Custom fonts in Interface Builder XCode 6 - macos

I want to use custom Fonts in a mac desktop application. I am using XCode 6.
is there any way after including custom fonts (.ttf files) in the resources folder and making necessary changes in info.plist file that these fonts will show up in IB? I know that there is something in iOS but I am looking for Mac OS X desktop applications

Embedding the font in your app doesn't make it available in the storyboard/xib editor. You must install the font for system use to make it available in Interface Builder. The easiest way to do that is to drag the font files onto the Font Book app. Then you can choose the font in the font picker for your text field or label or whatever.
If you also want to embed the font in your app, you need to add Copy Files phase to your target to copy the font files into a subdirectory of your app's Resources directory, and set that path as the value of the ATSApplicationFontsPath key in your app's Info.plist. This answer explains the process in more detail.


Creating overlay icons for my electron application's custom filetype

We have an electron application that creates files of a particular filetype, let's say .abc
I have associated an icon with this filetype .abc in electron.
I want to add overlay icon images (Windows) on top of this icon based on the file's status. I am neither a Windows nor C++ developer, so the official documentation was not very helpful in implementing this. Could someone please give me step-by-step instructions on how to do this icon overlay?

No option for Landscape in iPhone Launch Images

Is landscape splash screen supported in iPhone? I don't see the option like I do with iPad, as such:
That's Visual Studio?
Because I am able to see the iPhone Landscape option in Xamarin Studio.
Try switching on and off the "Assets Catalog" dropdown to see if that helps.
Also if that doesn't work you could change at anytime from Launch image to Launch screen and there you can configure your Storyboard for all different sizes and orientations.
Note: will check later in VS.
You could add them to your assets. I don't think image assets are rendered properly in VS. It doesn't show specialized image for iPhone, iPad, watch etc. Only the generic one.
Another thing you might want to consider is using launch story board and not launch images. That's the new way of doing it or the suggested way by Apple. You have far more control on it.
Customizing launch images - Manual approach
Open LaunchImage.launchimage and change the default launch images with your own using the proper resolution for each image (e.g., Default-568h#2x.png should be 640px x 1136px). If your images have different file names then open Contents.json and change the key filename for each image.
Xcode WYSIWYG approach
Drag and drop your Assets.xcassets into Xcode (7.1 or newer version). In the opened window choose LaunchImage and add the proper image for each iOS version and device. Close Xcode and rebuild your Xamarin app to use the new launch images.
Further info : Human guidelines reference

Cross-platform Xamarin Changing Icon

I'm new to Xamarin, I'm doing Visual Studio with Xamarin Cross-platform development and I want to change the icon on my app.droid, well I've already read a lot, everything I've read is saying to replace every drawable folder under resources, but I guess that will be too much effort and even following the pixel format depending on the drawable folder (e.g. drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, etc) so my question is, is/are there any way(s) I can replace the icon of the app for different folders with lesser effort. Example in Ionic/Cordova I just have to do an ionic resources --icon and replace the image inside the folder resources, and will automatically create the icon to the different drawable folders.

how to create a icon for application in ios? [duplicate]

How do I add an application icon to my project using Xcode 4.3.1?
Drag and drop the icon files you create into Xcode.
They should be named
Icon.png -- 57x57 for iPhone
Icon#2x.png -- 114x114 retina
Icon-72.png,icon-Small.png and Icon-Small-50.png etc...
then drag them here in Xcode
You drag and drop the file in from the finder or a location on you're computer to Xcode supporting files. Make sure it is called icon.png and other names for other resolutions / versions etc...
If it still deosnt come up go to project then target then same drag and drop into the application icon template
Download Asset Catalog Creator Free from iTunes. All you have to do is select a base image, and the program will create all required iOS icon sizes for you and place them neatly in an .xcassets file, which you can simply drag into Xcode. Much easier than worrying about the sizes/resolutions of individual icons.

How to add app icon to project using Xcode 4.3.1

How do I add an application icon to my project using Xcode 4.3.1?
Drag and drop the icon files you create into Xcode.
They should be named
Icon.png -- 57x57 for iPhone
Icon#2x.png -- 114x114 retina
Icon-72.png,icon-Small.png and Icon-Small-50.png etc...
then drag them here in Xcode
You drag and drop the file in from the finder or a location on you're computer to Xcode supporting files. Make sure it is called icon.png and other names for other resolutions / versions etc...
If it still deosnt come up go to project then target then same drag and drop into the application icon template
Download Asset Catalog Creator Free from iTunes. All you have to do is select a base image, and the program will create all required iOS icon sizes for you and place them neatly in an .xcassets file, which you can simply drag into Xcode. Much easier than worrying about the sizes/resolutions of individual icons.
