the cache, you'll notice that HTTPS pages load significantly slower and a non-encrypted page would.
HTTPS should be used to protect sensitive information.
I have no idea about the CPU impact of running everything through SSL. I would say that on the client side, the CPU isn't an issue since most workstations are running idle most of the time anyway. The big program would be on the web server side due to the sheer number of concurrent requests that are being handled.
In order to get to the point that SSL is basically 'free', you'd have to have dedicated hardware for encryption (which already exists today).
EDIT: Based on the comments, the question's author suggests this is the answer he was looking for :
Using crypto is already pretty fast,
particularly considering that we're
using CPU cycles vs. data
transmission. Crypto keys do not need
to get longer. I don't think there's
any technical reason why this is
-David Thornley
UPDATE: I just read that Google's SPDY protocol (designed to replace HTTP) looks like it will use SSL on every connection. So, it looks like Google thinks that it's possible!
To make SSL the underlying transport
protocol, for better security and
compatibility with existing network
infrastructure. Although SSL does
introduce a latency penalty, we
believe that the long-term future of
the web depends on a secure network
connection. In addition, the use of
SSL is necessary to ensure that
communication across existing proxies
is not broken.
Chris Thompson mentions browser caching, but that's easily fixable in the browser. What isn't fixable on switching everything to HTTPS is proxy caching. Because HTTPS is encrypted end-to-end, transparent HTTP proxies don't work. There are a lot of places where transparent proxying can speed things up (for instance at NAT boundaries).
Dealing with the additional bandwidth from losing transparent proxying is probably doable - allegedly HTTP traffic is trivial compared with p2p anyway, so it's not as if transparent proxies are the only thing keeping the internet online. It will hit latency irrevocably, and make a slashdotting even worse than it is currently. But then with cloud hosting, both those might be dealt with by tech. Of course "secure server" takes on a different meaning with cloud hosting, or even with other forms of de-centralisation of content across the network like akamai.
I don't think the CPU overhead is that significant. Sure, if your server is currently CPU bound at least some of the time, then switching all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS will kill it stone dead. Some servers may decide that HTTPS is not worth the monetary cost of a CPU that can handle the load, and they will prevent literally everyone adopting it. But I doubt it will be a major barrier for long. For instance, Google has crossed it already and happily serves apps (although not searches) as https without fuss. And the more work servers are doing per connection, the less proportional extra work is required to SSL-secure that connection. SSL can be and is hardware accelerated where necessary.
There's also the management/economic problem that HTTPS relies on trusted CAs, and trusted CAs cost money. There are other ways to design a PKI than the one SSL actually uses, but there are reasons SSL works how it does. For example SSH places the responsibility on the user to obtain a key fingerprint from the server by a secure side-channel, and this is the result: some users don't think that level of inconvenience is justified by its security purpose. If users don't want security, then they won't get it unless it's impossible for them to avoid it.
If users just auto-click "accept" for untrusted SSL certificates, then you pretty much might as well not have it, since these days a man-in-the-middle attack is not significantly more difficult than plain eavesdropping. So, again, there's a significant block of servers which just aren't interesting in paying for (working) HTTPS.
Encryption would not have to get 10x stronger in the sense that you would not need to use 10x more bits. The difficulty of brute force cracking increases exponentially with an increasing key length. At most key lengths would have to get slightly longer.
What would be the point of running all traffic through SSL, even stuff where there is obviously no advantage? This seems incredibly wasteful. For example, it seems ridiculous to download a Linux distro through SSL.
The cost isn't that great nowadays.
Also...having a computer that is 10x faster will in no way make it necessary to change encryption. AES (a common encryption for SSL) is strong enough that it would take a very very long time to break.
Will it be possible? YES
Will it be advisable? NO
For a few reasons.
extra cpu cycles on server and client would use more power which incurs cost and emissions
ssl certs would be required for every server
it's useless to encrypt data that doesn't need to be hidden
IMO, the answer is no. The main reason for this is that if you consider how many pages have items from multiple sources that would each have to use https and have a valid certificate that I don't think would work for some of the big companies that would have to change all their links.
It isn't a bad idea and maybe some Web x.0 would have more secure communications by default, but I don't think http will be that protocol.
Just to give a couple of examples, though I am from Canada which may affect how these sites render:
www.msn.com :
www.cnn.com :
Those were listed through "NoScript" which notes this page has code from "google-analytics.com" and "quantserve.com" besides the stackoverflow.com for a third example of this.
A major difference with https is that a session is kept open until you close it. Saves a lot of hassle with session cookies but puts a load on the server.
How long should google keep the https session with you alive after you send a query?
Do you want a persistent connection to every popup ad?

HTTPS on Apache; Will it slow Apache?

Our company runs a website which currently supports only http traffic.
We plan to support https traffic too as some of the customers who link to our pages want us to support https traffic.
Our website gets moderate amount of traffic, but is expected to increase over time.
So my question is this:
Is it a good idea to make our website https only?(redirect all http traffic to https)
Will this bring down the websites performance?
Has anyone done any sort of measurement?
PS: I am a developer who also doubles up as a apache admin.
Yes, it will impact performance, but it's usually not too bad compared to the running all the DB queries that go into the typical dymanically generated page.
Of course the real answer is: don't guess, benchmark it. Try it both ways and see the difference. You can use tools like siege and ab to simulate traffic.
Also, I think you may have more luck with this question over at http://www.serverfault.com/
I wouldn't worry about the load on the server; unless you are serving high volumes of static content, the encryption itself won't create much of a burden, in my experience.
However, using SSL dramatically slows down web sites by creating a lot more latency in connection setup.
An encrypted session requires about* three times as much time to set up as an unencrypted one, and the exact time depends on the latency.
Even on low latency connections, it is noticeable to the end user, but on higher latency (e.g. different continents, especially Australasia where latency to America/Europe is quite high) it makes a dramatic difference and will severely impact the user experience.
There are things you can do to mitigate it, such as ensuring that keep-alives are on (But don't turn them on without understanding exactly what the impact is), minimising the number of requests and maximising the use of browser cache.
Using HTTPS also affects browser behaviour in some cases. Certain optimisations tend to get turned off for security reasons, and some web browsers don't store objects loaded over HTTPS in the disc cache, which means they'll need to get them again in a later session, further impacting the user experience.
* An estimate based on some informal measurement
Is it a good idea to make our website
https only?(redirect all http traffic
to https) Will this bring down the
websites performance?
I'm not sure if you really mean all HTTP traffic or just page traffic. A lot of sites unnecessarily encrypt images, javascript and a bunch of other content that doesn't need to be hidden. This kind of content comprises most of the data transferred in a request so
if you do find feel that HTTPs is taking too much out of the system you can recommend the programmers separate content that needs to be secured from the content that does not.
Most webservers, unless severely underpowered, do not even use a fraction of the CPU power for serving up content. Most production servers I've seen are under 10%, even when using some SSL traffic. I think it would be best to see where your current CPU usage is at, and then do some of your own benchmarking to see how much extra CPU usage is used by an SSL request. I would guess it isn't that much.
No, it is not good idea to make any website as only https. Page loading speed might be little slower, because your server has to perform redirection operation unnecessarily for each web page request. It is better idea to make only pages as https that may contain secure/personal/sensitive information of users or organization. Even if the user information passing through web pages, you can use https. The web page which have information that can be shown to all in the world can normally use http. Finally, it is up to your requirement. If all pages contain secure information, you may make the website as https only.
