Dense pixelwise reverse projection - image

I saw a question on reverse projecting 4 2D points to derive the corners of a rectangle in 3D space. I have a kind of more general version of the same problem:
Given either a focal length (which can be solved to produce arcseconds / pixel) or the intrinsic camera matrix (a 3x2 matrix that defines the properties of the pinhole camera model being used - it's directly related to focal length), compute the camera ray that goes through each pixel.
I'd like to take a series of frames, derive the candidate light rays from each frame, and use some sort of iterative solving approach to derive the camera pose from each frame (given a sufficiently large sample, of course)... All of that is really just massively-parallel implementations of a generalized Hough algorithm... it's getting the candidate rays in the first place that I'm having the problem with...

A friend of mine found the source code from a university for the camera matching in PhotoSynth. I'd Google around for it, if I were you.

That's a good suggestion... and I will definitely look into it (photosynth kind of resparked my interest in this subject - but I've been working on it for months for robochamps) - but it's a sparse implementation - it looks for "good" features (points in the image that should be easily identifiable in other views of the same image), and while I certainly plan to score each match based on how good the feature it's matching is, I want the full dense algorithm to derive every pixel... or should I say voxel lol?

After a little poking around, isn't it the extrinsic matrix that tells you where the camera actually is in 3-space?
I worked at a company that did a lot of this, but I always used the tools that the algorithm guys wrote. :)


Surface Reconstruction given point cloud and surface normals

I have a .xyz file that has irregularly spaced points and gives the position and surface normal (ie XYZIJK). Are there algorithms out there that can reconstruct the surface that factor in the IJK vectors? Most algorithms I have found assume that surface normals aren't known.
This would ultimately be used to plot surface error data (from the nominal surface) using python 3.x, and I'm sure I will have many more follow on questions once I find a good reconstruction algorithm.
The state of the art right now is Poisson Surface Reconstruction and its screened variant. Code for both is available, e.g. under It is also implemented in MeshLab if you want to take a quick look.
If you want to take a look at other methods, check out this STAR. Page three has a table of a couple of approaches and their inputs.

Raytracing via diffusion algorithm

Many certain resources about raytracing tells about:
"shoot rays, find the first obstacle to cut it"
"shoot secondary rays..."
"or, do it reverse and approximate/interpolate"
I didnt see any algortihm that uses a diffusion algorithm. Lets assume a point-light is a point that has more density than other cells(all space is divided into cells), every step/iteration of lighting/tracing makes that source point to diffuse into neighbours using a velocity field and than their neighbours and continues like that. After some satisfactory iterations(such as 30-40 iterations), the density info of each cell is used for enlightment of objects in that cell.
Point light and velocity field:
But it has to be a like 1000x1000x1000 size and this would take too much time and memory to compute. Maybe just computing 10x10x10 and when finding an obstacle, partitioning that area to 100x100x100(in a dynamic kd-tree fashion) can help generating lighting/shadows for acceptable resolution? Especially for vertex-based illumination rather than triangle.
Has anyone tried this approach?
Note: Velocity field is here to make light diffuse to outwards mostly(not %100 but %99 to have some global illumination). Finite-element-method can make this embarassingly-parallel.
Edit: any object that is hit by a positive-density will be an obstacle to generate a new velocity field around the surface of it. So light cannot go through that object but can be mirrored to another direction.(if it is a lens object than light diffuse harder through it) So the reflection of light can affect other objects with a higher iteration limit
Same kd-tree can be used in object-collision algorithms :)
Just to take as a grain of salt: a neural-network can be trained for advection&diffusion in a 30x30x30 grid and that can be used in a "gpu(opencl/cuda)-->neural-network ---> finite element method --->shadows" way.
There's a couple problems with this as it stands.
The first problem is that, fundamentally, a photon in the Newtonian sense doesn't react or change based on the density of other photons around. So using a density field and trying to light to follow the classic Navier-Stokes style solutions (which is what you're trying to do, based on the density field explanation you gave) would result in incorrect results. It would also, given enough iterations, result in complete entropy over the scene, which is also not what happens to light.
Even if you were to get rid of the density problem, you're still left with the the problem of multiple photons going different directions in the same cell, which is required for global illumination and diffuse lighting.
So, stripping away the problem portions of your idea, what you're left with is a particle system for photons :P
Now, to be fair, sudo-particle systems are currently used for global illumination solutions. This type of thing is called Photon Mapping, but it's only simple to implement a direct lighting solution using it :P

Is it possible to import a Collada model that aligns to pixels?

