ARM Assembly Local Labels - gcc

I'm currently reading a tutorial on Raspberry Pi OS development and was wondering about the way local labels are used in this code snippet (GCC ARM Assembly):
b 2f
stmia r4!, {r5-r8}
cmp r4, r9
blo 1b
If you use 1: as a label you have to specify either f or b after the jump instruction to make the assembler know in which direction the jump is aimed. As far as I know you could also use this:
b .2
stmia r4!, {r5-r8}
cmp r4, r9
blo .1
I think this option is a lot less confusing (local labels are also marked with a dot in x86 assembly), because there is no additional letter after the label reference. I have tested the resulting machine code and it's the same. So my questions:
Why would you use the one variant over the other?
Why is it necessary to specify the direction of the jump with either f or b?

The important difference is that the numbered local labels can be reused without worry and that is why you need to specify the direction too. You can jump to preceding or following one, but not the ones beyond them.
1: foo
1: bar
jmp 1b # jumps to bar
jmp 1f # jumps to baz
1: baz
1: qux
jmp 1b # jumps to qux
As long as you only use them within a single block only, you can be sure they will work as intended and not conflict with anything else.

One of the main benefits of local labels is that since the same identifier can appear multiple times, they can be used in macros. Consider some hypothetical local label usage like this, though:
.macro dothething rega regb ptr
ldrex \regb, [\ptr]
cmp \rega, \regb
beq 1
2: <more instructions>
strex \regb, \rega, [ptr]
cmp \regb, #0
bne 2
dothething r0 r1 r2
dothething r0 r1 r3
bx lr
That's actually allowed in armasm (albeit with slightly different syntax), where the behaviour in the absence of a specified direction is "search backwards, then forwards", but still under any reasonable default behaviour at least one of the jumps in the above code is going to end up targeting the wrong instance of a label. Explicitly calling out the direction with beq 1f and bne 2b in the macro resolves the ambiguity and generates the right jumps in both invocations of the macro.
If you choose to use something that isn't a true local label, then not only do you potentially clutter up your symbol table with junk, but you also rob yourself of being able to use loops or conditional branching in macros since you'd generate non-unique symbols. My example might seem a bit contrived, but switch from assembler macros to inline asm blocks in C functions which get inlined all over your complex codebase, and things get a lot more real.


