GCC 4.7 fails to inline with message "function body not available" - gcc

I am trying to compile some legacy code with more modern toolchains. I have tracked down one of my issues to the switch from gcc 4.6 to gcc 4.7:
Some of the functions are annotated with the inline keyword. Gcc fails on these with the error message:
error: inlining failed in call to always_inline 'get_value_global': function body not available
What is the correct way of dealing with this issue? How could the function body not be available? Should the compiler not make sure that it is available in all situations that require it?
As requested (in a deleted comment), an example of a signature of a function resulting in the error:
inline struct a_value_fmt const *find_a_value_format(struct base_fmt *base)
/* the code */

That error is typical to inline functions declared in source files, rather than in header files, in which case the compiler is not able to inline them (as the code of the function to be inlined must be visible to the compiler in the same source file being compiled). So, first thing I would check is that all functions declared inline are indeed defined in header files.
It may be that a change in GCC diagnostics in 4.7 caused the error to surface, and that it went silent in GCC 4.6 (but that's just a speculation).
The quoted error indicates that the function is declared with __attribute__((always_inline)). Note that GCC may fail to inline and report a different (and quite obscure) error if function is declared always_inline, but not with the inline keyword - so make sure that any function declared as always_inline is also declared as inline.
Few more tips:
General advice, which may not be applicable: since this is a legacy codebase, you may want to re-evaluate which functions should be inlined, being on the critical path, and which aren't, based on updated profiling results. Sometimes, inline is used generously, even when it is not required, or redundant. In some cases, the fix may be to remove the inline keyword in places where it is not needed.
When functions are declared in header files, the compiler considers them for inlining automatically (given they are small enough, and the compiler thinks that inlining them will improve performance, based on its heuristics) - even when the inline keyword is not used. inline is sort of a "recommendation" to the compiler, and it doesn't have to obey (unless it is given along with the always_inline attribute).
Modern compilers make relatively smart inlining decisions, so it's usually best to let the compiler do it's thing, and declare functions as inline (and moving their implementations to header files) in the appliation hot spots, based on profiling results.


What's the differences from inline and block compilation of SBCL?

Several weeks ago, SBCL updated 2.0.2 and brought the Block compilation feature. I have read this article to understand what it is.
I have a question, what's the difference between (declaim (inline 'some-function)) and Block compilation? Block compilation is automatic by the compiler?
Inline compilation is a specific optimization technique. A function being called is directly integrated into the calling function - usually using its source code - and then compiled.
This means that the inlined function might not be inlined only in one function, but in multiple functions.
Advantage: the overhead of calling a function disappears.
Disadvantage: the code size increases and the calling function(s) needs to be recompiled, when the inlined function changed and we want this change to become visible. Macros have the same problem.
Block compilation means that a bunch of code gets compiled together with different semantic constraints and that this enables the compiler to do a bunch of new optimizations.
Common Lisp has in the standard support for block compilation of single files. It allows the file compiler to assume that a file is such a block of code.
Example from the Common Lisp standard: Semantic Constraints
A call within a file to a named function that is defined in the same file refers to that function, unless that function has been declared notinline. The consequences are unspecified if functions are redefined individually at run time or multiply defined in the same file.
This allows the code to call a global function and not use the symbol's function cell for the call. Thus this disables late binding for global function calls - in this file and for functions in this file.
It's not said how this can be achieved, but the compiler might just allocate the code somewhere and the calls just jump there.
So this part of block compilation is defined in the standard and some compilers are doing that.
Block compilation for multiple files
If the file compiler can use block compilation for one file, then what about multiple files? A few compilers can also tell the file compiler that several files make a block for compilation. CMUCL does that. SBCL was derived and simplified from CMUCL and lacks it until now. I think Lucid Common Lisp (which is no longer actively sold) did support something like that, too.
Might be useful to add this to SBCL, too.

Redefining functions defined in standard libc header files?

Is there any gcc trick that lets me redefine the signature of libc functions (e.g. fsetpos) defined in standard headers (e.g. stdio.h)? As of now if I do that, I receive duplicate declaration error message.
Declarations in standard headers are decorated with many additional attributes to help optimizations, improve portability, etc. (and sometimes even defined as macros). If your declaration is even slightly incompatible to those you are guaranteed to get many interesting messages from compiler.
So if you try to overload some standard function, do not include standard headers in its file.