Assume I have a model that is simply a cube. (It is more complicated than a cube, but for the purposes of this discussion, we will simplify.)
So when I am in Sketchup, the cube is Xmm by Xmm by Xmm, where X is an integer. I then export the a Collada file and subsequently load that into threejs.
Now if I look at the geometry bounding box, the values are floats, not integers.
So now assume I am putting cubes next to each other with a small space in between say 1 pixel. Because screens can't draw half pixels, sometimes I see one pixel and sometimes I see two, which causes a lack of uniformity.
I think I can resolve this satisfactorily if I can somehow get the imported model to have integer dimensions. I have full access to all parts of the model starting with Sketchup, so any point in the process is fair game.
Is it possible?
Clarification: My app will have two views. The view that this is concerned with is using an OrthographicCamera that is looking straight down on the pieces, so this is really a 2D view. For purposes of this question, after importing the model, it should look like a grid of squares with uniform spacing in between.
UPDATE: I would ask that you please not respond unless you can provide an actual answer. If I need help finding a way to accomplish something, I will post a new question. For this question, I am only interested in knowing if it is possible to align an imported Collada model to full pixels and if so how. At this point, this is mostly to serve my curiosity and increase my knowledge of what is and isn't possible. Thank you community for your kind help.
Now you have to learn this thing about 3D programming: numbers don't mean anything :)
In the real world 1mm, 2.13cm and 100Kg specify something that can be measured and reproduced. But for a drawing library, those numbers don't mean anything.
In a drawing library, 3D points are always represented with 3 float values.You submit your points to the library, it transforms them in 2D points (they must be viewed on a 2D surface), and finally these 2D points are passed to a rasterizer which translates floating point values into integer values (the screen has a resolution of NxM pixels, both N and M being integers) and colors the actual pixels.
Your problem simply is not a problem. A cube of 1mm really means nothing, because if you are designing an astronomic application, that object will never be seen, but if it's a microscopic one, it will even be way larger than the screen. What matters are the coordinates of the point, and the scale of the overall application.
Now back to your cubes, don't try to insert 1px in between two adjacent ones. Your cubes are defined in terms of mm, so try to choose the distance in mm appropriate to your world, and let the rasterizer do its job and translate them to pixels.
I have been informed by two co-workers that I tracked down that this is indeed impossible using normal means.

Image Warp Filter - Algorithm and Rasterization

I'd like to implement a Filter that allows resampling of an image by moving a number of control points that mark edges and tangent directions. The goal is to be able to freely transform an image as seen in Photoshop when you use "Free Transform" and chose Warpmode "Custom". The image is fitted into a some kind of Spline-Patch (if that is a valid name) that can be manipulated.
I understand how simple splines (paths) work but how do you connect them to form a patch?
And how can you sample such a patch to render the morphed image? For each pixel in the target I'd need to know what pixel in the source image corresponds. I don't even know where to start searching...
Any helpful info (keywords, links, papers, reference implementations) are greatly appreciated!
This document will get you a good insight into warping:
However, this will include filtering out high frequencies, which will make the implementation a lot more complicated but will give a better result.
An easy way to accomplish what you want to do would be to loop through every pixel in your final image, plug the coordinates into your splines and retrieve the pixel in your original image. This pixel might have coordinates 0.4/1.2 so you could bilinearly interpolate between 0/1, 1/1, 0/2 and 1/2.
As for splines: there are many resources and solutions online for the 1D case. As for 2D it gets a bit trickier to find helpful resources.
A simple example for the 1D case:
Here's a great guide for the 2D case:
Based upon this you could derive an own scheme for splines for the 2D case. Define a bivariate (with x and y) polynomial and set your constraints to solve for the coefficients of the polynomial.
Just keep in mind that the borders of the spline patches have to be consistent (both in value and derivative) to avoid ugly jumps.
Good luck!

What is currently considered the "best" algorithm for 2D point-matching?

I have two lists containing x-y coordinates (of stars). I could also have magnitudes (brightnesses) attached to each star. Now each star has random position jiggles and there can be a few extra or missing points in each image. My question is, "What is the best 2D point matching algorithm for such a dataset?" I guess both for a simple linear (translation, rotation, scale) and non-linear (say, n-degree polynomials in the coordinates). In the lingo of the point matching field, I'm looking for the algorithms that would win in a shootout between 2D point matching programs with noise and spurious points. There may be a different "winners" depending if the labeling info is used (the magnitudes) and/or the transformation is restricted to being linear.
I am aware that there are many classes of 2D point matching algorithms and many algorithms in each class (literally probably hundreds in total) but I don't know which, if any, is the consider the "best" or the "most standard" by people in the field of computer vision. Sadly, many of the articles to papers I want to read don't have online versions and I can only read the abstract. Before I settle on a particular algorithm to implement it would be good to hear from a few experts to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I have a working matching program that uses triangles but it fails somewhat frequently (~5% of the time) such that the solution transformation has obvious distortions but for no obvious reason. This program was not written by me and is from a paper written almost 20 years ago. I want to write a new implementation that performs most robustly. I am assuming (hoping) that there have been some advances in this area that make this plausible.
If you're interested in star matching, check out the blind astrometry solver and the paper on it here. They use four point quads to solve star configurations in Flickr pictures of the night sky. Check out this interview.
There is no single "best" algorithm for this. There are lots of different techniques, and each work better than others on specific datasets and types of data.
One thing I'd recommend is to read this introduction to image registration from the tutorials of the Insight Toolkit. ITK supports MANY types of image registration (which is what it sounds like you are attempting), and is very robust in many cases. Most of their users are in the medical field, so you'll have to wade through a lot of medical jargon, but the algorithms and code work with any type of image (including 1,2,3, and n dimensional images, of different types,etc).
You can consider applying your algorithm first only on the N brightest stars, then include progressively the others to refine the result, reducing the search range at the same time.
Using RANSAC for robustness to extra points is also very common.
I'm not sure it would work, but worth a try:
For each star do the circle time ray Fourier transform - centered around it - of all the other stars (note: this is not the standard Fourier transform, which is line times line).
The phase space of circle times ray is integers times line, but since we only have finite accuracy, you just get a matrix; the dimensions of the matrix depend on accuracy. Now try to pair the matrices to one another (e.g. using L_2 norm)
I saw a program on tv a while ago about how researchers were taking pictures of whales and using the spots on them (which are unique for each whale) to id each whale. It used the angles between the spots. By using the angles it didn't matter if the image was rotated or scaled or translated. That sounds similar to what you're doing with your triangles.
I think the "best" (most technical) way would to be to take the Fourier Transform of the original image and of the new linearly modified image. By doing some simple filtering, it should be easy to figure out the orientation and scale of your image with respect to the old one. There is a description of the 2d Fourier Transform here.
