I am trying to do an if statement with a recordset within VBScript to do a "like" compare a recordset.
While Not rs.EOF
result = result & "<tr style='" & FontStyle(FontFamily, FontSize) & _
" background-color: " & RowColors(number mod 2) & "'>" &_
Tdc(number) & Td(rs("Name")) & Tdc(rs("Machine Type")) & _
Tdc(ChooseStatusColor(rs("Backup Status"))) & _
Tdc(rs("Backup State")) & Td(rs("Last Backup Start")) & _
Td(rs("Last Backup End")) & _
If InStr(rs("Next Backup"), "*M") > 0 Then Td(rs("Next Backup")) Else Td(rs("Next Backup")) & "12:00:00 AM" & _
End If &_
number = number + 1
If I use just Td(rs("Next Backup")) & "12:00:00 AM" &_ it works fine but if I add the compare If Instr(rs("Next Backup"), "*M") > 0 then Td(rs("Next Backup")) Else Td(rs("Next Backup")) & "12:00:00 AM" &_, I get a VB compilation error. I am not sure where the error is in this logic or if I can even use a recordset in an InStr function. What am I doing wrong here?
I get the same result when I use multiple lines:
While Not rs.EOF
result = result & "<tr style='" & FontStyle(FontFamily, FontSize) & _
" background-color: " & RowColors(number mod 2) & "'>" & _
Tdc(number) & Td(rs("Name")) & Tdc(rs("Machine Type")) & _
Tdc(ChooseStatusColor(rs("Backup Status"))) & _
Tdc(rs("Backup State")) & Td(rs("Last Backup Start")) & _
Td(rs("Last Backup End")) & _
If InStr(1, (rs("Next Backup")), "*M") > 0 Then & _
Td(rs("Next Backup")) & _
Else Td(rs("Next Backup")) & "12:00:00 AM" & _
End If &_
number = number + 1
You can't inline conditionals like that in VBScript. Change your code to something like this:
While Not rs.EOF
result = result & "<tr style='" & FontStyle(FontFamily, FontSize) & _
" background-color: " & RowColors(number mod 2) & "'>" & _
Tdc(number) & Td(rs("Name")) & Tdc(rs("Machine Type")) & _
Tdc(ChooseStatusColor(rs("Backup Status"))) & _
Tdc(rs("Backup State")) & Td(rs("Last Backup Start")) & _
Td(rs("Last Backup End"))
If InStr(rs("Next Backup"), "M") > 0 Then
result = result & Td(rs("Next Backup"))
result = result & Td(rs("Next Backup") & "12:00:00 AM")
End If
result = result & "</tr>"
number = number + 1
As soon as the file is added to script folder it is detected by this code.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=""c:\\\\scripts""'")
Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent
Wscript.Echo objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent
I want to execute VBScript as soon as it is added to script folder from this VBScript. How to do that? Getting the name of the file that is added to script folder and then executing that VBScript.
Replace this line of code with the code you want executed any time a new file is detected: Wscript.Echo objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent. For instance, next code snippet shows a possible approach (and that's why there is wide Echo output, wider than necessary...):
''''(unchanged code above)
Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent
''''Wscript.Echo objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent
Call DoWithName( objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
Sub DoWithName( strPartComp)
Dim arrFileName
arrFileName = Split( strPartComp, """")
If True Or UBound(arrFileName) > 0 Then
Wscript.Echo strPartComp _
& vbNewLine & UBound( arrFileName) _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 0) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 1) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 2) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & ShowAbsolutePath( arrFileName( 1))
End If
End Sub
Function ShowAbsolutePath( strPath)
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ShowAbsolutePath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( strPath)
End Function
Note that
the ShowAbsolutePath( arrFileName( 1)) returns the name of the file that is added to script folder; now you could
check whether it's a valid .vbs file name, and if so, launch it combining any Windows Script Host engine (wscript.exe or cscript.exe) in either
Run Method or
Exec Method.
You can try this modified script :
If AppPrevInstance() Then
MsgBox "There is an existing proceeding !" & VbCrLF &_
CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptName),VbExclamation,"There is an existing proceeding !"