GNU C++ import name mangling [duplicate]

I came across an interesting error when I was trying to link to an MSVC-compiled library using MinGW while working in Qt Creator. The linker complained of a missing symbol that went like _imp_FunctionName. When I realized That it was due to a missing extern "C", and fixed it, I also ran the MSVC compiler with /FAcs to see what the symbols are. Turns out, it was __imp_FunctionName (which is also the way I've read on MSDN and quite a few guru bloggers' sites).
I'm thoroughly confused about how the MinGW linker complains about a symbol beginning with _imp, but is able to find it nicely although it begins with __imp. Can a deep compiler magician shed some light on this? I used Visual Studio 2010.
This is fairly straight-forward identifier decoration at work. The imp_ prefix is auto-generated by the compiler, it exports a function pointer that allows optimizing binding to DLL exports. By language rules, the imp_ is prefixed by a leading underscore, required since it lives in the global namespace and is generated by the implementation and doesn't otherwise appear in the source code. So you get _imp_.
Next thing that happens is that the compiler decorates identifiers to allow the linker to catch declaration mis-matches. Pretty important because the compiler cannot diagnose declaration mismatches across modules and diagnosing them yourself at runtime is very painful.
First there's C++ decoration, a very involved scheme that supports function overloads. It generates pretty bizarre looking names, usually including lots of ? and # characters with extra characters for the argument and return types so that overloads are unambiguous. Then there's decoration for C identifiers, they are based on the calling convention. A cdecl function has a single leading underscore, an stdcall function has a leading underscore and a trailing #n that permits diagnosing argument declaration mismatches before they imbalance the stack. The C decoration is absent in 64-bit code, there is (blessfully) only one calling convention.
So you got the linker error because you forgot to specify C linkage, the linker was asked to match the heavily decorated C++ name with the mildly decorated C name. You then fixed it with extern "C", now you got the single added underscore for cdecl, turning _imp_ into __imp_.

Localize g++ compile options within code

I'm looking for a simple way to localize certain g++ (g++-4.9 to be specific) compile options to certain lines of code or at least targeted functions. I'm interested generally speaking, but also specifically to the -fast-math, -ffinite-math-only and -fno-signed-zeros options.
I presume that localization at the *.cpp file level is possible with make utility, but I'm hoping there is a way to enable it in the code itself, through #pragma or __attribute__ or something. I want to do this not only to minimize dependencies to external files (i.e. risk of incorrect makefile) but also to hopefully hyperlocalize certain FP behavior to specific equations within a function.
Alternatively, if localization of FP behavior by inline directives is NOT possible, what can I do to at least trigger a compile time error if desired compiler directive is NOT enabled in project build (e.g. makefile is lost or inappropriately modified).
I would presume that such inline optimization might be compiler specific, g++ in this case, but that is a compromise I'm willing to take.
In gcc you can use function attribute optimize:
void f () __attribute__ ((optimize("fast-math"), optimize("finite-math-only"), optimize("no-signed-zeros")));
I'm not sure that you are using the "localize" word correctly. Localization is related to adapting software to users of different human languages (French, Russian, Chinese...)
Perhaps you want to ask the compiler to optimize some functions with other optimization flags.
This is possible using #pragma GCC optimize etc... or using some function attributes
You might be able to turn on some bits of this with the fpmath option in a function attribute, but this was not clear to me from the docs. In light of that, I will focus on detection instead:
-fast-math already turns on -ffinite-math-only, so you don't need to worry about that. The docs for -fast-math say:
This option causes the preprocessor macro FAST_MATH to be
Which means it can be detected via
#ifndef __FAST_MATH__
#error "The -fast-math compiler option is required"
I have not yet found a compile-time way to detect the presence of -fno-signed-zeros

GCC __attribute__((always_inline)) and lambdas, is this syntax correct?

I am using GCC 4.6 as part of the lpcxpresso ide for a Cortex embedded processor. I have very limited code size, especially when compiling in debug mode. Using attribute((always_inline)) has so far proven to be a good tool to inline trivial functions and this saves a lot of code bloat in debug mode while still maintaining readability. I expect it to be somewhat mainstream and supported in the future because it is mentioned here http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0348c/CIAJGAIH.html
Now to my question: Is this the correct Syntax for declaring a Lambda always inline?
#define ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
[](volatile int &i)ALWAYS_INLINE{i++;}
It does work, my question is will it continue to work in future and what can I do to ensure it works in the future. If I ever switch to another major compiler that supports c++11 will I find a similar keyword which I can replace the attribute((always_inline)) with?
If I were to meet my fairy godmother I would wish for a compiler directive which causes all lambdas which are constructed as temporaries with empty constructors and bound by reference to be automatically inlined even in debug mode. Any ideas?
Will it continue to work in future?
Likely but, always_inline is compiler specific and since there is no standard specifying its exact behavior with lambda, there is no guaranty that this will continue to work in the future.
What can I do to ensure it works?
This depends on the compiler not you. If a future version drops support for always_inline with lambda, you have to stick with a version that works or code your own preprocessor that inlines lambdas with an always_inline-like keyword.
If I ever switch to another major compiler that supports c++11 will I
find a similar keyword?
Likely but again, there is no guaranty. The only real standard is the C++ inline keyword and it is not applicable to lambdas. For non-lambda it only suggests inlining and tells the compiler that a function may be defined in different compile units.
