Ask too many Google Drive permissions when using - google-api

My app is required to upload a csv and convert to Google Sheets. So we are asking this permission "" from our user. But some of our users complain we are asking too many permissions. Is there any other settings that we can use to avoid asking too much?
Here are the permission list when user authorizes:
Upload, download, update, and delete files in your Google Drive
Create, access, update, and delete native Google documents in your Google Drive
Manage files and documents in your Google Drive (e.g., search, organize, and modify permissions and other metadata, such as title)

What scope or scopes does my app need?
As a general rule, choose the most restrictive scope possible, and avoid requesting scopes that your app does not actually need. Users more readily grant access to limited, clearly described scopes. Conversely, users may hesitate to grant broad access to their files unless they truly trust your app and understand why it needs the information.
The scope strikes this balance in a practical way. Presumably, users only open or create a file with an app that they trust, for reasons they understand. Per-file access to files created or opened by the app
Requesting full drive scope for an app
Full access to all files in the user's Drive ( may be necessary for some apps. An app designed to sync files, for instance, needs this level of access to Drive. Apps with special needs related to listing or reorganizing files might need full scope.
Requesting drive-wide read-only scope for an app
Read-only access to all of a user's Drive files ( may be useful for certain apps. For instance, a photo browser might need to reorganize image files in a unique presentation order for a slideshow, or a mobile app might have to work around unique display constraints without needing to write anything. For apps that only need to read file metadata for all files in Drive, there's
Requesting full drive scope during app development
One common and completely valid case for using full scope is iterative development. It may just be easier to avoid authorization-related constraints and use the full scope while testing your app during development. Then before you actually publish your app, you can back off to the file-level scope or whatever scope you really need for production operation.
That text was ripped directly from Google Drive Scopes page which I use as a rule of thumb when developing drive applications. In your case because you need to be able to upload files I would say you should consider testing a little with the scope, I haven't tried this one before but it sounds like it may work in your instance. Unfortunately I think that is your only other option besides full drive access.


How to programmatically access only one specific google drive without a service account

I am writing a server side python script with Pydrive which needs to store a file in a specific gdrive. Pydrive and this post suggest to use a service account.
However this would mean that with the credentials of this service account all gdrives are accessible and I would rather avoid that.
Ideal only one specific gdrive or all gdrives where one specific user has access to should be accessible.
Is it possible to give programmatically access to only one specific gdrive?
As mentioned in the comments I am apparently not looking for a OAuth flow.
I am looking for a server-to-server communication for accessing one specific google drive using the principle of least privilege access. Doing this with a service account + domain wide delegate and google drive r/w scope would mean that with this service account all google drives can be accessed which is not what I want.
Unfortunately there is a domain wide policy in place which forbids to share google drives to "other" domains. This means I can not use a service account without domain wide delegation and just share the drive with it.
I don't understand what you mean by "programmatically", when you already tag the question as oAuth - asking for oAuth2 flow, which is interactive. When there is nobody, who would press the buttons, this probably isn't the authentication flow you're looking for. Just share a directory with a service-account; no domain-wide delegation is required (with that enabled, there would be no need to share it).
One could even abstract the whole Drive API access credentials away by using a simple Cloud Function, which has to task to update one file; triggered through HTTP, utilizing the Drive API.
Possible approach - dummy account
You could designate a new account that will be your "service account". In reality it won't be an actual service account, it will just be a dummy account that you can call something like "". Then you can share only what is absolutely necessary with it. I think this would be the only way to get that level of fine-grained control that you are looking for. This would require your admin to designate a new account just for this purpose though.

Secure folder contents and delete them after certain number of days

I would like to secure folder, so that no one can cut or copy any file or contents of file without "secure" password (or happy to get rid of password bit as well, so no one can cut, copy or move any file or file contents from folder). Also, if all files and folders inside my root folder can be deleted after certain number of days, that will be great. This is to stop people from copying and distributing my files to others without my permission and folder contents to "expire" after certain number of days (e.g. 7 days).
Currently, I manually copy folder to other people's machine, so I do have physical access to their machines.
PS. I am happy to write a script as well, in case there is a way to execute script everytime I open the folder.
I understand, I can't stop people from stealing file contents by manually typing file contents to other file or taking photos of file contents, however I want to make it harder of them.
This is not a PowerShell issue, nor a solution provided by PowerShell. This is an data risk management issue as well as a reality check.
Don't get me wrong, you can write a scrip that encrypts data,
Even just use EFS, but each of those have several limitations.
Then there are password encrypted zip files. But.....
None of the above stop cut/copy/paste/print and there is no way to make them.
Here is the simple truth to data security which I deliver at all my public speaking engagements and customer deployment engagements.
Nothing can defeat and ocular attack. Meaning...
'If I can see your data, I can take your data.'
It may take me longer than being able to just bulk exfiltrate you data (copy to a USB, CD, DVD, native print, etc), but I can just take a picture, photo copy it, screen grab it from another device, manually write it down.
Either method allows me to walk away with it and give it to whomever.
You can only mitigate / slow down / prevent bulk exfiltration using DLP/RMS protection solutions.
Why are you putting this manually on their systems, vs hosting it in the cloud where they can access it. If you do this in MS Azure, you can leverage Azure Information Protection.
RMS for individuals and Azure Information Protection
RMS for individuals is a free self-service subscription for users in
an organization who need to open files that have been protected by the
Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection. If
these users cannot be authenticated by Azure Active Directory and
their organization does not have Active Directory Rights Management
(AD RMS), this free sign-up service can create an account in Azure
Active Directory for a user. As a result, these users can now
authenticate by using their company email address and then read the
protected files on computers or mobile devices.
Why are you not heavily watermarking your data?
Putting passwords on files and folders do not prevent that ocular attack.
Neither does DLP/RMS. You can apply cut/copy/paste/print policies, remove access after a certain date, restrict access as per the feature set using policies.
Yet, again, this is just prevention against the bulk dumping / sharing of your data. Not the fine grained, patient, write it down or capture from a remote camera approach. Even if you block cut / copy / paste from the host, I can bring that host up is a screen sharing - think remote desktop, and screen shoot in the RDP session. Meaning, using the host tools that I use to connect to an RDP destination. Heck I create a webcast and share it with a group, meaning, I open it on my system and let people view it with me.
No DLP solution is 100%. Anyone telling you this is lying.
As one that has been doing Info/CyberSec for almost 2 decades, evaluated, deployed and used several DLP solutions, what I state here is from experience. DLP is important, and business must look to it as another mitigation in their risk strategies, but must do so with real vision and reality.
No matter who it is from, no technology can prevent this ocular avenue. If you don't want your data leaving your control, then don't share it. Yet, since you are in the education business, that is not an option.
I'll say it again, and again...
'If I can see your data, I can take your data.'