x86 assembler pushf causes program to exit

I think my real problem is I don't completely understand the stack frame mechanism so I am looking to understand why the following code causes the program execution to resume at the end of the application.
This code is called from a C function which is several call levels deep and the pushf causes program execution to revert back several levels through the stack and completely exit the program.
Since my work around works as expected I would like to know why using the pushf instruction appears to be (I assume) corrupting the stack.
In the routines I usually setup and clean up the stack with :
sub rsp, 28h
add rsp, 28h
However I noticed that this is only necessary when the assembly code calls a C function.
So I tried removing this from both routines but it made no difference. SaveFlagsCmb is an assembly function but could easily be a macro.
The code represents an emulated 6809 CPU Rora (Rotate Right Register A).
PUBLIC Rora_I_A ; Op 46 - Rotate Right through Carry A reg
sub rsp, 28h
; Restore Flags
mov cx, word ptr [x86flags]
push cx
; Rotate Right the byte and save the FLAGS
rcr byte ptr [q_s+AREG], 1
; rcr only affects Carry. Save the Carry first in dx then
; add 0 to result to trigger Zero and Sign/Neg flags
pushf ; this causes jump to end of program ????
pop dx ; this line never reached
and dx, CF ; Save only Carry Flag
add [q_s+AREG], 0 ; trigger NZ flags
mov rcx, NF+ZF+CF ; Flag Mask NZ
Call SaveFlagsCmb ; NZ from the add and CF saved in dx
add rsp, 28h
However if I use this code it works as expected:
PUBLIC Rora_I_A ; Op 46 - Rotate Right through Carry A reg
; sub rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
; Restore Flags
mov ah, byte ptr [x86flags+LSB]
; Rotate Right the byte and save the FLAGS
rcr byte ptr [q_s+AREG], 1
; rcr only affects Carry. Save the Carry first in dx then
; add 0 to result to trigger Zero and Sign/Neg flags
mov dl, ah
and dx, CF ; Save only Carry Flag
add [q_s+AREG], 0 ; trigger NZ flags
mov rcx, NF+ZF+CF ; Flag Mask NZ
Call SaveFlagsCmb ; NZ from the add and CF saved in dx
; add rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
Your reported behaviour doesn't really make sense. Mostly this answer is just providing some background not a real answer, and a suggestion not to use pushf/popf in the first place for performance reasons.
Make sure your debugging tools work properly and aren't being fooled by something into falsely showing a "jump" to somewhere. (And jump where exactly?)
There's little reason to mess around with 16-bit operand size, but that's probably not your problem.
In Visual Studio / MASM, apparently (according to OP's comment) pushf assembles as pushfw, 66 9C which pushes 2 bytes. Presumably popf also assembles as popfw, only popping 2 bytes into FLAGS instead of the normal 8 bytes into RFLAGS. Other assemblers are different.1
So your code should work. Unless you're accidentally setting some other bit in FLAGS that breaks execution? There are bits in EFLAGS/RFLAGS other than condition codes, including the single-step TF Trap Flag: debug exception after every instruction.
We know you're in 64-bit mode, not 32-bit compat mode, otherwise rsp wouldn't be a valid register. And running 64-bit machine code in 32-bit mode wouldn't explain your observations either.
I'm not sure how that would explain pushf being a jump to anywhere. pushf itself can't fault or jump, and if popf set TF then the instruction after popf would have caused a debug exception.
Are you sure you're assembling 64-bit machine code and running it in 64-bit mode? The only thing that would be different if a CPU decoded your code in 32-bit mode should be the REX prefix on sub rsp, 28h, and the RIP-relative addressing mode on [x86flags] decoding as absolute (which would presumably fault). So I don't think that could explain what you're seeing.
Are you sure you're single-stepping by instructions (not source lines or C statements) with a debugger to test this?
Use a debugger to look at the machine code as you single-step. This seem really weird.
Anyway, it seems like a very low-performance idea to use pushf / popf at all, and also to be using 16-bit operand-size creating false dependencies.
e.g. you can set x86 CF with movzx ecx, word ptr [x86flags] / bt ecx, CF.
You can capture the output CF with setc cl
Also, if you're going to do multiple things to the byte from the guest memory, load it into an x86 register. A memory-destination RCR and a memory-destination ADD are unnecessarily slow vs. load / rcr / ... / test reg,reg / store.
LAHF/SAHF may be useful, but you can also do without them too for many cases. popf is quite slow ( and it forces a round trip through memory. However, there is one condition-code outside the low 8 in x86 FLAGS: OF (signed overflow). asm-source compatibility with 8080 is still hurting x86 in 2019 :(
You can restore OF from a 0/1 integer with add al, 127: if AL was originally 1, it will overflow to 0x80, otherwise it won't. You can then restore the rest of the condition codes with SAHF. You can extract OF with seto al. Or you can just use pushf/popf.
; sub rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
Yes of course. You have a leaf function that doesn't use any stack space.
You only need to reserve another 40 bytes (align the stack + 32 bytes of shadow space) if you were going to make another function call from this function.
Footnote 1: pushf/popf in other assemblers:
In NASM, pushf/popf default to the same width as other push/pop instructions: 8 bytes in 64-bit mode. You get the normal encoding without an operand-size prefix. (
Like for integer registers, both 16 and 64-bit operand-size for pushf/popf are encodeable in 64-bit mode, but 32-bit operand size isn't.
In NASM, your code would be broken because push cx / popf would push 2 bytes and pop 8, popping 6 bytes of your return address into RFLAGS.
But apparently MASM isn't like that. Probably a good idea to use explicit operand-size specifiers anyway, like pushfw and popfw if you use it at all, to make sure you get the 66 9C encoding, not just 9C pushfq.
Or better, use pushfq and pop rcx like a normal person: only write to 8 or 16-bit partial registers when you need to, and keep the stack qword-aligned. (16-byte alignment before call, 8-byte alignment always.)
I believe this is a bug in Visual Studio. I'm using 2022, so it's an issue that's been around for a while.
I don't know exactly what is triggering it, however stepping over one specific pushf in my code had the same symptoms, albeit with the code actually working.
Putting a breakpoint on the line after the pushf did break, and allowed further debugging of my app. Adding a push ax, pop ax before the pushf also seemed to fix the issue. So it must be a Visual Studio issue.
At this point I think MASM and debugging in Visual Studio has pretty much been abandoned. Any suggestions for alternatives for developing dlls on Windows would be appreciated!

