Ruby gem testing before deployment - ruby

I'm creating a gem which has
several scripts in the bin directory
the utility classes in the lib directory
and several tests in the test directory
Now, to run the tests before I even install the gem, I have the following snippet at the top of my tests:
base = File.basename(Dir.pwd)
if base == 'test' || base =~ /supertool/
Dir.chdir('..') if base == 'test'
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(Dir.pwd + '/lib')
Dir.chdir('test') if base =~ /supertool/
This seems tedious though, especially if I have to put these in the scripts in the bin directory too. Is there a better way of setting up the environment so we can test gems before they are installed? I'm sure it's something simple that I just can't find. A simple link to the right place would help a lot :)

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with that script. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with gems...
Is it so that you can run ruby tc_main.rb from within the test directory (or ruby test/tc_main.rb from the base dir), and have it set the load path appropriately? If so, here's a much nicer way:
In your test directory, create a test_helper.rb file. In that file, put this
$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' )
And in all your test files, set the first line to
require 'test_helper'
If you have subdirectories inside your test dir, then files in those subdirs can just do
require '../test_helper'

Take a look at hoe gem, it is a helper for other gems.


Ruby: Require Fails To Import - Need To Set Root Directory

Forgive my inexperience with Ruby, but I am unable to run a script within a third-party project with the following structure:
˅ alpha
˅ lib
˅ bravo
˅ charlie
˃ delta
˅ echo
require "charlie/delta/echo/__init"
require "bravo/golf"
What should my command-line be to run the script, 'foxtrot.rb', as the following generates an error:
ruby "c:\arby\lib\bravo\charlie\delta\echo\foxtrot.rb"
"'require': cannot load such file -- charlie/delta/echo/__init (LoadError)"
If this is the code inside of __init.rb, it won't work.
require "charlie/delta/echo/__init"
require "bravo/golf"
require tells ruby to load the code inside a ruby file. In order for it to work, the files need to be organized correctly. You can also use require_relative but they still need a relative path from the file calling them. See What is the difference between require_relative and require in Ruby?

Rspec: requiring spec/workers

I've got a bunch of Sidekiq workers in app/workers, and some matching specs in spec/workers. How can I add both to my rspec runs? As in stands none are included when I hit up rspec on the Terminal.
I see a few alternatives for your situation:
Rspec loading:
Make sure your test files in spec/worker follow the pattern setup for Rspec (e.g. *.rb or *_spec.rb).
Require the worker files in the spec_helper.rb.
Manual loading: Require the spec/worker and app/worker files in your spec_helper.rb with a Ruby-defined glob.
Sidekiq helper gem: Add the rspec-sidekiq gem to your project, as explained at Sidekiq's.
To add a bulk of files to the load path, you can either:
Add path strings to the $: global variable, early in your boot process (e.g. at the beginning of spec_helper.rb):
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))
Use a glob to load the files without modifying the load path:
Dir[File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))].each do |file|
require file

How does an executable within a gem reference the greater gem?

Say that my gem is VideoPlayer. The folders tructure is:
I want people to invoke vidplay from the command line, and for vidplay to reference code in the VideoPlayer, Subtitler and Screenshotter files.
If I just write, within vidplay.rb, require '../lib/VideoPlayer.rb', it will throw an error, saying that it cannot require such file. I thought "Maybe it automatically requires everything in lib/", but it apparently doesn't; if I don't require anything, it'll say that VideoPlayer is an uninitialised constant.
So how does this work?
I usually add the lib dir to the library load path ($:). You can add this to the top of your bin file.
lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
$:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?(lib)
Then you can do a normal require:
require 'videoplayer'
Hope this helps.

Creating Ruby Main (command line utility) program with multiple files

I am trying to use the main gem for making command line utilities. This was presented in a recent Ruby Rogues podcast.
If I put all the code in one file and require that file, then rspec gives me an error, as the main dsl regards rpsec as a command line invocation of the main utility.
I can break out a method into a new file and have rspec require that file. Suppose you have this program, but want to put the do_something method in a separate file to test with rspec:
require 'main'
def do_something(foo)
puts "foo is #{foo}"
Main {
required # this is the default
cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
validate{|foo| foo == 42} # raises error in failure case
description 'the foo param' # shown in --help
What is the convenient way to distribute/deploy a ruby command line program with multiple files? Maybe create a gem?
You are on the right track for testing - basically you want your "logic" in separate files so you can unit test them. You can then use something like Aruba to do an integration test.
With multiple files, your best bet is to distribute it as a RubyGem. There's lots of resources out there, but the gist of it is:
Put your executable in bin
Put your files in lib/YOUR_APP/whatever.rb where "YOUR_APP" is the name of your app. I'd also recommend namespacing your classes with modules named for your app
In your executable, require the files in lib as if lib were in the load path
In your gemspec, make sure to indicate what your bin files are and what your lib files are (if you generate it with bundle gem and are using git, you should be good to go)
This way, your app will have access to the files in lib at runtime, when installed with RubyGems. In development, you will need to either do bundle exec bin/my_app or RUBYLIB=lib bin/my_app. Point is, RubyGems takes care of the load path at runtime, but not at development time.

How do I require a ruby file from child directory

I have the following structure
specific tests
more tests
Now I am trying to require test_helper in both first_test and second_test. The following works
require '../test_helper.rb'
and from command line I should be under specific tests and execute
ruby first_test.rb
How can I get more flexibility ie. I want to be in any directory and execute these tests. Currently I am getting 'no such file'. This is not a rails app but in rails I could simply do require 'test_helper.rb'
Bonus points for making this work with rake.
Put your test_helper and other helpers in a separate directory like
or wherever you like and use base directory like
Dir["base/path/to/your/helper/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
or from my above example
Dir["/home/XXX/projects/test_project/lib/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
Thats it.
Now add this line to the beginning of every test you want to run separately from any directory.And forget about the directory issue.
