Managing Active Directory from Oracle - oracle

I have a database in oracle, my task is to create/update a user in Microsoft Active directory running on different server, when a user detail is entered / updated in Oracle table.
If its not possible then what is the best way to achieve this.
Currently we are doing it by running a code written in C# which reads from oracle and does job in AD, it triggers from user creation package but some times triggering fails and whole process fails. User details are updated in DB but not in AD.
Oracle is running at different server. User details are entered in DB through a different package.


Get time and number of OBIEE 12c users login

My requirement is just to monitor and know how many a user log in per month.I need to count number of logins for a user with the time they login
Can anyone please help me in how to do this?
Is there any log file such as obis1-query log file for queries processing monitoring in OBIEE to get these info?
Not familiar with obiee and if users log in via a connection pool, but if they log in as an Oracle defined user ID, you want a System Trigger in PL/SQL:
create trigger user_logged_in
after logon database
insert into some_audit_table
(user_id, login_time)
values (sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'), sysdate);
Not tested, but that should give you a start. Above example derived from Oracle PL/SQL Language Reference Example 9-21.
User tracking is your friend. You can set up to log information in the OBIEE RCU database (that database you create/configure as part of OBIEE installation), and it includes the login information. Look how to set up it in Oracle documentation, as well as blog posts (look for OBIEE User tracking in Google). Keep in mind your OBIEE version, as the details to set it up have changed in different versions, basically it involves two steps:
Set up the RPD to query to the RCU database and table (mainly, in
your XXX_BIPLATFORM DB user, the S_NQ_ACCT table for general
information, and the S_NQ_DB_ACCT table for the physical
Modify the OBIEE config file or in the EM Beans (depending on
your OBIEE version) referencing the RPD Physical layer you have set
I am going to share with you my finding about my question which has asked. As you may know, OBIEE repository tables, which can be used to show to end users as subject area that this is usgae tracking utility, just track information around sent queries to BI server and not more about users specifically. In this occasion, you can use a method which called enhanced usage tracking for OBIEE that is presented completely here:
This is exactly what you want. All detail information about users activities in OBIEE and even some redundant ones. You can create a physical table, then add it to repository file and display as subject area to end user with any permission. Of course, according to your software environment or implementation structure, you are supposed to make some changes in this manner.
I hope this goes well.

Using Oracle "Create User" command does not automatically create an associated schema

I'm just getting started with Oracle data export and import and things worked perfectly fine the first time around. But then I came back next day repeated the exact same steps on the same systems, but get ORA-01435: user does not exist error.
System Specs for all machines:
-OS: Windows 2012 R2 x64
-Oracle Server: Oracle 11G Express x64
I'm exporting data from Oracle server 1 and importing to Oracle server 2.
Export data dump is successful from Oracle server 1.
but when importing the data dump on Oracle server 2, I follow this procedure:
-Stop IIS service
net stop WAS
Create Schema/user account and Grant privileges before import
net stop WAS
sqlplus / as sysdba;
CREATE user PIE1 identified by PASS1;
According to oracle, all goes well, but look at the first image bellow. In DBeaver, I can see that only the User account PIE1 has been created, but NO schema.
Oracle issue 1. User account created, but not the Schema
Question 1: According to Oracle, the command "Create User" IS supposed to also create an associated Schema. Anyone have an idea why this is no longer working for me? It worked once the night before.
I then continue the import procedure as follows:
imp PIE1/PASS1#xe file=c:\Backups\AVUSER2_6_7.dmp log=c:\Backups\import.log fromuser=AVUSER2_6_7 touser=PIE1;
But get the following error:
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does. I repeated the entire procedure and even created an identical import/export user account and credentials, and this error still comes up.
Question 2: Any idea why Oracle "Can't find" a user account that's clearly in the database?
Additional Info:
Checked that my windows account is in admin group
Checked that my windows account is in ORA_DBA group
Opened all CMD prompt as Admin
As you implied, users and schemas as the same in Oracle, you can't have a user without a schema. No idea about DBeaver, but as there are other users that aren't listed under 'schemas' (according to your second image - ANONYMOUS, DIP, ...) that seems to be unrelated.
(Purely a guess, but perhaps the user you're connect as in DBeaver just doesn't have visibility of any objects owned by those users - maybe it only lists users it can see in all_objects, say. Pure speculation, but you could investigate that by looking at the data dictionary while connect through SQL*Plus as the same user. According to this old forum post, there is an option to hide empty schemas...)
The import is connecting successfully as PIE1 - you'd get a different error, ORA-01017, if it wasn't and you wouldn't see the 'Connected to...' banner or anything after that.
Your import command has a trailing semicolon that should not be there. The "importing ... objects into" message shows that it's trying to import into the PIE1; user and not the one you actually created, PIE1. Remove that semicolon and try again.
Incidentally, you can probably also remove the #xe TNS alias and stick to a local connection, assuming the environment is configured as it was whenyou ran SQL*Plus. You should also consider using datapump expdp/impdp rather than the legacy exp/imp.

check if update is from oracle database user or from external application on database

I have an Oracle Trigger that Updates a Column named ChangeBY.
this trigger is fired when a user updates any record inside the database and places the username in the ChangeBY column.
The Updates are done from both sides, It can be an update directly from a database user or it can be from an external application connected to my database.
how can I check from where is the Update Coming? From database User or Application?
I want to put a condition inside the trigger to only run my code when any update on values is made ONLY FROM A DATABASE USER since connected applications changes the ChangeBY Column Automatically.
Is this Possible?
Thank you,
I am litle bit confused about database user and application user. Since any application that might connect will internally use a database user only for update. You can check the current user who is logged in and trying to update
May be u can explain lil bit about ur application user.

create db - prevent creation of users

On SQL Server 2008R2, we have a SQL login tagged with the sysadmin server role. Anytime a db is created, this login is automatically added as a user to the db. Is there a switch that will prevent this from happening?
Based on the answer below, I am adding more background info to explain why we want to do this.
When we publish to a new database from a Visual Studio SQL project, the publishing engine wants to add a user to the database. The username already exists as a login to the database (in the sysadmin server role -- and not much we can do about that), so the publish fails as the user gets auto-added by SQL server after the 'create database' statement. I was hoping for a switch that would tell SQL Server to not add the user automatically. So it seems we will have to find another solution on the VS side that tells the publishing engine to ignore the SQL DB user.
Assuming you're talking about the sql-server role, I don't think so. TBH if you're contemplating keeping a sys-admin out of a db, then you've got a different problem than the one you think you have...
I have a resolution to this. Download the latest SSDT package from MS and now there are new options under the Publishing Wizard Advanced... button to exclude the publishing of logins, roles, etc. The SSDT package I downloaded I found here...

Create database in oracle for manually created user

I want to create the user and the database within that user. But when I tried to create database its giving the warning message as
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01100: database already mounted
Then I tried
Its giving the warning message for insufficient privileges even I have given all the permission to that particular user.
Can any one please help in finding the solution for this?
You don't create a database under a user in Oracle; I believe you're using terminology from another database poduct. The equivalent is a schema, which is a logical container for a group of objects. User and schema are essenentially synonymous in Oracle - when you create a user is automatically has its own schema.
You create the database once (which you already seem to have done, or had done for you), then create as many schemas/users as your application needs. You don't ever rerun the create database under normal circumstances - you certainly wouldn't as a normal user.
If you connect as that user you will be able to create tables, views, packages etc., assuming it has really been granted all the necessary privileges.