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=""d:\\\\scripts""'")
Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent
Call DoWithName(objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
End if
' --------------------------------------
Sub DoWithName( strPartComp)
Dim Title,arrFileName,Question,ws
Title = "Execute vbscript"
set ws = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
arrFileName = Split( strPartComp, """")
If True Or UBound(arrFileName) > 0 Then
Wscript.Echo strPartComp _
& vbNewLine & UBound( arrFileName) _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 0) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 1) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & "[" & arrFileName( 2) & "]" _
& vbNewLine & DblQuote(ShowAbsolutePath(arrFileName(1)))
End If
Question = MsgBox("Did you want to execute this vbscript : " & DblQuote(ShowAbsolutePath(arrFileName(1))),vbYesNo+vbQuestion,Title)
If Question = vbYes Then
ws.run DblQuote(ShowAbsolutePath(arrFileName(1)))
End if
End Sub
' --------------------------------------
Function ShowAbsolutePath( strPath)
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ShowAbsolutePath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( strPath)
End Function
' --------------------------------------
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function
' --------------------------------------
Function CommandLineLike(ProcessPath)
ProcessPath = Replace(ProcessPath, "\", "\\")
CommandLineLike = "'%" & ProcessPath & "%'"
End Function
' --------------------------------------
Function AppPrevInstance()
With GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
With .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine LIKE " & CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptFullName) & _
" AND CommandLine LIKE '%WScript%' OR CommandLine LIKE '%cscript%'")
AppPrevInstance = (.Count > 1)
End With
End With
End Function
' --------------------------------------
I need to have a timer appear in a message box, coded in vbs. The message box needs to be in the bottom left corner of the screen, just above the start menu. It needs to not be able to exit, meaning it cannot be listed on the task bar (hopefully) and have no minimise/exit buttons. It needs to stay on top of all the other windows. It also needs to start at 20 minutes, counting down in seconds. I hope someone can help me with this - it's for a computer lab.
Try something like that :
Option Explicit
Dim Title,ws,nMinutes,nSeconds,sMessage
Title = "Counting Down to Shutdown"
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
nMinutes = 20
nSeconds = 0
sMessage = "<font color=Red size=2><b>Counting Down to Shutdown"
'Open a chromeless window with message
with HTABox("lightBlue",100,250,0,630)
.document.title = "Counting Down Notification to Shutdown"
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage
do until .done.value or (nMinutes + nSeconds < 1)
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage & "<br>" & nMinutes & ":" & Right("0"&nSeconds, 2) _
& " remaining</b></font><br>"
wsh.sleep 1000 ' milliseconds
nSeconds = nSeconds - 1
if nSeconds < 0 then
if nMinutes > 0 then
nMinutes = nMinutes - 1
nSeconds = 59
end if
end if
.done.value = true
end with
ws.Popup "TIME IS OVER !","5",Title,0+48 'Afficher un Popup durant 5 secondes puis on quitte le script
'Command="cmd /c Shutdown.exe -s -t 30 -c " & DblQuote("Sauvegarder votre Travail car l'ordinateur va rebooter dans 30 secondes")
'Executer = WS.Run(Command,0,False)
Function HTABox(sBgColor, h, w, l, t)
Dim IE, HTA, sCmd, nRnd
randomize : nRnd = Int(1000000 * rnd)
sCmd = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new " _
& "ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
& ".PutProperty('" & nRnd & "',window);" _
& "window.resizeTo(" & w & "," & h & ");" _
& "window.moveTo(" & l & "," & t & ")}"""
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run sCmd, 1, False
do until .AppActivate("javascript:{new ") : WSH.sleep 10 : loop
end with 'WSHShell
For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
If IsObject(IE.GetProperty(nRnd)) Then
set HTABox = IE.GetProperty(nRnd)
HTABox.document.title = "HTABox"
HTABox.document.write _
"<HTA:Application contextMenu=no border=thin " _
& "minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no sysmenu=no SHOWINTASKBAR=no >" _
& "<body scroll=no style='background-color:" _
& sBgColor & ";font:normal 10pt Arial;" _
& "border-Style:inset;border-Width:3px'" _
& "onbeforeunload='vbscript:if not done.value then " _
& "window.event.cancelBubble=true:" _
& "window.event.returnValue=false:" _
& "done.value=true:end if'>" _
& "<input type=hidden id=done value=false>" _
& "<center><span id=msg> </span><br>" _
& "<input type=button id=btn1 value=' OK ' "_
& "onclick=done.value=true><center></body>"
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "HTA window not found."