is chrome app permission "unlimitedStorage" deprecated?

I read in google manual ( that:
"You can ask for the unlimitedStorage permission in the manifest file for an app or extension. At installation, the user is informed of permissions required by the app or extension. By proceeding with the installation, the user implicitly grants permission for all pages whose URLs are listed in the manifest.json file."
However there is no difference in the permissions information upon installation if I have "unlimitedStorage" in my manifest file or not. Also, my appcache is not granted any more space than a few MB, if even that.
However there is no difference in the permissions information upon installation if I have "unlimitedStorage" in my manifest file or not.
Not all permissions generate user-visible warnings. unlimitedStorage is granted silently - if you request it.
App Cache, however, is deprecated as a technology. unlimitedStorage applies to various storage mechanisms, but the quote from the documentation makes me think it never applied to App Cache. I'm not 100% sure though.
Also, observation: you say in multiple questions that you're working with Chrome Apps; however, all your app "shell" does is to wrap a website in a <webview>. You should specify that, as a whole different set of rules apply (it's not App code, it's web code running in something that's not-quite-Chrome).
Further, from the docs:
Note: Web storage APIs like LocalStorage and SessionStorage remain fixed at 5 MB.
Since your "app" is just web code, it seems that this limit applies. You should maybe look into newer web storage technologies (e.g. Service Worker caches).

Looking for a way (preferably an API) to determine Effective Permissions on Active Directory object

We have a custom Active Directory integrated web app that helps users perform some self-service on their accounts (e.g. update photo, change phone number, reset password etc.) Our app runs on domain-joined servers, as Local System, and is thus able to authenticate to the AD using the server account(s).
We use a service connection point, that the app's clients use to locate an instance of our app. (Our app clients are hard-coded to look for certain keywords which are published on the servie connection point's keywords attribute.)
We recently had a situation wherein someone (we believe accidentally) changed the keywords on one of the service connection points resulting in an outage, since the clients could no longer find our SCP when querying the AD for our keyword(s).
The customer is a bit upset about this and wishes for us to provide them the ability to determine who can change the keywords on our SCPs. This feedback was passed on from our sales guys to us, and now we need to provide some way of helping them figure out who can change the keywords on our SCPs.
So, we're looking for an API to help us to determine Effective Permissions on our Active Directory service connection point objects, so we can alleviate this situation for the customer. We couldn't quite find an Effective Permissions / Access API that could help us list all the users who have effective write access to the keyword and other attributes on our SCPs.
Is there an API/other way that one can use to determine Effective Permissions on an Active Directory object?
It needs to be able to list all the users who have a specified access on a specified set of attributes of an Active Directory object.
This stack overflow post may be able to help you. LINQ to LDAP should also allow you to access the information pretty easily as well.

Can Skydrive credentials be shared?

I want to send info between a desktop/laptop/tablet app and Windows Phone. One possibility is to send data to the SkyDrive account and have the other end pick it up from there. Is this feasible? What I have in mind is the "Windows 8" app running on the desktop, laptop, or tablet allowing the Windows Phone app[s] to send data to its account. Is this possible, such as by providing the Windows Phone app with the Skydrive login info, or...???
From all the other questions you've posted around this query, it sounds like you want to put a mechanism in place to communicate between a Windows 8 app and a windows phone app. I would recommend you look at building a service to handle the communication instead of trying to leverage mechanisms that weren't designed for what you want to achieve.
In direct answer to the this question, though, you can probably achieve it in this manner, but what happens if the user deletes the file you create?
So, SkyDrive is unique to a user, not a device. This means if your application is running on more than one device you can use SkyDrive as a shared, unified storage option. Not just for files but also for application settings. There's an SDK for every platform, not just MS.
Here's what you need to consider.
The roaming API in Windows 8 puts information in a protected area of SkyDrive. As a result, the user cannot delete or screw up the files stored there. To that end, using SkyDrive as a shared location (like you are asking) doesn't have this benefit. The user can screw with your files or delete them - and wreck your app. There is no such thing as protecting your app files in SkyDrive (at this time).
Specifically, to your question:
The authorization model for SkyDrive requires a token that cannot be practically cached for any app. Also, you cannot cache credentials because you never get the credentials in the first place - you only get the resulting token. Listen, you would violate every possible best practice if you //asked// the user for their username and password and stored them. Please do not do this.
The final answer is this: an app on multiple devices can use SkyDrive as a shared storage solution for files and settings (like XML files) - but the developer needs to understand the risk and mitigate that (mitigation might be easy for your app). The user, on every device, would need to sign in and grant each application access to it folders. And, that's it.
