Does Git work in Windows? - windows

I work on Linux all the time and I'm clueless about Windows, not even having a Windows box. Is Git nowadays working on Windows? Or am I making problems for my Windows pals by using it?

As far as I can tell msysgit works perfectly well under Windows Vista.
This after a whole 2-month experience checking out plugins and applications for Ruby on Rails :-)
Anyway, it was a breeze to install, no problem.

I have had no problems, even with the gui tools (gitk and git gui), using git from Cygwin. The Cygwin people are very conscientious and have a large community to boot.

Yes it does. Check out this screencast at GitCasts.

You should also checkout Git-Extensions which adds git commands as shell extensions - works great with msysgit.

There's a port of Tortoise for GIT, in version 0.4 so far:
Tortoise GIT

I've heard good things about it, but a sticking point for me (and the Japanese company I work for) is lack of cross-platform Unicode filename support. It depends if that particular feature is important to you.
See Issue 80 in the msysgit bug tracker.
See the What DVCS support Unicode filenames? question I asked about this.

It works, but not well. If you Google around a bit, you'll find the port which uses MinGW. The main problems are instability and some very Linux-like tools (gittk). If you really need it though, you should be able to get by.

In the case you are primary using Eclipse as your IDE, there's a fine team provider called EGit, which is pretty easy to install. Check this:


Is any body making a windows replacement to msysgit with libgit2,libgit2sharp, Ngit?

Hi I like Git but it seems sharing windows projects with people and friends is not fun because gitextensions tortoisegit are ugly to use out of the box compared to tortoisehg or tortoisesvn (not that it's DVCS).
Using msysgit just in a bash shell doesn't make it as nice as linux/Mac either.
So is there any new contenders (alpha projects etc(even with other libs))?
I would love to see these new Git libraries take off!
After having released Github for Mac, there are rumors that Github might be working on a client for Windows.
See those tweets below for reference:!/aeoth/statuses/170808010904580096!/xpaulbettsx/statuses/174351777230102528!/MotoWilliams/statuses/180329291622526977!/Mpdreamz/status/177648471057235968!/lazycoder/status/177638341112635394!/xpaulbettsx/status/177648557489270785
According to this last one, there are good chances libgit2sharp & libgit2 would be used to help run the client.
Github for windows has been released. See this post for further information. Among other open source libraries and software, it indeed relies on libgit2 and LibGit2Sharp.
A work in progress, Git GUI, by Kai Sellgren, also relies on those libs
GitHub for Windows.
Here's the launch blog post.

Custom Mercurial on Windows

There are some options for me for Mercurial on Windows (I know there is the .msi), most likely:
Bare Python
I'd like to keep a custom mercurial install with some extensions (most likely for GIT/SVN Integration) for three machines (Win32 / x64). So, its likely I'd need to keep the python runtime installed as well.
How would you suggest me managing that?
Thank you
UPDATE: TortoiseHG is an option, but I am concerned about: I only use CLI and MercurialEclipse, with no need to place a burden on my Windows Shell (and I am somewhat hardcore about that). Remember even with TortoiseHG I'd like to add custom extensions for stuff like GIT.
I'm going to shameless steal Master Geisler's obvious answer:
It gives you everything. Even kdiff3.
I actually use it exclusively from cygwin. Makes you forget about Windows for a while.

Patch stack tools for Windows

Are there any equivalents in the Windows world for patch stack management tools like Linux's quilt? I'm trying to come up with some development workflows for our environment, which need to work on both Linux and Windows. I can come up with a beautiful system for Linux using quilt and the like, but unless I can find a way to replicate it on Windows as well (including pretty GUI's for all the command-line-phobic developers), I'm basically stuck.
Maybe Mercurial's Queues can help? I do believe they work in the Windows implementation of Mercurial, too.
I use quilt on Windows by way of Cygwin.

Setting up an emacs environment in windows?