End Function
I have a piece of script, courtosey of the user Hackoo, but two things are wrong with it. First, the window needs to stay on top, it shouldn't be able to be exited from the taskbar, it needs to be on the bottom right corner of the screen (above the taskbar) and it needs to have a button on it below the text that says "Log off". Of course, the log off button needs to log off the computer. Here's the code:
Option Explicit
Dim Title,ws,nMinutes,nSeconds,sMessage
Title = "Session Timer"
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
nMinutes = 20
nSeconds = 0
sMessage = "<font color=Red size=2><b>You have"
'Open a chromeless window with message
with HTABox("lightBlue",100,250,0,630)
.document.title = "Session Timer"
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage
do until .done.value or (nMinutes + nSeconds < 1)
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage & "<br>" & nMinutes & ":" & Right("0"&nSeconds, 2) _
& " minutes of session time remaining</b></font><br>"
wsh.sleep 1000 ' milliseconds
nSeconds = nSeconds - 1
if nSeconds < 0 then
if nMinutes > 0 then
nMinutes = nMinutes - 1
nSeconds = 59
end if
end if
.done.value = true
end with
ws.Popup "Your session time has finished. You will now be logged off.","5",Title,0+48
Function HTABox(sBgColor, h, w, l, t)
Dim IE, HTA, sCmd, nRnd
randomize : nRnd = Int(1000000 * rnd)
sCmd = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new " _
& "ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
& ".PutProperty('" & nRnd & "',window);" _
& "window.resizeTo(" & w & "," & h & ");" _
& "window.moveTo(" & l & "," & t & ")}"""
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run sCmd, 1, False
do until .AppActivate("javascript:{new ") : WSH.sleep 10 : loop
end with 'WSHShell
For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
If IsObject(IE.GetProperty(nRnd)) Then
set HTABox = IE.GetProperty(nRnd)
HTABox.document.title = "HTABox"
HTABox.document.write _
"<HTA:Application contextMenu=no border=thin " _
& "minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no sysmenu=no SHOWINTASKBAR=no >" _
& "<body scroll=no style='background-color:" _
& sBgColor & ";font:normal 10pt Arial;" _
& "border-Style:inset;border-Width:3px'" _
& "onbeforeunload='vbscript:if not done.value then " _
& "window.event.cancelBubble=true:" _
& "window.event.returnValue=false:" _
& "done.value=true:end if'>" _
& "<input type=hidden id=done value=false>" _
& "<center><span id=msg> </span><br>" _
& "<input type=button id=btn1 value=' OK ' "_
& "onclick=done.value=true><center></body>"
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "HTA window not found."
End Function
Note that i don't think that we can stay always on the top, but anyway just give a try for this modification, now you want it at the right corner not on the left and i added the button to Logoff the session:
Option Explicit
Dim Title,ws,nMinutes,nSeconds,sMessage,Command,Executer
Title = "Session Timer"
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
nMinutes = 20
nSeconds = 0
sMessage = "<font color=Red size=2><b>You have"
'Open a chromeless window with message
with HTABox("lightBlue",130,300,1070,600)
.document.title = "Session Timer"
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage
do until .done.value or (nMinutes + nSeconds < 1)
.msg.innerHTML = sMessage & "<br>" & nMinutes & ":" & Right("0"&nSeconds, 2) _
& " minutes of session time remaining</b></font><br>"
wsh.sleep 1000 ' milliseconds
nSeconds = nSeconds - 1
if nSeconds < 0 then
if nMinutes > 0 then
nMinutes = nMinutes - 1
nSeconds = 59
end if
end if
.done.value = true
end with
ws.Popup "Your session time has finished. You will now be logged off.","5",Title,0+48
Command ="cmd /c Shutdown.exe -l -f"
Executer = WS.Run(Command,0,False)
Function HTABox(sBgColor,h, w, l, t)
Dim IE, HTA, sCmd, nRnd
randomize : nRnd = Int(1000000 * rnd)
sCmd = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new " _
& "ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
& ".PutProperty('" & nRnd & "',window);" _
& "window.resizeTo(" & w & "," & h & ");" _
& "window.moveTo(" & l & "," & t & ")}"""
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run sCmd, 1, False
do until .AppActivate("javascript:{new ") : WSH.sleep 10 : loop
end with 'WSHShell