Setting a random address breakpoint in gdb

I am learning some mechanism of breakpoint and I learned that 'In x86, there exist a instruction called int3 for debugger to interrupt the CPU. And then CPU will interrupt the running program by signal'.
For example:
8048e20: 55 push %ebp
8048e21: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
When the user input
b *0x8048e21
The instruction will be replaced by int3(opcode 0xcc) and become this:
8048e20: 55 push %ebp
8048e21: cc e5 mov %esp,%ebp
And it will stop at the right place.
Then comes the question:
What would happen if I set the breakpoint not at the beginning of a instruction? ie, if I input:
b *0x8048e22
will debugger still replace the e5 with cc? So I write a simple example and run it with gdb.
As you can see above, I set two break points and the second is at the middle of a break points. I Input r and stop at the first breakpoint and input c and run to the end.
So it seems that the gdb ignore the second breakpoint. (For if it really repalce it with a int3 the program would be totally wrong).
Question: What happen to the second breakpoint, more specifically, what does gdb deal with it( or what I learn is wrong?)
Edit: #dbrank already give a great example about altering the data field of a instruction, I will try to make it more comprehensive with a similar example (it seems the register).
(Any reference about mechanism of breakpoint is appreciated!)
Inserting breakpoint in the middle of instruction will alter the instruction.
See this example of a program, where inserting a breakpoint overwrites original value assigned to variable (42 (0x2a)) with breakpoint instruction (0xcc (204)).
You can find more about how breakpoints work here.
You can also look into GDB sources (breakpoint.c & infrun.c mostly).

golang: what assembly instructions are available

I've got a program that I'm running on an ARM and I'm writing one function of it in assembly. I've made good progress on this, although I've found it difficult sometimes to figure out exactly how to write certain instructions for go's assembler, for example, I didn't expect a right shift to be written like this:
MOVW R3>>8, R3
Now I want to do a multiply and accumulate (MLA), according to this doc not all opcodes are supported, so maybe MLA isn't, but I don't know how to tell if it is or not. I see mentions of MLA with regards to ARM in the golang repo, but I'm not really sure what to make of what I see there.
Is there anywhere that documents what instructions are supported and how to write them? Can anyone give me any useful pointers?
Here is a bit of a scrappy doc i wrote on how to write ARM assembler
I wrote it from the point of view of an experienced ARM person trying to figure out how Go assembler works.
Here is an excerpt from the start. Feel free to email me if you have more questions!
The Go assembler is based on the plan 9 assembler which is documented here.
Nice introduction to ARM
Destination goes last not first
Parameters seem to be completely reversed
May be condensed to 2 operands, so
ADD r0, r0, r1 ; [ARM] r0 <- r0 + r1
is written as
ADD r1, r0, r0
ADD r1, r0
Constants denoted with '$' not '#'

Stack problems when calling printf from an ARM assembly function

I have an ARM assembly function that is called from a C function.
At some point, I do something like this:
.syntax unified
.globl myfunc
.extern printf
stmdb sp!, {r4-r11} // save stack from C call
... do stuff ...
// (NOT SHOWN): Load values into r1 and r2 to be printed by format string above
ldr r0, =message // Load format string above
push {lr} // me attempting to preserve my stack
bl printf // actual call to printf
pop {lr} // me attempting to recover my stack
ldmia sp!, {r4-r11} // recover stack from C call
mov r0, r2 // Move return value into r0
mov pc, lr // Return to C
.section data
.asciz "Output: %d, %d\n"
This runs sometimes, crashes sometimes, runs a few times then crashes, etc. It actually runs on a quasi bare-metal context, so I can't run a debugger. I'm 99% sure it's a stack -- or alignment? -- thing, as per this Printf Change values in registers, ARM Assembly and this Call C function from Assembly -- the application freezes at "call printf" and I have no idea why.
Can anyone provide some specific ideas for how to get the above chunk of code running, and perhaps general ideas for best practices here? Ideally I'd like to be able to call the same output function multiple times in my assembly file, to debug things as I go.
Thanks in advance!
I could see the following issues in that code:
.align 2 (could be 3 or any higher value) before function entry point (myfunc:)
.align 2 // guarantee that instruction address is 4B aligned
as was mentioned in comments, stack is expected to be 8B aligned. push {lr} breaks that.
message: doesn't need to be in 'data' section. It might be placed in code section behind 'myfunc'. Check linker map that data is actually present & address loaded into r0 is correct.
Since that a bare-metal, check that stack is set properly and enough room is reserved for it.