I am currently constrained to a windows dev box and I want to migrate my projects from eclipse to emacs.
What are some good references on setting up an emacs dev environment for windows? Anything that could assist in migrating from eclipse as well would be appreciated.
If you're used to windows behaviors (e.g. ctrl-c is copy, etc.), a good (customized) version of emacs for windows is the 'EmacsW32' package.
If you're looking at migrating away from eclipse, I assume that you probably want java support. For this you will want to get the JDEE package, also. Unfortunately, it's non-trivial to deploy on windows, as it depends on other packages (and requires cygwin or msys (pseudo-unix environments for windows) in order to install).
You may also want to install additional modes to support e.g. SCM systems, etc. A good source of information for this is the EmacsWiki. There's a significant amount of material there about emacs on windows, although some of it is out of date....
Sure, just download a prebuilt version and use it.
For example, as I use R a lot with the wonderful Emacs ESS mode, the prebuilt version by Vincent Goulet is really useful as it contains Emacs, ESS, Auctex (for LaTeX) and more.
Other prebuilds exist for Cygwin, MinGW, or plain old Windows.
Eclipse is pretty good on Windows; I'm a big user of emacs but for Java development I spend most of my time in Eclipse.
Regarding general use of emacs on windows I highly recommend you install GnuWin32, as it is much faster than Cygwin and integrates very well. Also see my blog post on Visual Studio tricks in emacs and this one on tags.
I'll assume you are doing Java development for the most part and that you would prefer not to be using Windows. This is a situation I find myself in from time to time. My preferences are to use a Linux machine (virutal or real) in addition to the Windows machine. Emacs just works better in a real Unix environment. And then use both Emacs and Eclipse where each is stronger. Emacs for editing, mail, planning, "thinking" type stuff and Eclipse for debugging, refactoring, some error fixing. Fortunately both Emacs and Eclipse make it easy to use both simultaneously.
I generally use EmacsW32 on a new box - it's a good option at least initially. I'd also recommend checking out the emacs starter kits which hook up to ELPA (, which allows you to get a usable setup pretty quickly.
Install Cygwin.
In your .emacs, load these two files, in this order:

Ruby and linux, preferred setup?

Mac's have TextMate as there preferred application for ruby development, but what would be the preferred application for linux? I need something where it's easy to work with multiple files, project structure and setup commands to run my ruby app or if it is one my merb app.Syntax highlighting is also a must.
Now I typically use Vim, but it's not the best for working with multiple files or with a project structure, even with VTreeView plug-in or multiple VIM windows.
So what would you guys suggest?
If you have better plugins to use for VIM feel free to mention them, I'm not ruling out VIM here.
I use Vim on both Windows and Linux for development in Rails (we have to use Windows in work, and I only use Linux at home). The environment is almost exactly the same for both platforms. Especially important for me is easy navigation between the various Rails components - from Controllers to views, partials and models, and quick navigation to test files.
Here are the plugins I use:
Vim Rails by Tim Pope. The :R, :A and gf commands are the ones I use mostly for navigation.
NERDTree for a project/explorer view.
NERDCommenter for easy multi-line commenting.
FuzzyFinder and "FuzzyFinder - Textmate" - allows you to quickly find files based on portins of a file name.
dbext for executing SQL commands and getting the results in a Vim buffer.
Ack and the ack plugin for a better grepping experience from within Vim.
VividChalk colour scheme.
RubyMine from works well for Mac/Linux/Windows, the price is 99$ but it's probably the most productive IDE for Ruby and Rails I have tested so far.
Setup Gedit to be almost like Textmate
Aptana with the Rails plugin is pretty good.
If you are on Ubuntu/Debian, plain old emacs with ruby-elisp package isn't bad. It's no TextMate, but it's not bad.
I prefer Netbeans on both linux and Mac
+1 for Netbeans for Rails. Each release gets better and better and with 6.7 beta it's better yet. Using it on Windows and Mac -- under Linux it's what I'd use as well.
Since you are a vimmer, have you looked at this? I have no experience with it, but looks quite good in the screencast.
Why don't you just use Sublime Text 2 Text Editor, it is free and cross platform and lighter than any IDE, and then you can install the SublimeCodeIntel which will provide you with autocomplete features , you can do that through installing Package Control , then
⌘+shift+p → “install” → ENTER → “codeintel” → ENTER → Restart ST2
It is working perfectly with me and I'm totally in love with this smart editor .
You can find this helpful somehow if you wanna give it a try ,
I'm using it with zsh Terminal
Anyways if you are looking for a full IDE give netbeans a try
I prefer Aptana/RadRails on both Mac and Linux. It gives a consistent experience for me no matter what OS I'm on.
I still don't get the excitement over Textmate...
Given that you use vim, this post might be interesting.
Her is the Fuzzyfinder Textmate vim plugin that the post refers to.
Aptana Studio is indeed very nice. Also Gedit does the job if you don't want a full IDE environment and are more inclined to do stuff by hand :).
The other answers are about ruby editors, so I thought I will add an answer on my linux setup.
I use Ubuntu with VM player (free) on top of windows 7. I dedicate 2 core and 2 GB to the vm. Benefit of using the VM on top of windows is that I can use linux just for development and windows for everything else. Skype, webex, and team viewer works in windows, but i find them to be flaky in linux. Also I use office once in a while, very easy on windows.
I have been using GMATE for a while and I can say that I only need gnome-terminal to complete my ruby/groovy/python setup. It have themes imported from textmate and do some method/property code completion (not much ok? but it comes handy).
Edit: forgot to say that GMATE is a set of plugins for Gedit (default text editor on gnome)
With Linux there are 3 really good IDEs and all are free. You have Eclipse, Netbeans, and Aptana... They are all very good and each have some benfits over the other, its more a matter of preference. I would suggest downloading all 3 and giving them a try to see which you prefer.