For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
If IsObject(IE.GetProperty(nRnd)) Then
set HTABox = IE.GetProperty(nRnd)
HTABox.document.title = "HTABox"
HTABox.document.write _
"<HTA:Application contextMenu=no border=thin " _
& "minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no sysmenu=no SHOWINTASKBAR=no >" _
& "<body scroll=no style='background-color:" _
& sBgColor & ";font:normal 10pt Arial;" _
& "border-Style:inset;border-Width:3px'" _
& "onbeforeunload='vbscript:if not done.value then " _
& "window.event.cancelBubble=true:" _
& "window.event.returnValue=false:" _
& "done.value=true:end if'>" _
& "<input type=hidden id=done value=false>" _
& "<center><span id=msg> </span><br>" _
& "<input type=button id=btn1 value=' Log Off ' "_
& "onclick=done.value=true><center></body>"
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "HTA window not found."
End Function
I have the below script to fetch the event logs from system and write to an excel. It is running fine on 'Windows 7', but on 'Windows Server 2003', it is taking 7-8 minutes to write the systems logs, and it writes the Application logs within seconds. However there are very few number of errors in the system logs.
Another problem is I am using MyDate = DateAdd("h", -8, Now()) in the script but it fetches logs for more than 12 hours ago. This time calculation is not functioning correctly.
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Here is the script:
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile, objWMI, objItem, objItem1, objItem2 ' Objects
Dim strComputer, strFileName, strFileOpen, strFolder, strPath, oExcel, oWB, oSheet, oSheet1, oSheet2
Dim intEvent, intNumberID, intRecordNum, colLoggedEvents, colLoggedEvents2, colLoggedEvents3, MyDate, dtm, row, row1, row2, Query, ServerTime
MyDate = DateAdd("h", -8, Now())
On Error Resume Next
Set oExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oWB=oExcel.Workbooks.Open ("D:\EventLogs2.xls")
Set oSheet=oWB.Worksheets.Add ( , oWB.WorkSheets(oWB.WorkSheets.Count))
Set oSheet1=oWB.Worksheets.Add ( , oWB.WorkSheets(oWB.WorkSheets.Count))
Set oSheet2=oWB.Worksheets.Add ( , oWB.WorkSheets(oWB.WorkSheets.Count))
strComputer = "."
ServerTime = Now
intRecordNum = 0
row = 0
row1 = 0
row2 = 0
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' WMI Core Section
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLoggedEvents = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'Application' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
Set colLoggedEvents2 = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'Security' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
Set colLoggedEvents3 = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'System' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' Next section loops through ID properties
For Each objItem in colLoggedEvents
If objItem.EventType=1 then
row = row+1
osheet.Cells(row,1).Value = ("Logfile: " & objItem.Logfile _
& " source " & objItem.SourceName)
osheet.Cells(row,2).Value = ("Message: " & objItem.Message)
osheet.Cells(row,3).Value = ("TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem.TimeGenerated))
osheet.Cells(row,4).Value = ServerTime
End If
For Each objItem1 in colLoggedEvents2
If objItem1.EventType=1 then
row1 = row1+1
osheet1.Cells(row1,1).Value = ("Logfile: " & objItem1.Logfile _
& " source " & objItem1.SourceName)
osheet1.Cells(row1,2).Value = ("Message: " & objItem1.Message)
osheet1.Cells(row1,3).Value = ("TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem1.TimeGenerated))
osheet1.Cells(row1,4).Value = ServerTime
End If
For Each objItem2 in colLoggedEvents3
If objItem2.EventType=1 then
row2 = row2+1
osheet2.Cells(row2,1).Value = ("Logfile: " & objItem2.Logfile _
& " source " & objItem2.SourceName)
osheet2.Cells(row2,2).Value = ("Message: " & objItem2.Message)
osheet2.Cells(row2,3).Value = ("TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem2.TimeGenerated))
osheet2.Cells(row2,4).Value = ServerTime
intRecordNum = intRecordNum +1
End If
Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate)
WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _
Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& " " & Mid (dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2))
End Function
Can't you just write to a CSV file?