ARM/Thumb code for firmware patches...How to tell gcc assembler / linker to BL to absolute addr?

I'm trying to write a firmware mod (to existing firmware, for which i don't have source code)
All Thumb code.
does anybody have any idea how to do this, in gcc as (GAS) assembler:
Use BL without having to manually calculate offsets, when BL'ing to some existing function (not in my code.. but i know its address)
Currently, if i want to use BL ...i have to :
-go back in my code
-figure out and add all the bytes that would result from assembling all the previous instructions in the function i'm writing
-add the begining address of my function to that (i specify the starting address of what i'm writing, in the linker script)
-and then substract the address of the firmfunc function i want to call
All this... just to calculate the offset... to be able to write abl offset... to call an existing firmware function?
And if i change any code before that BL, i have to do it all over again manually !
See.. this is why i want to learn to use BX right... instead of BL
Also, i don't quite understand the BX. If i use BX to jump to an absolute address, do i have to increase the actual address by 1, when caling Thumb code from Thumb code (to keep the lsb byte 1)... and the CPU will know it's thumb code ?
Changing the answer based on what I have learned recently and a better understanding of the question
First off I dont know how to tell the linker to generate a bl to an address that is a hardcoded address and not actually in this code. You might try to rig up an elf file that has labels and such but dummy or no code, dont know if that will fool the linker or not. You would have to modify the linker script as well. not worth it.
your other question that was spawned from this one:
Arm/Thumb: using BX in Thumb code, to call a Thumb function, or to jump to a Thumb instruction in another function
For branching this works just fine:
LDR R6, =0x24000
ADD R6, #1 # (set lsb to 1)
or save an instruction and just do this
LDR R6, =0x24001
if you want to branch link and you know the address and you are in thumb mode and want to get to thumb code then
ldr r6,=0x24001
bl thumb_trampoline
;#returns here
bx r6
And almost the exact same if you are starting in arm mode, and want to get to thumb code at an address you already know.
ldr r6,=0x24001
bl arm_trampoline
;#returns here
bx r6
You have to know that you can trash r6 in this way (make sure r6 isnt saving some value being used by some code that called this code).
Very sorry misleading you with the other answer, I could swear that mov lr,pc pulled in the lsbit as a mode, but it doesnt.
The accepted answer achieves the desired goal, but to address the answer exactly as asked you can use the .equ directive to associate a constant vale with a symbol, that can then be used as an operand to instructions. This has the assembler synthesise the trampoline if/when necessary:
equ myFirmwareFunction, 0x12346570
.globl _start
mov r0, #42
b myFirmwareFunction
Which generates the following assembly[1]
01000000 <_start>:
1000000: e3a0002a mov r0, #42 ; 0x2a
1000004: eaffffff b 1000008 <__*ABS*0x12346570_veneer>
01000008 <__*ABS*0x12346570_veneer>:
1000008: e51ff004 ldr pc, [pc, #-4] ; 100000c <__*ABS*0x12346570_veneer+0x4>
100000c: 12346570 data: #0x12345670
If the immediate value is close enough to PC that the offset will fit in the immediate field, then the verneer (trampoline) is skipped and you will get a single branch instruction to the specified constant address.
[1] using the codesorcery (2009q1) toolchain with:
arm-none-eabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -x assembler test.spp -o test.elf -Ttext=0x1000000 -nostdlib
