The format of the date is changed to make a reload in my jqGrid, my date format is changed - jqgrid

I have the date format in my jqGrid as: 08.13.2015 0:00
When running a procedural reload from ajax consulting my webService, my database returns the date in this format 2015-08-13T00: 00:00
I have never seen this format with the T.

ISO 8601 format of complete date, plus hours, minutes and seconds
The "T" indicates the beginning of the time sequence.


What is the time format in chrome dev tools cache Expires/ Max-Age?

I noticed the time format in chrome cache expiry is in format of 2021-06-19T08:38:40.980Z.
I do not recognize this time format and cant find about its conversion to UTC. So, my question is what kind of time format is this one. And how to convert it to UTC?
That is the ISO 8601 extended date time format. It also conforms to the RFC 3339 timestamp format, and the ECMAScript date time string format. Basically, that's the standard, most preferred way to represent a timestamp (as a string) on the Internet.
The date part is in yyyy-MM-dd format (year, month, day).
The T stands for "Time" and separates the date part from the time part.
The time is in HH:mm:ss.fff format (hour of 24-hour clock, minute, seconds, fractional seconds - milliseconds in this case).
The Z stands for "Zulu", another name for UTC. It indicates that the date and time before it are represented in UTC.
Thus, you do not need to convert it. The value is already in UTC.

Unix Shell Script Time Zone BST Or GMT

This is what i'm trying to do:
I want to create a simple shell script that checks the current timezone in the UK.
i.e. BST or GMT.
I only can display the time for the current timezone the UK is in. i.e. UK is in GMT right now and I can only display that time. [TZ=GMT date]
Please note: I do not wish to permanently modify the UNIX time zone on the server (currently CET)
Based on that I need to do some calculations (which I'm fine with)
I have already searched and I cannot find anything specific to this problem. Thank you for your help
To get the date for a particular timezone, you can do:
TZ=GMT date
(Or date +%s if you want epoch format, which is also TZ independent, but altogether friendlier for calculations. ).
For what it is now, relative time I think it's as simple as:
TZ=Europe/London date
Which I think should cause your system to report BST/GMT appropriately.
If you want it to specifically report the offset, you can use the %z format specifier:
TZ=Europe/London date +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %z"

combining date and time and changing it to GMT

I have read many answers for combining date and time and nothing worked so far. I am working in Oracle SQL developer version 3.1.06 and I am trying to combine date and time stamps together. Date is in format dd-mmm-yy. And time is in the following 3 formats-
1. 0348A-- meaning 3:48 am
2. 03:48:00
3. 228 -- meaning minutes from midnight, calculated as (3*60)+48.
And for all these timestamps, I want a query that gets me to this format --
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss .
I can change the dates and times to string and attach them, but then when I work in powerpivot I am not able to change them to the required format. So, I want to do it in the query itself.
I have already tried something like this-
1. CAST(deptdt as DATETIME)+CAST(time as DATETIME)
2. CAST(depdt AS TIMESTAMP(0)) + (depdt - TIME '00:00:00' HOUR TO SECOND) AS DATETIME
Please help!!

Convert Unix Timestamp - Spotfire Analyst

I'm importing SQL data into Spotfire Analyst. All of the date and time fields are in the form of a Unix timestamp. What's the best way to convert this into an actual date format that I can manipulate in Spotfire?
Utilizing a calculated column you can calculate the datetime based on the UNIX epoch.
We simply add our seconds to the DateTime of the UNIX epoch (JAN 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC) to get the result. Below is an example of the UNIX time when I started writing this post.
The below is what should work for you:
Keep in mind these dates produced will be in the UTC timezone as per the JAN 1 1970 epoch. If you need them in your local time zone you may have to adjust accordingly with further DateAdd functions adding/subtracting time as per current conversions. Also, if you observe daylight savings time you may need to add some extra case logic to handle that as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.
In 7.0 and later you can use

How to find a date and time stamp in a file using VBscript?

I have an online temperature logger that publishes the date and time of last measurement in a file.
I need to find the date and time stamp in the html file using VBscript, and then check if it's older then 2 hours comparing to current time.
Example date format: 12.04.2013 16:45
You could extract the timestamp with a regular expression
\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}
However, due to the characteristics of HTML this is prone to error (line-wrapping, inline tags, …), so a better approach would be to extract the date from the HTML using DOM methods (e.g. getElementsByTagName().
Once you have the date string, you can use the DateDiff function to calculate the difference to the current timestamp:
DateDiff("h", datestring, Now)