Something like this:
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile, objWMI, objItem, objItem1, objItem2 ' Objects
Dim strComputer, strFileName, strFileOpen, strFolder, strPath, oExcel, oWB, oSheet, oSheet1, oSheet2
Dim intEvent, intNumberID, intRecordNum, colLoggedEvents, colLoggedEvents2, colLoggedEvents3, MyDate, dtm, row, row1, row2, Query, ServerTime
MyDate = DateAdd("h", -8, Now())
On Error Resume Next
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("D:\EventLogs2.csv", True)
strComputer = "."
ServerTime = Now
intRecordNum = 0
row = 0
row1 = 0
row2 = 0
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' WMI Core Section
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLoggedEvents = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'Application' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
Set colLoggedEvents2 = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'Security' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
Set colLoggedEvents3 = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = 'System' and " _
& "EventType = '1' and TimeWritten > '" & MyDate & "'")
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' Next section loops through ID properties
For Each objItem in colLoggedEvents
If objItem.EventType=1 then
objFile.WriteLine("Logfile: " & objItem.Logfile & "," & " source " & objItem.SourceName & "," & _
"Message: " & objItem.Message & "," & _
"TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem.TimeGenerated) & "," & _
End If
For Each objItem1 in colLoggedEvents2
If objItem1.EventType=1 then
objFile.WriteLine("Logfile: " & objItem1.Logfile & "," & " source " & objItem1.SourceName & "," & _
"Message: " & objItem1.Message & "," & _
"TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem1.TimeGenerated) & "," & _
End If
For Each objItem2 in colLoggedEvents3
If objItem2.EventType=1 then
objFile.WriteLine("Logfile: " & objItem2.Logfile & "," & " source " & objItem2.SourceName & "," & _
"Message: " & objItem2.Message & "," & _
"TimeGenerated: " & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem2.TimeGenerated) & "," & _
End If
Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate)
WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _
Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmDate, 4) _
& " " & Mid (dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2))
End Function
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Can anyone help me where i do mistake ?
this script is for monitoring folder for create, delete or modified text files
sPath = "C:\scripts\test"
sComputer = "."
sDrive = split(sPath,":")(0)
sFolders1 = split(sPath,":")(1)
sFolders = REPLACE(sFolders1, "\", "\\") & "\\"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE " _
& "TargetInstance ISA 'CIM_DataFile' AND " _
& "TargetInstance.Drive='" & sDrive & "' AND " _
& "TargetInstance.Path='" & sFolders & "' AND " _
& "TargetInstance.Extension = 'txt' ")
Wscript.Echo vbCrlf & Now & vbTab & _
"Begin Monitoring for a Folder " & sDrive & ":" & sFolders1 & " Change Event..." & vbCrlf
Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent
Select Case objLatestEvent.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
WScript.Echo Now & vbTab & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.FileName & "." & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.Extension _
& " was created" & vbCrlf
Case "__InstanceDeletionEvent"
WScript.Echo Now & vbTab & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.FileName & "." & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.Extension _
& " was deleted" & vbCrlf
Case "__InstanceModificationEvent"
If objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.LastModified <> _
objLatestEvent.PreviousInstance.LastModified then
WScript.Echo Now & vbTab & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.FileName & "." & objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.Extension _
& " was modified" & vbCrlf
End If
End Select
Set objWMIService = nothing
Set colMonitoredEvents = nothing
Set objLatestEvent = nothing
This script is run perfect when i write
sPath = "\\ComputerName\C$\scripts\test"
insted of
sPath = "C:\scripts\test"
Thank you....
If you google for "WMI TargetInstance.Drive", you'll see that the drive letter needs a colon. A query like
SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'CIM_DataFile' AND TargetInstance.Drive='E:' AND TargetInstance.Path='\\trials\\SoTrials\\answers\\10041057\\data\\' AND TargetInstance.Extension = 'txt'
works as expected.